Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 100: Snow Mountain Flying Fox

?Accompanied by two guards, Sun Muqing walked into her daughter's den in the south of Harbin. Sun Hongyu was naked, curled up and lying in the sand, watching the martial arts drama on TV. . w

Seeing her father walk into her room, Sun Hongyu just glanced at it lightly, and then turned her attention back to the TV, as if the person who entered the room had nothing to do with her.

In fact, it is no wonder that Sun Hongyu is so indifferent. It has been more than a month, and for more than a month, she has been imprisoned by her father in this small house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, and even went to the yard to breathe the fresh air. has become a luxury. For more than a month, the only way she could communicate with the outside world was the TV in her room.

Sun Muqing's temper was exceptionally good today, and he didn't mind his daughter's indifferent behavior.

Waving to the two guards to stay at the door, Sun Muqing walked slowly to his daughter's side and sat down. He followed the example of Sun Hongyu and watched TV with gusto.

What is playing on TV is the most popular martial arts drama "Flying Fox in Snow Mountain", and the current episode is that Cheng Lingsu, played by Gong Ci'en, is treating injuries to Hu Fei, played by Meng Fei. "My master said that there is no cure for these three kinds of poisons, because he only said that there is no doctor in the world, and he is willing to save his own life to save the patient." said faintly.

"Cough!" Sun Muqing finally couldn't bear the torment of this kind of love, he coughed forcefully, stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose, and said. "Xiaoyu, you..."

"Don't talk, didn't you see that the performance is touching?" Sun Hongyu kicked his old father's waist lightly, and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Oh?" Sun Muqing slumped. The wrinkled old face flushed slightly.

The two guards standing at the door of the room had been following Sun Muqing for several years, and the old general looked shriveled. It was the first time they saw it. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so they could only stand there and hold back, the expressions on their faces seemed rather strange for a while.

It doesn't matter if you are shriveled. Today, the old general has patience, not to mention that he is asking for others today. Although it is said that the person you seek is her own daughter, it is still necessary to have a correct attitude and patience.

"Cough cough!" He coughed again. Sun Muqing moved his body to his daughter's side, and then waited for the episode on the TV to come to an end before saying, "Xiaoyu."

"What are you doing?" Sun Hongyu asked without raising his eyelids.

"Oh, that's what. How's the situation in your company recently?" The old general said with a smile.

"I don't know," Sun Hongyu said angrily, "You didn't even let me out. The phone was also removed. It's been more than a month, and I don't know what the outside world is like, let alone mine. What company."

"What's the matter? You won't be allowed to go out? You even took the phone off?" Sun Muqing stared at him and pretended to be shocked, "When did this happen?"

With a contemptuous glance at the old father, Sun Hongyu turned his head angrily.

"You two," Sun Muqing pointed at the two guards in front of the door and said loudly, turning a blind eye to the contempt in his daughter's eyes, "Go and call Wang Weiguo in for me, this guy who has more than enough success, I just want to Let Xiaoyu rest here for a while, who asked him to make so many little tricks for me? Illegal imprisonment, and even withdrawing the phone, I think he is going against the sky. If I don't clean him up today, tomorrow he will Not yet..."

"Okay, you," Sun Hongyu finally turned her head again, she couldn't stand her old father's pretense any longer, "Tell me, what are you doing today, is there something you asked me for, so you plan to let me out? already?"

"Look, you child, what did you say?" Sun Muqing frowned and said with great dissatisfaction, "However I say, it is also your father, do I have to bring something to see you as a father? purpose?"

"Don't talk about pulling it down, I don't have the time to put ink on it for you," pouted, Sun Hongyu straightened up and stood up from the sand with bare feet, "You sit here by yourself, I'm going to bed, don't Stop bothering me again."

"Come back!" Seeing that Sun Hongyu was really about to leave, Sun Muqing finally gave up his pockets. He grabbed his daughter's wrist and dragged her to sit on the sand again.

"No big or small girl, I really hurt you in vain before." He took out a folded document from the pocket of his military uniform, unfolded it and handed it to his daughter, Sun Muqing said angrily, "Look at this, it's over. I'll tell you more about it later."

"What is this?" Sun Hongyu took the document and glanced at it. I saw the page title position of the document, printed with a line of red font in Chinese characters - "For internal circulation only, no copying or copying is allowed, and it is strictly forbidden to disclose it to unrelated persons." Below the title, there is a full page of the National Security Agency Confidentiality The terms, among other things, have a blood-red Security Agency seal.

"There is

Forget it," Sun Muqing said with a solemn expression on his face as his daughter flipped over the first page of the document, "Given that the current situation in the Soviet Union is beginning to ease, several Northeast trade ports that were closed some time ago will be reopened in the near future. . At the same time, the above also intends to establish a 'Northern COSCO International Group' completely controlled by the state, and now it is tentatively scheduled to be established in Harbin, and the main trade target is the Far East of the Soviet Union..."

"The situation in the Soviet Union tends to ease?" Sun Hongyu smiled lightly, and threw the document that he had only read a little back to his father, and said, "Why didn't I see any signs of easing the situation over there? Not only is there no sign of easing, And it seems to be even more chaotic. What's more, what does these things have to do with me? Like you said, this group is controlled by the state, so is it possible to arrange a position for me? "

"Xiaoyu, you guessed right," Sun Muqing didn't mind his daughter's indifference, he smiled, "This, since you are familiar with the situation in the Far East, so after the establishment of this group, the meaning of the above is that It's up to you to be the general manager and do your best..."

"Don't fool me," Sun Hongyu said dismissively after his father finished speaking, "'Given that I am familiar with the situation in the Far East?' There are people who are familiar with the situation in the Far East, so why choose Fuck an incompetent woman like me? Just tell me honestly, is it because Shouyun succeeded, that's why you guys made your mind up on me, hoping that you can rely on the friendship between me and him before, what is this? What group is going to the Far East?"

"Xiaoyu!" Sun Muqing frowned, he was not impressed by his daughter's emotional dialogue, "I know that I still have emotions about what happened some time ago, but as my daughter, you must always remember your own position."

"Stance, hehe, stance," Sun Hongyu shrugged and smiled, "Okay, I know what my stance should be. Now that you have plans to reopen border trade, I think Lai Shouyun should have completely controlled the Far East. The situation. Tell me, how is he now? During this period of time, you have completely cut off my contact with the outside world. I don't know what his current situation is. Since I want to deal with him again now, I will deal with him in advance. A certain understanding is always necessary, isn't it?"

"What's he doing now?" Sun Muqing felt a bit of a headache. To be honest, he couldn't understand how a young man like Guo Shouyun who had not grown his hair could be in Lao Maozi's territory in such a short period of time. such a great achievement. When this young man was first brought into the attention of the security bureau, he was only a smuggler who made a big move. The reason why the security department did not touch him at that time was entirely because Sun Hongyu was involved. Therefore, the security department put this When this matter is suppressed, it is equivalent to selling their Sun brothers a face. But after a very short period of time, this problem has undergone a qualitative change. This young man surnamed Guo actually dragged a series of senior government officials, army generals and even the head of the security committee from Lao Maozi's Far East. , all pulled into the water, like a conjuration, and established a large-scale interest network in the Far East. This change made the security department no longer dare to cover up Guo Shouyun's problem. Subsequently, this young man became a focus of attention. At that time, Beijing even had a special countermeasure team working quietly. , the main work is to study the young man's every move in order to analyze his potential and the various problems that may arise in the future. However, just over a month ago, this young man managed to intervene in Moscow and fell into the vortex of the Soviet regime struggle, and the direction he chose was more inclined to the traditional faction. The so-called fans of the authorities can be seen from the sidelines. As for the Soviet traditionalists, few people in the world believe that they can win this power struggle. Therefore, to be on the safe side, Beijing will definitely give up Guo Shouyun, or at least make a clear distinction with him. limit. This is a major issue concerning national interests, and it can be said that it cannot be ignored in the slightest. Later, the Soviet traditionalists suddenly stood up in an unprecedentedly powerful stance and staged a coup d'état. Their strength was so powerful that they could drive the originally favored radical forces into the abyss almost overnight. This sudden change has surprised the so-called experts on the Soviet Union in China. What is even more surprising is that Guo Shouyun, a young man, has changed his direction at this time, and he has discarded the traditional close relationship. faction, and in turn backed the radicals with great fanfare.

Two days, just two days, with Guo Shouyun's change in the wind, the Emergency Committee, which was originally destined to succeed in the mouths of those experts on the Soviet Union, was smashed into the abyss by a series of counterattacks by the radicals. The young man surnamed Guo once again used indisputable facts to prove to everyone his keen political sense.

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