Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 182: The beginning of financial disruption

Sitting on the sand in the living room on the first floor of the villa, Guo Shouyun enjoyed the breakfast that Nina had prepared for him, and listened to Nikita reading the Kommersant newspaper that he had just received half an hour ago. topic news. , qb5. \\

To be honest, it's a pity that Nikita doesn't want to be a broadcaster. Her voice is very nice, crisp and sweet, and when she reads things, her voice is accurate and not spoken, but her voice is cadenced and has a lively rhythm. feel.

Today, the Kommersant newspaper of the Moscow Publishing House is quite lively. The original fourteen and sixteen editions have been added as a special edition today. Six pages are added. A summary of media reports and opinion polls. And almost all of these contents revolve around the same core content, which is the main content of the "24-point outline report on economic reform" submitted by the White House to the Soviet Central Committee the day before yesterday.

Two days ago, regarding the general phenomenon of economic malaise, government revenue and expenditure imbalances, and soaring fiscal deficits in the Soviet republics, the Central Bank Countermeasures Committee submitted a response plan to the Soviet Central Committee. In this response plan, the central bank's countermeasures The economic experts of the committee pointed out that the current situation of the loss of domestic ruble currency is quite serious. According to the survey data of the Central Bank, last month, the amount of ruble outflow was as high as 2 billion US dollars, and after entering September, in the first week, a total of not less than 1.6 billion US dollars of equivalent ruble currency flowed abroad. , and from May to now, the loss of ruble currency has exceeded 30 billion. In the face of this situation, the economic experts of the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee proposed that the large outflow of the ruble in the short term indicates that a crisis is slowly taking shape. In response, the Central Committee of the Soviets should authorize and allow the central bank to take emergency response measures. to prevent crises.

And in terms of countermeasures. The Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee proposes to deal with the crisis of the massive outflow of rubles from two perspectives: first, to increase the ruble currency to a limited extent, to intervene in the policy with the national currency, and to crush the source of the crisis. second. Further strengthen financial supervision and curb the domestic and foreign two-way circulation of the ruble currency.

When he first saw the report of the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee, Guo Shouyun greatly admired the economic experts of these central banks. Obviously, they have realized the existence of the crisis, and at the same time. Also understand that there are artificial factors behind this crisis. From the perspective of macroeconomics, the amount of currency in circulation in a country is constant in a certain period of time. The adjustment of this coefficient is in the hands of the central bank. Once inflation occurs in the national economy, the central bank will Policies will be introduced to implement monetary tightening measures, increase holdings of central bank reserves, and raise bank deposit interest rates. Its purpose is to reduce the amount of money entering the circulation field. And now, the massive loss of rubles has obviously had an impact on the Soviet Union's financial sector. Under such circumstances, the two feasible measures submitted by the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee can be said to be the most direct and effective means to deal with the crisis. Can imagine. Once these two countermeasures are implemented, the ruble loss crisis cannot be solved. At least it can also deal a heavy blow to those who instigate the conspiracy: the increase of the ruble currency can effectively stabilize the domestic currency market, fill the currency shortage space caused by the loss of the ruble, and at the same time, it can sink the international currency to speculate on the ruble currency. The arrogance of behavior. And further financial control, curb the internal and external two-way circulation of the ruble currency. And able to hoard up the rupee currency. Become a piece of hot potato, so that those conspiratorial instigators advance and retreat

But it's a pity. The two suggestions put forward by the central bank are certainly feasible, but at this time, the Kremlin has completely lost its fighting spirit, and even lost its sense of responsibility in governance. Everyone knows that such a core issue involving the country's financial field must be kept strictly confidential, but Gordon's so-called enlightened reform has thoroughly "enlightened" this part of the content. The report of the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee was submitted, and the next day there was a lot of speculation in the world. Official and unofficial media, domestic and foreign, all criticized the Central Bank's report. Subsequently, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development issued a statement, on the one hand condemning the "irresponsible" report of the Soviet Central Bank, and on the other hand declaring that what the Soviet Union needs at present is a thorough and pure market economic reform, and the most basic market economy The key elements are a free market system and a financial system. The operation of the market economy has its own specific laws, and man-made policy interventions "can only make the situation worse, not better." After that, the IMF, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Economic Cooperation Several international financial institutions, including the organization, also made it clear that they claimed that the current economic difficulties in the Soviet Union were not due to the implementation of market economic reforms, but were the unexpected results of its "poor management". Therefore, in the face of this situation, what the Soviet Union needs is not to increase currency and strengthen financial controls. On the contrary, "further monetary tightening policies should be adopted, including reducing government spending, reducing public investment, and comprehensive private ownership reforms in order to Increase taxes, apply for loans abroad, etc.” From the perspective of the most basic common sense in economics—“unconditionally opening more money will lead to inflation”, several international financial institutions made a very “objective” evaluation of the report put forward by the Countermeasures Committee of the Central Bank of the Soviet Union. , and full of "goodwill" statements, if the Soviet government needs it, they can provide part of the much-needed interest-bearing loans to the Soviet government in the short term to help the Soviet government get through the current difficulties.

Faced with the differences on this issue, Gordon urgently convened a special meeting with the leaders of the republics in order to "democratically" listen to all opinions. Of course, in addition to the leaders of the republics attending this meeting, In addition, there are also some Western economic consultants. The meeting ended yesterday morning. Among the leaders of the republics, except for Lukashenko, the general secretary of the Belarusian Soviet Central Committee, who supported the central bank's proposal, no one agreed with the two countermeasures.

Then, just yesterday afternoon, the Kremlin promulgated a preliminary plan for the reform of the central bank. The original Countermeasures Committee was disbanded and replaced by a large number of advisory bodies composed of Western economics, financial experts and policy advisers. In the next period of time, the "most effective" plan to deal with the crisis and revive the economy will be worked out.

At the press conference after the meeting of the leaders of the member republics, Lukashenko, the current leader of Belarus, faced the "big talk", he declared: "There is no doubt that everything that is happening now is It's a conspiracy, it's a continuation of an external enemy's financial-driven military policy. Sadly, it's not just the economy that we're vulnerable at the moment, our psychology is more vulnerable than the economy, and we're going through an identity crisis , the trauma of self-contempt combined with the envy of the West provides the most fertile ground for the enemy to plan this conspiracy."

What Lukashenko said was not wrong at all. Subsequent opinion polls conducted by various domestic media showed that the two plans issued by the Central Bank's Countermeasures Committee did not receive the support of the domestic people at all, and people were yearning for an American-style economy. Models are all yearning for the American way of life. As for the Soviet economic policies and past traditions, they are all **** and should be ruthlessly discarded.

Guo Shouyun listened to Nikita reading the newspaper for him, and finished his breakfast unhurriedly. When Nikita finished reading the last edition of the topic, he just put down his knife and fork.

"Well, it looks like Moscow hasn't stopped for the past two days." Picking up the white towel attached to his leg, Guo Shouyun wiped his mouth casually, and then smiled.

"Mr. always likes to joke, when has Moscow stopped in the past two years?" Nikita got up and poured a glass of water for Guo Shouyun with the newspaper in his hand.

"It's good to never stop there," Guo Shouyun took a sip of water and pursed his lips, "Ryujing is dead now, and Josbayev also died in an air crash, I still have I'm worried that someone in the White House will come to trouble us again, and now it seems that they are temporarily out of time."

"What do you think about the topic they are arguing about this time?" Nikita sat down beside Guo Shouyun and asked with a smile.

"Why, do you want to give me an exclusive interview?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"If so?" Nikita quipped.

"If it's an exclusive interview, hehe, I'm sorry, I'm not literate. When I was in China, I was even a gangster who was born under the red flag and grew up in the tide of the Cultural Revolution. I haven't read a few books. The only economic knowledge I have ever had access to is the socialist market economics that is only suitable for China's national conditions, so how can we judge those experts who have learned it?" Guo Shouyun glanced at the newspaper not far from Sha, and dismissed it. said.

"Then what if it's not an exclusive interview, or just talking nonsense behind your back?" Nikita added some water to Guo Shouyun's glass and asked at the same time.

"If it's not an exclusive interview but just random talk behind the back, this issue can only be considered from two aspects," Guo Shouyun was happy, and he didn't hide it from Nikita, so he said directly, "From my point of view , I naturally don't want the central bank's proposal to be passed, do you know what it means to increase the ruble currency in the current situation? I tell you, this means that the country has to do something to the rich like us, that part The additional ruble currency is tantamount to collecting taxes from our hands in disguise, and then using it to subsidize those low-income or even no-income people. At the same time, it is also for those ambitious foreigners who want to absorb ruble currency. The central bank's increase in the ruble currency will make all their previous efforts come to naught, not only that, but some less powerful followers may lose everything because of it."

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