Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 85: expensive caviar

? Having said this again, opportunities are always bred in crises. In this case, there are often as many opportunities as there are crises. Otherwise, there is an idiom like "Whether it is extremely peaceful".

Guo Shouyun pondered that if he really joined Viktor's plan and successfully planned this mutiny to seize power in the Far East Military Region, then there is no doubt that when the coup crisis passed, all the generals who participated in the mutiny would receive Ye's help. Reuse, and his status as a mutiny man will naturally rise with water. At that time, his identity in the Far East Military Region will no longer be a mere investor, and he will become a truly influential decision-making behind the top of the military region. Not only that, but if he joins Viktor in this adventurous plan, there will be a large amount of Bolshevik party assets waiting for him.

One is the huge risk of losing his life, and the other is the huge temptation to win both power and wealth. In the face of such a difficult choice, what kind of choice will Guo Shouyun make?

Facing Guo Shouyun, who frowned and said nothing, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of Victor's mouth. He believes that his shrewd son-in-law must understand what he means. The reason why this young man is silent now is that he is thinking about a question of where to go.

"After all, I'm still too young, I need to hone for a while." Holding the thick cigar with two fingers, Victor let out a puff of light blue smoke leisurely, but thought indifferently in his heart.

Indeed, Guo Shouyun had no choice at this time. From the moment he boarded the plane in Khabarovsk, this cooperation was officially opened. Either he honestly joins the project, or he never wants to go back to the Far East. In such a chaotic situation, a military helicopter suddenly crashed, and no one should pursue it too much.

"Comrade Viktor," Prakhonov pushed the door and walked in just as Guo Shouyun was still thinking. He stood in front of the door and said, "Mr. Guo's lunch is ready. Do you need to bring it in?"

"Well, bring it in, bring it in," Victor put on his kind smile in an instant, pointed at the Egyptian table in the sand, and said repeatedly. "Just leave it there."

Plakhonov was stunned when he heard the words, he knew that Victor was very concerned about etiquette. He never allowed anyone to eat while talking to him, not even Yakov, his son. Now... Could it be that he really took a high look at this son-in-law surnamed Guo Di?

Although he was full of doubts, Prakhonov didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and waved to the slender girls who were following him. In an instant. These beautifully dressed girls, like flying butterflies, walked into the living room in an orderly manner. A sumptuous lunch was placed on the low table in front of Guo Shouyun.

"So rich?" Putting aside the clumps of thoughts in his head, Guo Shouyun smiled, picked up the knife and fork in front of him, staggered them for a while, and said, "Comrade Prakhonov is so polite. ."

"That's what I should do," Plakhonov laughed.

"Okay, there's nothing for you here, let's all go out," Victor said, gesturing to Prakhonov and the maids.

"Yes, Comrade Viktor," Prakhonov replied respectfully, and then walked out of the door with several maids.

"Hey, this belated lunch is a sumptuous one, but at this time, I don't know where to start." After Prakhonov and the others disappeared outside the door, Guo Shouyun held a knife and fork, intending to With a pointed frown, he said, "Would you like to give me some pointers?"

"Hehe," Victor chuckled twice, he walked slowly to the low table, pointed to a plate of caviar placed in the center of the table, and said, "It's often this caviar, this is the one I just got from Aspen. Trakhan got the freshest caviar this year. Look, these plump fish eggs are of equal size, black and bright in color, and they don’t stick together. They are definitely the best of the best.”

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun glanced at his old father-in-law, the old man seemed to be talking with great interest, looking at him like that, it was as if this caviar had a lot to talk about. Could it be that the old man is talking nonsense? Guo Shouyun didn't think about it that way. He believed that his old father-in-law was playing that kind of language detour again.

Gently spread a little sauce with the fork in his hand and tasted it in his mouth, Guo Shouyun said aftertaste: "Well, it's really good, very fresh, the taste is fresh and not fishy, ​​pure and not greasy, it can be called the top grade. top quality."

"Hehe, in our country, I am afraid that only Astrakhan's caviar is the real top grade." Sitting on the sand, Victor put the cigar in his hand on the edge of the table, and then stroked chin, while saying, "Do you know why?"

"I really don't know that," Guo Shouyun said with seeming interest.

"Actually, the process of making caviar is almost the same no matter where it is," Victor said with great interest, "the production worker must first dig out the caviar sac from the fish cavity, and carefully separate the caviar from the adhering tissue. After rinsing, add an appropriate amount of fine-grained salt to marinate. Hey,

There is a very important link, that is to add salt. Salt is a good thing. The stickiness of the roe does not make the roe re-bond together. At the same time, it can also keep fresh and prevent these roes from breaking out of the tissue. Roe spoiled. Well, the production process of this caviar is probably the same. As for why Astrakhan’s caviar is the best, it’s actually very simple, because Astrakhan has a very special geographical location. It is located in the inner periphery of the Volga estuary delta. During the flood season, a large part of the fish that go up to the inland river of the Volga River to spawn will come here, because it deviates from the tide in the middle and lower reaches of the Volga River. best choice. "

Speaking of which, if Guo Shouyun still doesn't understand Victor's intention, then he is too stupid. Obviously, the old man used the caviar on the table to make a metaphor. In his allusion, Astra The Volga Estuary Delta in Khan actually refers to the Far East, which is far from the cusp of the storm and is a relatively calm place. The tidal flood season obviously refers to the upcoming coup d'état. Once the coup d'état explodes, a large number of "fish" will flee from the deep "outer sea" into the "river", making waves. For a sauce maker like Guo Shouyun, this is the best time to make top-grade caviar for huge profits. The arrival of the flood season means that the fish will lay eggs, and in this matter, that is, the period when the roes in their bodies are the most mature, there is no doubt that the mature roes are unstable, and they all seek to break away from the mother body and build Self, and at this time, as long as the sauce maker adds some external force, they can easily peel them out from the fish, break them up one by one, and then use "fine-grained salt" as a tool. These roes are harvested for their own use, resulting in a fine caviar.

Guo Shouyun is very clear about what fish refers to, what roe refers to, and what salt refers to, and he has to admit that according to Victor's metaphor, the process of making caviar is indeed promising.

As Victor said, "salt" is a good thing, and it is a good thing that everyone likes and can't live without. After working hard in the Far East for several months, Guo Shouyun has mastered a large amount of "table salt", so he is confident enough to allocate enough "table salt" to use when the flood season comes. But the problem now is that he, a sauce maker, has great ambitions. He not only wants to make top-quality caviar, but also wants to get more "salt" for emergencies. Therefore, he needs those Customers who try to order "caviar" from him pay more.

"Your old explanation is quite interesting. It's the first time I know that there are so many ways to make such a caviar," Guo Shouyun fiddled with the knife and fork in his hand, hehe said with a smile, "But it's just me. As far as I know, due to the predicament of the domestic market during this period, the price of fine salt seems to fluctuate greatly, and this means that the cost of making sauce will increase. Hey, I wonder if there will be some unruly sauce making workers. , will play one or two tricks of cutting corners, such as replacing refined fine salt with coarse salt, or even crystal salt without **** extraction, so that we may not be able to eat good caviar."

"Hahaha..." Victor burst out laughing, he patted his thigh lightly, and laughed, "Shouyun, you are thinking too much, you must know that Astrakhan has a total of twelve There are caviar factories, and these factories are all state-owned industries. Every raw material they need to make sauce is provided by a special organization. Therefore, no matter how bad the domestic situation is, this is provided according to quality and quantity. There will never be a shortage of refined salt."

Victor said, suddenly stood up from the sand, he quickly walked to the hanger in the corner of the living room, took out a paper envelope from a uniform hanging on the hanger, then walked back to Guo Shouyun, and handed the envelope to Guo Shouyun. In his hands, he said with a smile: "Look, if you manage a caviar factory and face such a complete logistical guarantee, would you still worry about the problem of salt?"

Guo Shouyun understood, he opened the envelope, took out the thick stack of bills, and after examining it carefully, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"If these guarantees are given, then I naturally won't worry about the problem of salt," Guo Shouyun put the envelope in his pocket and said with a wink, "But having said that, isn't anyone worried that a certain sauce maker will Fill your own pockets with..."

He waved his hand to interrupt Guo Shouyun's words, Victor narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: "Shouyun, I know what you are going to say, some people will naturally worry about things like these, but I don't think so. It's fun to do it for a while, but the price to pay later is something that no one can afford. With your smart mind, can't you still see the stakes here?"

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