Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 79: The rain is coming, the wind is filling the building

?The rainy weather that lasted for nearly a month finally passed, and the light of the earth appeared again in the sky over the Far East. , qb5. \

Located in a four-story independent building at No. 42 Chubyansk Street, Khabarovsk, Guo Shouyun stood in front of a large floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back. Looking down at the extraordinarily noisy street downstairs outside the window.

Chubyansk Street is a relatively secluded street in Khabarovsk City, and it is also the main street where the government station is located. From the building where Guo Shouyun is located, about 100 meters away is Khabarovsk The location of the General Public Security Bureau, and opposite the General Public Security Bureau, is the headquarters of the Central Bank Khabarovsk. In addition, the buildings on this street are mostly government apartments and the like. As for the occasional one or two shops, they are only small shops serving the residents in the area. Obviously, if a street like this is noisy and lively, it will be abnormal.

In the past two days, in the face of the intensifying mass demonstrations in Khabarovsk, in order to ensure that the residences of government officials and government agencies are not affected, the Far Eastern Military Region mobilized troops to enter the urban area, and firmly blocked several areas in the urban area. A major administrative area, and Chubyansk Street is one of them.

Looking out from the window where Guo Shouyun stood, you can see everything on the street clearly. At the entrances on both sides of the street, the steel wire isolation net set up by the army stands tall. Soldiers, using the parked armored vehicles as cover, stood guard and were on guard. Outside the isolation net, the security police holding riot shields and wearing steel helmets leaned closely together. Two airtight human walls were formed to block the flood of demonstrators on the outside of the street, preventing them from approaching the isolation net.

"Down with the Bolsheviks! Down with the Soviets!"

"Down with the general secretary! Down with the president!"


Various protest slogans have emerged one after another among the demonstrators outside the quarantine zone, accompanied by these calls. A large number of bricks, stones, wine bottles and garbage bags fell on the ranks of the riot police like a torrential rain. There were even some wildly burning Molotov bombs mixed in. Although wearing a steel helmet and holding a local riot shield made of tempered glass plates, as the conflict intensified, there were still policemen who were smashed with blood and wailing from time to time.

Of course, the riot police are not vegetarians, facing the intensifying tendency of the protesters to attack. As long as the whistle from the commanders on the scene rang, a needle-point counterattack against Maimang would be launched in an instant. Smoke bombs, tear gas. One by one, they were projected into the crowd on the opposite side, and six or seven high-pressure water guns were sprayed together. The overwhelming wailing and coughing resounded through the streets in an instant. The demonstrations that had been flamboyant a few seconds ago were immediately impacted by seven and eight. fall.

these two days. Guo Shouyun has become numb to this kind of conflict between the citizens and the military and police. They have to stage seven or eight times almost every day. It is said that several hospitals in the city have been filled with the wounded in the past two days. As for the poor people who lost their lives in the conflict, there are countless more.

"Hmph, they're all a bunch of idiots! I don't know the so-called pitiful bastards!" Seeing the new round of conflicts on the street outside the window break out again, Guo Shouyun pouted, sneered, and said to himself.

Indeed, in Guo Shouyun's eyes, these demonstrators holding banners high and shouting slogans are simply self-righteous idiots with water in their heads. They accuse the military and police in front of them of being Bolshevik lackeys and swords in the hands of the dictatorship. what is it then? They are not also the lackeys of the radical faction, but the swords in the hands of the Communist forces. Moreover, compared with the military and police who can get paid, their "lacking dogs" and "swords" who are destined to get no benefits seem to be cheaper, so cheap that they are worthless.

Holding a half-eaten red apple, little Victor squatted at Guo Shouyun's feet, looking terrified at the violent street scene not far from the window. Where she was looking, two riot police were carrying A high-pressure water cannon slammed into the crowd, and the white water column shot out from the muzzle, mercilessly scouring the crowd on the opposite side. The impact of the high-pressure water cannon sent a young man holding a wooden stick flying out and fell heavily on the side of the street. on the steel guardrail...

This scene obviously reminded the once abused Victor. She squatted on the ground and took two steps, shrank her head and got into Guo Shouyun's legs, and then tightly grasped a pair of his trousers, no longer dared to face Looking out the window.

"What's the matter, Victor?" Guo Shouyun came back to his senses, he looked down at the little girl hiding between his legs, and asked with a puzzled look.

Keto raised his head, glanced at Guo Shouyun, then turned his head and glanced out the window. Although she didn't speak, the terrified expression on her face was enough to explain everything.

"Oh?" Subconsciously glanced out the window, Guo Shouyun quickly

Come on, he knew that the violent conflict outside the window would definitely bring Victor back to that unbearable life.

"It turns out that my little Victor is scared." He bent down and grabbed Victor's arm, pulling her up from the ground. Guo Shouyun squeezed the little girl's slender waist and held her tightly in his arms. Li - Little Victor has obviously grown a lot these days, and her small body has also gained a lot of weight, and now Guo Shouyun feels a little hard to hold her.

"I'm afraid we won't watch it," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, hugging the little girl, "Let's go to see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, hehe, I got you two new boxes of tapes yesterday, I'm sure you haven't seen them before. ."

Regardless of her age, Victor is already a 16-year-old girl, but her mind is not yet open, and her intelligence can be said to be still at the level before the age of ten. Children's shows like The Mole Tale, Dinosaur Grand Kesey, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are the most attractive things. The little girl has no other hobbies than eating. For the sake of love, Guo Shouyun doesn't want to let her sit bored all day. Therefore, during this time, he has produced a lot of these kinds of videos. The drama seems rather boring, but it is still very good to enlighten the children.

To say that the current domestic TV programs in the Soviet Union can be called boring, such as Disney cartoons, Japanese science fiction productions, Hong Kong and Hollywood film and television dramas, and TV shows in the Soviet Union. In addition, most of them are TV dramas and patriotic educational films produced by the Soviet Union themselves. A week ago, through the "underground channel", Shana Riva inadvertently got four sets of the dinosaur super-class sci-fi drama, but it was only a pure Japanese version, and she sent it to little Victor to try it out. Although the little girl didn't understand what was said in the video at the time, she watched it with relish.

Although this little girl was ignorant all day and acted like a mentally handicapped child, everyone knew that she was Guo Shouyun's baby, so this little girl naturally became the object of all parties to please. In order to make Victor enjoyable to watch, Shana Riva then went to great lengths to get a full set of 52-episode cassette tapes, and Nikita was unwilling, so she took these cassettes to the media group , specially arranged for someone to do the Russian dubbing, change hands and bring it back for the little girl to watch and play.

That's it, Victor, who has been entangled in Guo Shouyun's side, now finally has his own way of entertainment. The Russian version of the fifty-two episodes of the Russian version of the dinosaur special class Kesai, let her watch it once for a week, and then , She turned over a dozen tapes and adjusted them, as if she would never get bored no matter how she looked at them.

To say that the children's views of appreciation are similar, Nikita pondered, since Victor likes to watch this kind of thing, then ordinary children naturally like to watch it, as an attempt, she will make a good Russian The version of the Dinosaur Special Class Kesai was sent to the Khabarovsk local TV station under the name of the media group for a trial broadcast. Who knows that this pilot broadcast doesn't matter. The ratings of Khabarovsk TV station, which has been dead for a long time, have soared. Nikita was greatly surprised by this unexpected gain. The keynote is to deviate from the single official line of propaganda and change to the popular line.

In these years, the internal chaos in the Soviet Union has become a pot of porridge, and the legal system is in chaos. Therefore, it is difficult to include any copyright issues into the consideration of national regulations, and this has also created a good foundation for the transformation of Nikita's TV station. But it's a Hollywood blockbuster or an animated children's drama. As long as the group can get the video tape, after a little processing, it can be shown on various TV stations immediately. The only pity is that apart from the Guo Group, there are basically not many private enterprises in the Far East, so the TV station cannot make profits through advertisements. Fortunately, Guo Shouyun did not intend to rely on the media group to make profits. A news medium is just a tool he needs to master.

Now, the TV stations in the Far Eastern states, which are affiliated to Guo's Media, start showing various overseas translated films every night after eight o'clock. This novel and popular TV program has swept the entire country in a short period of time. The Far East, its influence is so great that it has even attracted the attention of various state government departments, because with the popularity of this kind of TV program, the situation in the Far East has appeared a very funny situation: during the day, there are continuous demonstrations in various cities, thousands of Thousands of citizens took to the streets to clash with the military and police under martial law. At night, especially after 8:00, the number of people participating in the parade shrunk dramatically—everyone stopped work and went home to watch TV.

Also with the continuous broadcast of this kind of TV program, the Far East Commercial Bank, the largest broadcast sponsor, began to expand its influence in the Far East. The advertisements inserted between the programs instilled a concept to the public—“high interest rate, low risk”. , Far East Commercial Bank is the best choice for your savings deposit."

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