Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 164: dark war start

?Now, the case of Guo Shouyun in the Far East is not the only problem in Liujing. In Moscow, thousands of kilometers away, Josbayev, who has not yet set off, is also full of concerns about this trip to the Far East. /. qв5.

According to the previous arrangement, as the new director of the Far East Bureau, Josbayev could not leave Moscow without a sound, and then sneak into the Far East. His identity is there, and every move has countless pairs of eyes. Staring at him, and these eyes are full of sympathy, regret, murder, gloating, and of course, there are more ridicules.

Since the announcement of the appointment of the director of the Far East Bureau, Josbayev has received more than a dozen calls in just a few hours. The callers have different identities, but they have one thing in common. That is to have a very high position in the Moscow power ***. In the name of congratulations, these people talked a lot of nonsense on the phone, and the real intention hidden in the words was nothing more than asking him to act cautiously after taking over, "try not to touch things that shouldn't be touched"— ——The Far East has been very calm during this period. What things can be "touched", and what things can't be "touched"? The mysteries in here really don't stand up to scrutiny. And the most intriguing thing is that the old guy Viktor also called from the sanatorium in Leningrad, but his statement was different from everyone else. Yes, it's Nizi Yakov." He even called Guo Shouyun's name directly on the phone. It is said that the problems in the Far East must be investigated and thoroughly investigated. "As long as the evidence is conclusive, no matter who it is, it should be arrested and killed."

Josbayev knew Victor very well. This old guy was a typical smiling wolf. He never used a knife to kill, and he didn't even smell blood. And his vision of looking at the problem is almost to the point of shuddering. In order to get rid of Sobchak in Leningrad, the radical forces planned for half a year, set up more than a dozen traps that were closely related, and networked more than 20 witnesses, both large and small, and finally contacted the A treason hat was put on Sobchak's head a month ago.

But then, Viktor went to Leningrad, and in less than a week, the whole case was overturned by his coefficient, a trap set by the radicals. It was all revealed by him. In the end, in order to save face, the radicals had to come to terms with them. Not only was Sobchak not defeated, but he sat on the throne of Leningrad mayor smoothly. From this incident alone, Victor's ability has been revealed. Think about it, how could a character like this appear so generous if he is not sure about everything in the Far East?

"The water in the Far East is very deep. It's deep enough to drown many people who are good at swimming. After this time, there may be no chance to come back." At his home in Moscow, Josbayev read through the current situation of the Moscow Bureau. The information on the Far East that he has grasped, he let out a sigh.

In order to successfully win Guo Shouyun in the Far East, there is a key person who must be obtained, and this person is Yakov. During this time, the investigation work within the Security Committee was only preliminary, but some of Yakov's problems have been exposed, except for the unknown origin of the huge assets. His problems are innumerable, and only one asset. most of them. They all appeared after he assumed office in the Far East. The special investigation team of the Moscow Bureau believes that this amount of black money exceeds 10 million rubles. They must all be related to the Guo Group that dominates the Far East. Therefore, as long as you take Yakov and pry open his mouth, you can find out the Guo Shouyun brothers, and after that, Victor can't run away.

But then again, is Yakov really that easy to win? In this regard, Josbayev is only 50% certain, and his 50% certainty comes from three aspects: first, the information blockade of his succession as director of the Far East Bureau is very strict, and it is certain that That said, before today, outsiders would never have been informed about this. Therefore, there is still a certain blessing in terms of success rate if you have mental calculations without preparation. Second, as an assistant, Liu Jing Laocheng is prudent. He had sneaked into Khabarovsk with a small team of Alpha Action Team the day before. Judging from the current situation, the parties in the Far East are still unaware of this. Third, the Moscow Bureau is not without roots in the Far East. The huge network of informants established in the past is enough to support future operations to a certain extent. In the phone call with the Far East yesterday, Liu Jing mentioned a man named Brzezinski. This person is a secret agent of the Security Committee in the Far East. Now he has successfully broken into one of the largest underground mafia organizations in the Far East, and Become a high-ranking leader of the organization. It was from his mouth that Liu Jing learned that this mafia organization was inextricably linked with Guo Shouyun, and they were now planning a plan to **** Yakov out of the country.

In yesterday's call, Liu Jing cautiously proposed a secret arrest plan. He believed that the current Guo brothers' influence in the Far East was too large.

The risk factor of arresting Yakov is obviously too high, so from this point of view, we plan to wait for the news of Brzezinski, preferably after Yakov leaves Khabarovsk.

Josbayev agreed with Liu Jing's plan. He felt that since Yakov was going to flee, he would have to leave the country before his new director took office. That is to say, Guo Shouyun's actions should be in these two areas. God, if he can protect Yakov's actions, then this battle in the Far East will be a good start.

However, will things be so simple? For some reason, Josbayev always has an uneasy feeling in his heart now, and vaguely, he seems to feel that something is not right, but he can't explain this feeling clearly.

Sitting behind the desk in the study, Josbayev sighed, then picked up a large pile of documents on the table and put them in a suitcase placed beside the table.

At this time, the hour hand of the small clock on the desk has already pointed to the nine o'clock mark. In three hours, at noon, he will board the special plane to Khabarovsk in the Far East, and what is there? The situation is waiting for him, and it is still unknown.

Whether it can come back alive from the Far East is not what Josbayev is worried about now. For him, "life" and "death" are just two completely opposite concepts. Since then, he has put his personal life and death aside. From the age of twenty-four to the age of sixty-six now, Josbayev feels that God has taken care of him, and he has come through the thirty-two years of his career as a KGB agent. Now, his wife has passed away six years ago, and his only daughter has grown up now, and has become a promising member of Interpol. If he can get to where he is today, what else can he do? Luxurious?

Thinking of his daughter, Josbayev showed a relieved smile on his face. He turned his head slightly and looked at a photo frame on the left side of the table. In the seven-inch photo frame, there is a young woman wearing a dark blue Soviet uniform of Interpol. The decent uniform, sunny smile, and smooth gold hanging out of the boat cap decorate this beautiful woman. Youthful and full of energy.

"Aflora, my angel, your original choice was correct, I bless you." Josbayev stretched out his hand to take the photo frame and put it in himself. in the suitcase.

A few hours passed quickly, when Josbayev, surrounded by more than two dozen guards, boarded a special plane to Khabarovsk, the light night had already fallen as the purpose of his trip. the Far East.

As expected by Ryukyung, after waiting quietly for nearly thirty-six hours, Brzezinski, who was a secret informant of the Security Committee, once again received news that the target person will be there for an hour and a half that night. After that, at 6:30, I left the villa in Khabarovsk on time, followed the Khabarovsk Interstate Highway, passed Hall, Bikin, Rosozavodsk, and went to Vladivosto overnight. gram. In order to **** him to the south, the gang made careful arrangements. The 26 people accompanying him in two military vehicles were all good players in the gang. They were equipped with weapons and camouflaged. According to Brzezinski's information, the gang seems to have received an order from Guo Shouyun, that is, Yakov must never fall into the hands of others. If there is a problem on the road, the people accompanying him are very likely to kill him first, so as to completely cut off him. future trouble.

After receiving this information, Liu Jing immediately convened a manpower to study Yakov's travel route. The Khabarovsk interstate highway is the main trunk road from Khabarovsk Krai to Primorsky Krai. After exiting Khabarovsk City in the east, this highway will stretch through the southern foothills of the Breya Mountains. The old town of Tupolev in front of this section of the mountain pass is obviously the best location for an ambush. The old town of Tupolev was once the location of a collective farm. However, in the 1960s, with the tension between the Sino-Soviet border, a motorized brigade of the Far Eastern Frontier Guard stationed in this area and designated it there. As a military jurisdiction, the collective farms then moved westward. Today, the old town of Tupolev has become a desolate place. Although the name of the military jurisdiction is still there, the patrols of the border guards have long since been withdrawn.

According to the information, there are twenty-six people escorting Yakov, and they may remove the target at any time. In contrast, there are only eighteen Alpha team members around Ryujing. If there is no concern, ten Eight special forces team members are more than enough to deal with the crowd of twenty or so, but a very critical issue is that Liu Jing also needs to protect Yakov's personal safety. Considering this, ambush naturally became the only option. The ambush must be carried out by means of thunder. Before the opponent can react, the battle must be resolved and the situation completely controlled. This is the policy that Ryukyung must implement in this operation.

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