Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 76: comeback

?Sana Riva has the talent to be a gangster. The robbery plan is methodical and neat. It seems that neither the Military Trade Bureau nor the military area has any clues. /" On the way from the hotel to the headquarters of the Far East Military Region, Guo Shouyun has been thinking about these issues, "It's just that there are too many people involved in this incident, including those involved in the operation, and the secrets of those who participated in the operation. The police, hundreds of people up and down, they all know the inside story, and they don't know how Shana Riva will stop their mouths. "

However, these issues are not something that Guo Shouyun should consider after all. Now that the entire gang has been handed over to Shana Riva, this cunning and ambitious woman should naturally find a way to settle everything.

Woman, woman, if this woman has ambition, it is really more difficult to control than a man. Thinking about Shanariva's ambition, Guo Shouyun suddenly thought of that Philna in his mind, if you really want to say it. , This daughter of old Rilke is really a headache. She is deeply scheming, but she is dedicated to getting close to Shoucheng. Such a woman is really... disgusting.

With these questions about women in mind, Guo Shouyun's car slowly drove into the gate of the Far East Military Region Headquarters. As the office of the highest-level general of the largest military region in the Soviet Union, the security guards inside and outside the Far East Military Region Command are naturally extremely strict. Inside the red high wall pulling the power grid, soldiers with guns and ammunition can be seen everywhere.

After the car was checked by the soldiers in front of the gate, it drove all the way to the square Yong Road in the headquarters, and then walked on the Yong Road surrounded by greenery for a few minutes, and finally came to the orange-yellow headquarters building. forward.

Seeing Guo Shouyun's car approaching from a distance, two non-commissioned officers in charge of reception had already run up. They opened the car door for Guo Shouyun, then led him into the headquarters building and went straight to the second floor where the conference room was located.

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun did not come to the Far East Military Region Command very often, but because of his close relationship with the Military Region. Especially in the past month or so, the funds of the Guo Group have been flowing to the military region continuously. He has solved the most difficult military expenditure problem for the military region. Therefore, he has also become a celebrity in the Far East Military Region Command. Whether he is familiar or familiar, the officers who serve in the command all know that he is such a person, and Even when we met, we could not forget to say hello.

Finally, two non-commissioned officers led him down to the conference room. As soon as he entered the door, Guo Shouyun was taken aback. good guy. At this moment, this huge conference room is really crowded with elites, officers of all levels in khaki military uniforms, officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in dark brown uniforms, and officers of the Security Committee in blue uniforms. It is blunt to say that officials from all violent institutions in the Far East have all been present and counted their heads. There must be about sixty people, and everyone sat in the conference room on three floors and three floors with an oval-shaped long table as the center.

The moment he walked into the conference room, Guo Shouyun glanced at the venue. He found that Yakov and others were already there, and the whole room was gathering in twos and threes to whisper, so he stood at the door, Not many people noticed.

"Hey, where did Comrade Tretyak sing today?" He reached out and knocked on the door of the conference room, Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Why did you call the big guy here? collapsed?"

Guo Shouyun's voice was so loud that everyone in the conference room could hear it clearly. Only then did the big guy notice that the rich man Guo was there.

"Mr. Guo," Guo Shouyun is now a very popular figure. He has a well-connected network in Moscow and is the grandson-in-law of General Xie Miao. At the same time, he has a lot of money in his pocket. Almost everyone here has benefited from him. The so-called eating people's mouth is short, and holding people's hands is short, so when Guo Shouyun's words fell, the whole room stood up, looking at the posture, it was as if Guo Shouyun had become the army, police, and country of the Far East. The top leaders of the security tripartite.

"Hehe, everyone sits down, everyone sits down," Guo Shouyun waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down, then picked a chair for himself, held it in his hand, and said with a smile, "It's rare for a big guy to hold so well today, Terry Comrade Jiak wants to invite you to dinner? If so, I should eat less at noon, after all, there are not many opportunities like this. "

Although Guo Shouyun's words were not funny at all, everyone present cooperated and laughed for a while.

"Brother Shouyun, come to me," Yakov, who was sitting on the right side of the long table when he saw Guo Shouyun dragging his chair to find a place to sit in the conference room, stood up and said, "I have a free seat, just in time for us. The two of you can still talk."

Guo Shouyun glanced at it, no, the seat on Yakov's side was too conspicuous, next to the conference table. Judging from the current situation, the seats at the table are basically reserved for major generals and officers above the colonel. An ordinary businessman, even if the power behind him is great, is probably not easy to sit in such a position, otherwise, it will inevitably attract some gossip. and more importantly

The circle behind Kov is basically all wearing blue uniforms, in other words, it seems to be the site of the Safety Committee. He is going to sit there, doesn't it mean to announce to those present that he is closer to the Safety Committee? . This person's mind is too complicated, and the ability of Lenovo is also very strong, so Guo Shouyun has to think more about this situation.

"Forget it." Holding the chair, Guo Shouyun walked to the front corner of the conference room, put the chair there, turned back and smiled at Yakov, "Comrade Tretyak called everyone here today. I still don't know what big things to discuss, at best I am qualified to attend the meeting, so I still find a quiet place to sit and listen."

"Hey, Mr. Guo, you can't say that. General Tretyak called this meeting today, but it has a lot to do with you," a middle-aged man sitting opposite Yakov said with a smile. The middle-aged man was wearing a dark brown uniform with red epaulettes with three gold stars on his shoulders. Judging from this outfit alone, he knew that he was a senior official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Oh, what do you say?" Guo Shouyun pretended to lift his eyelids and said with a smile.

"Sir, don't you know," the middle-aged man said mysteriously, stroking his smooth fat chin, "We've had a big event in the past two days, and today's meeting is to discuss the near future. The issue of martial law in the Far Eastern states. Obviously, if the martial law is imposed, the business of Mr. will be greatly affected. Therefore, today, I will invite Mr. To come up with a two-way solution will not only ensure that Mr.'s business will not be affected, but also ensure that our investigations in all aspects can be carried out smoothly."

"Oh? Martial law?" Guo Shouyun's brows furrowed, and he continued his act of pretending to be foolish. "What happened, and how serious is martial law?"

"It's true that a major event has happened, and it's a major event that shakes the sky," Guo Shouyun just finished asking this sentence, an old but powerful voice came from the door of the conference room. General Tretyak walked in accompanied by several entourages.


"Comrade Tretyak..."

Although the people in the conference room did not completely belong to the military system, after all, the identity of General Tretyak was there, so it was very necessary to stand up and say hello on this specific occasion.

"Everyone is sitting, I don't have that much attention here," General Tretyak walked to his seat, waved his hands solemnly, motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said straight to the point, "Today, I invite you all The reason for coming here, I believe everyone should know."

After General Tretyak said such a sentence, he first glanced at Guo Shouyun subconsciously, and then continued: "Just last night, between 9:30 and 10:00, a group of Blago The arms supplies from the Veschensk military supply storehouse to the Vladivostok border trade port were hijacked by unidentified bandits in the Kurbastok area less than 100 kilometers west of Khabarovsk. All twelve soldiers of the Military Trade Bureau were killed, and a whole five wagons of arms and supplies disappeared."

Although all the members of the audience already knew the news, but when they heard Tretyak talking about it at this time, some people couldn't help but whisper below. That's right, this robbery of arms and supplies is not a trivial matter, let alone in the Far East, even in the entire history of the Soviet Union, such a major case has never occurred, not to mention the impact of this case. It's bad, just the large number of looted arms, if it is lost to the society, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Blatantly robbing the military's special transport train, looting arms, killing soldiers, everyone, such a crime has never happened in the whole years since the establishment of our Soviet republic." General Letiyak said in a gloomy tone, "So, since this matter has arisen, whether it is the military region, the General Administration of Military Trade, or the Kremlin, it will be highly valued. According to the three parties of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Security Committee. It was decided that we must find out the truth of this incident in the shortest possible time and at all costs, and recover the lost arms supplies."

When General Tretyak said this, he stopped again, his eyes wandered around the venue, and finally fell on Guo Shouyun again.

"In order to achieve this goal, after consultations among the leading comrades of the three departments, it was decided to implement martial law control within a certain range in major cities and border trade ports in the Far East until the whereabouts of this batch of arms and materials are traced."

General Tretyak's tone sounded unquestionable, but in his words, Guo Shouyun noticed a trace of extraordinary meaning, and he was sensitive to smell a little sign, that is, the Far East Military Region this time. Martial law does not seem to be just to track down the whereabouts of those arms supplies.

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