Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Weng's son-in-law conspiracy

There was only Victor in the big living room. When Guo Shouyun broke into the door, he sat on the sand and looked down at the newspaper. The powerful old man was obviously very unhappy that someone broke in without knocking on the door. With an angry look on his face, he raised his head sharply. , qb5, c0m

"Ah, this place is really nice," Guo Shouyun said with a smile while looking around, ignoring the old man's stinky face, stepping on the soft carpet under his feet, "The last time I went to Moscow, Yakov and I I also passed by this Yekaterinburg, but he didn't talk to me about this good place, otherwise, I would come and stay for a while."

"Shouyun," Viktor couldn't help but recognize the young Chinese man in front of him. The anger on his face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a kindness that was enough to make anyone feel close.

"Why did you do it so quickly? I thought you'd be two hours late." He closed the newspaper on his lap and threw it aside. He smiled and said, "Come, come and sit, what would you like to drink, tea or coffee?"

"Let's have a cup of tea," Guo Shouyun walked unhurriedly to the front of the sand, turned his head to look at Prakhonov, who was standing in front of the door, and said, "Put a little sugar, not too much. Oh, and , it's better to prepare some food for me. Hey, when I received your old invitation, I hurried over before I even had time to make the necessary preparations. No, not only did I not care about giving you a meeting gift , I haven't eaten this lunch yet."

"It's all a family, there's not that much attention to it," Victor smiled, and the corners of his two narrowed eyes were full of creases. "I want something to eat. I'll send Prakhonov to prepare it for you."

"Whatever you want, as long as you can fill your stomach." Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said carelessly.

Victor nodded, then winked at Prakhonov, who was standing at the door. The young colonel understood. Turn around and go out the door.

"Keep the clouds," waited until Prakhonov's figure disappeared outside the door. Victor rubbed the corners of his wrinkled eyes with his hands and sighed, "This is the first time we two meet, right? I heard that Nina's sweetheart is a young and handsome Chinese guy. I have always wanted to meet, but this is the job. There are too many things going on here, hey. I don’t even care about attending your wedding with Nina. What’s the matter, I don’t have a grudge against my irresponsible old father-in-law, right?”

"Hey, what's there to hate," Guo Shouyun raised Erlang's legs and tapped lightly on his knees with two fingers. Hehe smiled and said, "Your old man was busy with Nina's engagement. I heard that you were in Leningrad, and the situation is not very peaceful at this time, and you have been doing such a tiring job. Hehe, I understandable, understandable.”

"That's good, that's good," Victor said with an open-minded look, "If only Nina could be as open as you are, this child, hey, let's not talk about it."

"It's best not to say it," Guo Shouyun said in his heart. The only thing he cares about now is Victor's so-called cooperation. As for the relationship between him and Nina, Guo Shouyun has no intention to pay attention to it. However, this old man obviously likes to whet his appetite. He talks about gossip, but he just doesn't lead the topic on the right track.

"Shouyun, how is the situation in the Far East recently?" After chatting for a while, Victor finally brought the topic to the issue of the Far East. He half-squinted his eyes and said absentmindedly, "I heard that General Tretyak has imposed martial law over there for more than half a month. The atmosphere in the Far Eastern states is very tense. Your business has not been affected in any way, right?"

"What, it sounds like this old fox is very dissatisfied with Tretyak," Guo Shouyun's heart trembled, he heard what Victor's words seemed to imply. Originally, the martial law in the Far East was not the intention of Tretyak alone. It was the decision of the top Soviet leaders. The Ministry of Defense, the Security Committee, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were all involved. Otherwise, how could Yakov be honest? Follow the command of the Far East Military Region? And Viktor, as the director of the Second General Directorate of the Security Committee, is also Yakov's father. How could he be ignorant of these things?

"Hey, martial law, things like this will always have a certain impact on those of us who do business." Although he was muttering in his heart, Guo Shouyun's answer was not slow at all, because he couldn't figure it out. Victor's intentions, his answer also seemed ambiguous, "But General Tretyak has taken good care of me, and there are relatively few restrictions in all aspects, so although I have some losses on my side, it is not very serious. "

"It's a loss if it's not serious," Victor still had a smile on his face, he took out the humidor on the table, took out a cigar and handed it to Guo Shouyun. It's complicated, Moscow is almost becoming a battlefield, so the stability of this place is very important. After all, those of us who engage in politics should not consider personal gains and losses first, but the interests of the people. Just like now

East, although the social order is relatively stable, some comrades have to be under martial law, and they are both the army and the police, which has made the social atmosphere in a mess and smoky, and ordinary people are worried all day long. "

"Oh? Yes, yes, yes," Guo Shouyun said with a laugh, he can now be sure that Victor must be very dissatisfied with Tretyak, but this old man is clearly a real bad guy, but now he has to show a With a dignified appearance, he put some trumped-up charges on Tretyak's head, hehe, this is a politician, a real politician.

"General Tretyak's actions during this period are indeed out of line," Guo Shouyun found out the direction, and naturally knew how to follow Victor's tone. He expressed his point of view without hesitation. Letyak stepped on his back, "You think about it, a businessman like me who can enjoy special care will inevitably suffer losses during the martial law in the Far East. , For those ordinary businessmen who cannot enjoy this kind of treatment, wouldn’t the loss be even greater? So I think, if possible, Moscow would better do some supervising work as soon as possible to end the current overly tense atmosphere in the Far East.”

"Your idea is good, but it's a little unrealistic under the current circumstances," Victor gave Guo Shouyun a compliment, and then frowned.

"Oh, I don't understand this." Guo Shouyun pretended to say, he naturally knew that this kind of thinking was unrealistic, but he couldn't say such a thing, but had to lead Victor to say it, because only then, Only then can he let the flow come to an understanding of the real purpose of Victor looking for him to meet.

"What's so hard to understand," Victor said, standing up from the sand, holding a cigar and pacing back and forth in the living room. Comrade Letyak holds the same thoughts. They cannot see the development of the situation. They are stubborn and conservative. They cling to those outdated concepts. They even naively believe that they have the army and some violent departments in their hands. They can firmly grasp the power in their hands. That's why they come up with this so-called martial law trick, hoping to suppress their political enemies and attack those who do not believe in them. Think about it, in this situation Next, how could Moscow come forward and shoot someone like Tretyak?"

"Oh, according to your old opinion, it seems that there is no way to solve this problem in the short term?" Guo Shouyun asked with understanding.

"You can't say that," Victor shook his head and said with a serious face, "There are people like General Tretyak who are selfish and can't see the situation clearly, but there are not many, but they are now With the power in their hands, those who disagree with or even resent their actions are afraid to speak up. Take the Far East as an example, where Comrade Tretyak cannot condone everyone around him. Let’s be monolithic. For example, General Bisef, he is very dissatisfied with Comrade Tretyak, and I believe there are many people like him in the Far East Military Region. If these people can unite, Coupled with a necessary incentive, it may be possible to force Comrade Tretyak to accept the majority opinion and return to the right path."

Victor's words made Guo Shouyun's heart beat faster, and the old man's meaning was already obvious. General Tretyak is a loyal follower of the Ministry of National Defense. If the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Committee launch a coup d'etat, then the No. 1 head of the Far Eastern Military Region will naturally stand on the side of the coup. You can easily grasp the situation in the Far East. Now, Victor has made it clear that he wants to divide the forces of the coup, so Tretyak's military power must be deprived, and he asked Guo Shouyun to cooperate, and his fundamental purpose should be on this point. Bring together those generals in the Far East Military Region who hold a certain amount of power and can control them, and when another "necessary incentive" appears, force Tretyak to accept the majority opinion, and listen to what Victor said. In other words, he obviously hoped that after the coup in Moscow, Guo Shouyun would also plan a mutiny against Tretyak in the Far East Military Region.

"This old fox really doesn't treat my son-in-law as his own. If this hammer deal goes well, he will give away his head." Looking at Victor's expressionless old face, Guo Shouyun felt very resentful. To deprive a military commander of the military power from the bottom up, this is definitely a job that will lose his head if he is not careful. Not to mention anything else, if the news is leaked out of secret, then the special column, who is a senior official of the frontier Diak had the right to drag out a small businessman like Guo Shouyun without trial, and no one could condemn Tretya on this charge, regardless of whether the coup in Moscow was successful or not. gram. So, this thing... it's really not easy to handle.

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