Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Mutation is coming

? Shouyun's guess is not unreasonable. If it is just to recover the fire, there is really no need for the Far East Military Region to make such a big move. First of all, the number of robbed arms is not very large, at least in Trej In the eyes of a military chief like Yake, the mere thousands of rifles are nothing at all; secondly, these arms do not belong to the army strictly speaking, and have nothing to do with the Far East Military Region. They are arms trade. Whether the export materials in the Bureau's hands are robbed or sold successfully, the Far East Military Region will not get the slightest benefit; again, it is the investigation of the case. \w/ There is no doubt that such a sensational big case cannot be done by a small person, at least it will not have anything to do with ordinary people in the Far East. Therefore, if you want to find out the black hand behind the scenes, you only need to start from the powerful underworld gang in the Far East, and you should be able to get enough clues. What is particularly important is that, according to normal thinking, when there are cases of hijacking of arms in the Far East, whether it is the military region, the Security Committee, or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first thing that comes to mind is how to reduce the impact so as not to cause panic among the people. Only then should we consider issues such as arresting criminals and recovering stolen goods. But now, the three violent organs of the Ministry of National Defense, the Security Committee, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have not considered these common-sense issues first, but cannot wait to implement a large-scale martial law in the Far East. If there is no hidden What a trick, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

With this level of consideration, and the current political situation in the Soviet Union, it seems that some of the truths that are about to come out can be seen at a glance.

Right now, the political situation in the Soviet Union is on the cusp of a storm, and Ye Shi issued a "decree to clean up the party". Pushing the mainstream faction and the traditional faction to a dead end, it is obvious that within the mainstream faction and the traditional faction, all officials large and small are all members of the Soviet party, the traditional one-party regime model of the Soviet Union. Those who were not Bolsheviks outside the party had no chance at all to rise to the top. Today, the radical faction led by the Ye family controls one of the largest republics in the Union of Republics - Russia. They want to clean up the party in the all-Russian government and military departments, change the previous political model in which the Soviets directly controlled the military and the government, and then replace it with the so-called parliamentary political model of popular elections. In this case, once the policy pursued by this careerist becomes a reality, there is no doubt that the local roots of the mainstream and the traditional will be swept away. They will completely lose their influence over the whole of Russia.

There is a limit to any tolerance, especially for traditionalists who are already on the brink of extinction. They now control most of the violent institutions of the Soviet state, and the main source of power is the Soviet Central Committee. If they are still indifferent in the face of Ye's order to purge the party, then when the dust settles. They will lose all the trump cards in their hands that they can use to fight back.

If the traditionalists want to fight back, they obviously cannot rely solely on moving the masses and organizing speeches like the radicals. Then we started to act step by step by following the so-called grassroots line. Compared with the "democratic elites" of the radicals, they have more powerful counter-attack tools - the army, the police and the secret agents of the Security Committee. If these three violent tools can If it works well, all the preparatory work that the radicals have done before will become useless.

But then again, if the traditionalists want to make the violent institutions they control operate, they can’t do it without giving sufficient excuses. The current Soviet Union is no longer comparable to the past. The army can’t be dispatched if it wants to. It's not that they can arrest whoever they want. All their actions need to have a good entry point, at least to minimize the public's opposition.

It was at this juncture that a robbery of a military train in the outer suburbs of Khabarovsk took place. This major case, unprecedented in Soviet history, was found by the traditional bureaucrats who controlled the three violent institutions. As an excuse to take action, they will take this opportunity to take the lead in rolling out plans in the Far East and sabotage Ye’s overall plan to control the entire Russia in the short term.

In this way, an order urging the Far East Military Region, the Far East Security Council Branch, and the Far East Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to implement joint martial law was sent from Moscow to Khabarovsk, because by convention, the situation of martial law is an extraordinary state of national security. , the Russian government, as a government of a republic, cannot implement personnel changes unless the order of personnel changes has been approved by the Central Committee of the Soviets.

A conspiracy aimed at creating trouble for the Far East Gang, but created an opportunity for the traditional faction to counterattack. Guo Shouyun never thought of this before, and I believe Shana Riva was even more unexpected. Martial law, if this martial law order is really implemented, then Guo Shouyun's life is probably not very good, and Shana Riva's life is naturally even worse. Imagine that since the martial law that Tretyak mentioned was put forward under the guise of inventorying looted arms, there is no doubt that the next step in the Far East states is bound to increase the inventory of vehicles, especially goods. , In addition, those various underground organizations will also be strongly suppressed by the three major violent institutions. By then, Guo Shouyun's business will be greatly affected. Not to mention, the days of the Amur state gang that Shanariva just took over, naturally will be more difficult.

"This time, Sanariva's plan was a bit miscalculated," Guo Shouyun was always silent next to Tretyak when Tretyak arranged the martial law task. He felt a headache, a very bad headache.

As the highest-ranking commander of the Far East Military Region, General Tretyak arranged the tasks of the martial law operation very carefully, such as: the inspection of the entry and exit of customs goods, the establishment of inspection checkpoints along the highway, and the cleaning of warehouses for goods in various cities. He has almost taken into account the investigation of suspects, etc., etc., especially the cooperation between the military and the Security Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the future, and he has come up with a complete set of plans. There is no doubt that if this plan is carried out according to his, from now on, the entire Far East will be firmly controlled by these three powerful departments, and several states in the Far East will be managed like iron barrels. one

If it was in the past, it was obviously impossible for Tretyak to make the Security Committee cooperate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in this way, but it is different now, on the one hand, because the Moscow headquarters of the three departments have all spoken. Locally had to follow orders, on the other hand. Including Yakov, officials of the Far East Security Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs also felt the crisis. If they did not want to be swept out by the radicals early, the only way was to cooperate with the military.

"Shouyun," Tretyak turned his head after setting up the task of martial law. Glancing at Guo Shouyun with a displeased face, he smiled slightly. "Do you have any doubts about this martial law? Worried that it will affect your business?"

"Hehe, the general is joking," Guo Shouyun said hypocritically, he shook his head and said, "The martial law for a period of time in the future will definitely affect my business, but now there is such a big case in our Far East, especially that one The whereabouts of a large number of arms are unknown. No matter who this is, I am afraid that they will not feel at ease, so I agree with your arrangement with both hands. The general does not need to think so much, we can just do business. This warehouse clearance and inspection . Regarding the inspection of import and export goods, we will definitely take the initiative to cooperate with our Guo Group, and will not make everyone here feel embarrassed at all."

"It's good for Shouyun to think so," Tretyak nodded and smiled, "A few comrades above were worried that your work would be difficult to do, but now it seems that they are overthinking it. But Having said that, you can think of actively cooperating with our actions, which is already very good. As an old friend, we believe that you will never have anything to do with this case of looting the army, so naturally, this martial law action must also be Consider your interests first."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was secretly delighted, he knew that since Tretyak said so, it meant that the "green light" against the Guo Group was about to be turned on.

"Hehe, you also saw that none of us here today are outsiders," Tretyak picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip of the strong tea in the cup, and then swept his eyes around everyone's faces. Then he continued, "I believe that even if I don't say it, they will take more care of your business, so you don't have to worry about it in the future, just keep doing your business as usual, um, You can even consider expanding the scale. Hey, I am ashamed to say, although we have already saved the money you allocated to the military region some time ago, but the life of this army is still beyond making ends meet, and the projects that are in shortfall are more and more More and more, more and more, and once the martial law operation is launched in the future, the expenses in all aspects will definitely increase day by day. If it is possible, Shouyun, you have to work harder to solve a little more difficulty for us. "

"General is too polite," Guo Shouyun smiled, knowing that Tretyak wanted him to pay more money to the military region to further enrich the "money bag" of the troops. To be honest, he is happy to give this money, money is a bastard, and you can earn it after spending it, but it is not easy to buy military **** with money.

"The Far East is not very peaceful now. The Far East Gang is getting more and more violent here, and the security situation is also getting worse. This time, there is such a case of robbing arms. The reason why my business can be done smoothly is naturally. General Duo Cheng and all the supporters here," Guo Shouyun said, "So, in return, it is natural for me to donate some funds to the big guy. Well, I think it's better than this, anyway, during this time, the group's books are on the books. If the general does not dislike it, I will go back and transfer the cooperation funds for the next two months to the account of the military region in advance, presumably in this way, many generals can solve some problems.”

"Well, in that case, it's naturally the best," General Tretyak's smile deepened when he heard this. Money is inseparable from the army these days. Every action of the army requires money. If there is no money, even if you have millions of heroes in your hands, it will be useless, and if it is good or not, it will cause a mutiny. Now that I have a "logistics supply officer" like Guo Shouyun by my side, it is much easier to deal with many problems.

But having said that, as the first-level commander of the Far East Military Region, Tretyak naturally knows that money cannot be given for nothing. As the saying goes: "Take people's money to eliminate disasters." With a large amount of military spending in hand, he will naturally have to do something for others when he comes back. "Far East Gang", the name Tretyak has also heard before, but he has never paid attention to the so-called mafia brought together by this rabble, but today the God of Wealth of the Military Region mentioned this name, it seems that this There should be a conflict of interests between the "Far East Gang" and the "God of Wealth", otherwise Guo Shouyun would not be able to specifically propose this name.

The "Far East Gang" is not a great thing. Taking advantage of the opportunity of martial law, we might as well use it to operate. On the one hand, it can satisfy the "God of Wealth", and on the other hand, it can also help the entire martial law plan. A breakthrough in public opinion. After all, there are still no clues about the military robbery case, and the large-scale martial law order has been promulgated, and it is best to have a target. In the face of this two birds with one stone, Tretyak can easily find the best way. Come and go.

It's hard to say, now this "Far East Gang" can only be used as a scapegoat.

Seeing the murderous intent that flashed in Tretyak's eyes, Guo Shouyun was satisfied: Everyone is smart, and some things need not be said too straightforwardly, just a little reminder, and the next thing to do is to Watch how the Far East Gang finally fell.

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