Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 80: The eve of "8.19"

When the little guy walked back to the sand in the living room and turned on the TV for her, when the Disney cartoon head appeared on the video screen, Guo Shouyun was really free. For Victor, those "" "Mice" and "ducks" obviously have great allure, at least much cuter than the humans on the street who are fiercely fighting with all kinds of weapons. . qβ5. So after just a few minutes, her attention was completely focused on the TV, and the chaos on the street outside the window had nothing to do with her.

"It would be great if everyone in this world could be as good as Victor?" Seeing the little girl's unbearable joy, and listening to her bell-like laughter from time to time, Guo Shouyun was satisfied, like As a profiteer and ambitionist like him, he naturally doesn't need to spend so much thought.


Just when Guo Shouyun was thinking about it, the door of the living room was gently pushed open from the outside, and then, Nikita was wearing a plain white short skirt suit, holding a roll of documents in his hand, smiling all over his face. came in.

"Sir, the layout of the newspaper news page for tomorrow's trip is out." The high-heeled shoes under her feet tapped on the smooth wooden floor, making a crisp sound of "dudu", and Nikita Pingping gracefully walked to the front of the sand. As soon as she sat on the sand armrest beside Guo Shouyun, she first overlapped her two slender and fair thighs, and then handed the scroll in her hand to Guo Shouyun, smiling, "Look at it, still Is there anything that needs to be edited. I'll fix it as soon as possible."

Although Far East Media is now under the control of Nikita, Guo Shouyun is still very strict with news broadcasting. Whether it is newspapers, radio or TV programs, what kind of things can be published and broadcasted, and what kind of things cannot be published to the public. publicity. He has to take care of himself, especially in the news section. He stared even more tightly. Just like the news section of the newspaper every day, he requires that after the draft of the newspaper is published, he must personally review it. The news that he thinks can be published can only be published in the newspapers of the group, and the part that he thinks cannot be published. It must be removed and replaced.

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded absently. He stretched out his hand and took the layout manuscript of the newspaper. After unfolding it, he browsed it carefully. He pointed to a block of news in the lower left corner of the manuscript and said, "When did this news come?"

Nikita took a look and saw that the news was a military order. The general meaning of this is that the Soviet Union's local garrisoned inland Soviet supervisory committees and the Soviet special committees in various armed forces jointly issued a call to call on local garrisoned troops and members of the Bolshevik Party in the armed forces to strengthen unity and increase vigilance. Always ready to defend the country, defend the Soviet people's power, defend the Union of Republics.

"Oh, this is from the Far East Military Region Press Office this morning," Nikita, who has a good memory, replied without thinking.

"What do they mean? Didn't you ask carefully?" Guo Shouyun asked with a frown.

"I asked," Nikita put her small hand on Guo Shouyun's shoulder and replied casually, "They said it didn't mean anything special, it was just a routine public opinion propaganda by the army, activities like this, the army also used to I do it often, but this time it was an order issued by the Ministry of National Defense, so I hope that the local media will cooperate. I think since it is not an important news, there is no need to occupy a prominent position, so I circled it. this corner."

"Isn't it important news?!" Guo Shouyun felt amused and thought to himself, "Nikita, Nikita, you may have misunderstood this time. Where is the news from the military region? This is clearly a pre-war military mobilization order, look at what these few words say, Bolshevik Party members strengthen unity, defend the Soviet people's power, defend the Union of the Republic, slogans like this, if A year ago, it would have been nothing to make a fuss about, but in today's environment, it would be very problematic."

Today is August 16th, which is a very sensitive day in the history that Guo Shouyun is familiar with. If this history is not changed because of his appearance, then two days later, the big event that once shocked the whole world will happen. The incident will explode as scheduled. At this juncture, any statement of the military cannot be the so-called "unimportant news", because that seemingly calm sentence may hide a piece of news. Stormy waves.

Of course, although he knew everything about what was about to happen in his heart, Guo Shouyun didn't intend to explain more to the woman beside him. He held the manuscript of the news version in his hand. After pondering for a while, he didn't say anything, but continued to browse. .

Turning to the second page of the original news, another large-scale news jumped into Guo Shouyun's eyelids. To be honest, this piece of news should not be called news, because what it reflects is

A few months ago, that is, at the end of July, the main content of the reports on the signing of the Treaty of the Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics by the leaders of the republics on the 23rd at the Novo-Ogalyovo Presidential Villa in Moscow, is similar to the previous reports. A slight difference is that this report lists the specific content of the draft treaty.

"What's going on here?" Guo Shouyun asked with a frown. You must know that the draft content of the Treaty on the Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics has always been within the scope of the content of press control. To put it bluntly, it is something that the relevant parties are not allowed to leak to the outside world. Now, it is upright and upright. It appeared on the draft of the news version of the media group's newspapers, and Guo Shouyun naturally couldn't take it lightly.

"Oh, this is what Comrade Yakov greeted," Nikita shrugged and said, "he sent the whole manuscript, and he repeatedly told me not to make any changes, no, I No changes were made to him, so the original draft was settled. What's the matter, sir, is there a problem with this?"

Guo Shouyun didn't answer her directly. He patiently turned over the entire manuscript from front to back. After reading the last one, he breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the brief military bulletin on the manuscript. , said: "Nikita, please arrange to replace this report from the military region to the newspaper column of the edition."

He said, dabs his hand on the top header of the manuscript.

"Well, just this position, use red words, try to make it as eye-catching as possible."

"Also," he said, turning to the second version of the original manuscript, pointing to the manuscript that Yakov had sent, "change this to the headline position on the front page, um, I think it is better to use the color version, try to Make tomorrow's paper a little bit special, or at least be refreshing."

"Why?" Nikita looked confused, she took the manuscript over, carefully looked at the two pieces of news circled by Guo Shouyun, and asked casually, "Sir, is there any important information in these two pieces of news? ?"

"If you are so clear about what to do, just do what I tell you to do. It's not good for you to know more." Guo Shouyun reached out and patted the woman's bare thigh, and said impatiently.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements according to what Mr. said." Nikita was quite interested. Seeing that Guo Shouyun didn't want to go into details, she didn't ask.

"Go, go," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said absentmindedly.

"It's supposed to be impossible to hide after all," Guo Shouyun sighed heavily as he watched Nikita's seductive figure disappear from the door of the room, and lay on his back in the sand.

Just as Guo Shouyun sighed, Yazov, the Minister of Defense in Moscow, thousands of kilometers away, also let out a deep sigh, but compared with Guo Shouyun's sigh, Yazov's sigh The sound seemed even more helpless, more hesitant, and more indecisive.

At nine o'clock this morning, just as Yazov had just finished processing a daily document, his old friend Kryuchkov, chairman of the Security Committee, called. On the phone, Kryuchkov told him , said that there was a very important matter that needed to be discussed with him in person, and invited him to the headquarters of the Security Committee on Lubyanka Street at one o'clock after lunch. To be honest, Yazov couldn't calm down ever since he received this call, and he had a very bad premonition.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, when Yazov arrived at the headquarters of the Security Council as scheduled, his hunch was confirmed. In Kryuchkov's private office, it was not just Yazov who came to perform the contract. The Bolshevik Party Central Secretary Chenin, the Supreme Soviet Central Secretary Baklanov, the President's Chief of Staff Bolkin, the Internal Affairs Minister Pugo, Prime Minister Pavlov, Commander-in-Chief of the 6th Army Valennikov, Acharov, Glushko and others were all present. In this short meeting, Kryuchkov revealed a shocking secret to everyone present: the Kremlin has reached a compromise with the radical representative Ye Shi, and they will force the Soviet Union after the 20th. Various departments will be rectified, and according to their rectification plan, a series of powerful departments in the Soviet Central Committee, including the Security Committee, will be abolished one by one, and everyone present will be dismissed from office and swept out of the house.

Faced with this situation, Kryuchkov believed that he could not wait any longer, otherwise, traditional figures like them who were committed to maintaining the Soviet regime would be tantamount to sitting still. Therefore, he decided to use the full force of the Security Committee. In the past two days, he declared a nationwide state of emergency, dismissed a number of leaders of the Kremlin, and arrested and suppressed members of the radical faction with Ye.

"The mountains and the rain are coming." Facing the plan proposed by Kryuchkov, everyone present either acquiesced or directly agreed. They all knew that the situation had developed to such a point that they had no way out. - A coup that shocked the world is finally brewing.

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