Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 165: vicious

?In September, the far east, which is located in the far north, comes early at night, and the sky has completely dimmed. Until this time, the sparse light rain is still falling. It is indeed a rainy night like this. It's the perfect time to do something. /. qβ5.

In the old town of Tupolev at the southern foot of Mount Bulya, Liu Jing and the Alpha Special Warfare Squad led by him have already laid an ambush line along the Khabarovsk Interstate Highway. They have chosen a good location. It is located on a hill along the road, where the sight is wide, and it is only more than 50 meters away from the road. From the position of Liujing, you can have a panoramic view of everything on the road.

On the opposite side of this hill is the foothills of Mount Bureya, which stretches for thousands of kilometers. The road cuts across the mountain. Therefore, on the opposite side is a cliff that is tens of meters high. The mountain is a bald mountain, and this cliff Even more bald and barren. In order to effectively curb the counterattack from the road, Liujing arranged two snipers in the middle of the cliff. They cling to a gap more than 20 meters above the ground. They can effectively kill the road with accurate shooting. gangster. In order to make the twenty-six bandits lose their resistance at the first time, there were also two assaulters lurking in the grass on the **** of the mountain. Their responsibility was not to launch an assault, but to fire flash bombs at the truck. Destroy the gangster's visual abilities to gain the most valuable time for the entire battle.

Wearing a dark black raincoat, Ryukyung stood on the hill bag. From time to time, he glanced at the luminous watch in his hand. Time was passing by every minute, and it was almost seven o'clock. He was somewhat anxious. He was worried that Brzezinski's information was inaccurate. If they won't take this route, then the problem will be serious.

Just when Liu Jing was upset, the micro communicator hanging in his ear made a sound. After a "hissing" noise, the observation post arranged two kilometers away came with a message: "Come. Pongas military vehicle, at forty, with no sentry wings."

Liu Jing's mind finally settled down, he took a deep breath, and said to the communicator: "Get ready to act!"

Following Liu Jing's order, there was a rustling sound on the two steel cables erected between the cliff and the hill. One side slid over, and in the process of sliding. Strings of chained steel spikes were scattered across the road surface. This thorn-like thing is definitely the nemesis of rubber tires, just run over it. This tire is probably going to be bad.

It was too easy for a car of forty to cross a distance of two kilometers. Almost at the moment when the two "Brayers" team members untied the rope hook, two bright lights flashed through the trees on the west side of the road. Came galloping this way.

The light went from far to near, and the light in front of me became brighter and brighter, in just a few breaths.

One after the other, the trailer trucks, which were less than twenty meters apart, had come to the bottom of the mountain.

The Alpha Special Warfare Squad led by Liu Jing is all veterans with great combat experience. Eight of them have participated in the Vilnius operation in Lithuania at the beginning of the year. It couldn't be more appropriate.

Just when two trucks entered the front road of the valley one after the other. The bombardier, who was hiding in the grass under the slope, had already started an action. Four flashbangs fired one after the other. Accurately shot into the compartments of two speeding trucks, and at the same time. With the sound of "呲呲", the truck driving in front had already run over the steel spikes. In an instant, the truck lost its balance, and in a series of harsh emergency braking sounds, it slammed into the side of the road and slammed its head on the cliff before it stopped. At the same time, the flash bombs that were shot into the car finally exploded, and the dazzling blue light flashed away, followed by a few penetrating screams.

Seeing that the two military vehicles were blocked one after another under the mountain bag, Liu Jing felt a little relieved. He knew that the plan was basically successful at this point.

"Da da da......"

However, just at the moment when Liujingdi was just relaxed, the battle situation on the road suddenly changed. In the latter truck, a soldier in military uniform stumbled out of the carriage and fell on the road. , Almost at the moment when he fell down, the ak assault in his hand also started. The soldier was obviously blinded by a flash bomb, but the shooting point he was looking for was surprisingly accurate. A shuttle of bullets shot out blindly and hit a special who had just rushed onto the road. fighter.

This sudden change was beyond Liu Jing's expectations, and it was almost a conditioned reflex. He grabbed the night vision goggles on his chest and looked at the road below him. I saw that at such a time, the gangster who rushed out of the car had a new move.

Come down, but hurriedly roll on the road, looking at the meaning, it is to avoid the bullets coming.

But this guy was a little unlucky. He rolled in the wrong direction. Without vision, he rolled straight to a special forces member who had just climbed down the cliff along the rope. Everything after that was simple. A gunshot rang out, and the unlucky guy instantly turned into a corpse.

After such a long time, the gunfire on the highway has already rang out. Two truck drivers, a deputy, and an officer with a gun were knocked down by snipers next to the two trucks, and in the compartments of the two trucks, The original howls disappeared, replaced by a series of uninterrupted gunshots. In the meantime, two grenades were thrown from the carriage and rolled onto the road, injuring a soldier of the Special Forces.

Liu Jing's heart was hanging, and he felt that something was wrong tonight. These people who were able to fight quickly after being blinded could never be armed gangsters. Their reaction, their way of fighting back, was more like Regular soldiers in the Red Army, and well-trained regular soldiers.

"Did you fall for a trap?!" A sudden thought, accompanied by the sound of gunshots, suddenly entered Liu Jing's mind.

With the appearance of this idea, Liu Jing trembled as if struck by lightning. Before, he seemed to ignore a question, that is, what if there are really only some soldiers in the two military vehicles? A high-ranking officer of the Security Committee led the Alpha Squad to attack the military vehicle, and caused heavy casualties. If this happens, then Liu Jing will be sent to a military court. Don't say anything about Bakatin. , even the White House and the Black Palace can't keep him. What's more serious is that if the military seizes this matter and pursues it with all its strength, then Bakatin, who has just taken over as the chairman of the Security Committee, may not be able to escape the blame, and it may be better to resign in the end. of.

"Stop! Stop the action!" Liu Jing grabbed the communicator on his chest and shouted loudly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

But a trap is a trap. A trap carefully planned by others. Once you step in with one foot, where is the chance to get out of it? It was too late for Liu Jing to understand that he underestimated his opponent. Perhaps he never imagined that his opponent would be so lawless and use the lives of more than 20 soldiers as bait to lure him into this big fish. .

Liu Jing did understand that it was too late, and at the moment he called to stop, two wheeled infantry chariots had already galloped from the westward road under the cover of the night, and followed closely behind the chariots. , is a truck with a canopy all over it, and the truck is covered with soldiers with live ammunition.

In a sense, the information Brzezinski submitted to Liu Jing is not wrong, "twenty-six", there is indeed a "twenty-six" in Guo Shouyun's plan tonight, but this twenty-six is ​​not Twenty-six members of the gang, but the 26th Motorized Brigade directly under the Far East Military Region.

This afternoon, after sending off Shanariva, Guo Shouyun once again got in touch with Victor who was in Leningrad. He informed the "Old Fox" about the current crisis in the Far East, hoping to be able to Ask for a little countermeasure from him.

As Josbayev was worried, the wily Viktor was not something he and Ryukyung could deal with. This old fox scoffed at Guo Shouyun's worries. After belittling his son-in-law in an old-fashioned way, he came up with an extremely sinister plan without thinking. He judged that Josbayev and Liu Jing would never dare to They directly attacked Guo Shouyun in the Far East, because they had to worry about many issues and seek evidence of Guo Shouyun's crime. So in this case, one of the most convenient ways for them is to find a way to grab Yakov in order to pry a window out of him. Based on these judgments, Victor believes that Liu Jing, who was born in the secret service department, should have arrived in the Far East at this moment. He must be paying close attention to Yakov's every move through some "informants". Liu Jing sneaked to the Far East, and there were definitely not many people with him. If he wanted to move Yakov, he would not be able to do it in Khabarovsk. Instead, he would choose to take action at the moment when Yakov left Khabarovsk and was about to abscond. action.

According to Victor's perception of Ryukyung, this person is very cautious but is too new to "my own people". Therefore, as long as the above factors are combined and used skillfully, it is not difficult for him to make a big somersault.

Compared with Victor, Guo Shouyun is indeed a little tender, and he can't think about such a sinister plan that makes Liu Jing downfall. In terms of the most fundamental way of thinking about the problem, Guo Shouyun's countermeasures are still palliative, and Victor's viciousness is that he doesn't think about details or hurting people. If he wants to take action, he must One hit is deadly, making it difficult for the opponent to find a chance to turn over

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