Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 128: whose far east

? Wrong, the two people Guo Shoucheng saw at the intersection of Kiev Street were Spilinger and his assistant Cole who came to the Far East from Sri Lanka. The reason why the two of them ran to Kiev Street was not because In order to find flowers and ask willows, it was because of being cheated by a taxi driver.

The Far East is not very peaceful these days. There are almost a family of gangsters and taxi drivers in the Mafia. It is common for them to hook up behind their backs to defraud and extort money, especially foreigners. Not anymore. Springer was already cautious enough, but this ubiquitous trap made him hard to guard against.

After getting off the plane today, Springer took Cole to the Victory Hotel in the Red October District. After dinner, he and Cole discussed that the two plan to rent a car and live in Khabarovsk. Going around, it is good to have a general understanding of the city. For the sake of insurance, they still found the car through the hotel service desk. They thought it should be very safe, but in the end, something went wrong.

The driver, who looked like an old solid wood, took them around the city for nearly half an hour, and came to this smoky place. The moment the car stopped on the street, more than a dozen big men. They swarmed up, like carrying chickens, and dragged Springer and Cole out of the car. Then grab the bag, grab the bag, and swipe the watch. In just a few minutes, before the two people can react, all the things that can be grabbed on their bodies have been robbed. At this point, the matter is not over, and at the end, four or five big men forced them to the lamp post. He insisted that they did not pay for whoring chickens, and asked them to pay 5,000 rubles, and that was the end of the matter.

To be honest, 5,000 rubles is nothing to Spiringer. If possible, he would also act as a scapegoat for the sake of face, and pay the money immediately. But the question is, where is the money on them now? All over those pockets. It has been cleaned up by these uncles a long time ago, passports and other things have been robbed, how can there be that five thousand rubles in cash?

He was surrounded by a group of strong Russian men with fierce faces, and fists were not less. It was hard to eat, and Spilinger was completely aware of the strength of this city. It stands to reason that they have been clamoring here for so long, those police officers should have received the news and came to investigate, but it is hopeless. The police in yellow clothes that can be seen everywhere in the Soviet Union seem to have no connection with this street, and those passers-by who come and go turn a blind eye to everything that happens here.

Just when Springer planned to stay here and let Cole go back to the hotel to get the money. He caught a glimpse of the Volga sedans driving slowly down the street, and shortly afterward, two thin young men who looked like sicklings. Came across the street.

Everything that followed. For Springer it was like a dream. Those big men who were fierce and vicious just now suddenly turned into docile kittens. The eyes of the pair looking at him were all flattering and apprehensive. In just a few short minutes, all the things that were robbed just now were brought back. There was no shortage of wallets, watches, and documents, and there was not even a single coin in the wallet. Not only that, those big men even invited them to "have fun" on the street, no matter what they play, no matter which store they go to, they are all free, and the right should be an apology to them.

The same group of people have two different attitudes. Why is this? Spiringer knew very well that the change in all these lies in the words of the two thin young men: "They are Mr. Guo's friends." Obviously, for these guys who dare to rob the streets, " "Mr. Guo" is more deterrent than the police.

There is no doubt that the "Mr. Guo" in the population should refer to the young man when he got off the plane today. Spilinger also knew that this "Mr. Guo" was Guo Shouyun's younger brother, and he was in the Far East this time. Yes, just to reach a financial cooperation agreement with Guo Shouyun.

The socialist system that the Soviet Union has insisted on for decades is about to die out. According to the analysis of international affairs experts from Morgan Stanley Bank, the radicals who seized power in the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Party are bound to consolidate their power in the shortest possible time. A large-scale private ownership reform is implemented in China, and in the process of this reform, there are definitely countless business opportunities.

In the past two years, the Morgan consortium has made efforts to enter the Soviet market several times, but due to the distinct political background of the consortium, they have never been able to obtain relevant approvals from the Soviet government, so entering the Soviet market has also become one of Morgan Stanley's extravagance.

The coup d'état in Moscow made Morgan feel the urgency of time, but also found a long-lost opportunity. In this case, a large number of brokers under the consortium were fully mobilized, and they swarmed into the Soviet Union. All have a certain bias. For example, Springer, his focus is on the Far East. He wants to find the best cooperation in the Far East, using the strong financial support of the consortium, combined with the regional government resources of the cooperation, in the upcoming private ownership reform in the Soviet Union. A hard hit in the middle.

as a cross

As a commercial investment bank, Morgan Stanley naturally has its own intelligence to collect information about the Far East. Before that, Spilinger obtained a series of intelligence about the current situation of the Far East. According to these intelligences, the most valuable person for cooperation in the Far East is Guo Shouyun. Such a young Chinese man.

At first, Spiringer thought that the information provided to him was wrong. After all, in his opinion, the Russians were quite exclusive. Just imagine, how could a Chinese with yellow skin and dark eyes be in Russia? What about the mess on people's turf? However, after some insight today, Spilinger fully realized the accuracy of this intelligence: First, at the airport, Guo Shoucheng was picked up by a large number of heavily armed soldiers. In the subsequent clash on Kiev Street, the Guo brothers' influence in the Far East was once again demonstrated. In a word, people are black and white.

"The information provided above is very accurate, but not very specific," Spilinger said with his assistant Cole after returning to the hotel. "As a broker, if you can't even grasp the most basic situation of the client, then this cooperation Where do we start? Thanks to this incident tonight, it created an opportunity for us to have further contact with the Guo brothers. Cole, you will do two things tomorrow. First, spread a message that it is our intention to To open an investment fund in Khabarovsk, we are now preparing to file an application with the Central Bank of the Soviet Union. Second, go and prepare a generous gift, oh, bring the Qianfeng Cuixi lamp from the Hutian kiln. Now let's take a look at Guo I don't know what the brothers like, but I think since they are Chinese, they should be more interested in this kind of Song porcelain antiques."

Cole nodded in understanding, he knew that his boss had really put in a lot of effort this time, and it seemed that this was really valuable for the Guo brothers to make friends.

He briefly explained to his assistant what he needed to pay attention to in the next two days. Spilinger sat on the sand and fell into silence again. He needed to reconsider his plan to come to the Far East this time. He felt that from the current According to the situation, the cooperation intention of financing holding proposed by the consortium may not be feasible. Therefore, he must come up with a second feasible cooperation plan before formally contacting the Guo brothers.

Just as Springer was in deep thought, a group of people were also worried in the Military Trade Bureau Guest House, which was less than two blocks away from the Victory Hotel.

In the not spacious living room, Mulally Taran frowned and paced in the center of the living room non-stop. Several of his entourage were scattered around the living room, looking at him eagerly, but they were all alike. Sorrowful look.

Since the outbreak of the civil war in Sri Lanka, the Tiger guerrillas affiliated to Muralitaran have been secretly doing arms business with the Soviet Military Trade Bureau. Almost every two months, the Soviet Military Trade Bureau will deliver a large amount of arms and weapons to Tiger guerrillas in Sri Lanka control areas to support their militant forces. In recent years, the reason why the Tiger guerrillas have developed so rapidly, and even defeated the government troops several times and invaded the capital of Colombo, is the strong support of the Soviet Military and Trade Bureau.

At the beginning of this year, with the deterioration of the domestic situation in the Soviet Union, the supply of arms and weapons of the Military Trade Bureau began to appear intermittent. After entering May, this intermittent situation disappeared. In the past four months, the Military Trade Bureau has completely cancelled the supply of arms and weapons to the Tigers. The emergence of this situation made the armed struggle of the LTTE guerrilla directly into a predicament. As a national armed force, the LTTE itself does not have the ability to produce arms and weapons. All their weapons and equipment, arms and ammunition need to be purchased from Imported from abroad, and the Soviets were the biggest suppliers of the weapons they needed.

Facing the huge dilemma of the shortage of arms and weapons, Mulally Taran made this trip to the Far East as a last resort. He hoped to be able to reconnect with the Soviet Union's Military Trade Bureau in order to rebuild the original arms supply route.

That's it, Muralitaran took a huge risk and flew to Khabarovsk from Colombo, but only after he arrived in the Far East did he realize that the Soviet Union today is not the Soviet Union he knew at the time. It is said that the Military Trade Bureau, which has always been responsible for the arms and arms export trade in the past, is now dead in name only. The entire headquarters of the Khabarovsk Military Trade Bureau could not even get a single weapon and equipment. The arsenals in various parts of the Soviet Union have already been taken over by the local garrison. Under such circumstances, what export can the Military Trade Bureau take?

Fortunately, through the long-term cooperation in the past, Mulally Taran established a good relationship with the people of the Military Trade Bureau, and the people of the Military Trade Bureau showed him a clear way, that is to buy arms directly from the Far East Military Region. In the Far East, the Far East Military Region controls twenty-six arsenals, large and small. As long as they are willing to spend money, it is no problem to get something from them. As for how to get in touch with the Far East Military Region, the people from the Military Trade Bureau gave Mulally Taran a more direct way. Then, instead of looking for the military region, go to Guo's Trading Company. Once the joints are opened, there will be no problems in the military area.

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