Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 127: Kiev Street

At the beginning of the lights, the urban area of ​​Khabarovsk, which had been bustling for a day, fell into some tranquility again. w/

In the Far East, Khabarovsk is the largest city, but the nightlife here is not very rich. The five districts in the city, except for the Kiev Street where bars and dance halls gather, still seem to be a bit dark after dark. Apart from the hustle and bustle, the rest of the place is quiet.

At nearly eight o'clock, three Volga sedans drove in from the southern suburbs of the city and went straight to Kiev Street.

"My silly brother, my silly sister, it's nearly two million dollars, and most people can't earn it in a lifetime." Sitting in the back seat of the car, Guo Shouyun was smoking half a cigarette between his fingers, still thinking about it. After talking for hours, "If I had two million dollars in my last life, how much would I be able to do? How many people can I buy with two million dollars now? You two are better... ... You have to see clearly about investing and investing before investing, Star Corporation, that's a gutter, and the colorful nearly two million dollar bills were thrown into the gutter by you."

It is impossible for Guo Shouyun not to know about the "Star Project" that Motorola has engaged in. This "Century Communication Project", which cost billions of dollars and almost dragged down Motorola, took seven full hours from its birth to its final conclusion. After eight years, the final result was that they lost everything. Shoucheng and Dongting invested less than two million dollars in this plan. What was the difference between throwing money into the gutter?

Two million dollars is not a big amount for Guo Shouyun now. But after all, this is also a lot of money. If it is said that it is not distressing to throw it away, no one will believe it. However, this is distressed, and Guo Shouyun just let it hurt in his heart, but he didn't say a word, and he didn't even make any comments on Shoucheng and Dongting's unprofitable investment.

In his opinion, whether it is successful or Dongting, it is indeed not suitable to make investment decisions now. Their understanding of investment is only out of a momentary **, a momentary excitement. Like Motorola's large-scale financing for the "Star Project", if it is an experienced investor. He will first consider the problem, that is, when will the investment be profitable, and secondly, the investment risk issue. Investment intention with long return period and high risk. The shrewd people will not easily consider it, and the Star Project is precisely such a project.

"Forget it, the loss is the loss. No shrewd investor can be born." When the car drove through the streets of Kiev, he looked at the colorful bars and dance hall signs outside the car window. Guo Shouyun shook his head. Comfort yourself in your heart. "If you can learn a lesson from this loss, it may not be a good thing for Dongting and Shoucheng."

At this time, Shoucheng, who was sitting in the front seat, turned his head, pointed his finger at the street outside the window and said, "It seems that Khabarovsk is not so chaotic during this time. The night scene of Kiev Street looks better than when I left. It was a little more lively before.”

"It's lively, why isn't it lively, there are times when it's more lively than this," Nina sat beside Guo Shouyun, and when she heard Shoucheng say this, the little woman couldn't help but pouted, "Now this street has become It's really a 'black market'. Drugs, fights, gambling, pornography, and everything that is not in the mainstream are all here. I come back from the military area every afternoon and pass by here. If I don't see two or three fights, it's almost a It's new."

"Oh, sister-in-law, aren't you exaggerating?" Shoucheng laughed, "This should be the territory of Sanariva now, right? Who would dare to provoke trouble on her land?"

"If she cares, then naturally no one will pick quarrels and stir up trouble," Nina turned her head sideways, looked out the car window to the street, and muttered, "The key issue is that she doesn't care. She doesn't care about her land, the Sheriff's Office. People who don't care about them don't care, and now this is a land that doesn't care about them, it would be strange if it's still not lively."

"Okay, don't blame Shanariva," Guo Shouyun smiled, "don't say that she doesn't have the energy to pay attention to these trivial things now. Even if she has the leisure, she may not be very good at showing up. What she manages is The gangs, large and small, are desperadoes. It is their nature to be brave and fight hard, and breaking the law and discipline is their profession. For these people, who can ask them to be safe? Not bad, at least there was no murder or arson."

"You are quite easy to satisfy." Nina smiled while watching the slowly receding street scene outside the window.

Kiev Street outside the car window is about to come to an end, and after more than 200 meters, it will turn into Frunze Street in Kirov District. On both sides of the street, which is more than 200 meters long, there are almost all **** places such as dance bars. In front of the dimly lit shops, there are girls in scantily clad and heavy makeup everywhere. Passing by the man beside him, he or she scratched or teased with words, and some even stepped forward and pulled directly.

Nina knows that these

Showgirls make a living by selling their flesh and blood, and what Shana Riva knows, a large amount of income is obtained by exploiting these people. If these prostitutes and showgirls want to pick up business on this street, they must hand over 40% of their nightly income to their respective pimps. When they turn back, those pimps hand over half of their income to their respective pimps. gang.

Things like this have been common in the Soviet Union in the past two years. It is reasonable to say that there is nothing to make a fuss about. As Shana Riva said, if the gang needs to survive, it must have money. Drink water." Underworld organizations like gangs naturally have to eat what the underworld should eat. But for some reason, Nina felt very uncomfortable when she heard these things, especially when this kind of thing had something to do with her man.

"Hey?!" Nina was looking out the window and was depressed. Guo Shoucheng, who was sitting in the front seat, suddenly said, "Isn't that... isn't that the person on the plane today?"

"Who is that person on the plane?" Following the direction of his brother's finger, Guo Shouyun glanced out the window. I saw under a lamppost next to the street, four or five burly men with **** and breasts, pushing and shoving two well-dressed people. And what Shoucheng was referring to was the man between the two who was about forty or fifty years old.

"Hehe, what did you say? He looks like he's in trouble," Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Hmph, at such an old age, it's no wonder that you still come to such a place if you don't have trouble." Nina leaned beside Guo Shouyun, glanced at the street, and hummed.

"I saw him today when I got off the plane, and we chatted casually," Guo Shoucheng patted the driver next to him on the shoulder, motioned him to stop the car, and then smiled, "I'm here to do business in the Far East. But I feel that he is a good person, but he is a little timid. I didn't expect that he, a foreigner, not only dared to run out at night, but also dare to come to such a place. Let him get out of the way."

Guo Shoucheng's last sentence was to the driver. He knew that since the driver followed the elder brother, he had a better understanding of the situation here.

"Yes, Mr. Shoucheng." The driver agreed, pushed the door and got out of the car.

"Come here to do business? Do you know what business you do?" Guo Shouyun asked curiously, looking out of the car window. You must know that during this period of time, there have been very few foreigners who came to the Far East to do business, not to mention that this person came from Sri Lanka, where a civil war is going on. Those who dared to transfer from Sri Lanka to the Far East at this juncture People should not be idle.

"I didn't ask," Guo Shoucheng replied absentmindedly, looking out the window.

Guo Shoucheng had a good idea. The driver did have a better understanding of the situation on Kiev Street. Although he had not been a driver for Guo Shouyun for a long time, this street was the only way to go from the villa area to the city center. Have to walk several times. And those gang members on the street always pay attention to Guo Shouyun's car, so although he has not been a driver for a long time, he is also familiar with this street.

The driver got out of the car, looked around, and then waved to the two young men squatting on the sidewalk. The two young people are not good at dressing up, but at the moment they are very obedient. When Guo Shouyun's car stopped just now, they noticed that, as the low-level leader of the gang, although they did not know the specific relationship between Shanariva and Guo Shouyun, they knew that the uncle in the car was not something they could mess with. up. Therefore, when they saw Guo Shouyun's driver waving at them, the two young people were stunned, then jumped up and trotted over.

"What are your orders, sir?" Standing four or five steps away from the car, the two young men asked in unison.

"Those two are Mr. Guo's friends, don't let people harass them." The driver pointed at the crowd under the lamppost, and the driver said in a deep voice.

After saying this, the driver didn't wait for the two young people to reply, and got back into the car on his own.

"Sir, it's done." Back in the car, the driver said to Guo Shoucheng.

"Well," Guo Shoucheng nodded and said nothing. He had already seen that the two young men had already run across the street just after such a good time, and were yelling something at the burly men.

"Let Sanariva check the details of these two people," Guo Shouyun said in the back seat when the car started again, "I don't think they are like small business people. Two foreigners, they went to the Far East site. If you come up to do big business, there is no reason not to let you know in advance."

Guo Shoucheng was a little unconvinced. Now, besides the Guo Group, where else is there to do big business in the Far East? Even the arms export business of the Military Trade Bureau has stopped.

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