Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 105: assassinate

?Victor, it seems that your son-in-law is not simple." In the hall of a villa on the Sko River on the outskirts of Moscow, a short, thin, wrinkled old man, about sixty or seventy years old, was sitting in the hall. Opposite the indifferent Victor, he said with a smile, "Calm, wise, and unique. What's especially commendable is that his temperament seems to be quite upright, one says one, another says two, hehe, I like him very much. . qβ5,"

"Hehe, Shouyun is a good boy, but he is honest, hehe, Sobchak, you are the first." Victor turned his eyes from the TV and glanced at the old man across from him. There was a rare smile on the always indifferent face, "In my opinion, among the young people around us, no one is more cunning than this guy."

"Cunning is not always a bad thing, and honesty is not always a good thing," the old man leaning in front of the far window with a glass of red wine in his hand said without looking back, "the most The key point is that this kind of cunning or honesty will be used where and against whom. I remember that before Comrade Suslov died ten years ago, he once said that most of the comrades in our party They were too naive. They were blinded by the superficial achievements in party building over the past few decades, so they could not be sensitively aware that some cunning enemies and careerists had already infiltrated our ranks. At that time, most people were I think his statement is too alarmist, but now it seems that Comrade Suslov's vision is the most accurate. Honest, hum, Comrade Kulakov, Comrade Andropov. And Gromy Comrade Ke is very upright, but they are upright, but they sent a culprit that destroyed our party to the post of general secretary, if it weren't for their uprightness, we might..."

"My comrade Zyuganov, don't mention the past." The old man didn't finish his words. Victor waved his hand and said helplessly, "Since the reality has come to this point, it is meaningless to go back and complain about 'how it used to be'. Let's look forward. I think that we have the overall situation in full control, what they will do next, and how we should go in detail, it is time to take a good account of it.”

"There is nothing to calculate about this issue," Zyuganov said after drinking the red wine in the glass and placing it on the windowsill beside him. "These clowns jumping up and down are exactly the representatives of the political circles derived from the shadow economy. I raised their questions at the party congress six years ago. As early as a few years ago, they were no longer satisfied with the original space for activities, so they used the pretext of pursuing democracy and advocating freedom to obtain the political power they needed. Today, although these people have the state power on the surface, but They will never feel secure, they will think. With only a change in the political system without a concerted change in the economic base, their regime will not have a solid foundation. So, if I expect it right, what they will do next is Desperately piece together the so-called privatization, selling state property at a low price. In the shortest possible time, to create a private class that they want to see and can support them. In other words, in the nearest period of time , the first plan they want to implement should be economic reform, and it will be a comprehensive economic reform that will bring disaster to this country, and they will definitely use any means and any cost to create a private class."

"I agree with Zyuganov," Sobchak replied after thinking for a moment, "Now all these people can rely on is the enthusiasm of the people after they have been deceived, and the American behind the scenes. Yes. But American banks are not a bag of money that can be drawn indefinitely. The reason why they were willing to spend a lot of money to fill the hole in the past was because they had the purpose of subverting our regime. Now our regime has collapsed, and the Americans The goal has been achieved, and in the next step, it will not be easy for the radicals to get a penny from them. Similarly, the enthusiasm of the people cannot be maintained indefinitely. When the dust settles , the so-called 'democracy' lies of the radicals will eventually be exposed. In this case, if the radicals want to continue to hold power, they will inevitably need to create a wealthy private class and use their support to maintain their power. ."

Walking from the window back to the sand in the middle of the living room, Zyuganov bent down and picked up the cigarette case from the low table, took out a finger and put it between his fingers, and then pointed with the hand holding the cigarette. Guo Shouyun, who had just stepped on Heping Street on TV, said: "So, Victor, your son-in-law is now one of our hands.

Our group of old guys has been busy preparing for more than two years, and now there are dozens of young people. But look at it now, among all these young people, only this kid is the most successful. His spirituality is innate and rare. Of course, if it were a few years ago, people like him would have I sent him to the execution ground for the first time, but now... I'm really worried that old General Xie Miao will be impatient and kill him with one shot. In that case, the future Far East will inevitably fall into the hands of those jumping clowns. "

"Don't worry, I can't understand the old man's temperament," Victor said indifferently, "Shouyun did a good job of cashing in at the airport just now. I think his words, if the old man hears them, It will definitely have a certain effect. As for the next step, um, the next step depends on how his willpower is. If he can make it through the road of Heping Street, I believe there will be no problem with the old man. already."

"Well," Sobchak seemed to have any concerns, he frowned and said, "Then the person you arranged is not guaranteed insurance? Although this bitter tactic works well, it is easy to go wrong, if you are a little careless. , that would probably be self-defeating.”

"When did my plan go wrong?" Victor was still indifferent, he fiddled with his fingers and said casually, "What I am worried about now is that Shouyun is not calm enough, if he chooses to back down when it comes to the end. , then I have nothing to do."

Sobchak and Zyuganov looked at each other, they nodded in unison, and then turned their eyes to the TV screen together.

At this time, Guo Shouyun had already walked to the intersection of Heping Street and Huayuan Ring Road under the **** of a group of bodyguards and military police. According to the pre-arranged itinerary, he would turn left here, set foot on the Huayuan Ring Road, and then go straight west. Enter the second suburban block. In general, he has already walked more than half of the distance. If there is no accident, he will be able to reach his destination in half an hour.

"My comrade Viktor, is there really no problem with your arrangement?" Zyuganov finally couldn't help but ask again, staring at the constantly shaking picture on the screen.

"It's too late to change if there is a problem, now..." After glancing at Zyuganov, Victor said lightly. Just when he said half a sentence, the picture on the screen suddenly trembled violently, and at the same time, the harsh screams mixed with the fierce gunshots and burst out from the TV.

"The plan has now begun." Staring at the chaotic picture on the TV, Victor said the second half of his sentence.

Although careful precautions were taken in advance, the "Alpha" special operations forces were almost all elites, and a lot of vigilance was placed in the block where Guo Shouyun was traveling, but the expected assassination was still alive.

The location chosen for the assassination was at the intersection of Heping Street and Garden Ring Road, and the sniping point was the fourth floor of a residential building facing the street. From the shooting point to the position of Guo Shouyun, there is about a distance of 400 meters. To be honest, the shooting distance of 400 meters is not very far, but since the best shooting point has long been occupied by the "Alpha" soldiers, the assassination chose this one. The shooting point is not very good from an angle. And this obviously affects his assassination effect.

At the moment when the gunshots sounded, Calbusin's mind went blank. He watched Guo Shouyun being shot and fell to the ground in front of him, and it took a long while before he reacted. Fortunately, the soldiers who followed around and the bodyguards selected by Shanariva were well-trained. They grabbed Guo Shouyun's side immediately, and used their bodies to form a wall to separate Guo Shouyun and him. Victor, who was beside him, was firmly in the circle.

The sound of the gunfire caused panic among the onlookers on both sides of the street. Almost instantly, those who welcomed them were no longer welcome, and those who cursed were no longer willing to open their mouths. Everyone was doing one thing subconsciously—running for their lives. The fleeing crowds brought chaos to the order at the scene. Under such circumstances, the Alpha soldiers in charge of the security work had no choice but to shoot back at the sniper point while looking for an opportunity to enter the residential building.

For a while, gunshots erupted throughout the intersection, and the scene was out of control. In the crowd of fleeing people, Guo Shouyun, who was shot and fell to the ground, was surrounded by a group of soldiers and moved to a military vehicle with his back to the residential building.

"Medic! Where is the **** medic?!" It was almost at this time that Kalbushin regained his senses.

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