Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 99: Undercurrent

After working hard for three more days, Guo Shouyun slept quite comfortably. He started sleeping after 10% and Dongting got on the phone, and didn't open his eyes until 4:00 the next morning. To be honest, if he didn't think about it As for Moscow, he has no plans to get up at this time. , qв5.

Guo Shouyun's idea of ​​going to Moscow this time was originally quite firm, but yesterday's conversation between Tong Shoucheng and Dongting made his firmness even stronger. After so long, Dongting has rarely supported him in one matter. , And although Shoucheng didn't talk much on the phone, Guo Shouyun could tell that his younger brother was also very in favor of his decision.

To be honest, the conversation with Nina on the phone gave Guo Shouyun a great shock. He knew that there were not many people around him who could be trusted and who could say a few intimate words. People, so everyone like this is worth cherishing, especially Nina. There are still three stakes in a fence, and he is a big man. If he doesn't even have a real confidant around him in the end, what this man did... would be a failure.

Originally, according to Guo Shouyun's guess, if he wanted to go to Moscow smoothly today, he would have to spend more time with the three daughters of Sanariva and the generals of the Far East Military Region. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, he always came together. Hanging a face, the whole person's expression is gloomy, obviously an idle person avoids approaching. However, Guo Shouyun was somewhat surprised that after he got up, no one objected to him going to Moscow. Not only that, Nikita even packed his luggage for him, while Shanariva had six accompanying bodyguards specially for him, and the helicopter to Birobidzhan military airport was also ready. Victor even changed into a beautiful new dress, all of which were prepared so well, just waiting for him to finally come out.

But what Guo Shouyun saw was only superficial after all. Just as he was enjoying his sleep comfortably, almost the entire Far East was moving. There is also an undercurrent surging across Moscow.

From yesterday afternoon until this early morning, Bisef, the commander of the 45th Army Group, did not dare to close his eyes. The military airport located in the No. 2 military airport in the northeastern suburbs of Birobidzhan was bright all night, in order to arrange for Guo Shouyun to go there. The plane from Moscow, the general was worried for hours. According to Shanariva, this time on the way to Moscow. Guo Shouyun will face certain risks, therefore. In order to reduce the threat of interception or missile attack on the way, the military region must prepare six identical military planes, in the order of every 20 minutes, 6 continue to Moscow, and do not wait for 6 to turn in the middle. As for which train Guo Shouyun will take in the end. It must be kept strictly confidential.

This secret work is easy to do. Bisef only needs an order to mobilize the troops to seal the No. 2 military airport tightly. The real difficulty is where to find these six identical military aircraft.

There is no doubt that in order to ensure flight safety to the greatest extent, it is best not to use helicopters. In the current military area, if military helicopters are not used, then the transport aircraft are either too large or insufficient. land, or the voyage is not enough. After some consideration, Bisef finally decided to use the An-22 transport aircraft with a larger quota in the military region. Although this transport aircraft is medium in size and in size, the most important thing is that it is relatively easy to find within the military region. There are three aircraft attached to the Fifth Army Air Force, and the rest can be drawn from Vladivostok.

After finally making up his mind, Bisef immediately began to prepare, and the six An-22s were not ready until eleven o'clock at night; A series of tedious security checks - checking aircraft performance, checking safety hazards, etc., these things should not be sloppy at all, and any mistakes may lead to unforeseen disasters.

In this way, in order to prepare for Guo Shouyun's trip, poor Bisef didn't sleep all night, and his entire army headquarters did not stop all night.

And when Bisef was busy like a fire, Moscow, thousands of kilometers away, was also not calm. Of course, Moscow has never been really calm since this time.

The statement of the Far Eastern Military Region has been announced. Whether it is the Emergency Committee or the current Russian government, they all know that Tretyak has completely lost effective control over the Far Eastern Military Region. Effective control of the entire Far East. Look at it, with the announcement of Ryomenko, the entire Far East, including the state governments, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Security Committee, have all issued their own statements one after another, and these statements are surprisingly consistent in tone. The army, the government, the police agency, and the spy agency, these four agencies are independent of each other, and usually do not have much overlap, but they are in the same time and in the same area.

A question raises the exact same position, and if there is no manipulation behind it, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Now, this powerful man who is manipulating the entire Far East behind his back is coming to Moscow. How to receive him has become a problem that all forces in Moscow have to consider carefully.

"To make Shouyun come to Moscow to seek a peaceful solution to the coup d'état is a stinky move!" After getting the news that Larisa came from Kortolov, he hid in his villa on the outskirts of Moscow. Victor was instantly furious. In this old fox's impression, Sanariva's three-step plan seemed to be the most mentally handicapped step. According to him, making a moment for Guo Shouyun's visit to Moscow would not increase the safety factor of his trip. On the contrary , which can only add another crisis to him and an enemy.

Politics is the most filthy thing, and often a single act of inadvertently can bring a huge disaster that a person cannot bear. Victor has studied this deeply.

Originally, Guo Shouyun could be said to have only one enemy in Moscow, and that was the Emergency Committee that staged the coup d’etat, and the Ye clique, which controlled the Russian government, was obviously a comrade-in-arms in the same trench as Guo Shouyun. With more public opinion advantages, Mr. Ye definitely wouldn't expect Guo Shouyun to have any accident at this time. Therefore, if Guo Shouyun comes to Moscow silently, he only needs to beware of the Emergency Committee.

Now, this move to build momentum has obviously added too many unstable factors to this situation. According to the direction of public opinion attracted by this campaign, Guo Shouyun came to Moscow to seek an opportunity to peacefully resolve the coup incident. Obviously, this caters to the aspirations of most people in the Soviet Union. At the same time, it naturally makes Guo Shouyun the focus of public attention. But at this time, a bigger problem arose. He Guo Shouyun pursues peace as a businessman, and the Ye Group is also pursuing peace as a politician. This makes everyone look at them as comrades-in-arms, cooperation, and should be supported by the people. If Guo Shouyun suffered misfortune in Moscow at this time, the public's doubts would definitely focus on the Emergency Committee. As for whether the Ye clan would plan a murder behind their backs and kill their comrades, I am afraid no one will will consider.

This is a kind of inertia of thinking, which most people will follow. Politicians often use this kind of inertia to manipulate public opinion and people's hearts. Therefore, Victor can be sure that there is definitely someone within the Ye Group who is planning to attack Guo Shouyun, because once he dies in Moscow, the Ye Group will be the biggest beneficiary. On the one hand, they can attack the Emergency Committee again through public opinion, and on the other hand, they can eliminate a local power in the Far East in the future. This kind of killing two birds with one stone is enough to make any politician take risks.

Stupid, woman's opinion, Victor almost used all the derogatory terms on a few women, he really couldn't understand, how could these women come up with such a bad idea, With that Liao Menko, who was about to be promoted to the commander of the Far East Military Region, he didn't even understand these things. Well now, Guo Shouyun's trip to Moscow has not yet begun, and a more powerful enemy has quietly been erected.

Annoyed, Victor even considered letting go of Guo Shouyun's affairs, but this thought was fleeting, and he couldn't stop now. Those people in the Far East now regarded Guo Shouyun as their backbone, and Victor had nothing to do with it. Isn't that so? To put it bluntly, Guo Shouyun is now a trump card in his hand. Whether he can successfully enter the political arena and win a place in the future depends entirely on whether this trump card can play a role. Don't think that Victor's enemies are only Ye's group, or only the Emergency Committee. There are also intrigue battles within their group. For Victor, with Guo Shouyun around, he can take the initiative in the Far East. If he wants to run for election, he doesn't have to worry about the Far East's votes, and this can also enable him to occupy a very important position within the "gang". Location. If Guo Shouyun is lost, there is no doubt that he will have nothing, and he may even lose his voice within the "gang".

Therefore, even from the perspective of his own interests, Victor would never allow Guo Shouyun to have any problems at this time.

It is also out of this consideration that Viktor also stayed up all night that night. This long-sleeved and danceable old fox was so real that he even exposed his team to the Kantemirovka Guards Tank Division that entered Moscow. The division commander, General Boronowski, and the "Alpha" special forces commander, General Karbusin, were recruited to the villa. He wanted to ensure Guo Shouyun's absolute safety during his stay in Moscow.

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