Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 106: Riding a tiger "no" down

? When squeezing into the human wall that surrounded Guo Shouyun, Calbusin really died. Today, the task of protecting Guo Shouyun was handed over by Victor in person. at all costs. /qβ5, / What is implied in these words, Calbusin knows very well, if this task is not carried out well, he is also very clear about what kind of ending he will face.

How important Guo Shouyun was in Victor's mind, Calbusin already knew how important it was. In order to keep this young man, Victor even dared to kill the Soviet Central Committee member. Now, this young man was assassinated by Erbu under his protection. Xin didn't dare to think about it any longer.

"How is it? Where is the injury? Where is the injury?" Calbusin pressed into the human wall, before seeing Guo Shouyun, so he kept asking, his voice trembling a little, and the panic in his tone could not hide from anyone.

"Don't worry, I won't die." As soon as Kalbushin's words landed, Guo Shouyun's voice came from the crowd. His voice also sounded a little trembling, but it was full of anger. It was obvious that the shot missed his vital point, but the shock must have been next to him.

However, what he said before, how eloquently and generously he showed, once the assassination really happened, especially when the gunshot sounded and his left arm was injured, Guo Shouyun was also really scared. To be honest, when he was pushed to the ground by Victor, the only thing he could feel was the blood rushing, the heart beating wildly, and the lower abdomen twitching at the same time. Almost peed my pants. In the confusion, he felt as if he had returned to the last scene of his previous life, and the terrifying word "death" hovered in front of him again.

Not afraid of death? In this world, there are only people who have to die, but there are absolutely no people who are not afraid of death, especially for Guo Shouyun today. He has succeeded in his career, and it can be said that the entire Far East is in his hands. I believe that the future will be happier day by day, and he will die on the street at this juncture. He didn't want to.

Hearing Guo Shouyun talking in the crowd, Calbusin finally let go of his hanging heart, but when he squeezed into the crowd and saw Guo Shouyun with his own eyes, he couldn't help being startled again.

At this time, Guo Shouyun was extremely embarrassed. The assassin's shot just hit his left forearm close to his shoulder. The penetrating force of the bullet ripped off a large piece of flesh from his arm, so at first glance, his entire shoulder was blurred with blood, and he was dressed in a beautiful white suit with blood stains everywhere.

Now, the two medics who came in first were treating Guo Shouyun's injured arm. Seeing Calbusin come in, a medical soldier stood up and said, "General, it seems that Mr. is not seriously injured. He didn't even hurt the bones, just the flesh. Just bandage it..."

"Shut up!" Calbusin was losing his temper when the medic's words hit the muzzle of the gun. What does it mean that the bones are not hurt? What does it mean to be alright with a bandage? What do you mean by this, and want to let Victor's treasure, Ga Da, continue to take risks?

"Come on, carry Mr. Guo to the car. Immediately transfer him to the Garrison Military Region Hospital." Annoyed to annoyed, after knowing that Guo Shouyun's injury was not serious, Kalbushin finally breathed a sigh of relief, calm and calm seemed to have returned in an instant. on him. He stood in the crowd, glanced at the residential building across the street, and shouted, "Igor, where is Captain Igor?!"

"Report to Comrade General, Comrade Igor led someone into the building." A heavily armed second lieutenant replied.

"Tell him that he must catch the **** gunman for me, no matter how dead or dead!" Kalbushin said through gritted teeth, "If someone runs away, he won't come back for me!"

"Yes!" The second lieutenant agreed and pressed the communicator slung across his shoulder.

"Comrade Kalbushin," Guo Shouyun said with a grin after watching Kalbushin's performance, "Don't be busy, I don't want to go to the hospital right now, I'm going to make this episode as planned. The road is over."

"Let's go?!" This is what Calbusin is afraid of now, he crouched down beside Guo Shouyun, frowned and said, "I said, Mr. Guo, your courage is admirable, but your thoughts really make me No compliments. Now the situation is already obvious, someone in Moscow is going to attack you, haven't you learned the lesson from the shot just now? This time is fortunate, if it happens again, it may be what will happen What's more, you are injured now and need proper treatment urgently, so I think it's over this time, let's stop there."

"This is the end? Can I stop here now?" To be honest, Guo Shouyun also thought about this, the scene of being shot just now made him almost go to hell, especially now that the wound on his arm is even more painful It's terrible, although the medics injected him with anesthesia, it is estimated that it will take a while for it to take effect. But as he himself said, he can't back down now, he made too much movement in advance, and this shooting obviously pushed him to a more focused position, look at the records around the street, that A gunshot startled the onlookers, but

Scare them away, look at their eagerness to try, and believe that if they did, they would have pounced on them long ago.

Under this circumstance, if Guo Shouyun ended this street walk with a demonstrative nature, it would be a trivial matter to lose face, and his personal prestige would probably be in vain. Originally, he swore that he was fearless before, but now he was only shot, and the wound was only in the arm, and the man shrank completely. I am afraid this incident will become the laughing stock of everyone in the future. Although Guo Shouyun has joined the Soviet Union now, he is always a Chinese from the root. Therefore, he also has the problem that life and death of Chinese people are small and face is big.

Having said that, in addition to the consideration of face, Guo Shouyun also thought of Nina, the only woman who has made him feel a little concerned so far, and now I am afraid he also knows about his injury. If he insists on completing this section of the road under the circumstances, then his image in Nina's heart should change. And Mr. Xie Miao, will he also have a change in his perception?

How to impress Nina, let her change her opinion of herself, and how to solve the disgust of Xie Miao, these two problems have always plagued Guo Shouyun. Now this shooting incident has obviously given him such an opportunity. Thinking about it, if she walks down this journey with an injury, at least Nina should be moved, right?

Guo Shouyun is worthy of being a profiteer with sores on the top of his head and pus from the bottom of his feet. No matter what he does, he pays attention to using it. No matter what decision he makes, he must first evaluate the pros and cons. Even if he is dealing with his own gunshot wound, he must make good use of it. Now, with such a fiancé as him, Nina didn't know if she was lucky or unfortunate. But from another angle, it seems that Nina should really feel lucky, because in this world, besides her, Guo Shouyun seems to have never spent so much time on any woman, Larisa, Nikita, Shanariva, these three women have a close relationship with Guo Shouyun, but no matter what time or what he does, Guo Shouyun never considers their feelings. In his eyes, women seem to be one thing. Ornament or a tool, it is too difficult for him to spend time on a jewelry or tool. Looking back, how would they feel if Guo Shouyun did this scene today for any of Larissa's three daughters? How would they feel? There is no doubt that these three women will be happily unable to find the North. And now Guo Shouyun didn't expect Nina to be happy and couldn't find Bei at all. He only hoped that this woman would give him an understanding, and then honestly return to him and be his wife. Is this a high requirement? Not high at all, right? At least Guo Shouyun didn't think it was high. He felt that if Nina couldn't be moved under such circumstances, he would be too wronged.

The wound on the arm was quickly bandaged by the medics, and while sitting on the ground, the anesthetic injected into the periphery of the wound also had an effect. Apart from a burning sensation, the pain disappeared temporarily.

"My General Kalbuzin," he gestured to the bodyguards surrounding him to help him up, Guo Shouyun leaned on the car door, took a deep breath and said, "For the sake of doing this, I have no way out. , I have to finish this journey, even if it's just a show, I have to let everyone understand that I, Guo Shouyun, will do what I say."

Putting his arm around Calbusin's shoulder, Guo Shouyun glanced in the direction of the residential building, and at the same time lowered his voice and continued: "The guy who shot and wounded me, try to make it alive for me, and find out who it is. The mastermind behind me, I can't take anything in vain with this shot, isn't it a killer? I..."

When Guo Shouyun said this, he suddenly stopped. He frowned for a moment and pondered, then turned to look at Victor, who was following him with a worried face, and seemed to have an epiphany in a trance.

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun said in a deep voice, putting down his arm around Calbusin's shoulder, "you can discuss this matter with my old father-in-law. As for now, hehe, you should stay with me first. This last ride is over."

"Mr. Guo Erbusin seems to want to say more.

"Don't persuade me, I know what I'm doing," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said in an unquestionable tone before waiting for the other party to finish speaking, "I think many people are waiting to see my good show. Well, if they get their wish, then I'm not Guo Shouyun. You send someone to inform the TASS news agency's Hall, and tell her that I'll be interviewed by her about today's shooting incident."

After saying this, Guo Shouyun took Victor and walked out of the crowd.


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