Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Robbery Column

This rainy weather lasted for several days in the middle of the month, and most of the Far East was covered by overlying clouds. As the most prosperous state in the Far East, Khabarovsk Oblast was naturally not immune. The torrential rain poured down, and sometimes the drizzle was dripping. Even if the rain stopped, the thick clouds in the sky would never go away. \\

Kurbastock, a vast hilly area in the central and western parts of Khabarovsk Oblast, although it is only less than 200 kilometers away from the capital city of Khabarovsk, due to the vastness of the Far East At the same time, due to the relatively concentrated population living area, the Kurbastock area seems to be a deserted meadow, and there is no human being within a range of dozens of kilometers. However, being desolate does not mean that there is no human connection here. At least speaking, the Far Eastern Railway Route that traverses the entire Far East passes through here.

The night was dark and the drizzle was misty. Shana Riva, who was wearing a black raincoat, stood quietly on a slightly raised grass hill, and beside her, hundreds of men in black were standing or squatting. Waiting there, through the gloomy night, hundreds of eyes stared coldly at the few rails that traverse the east and west under the hills.


With a soft sound, a beam of light from a flashlight lit up in Shana Riva's hand. After shaking it twice, she shone the flashlight on her right wrist, and the silver watch on her wrist instantly shone brightly. of luster.

"Nine thirty-five," murmured a whisper, and Shanariva turned around and said to a big man who had been standing beside her, "Lieutenant Sknovich. Ten minutes left for our prey. It's time to come, comrades, get ready."

"Yes, Captain Shanariva!" Second Lieutenant Sknovich stood up to answer, then turned around to give orders.

"Be careful, let your people move cleanly. Don't shoot at will, especially in the third car. It must not be damaged," Sanariva urged. "According to the situation provided by Comrade Kuvalkin, this time the ammunition They are all concentrated in the third carriage, and once they are attacked, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Yes. Captain Shanariva, I will let everyone pay attention." Lieutenant Sknovich agreed.

"Also. None of the soldiers who are in charge of escorting in the car are allowed to stay. There are sixteen of them in total. You can make it clear to me, don't miss one." Shanariva thought for a while. One more admonition.

"Yes, Captain Shanariva!" Lieutenant Sknovich responded.

Shanariva nodded and said nothing more.

Hundreds of men in black hiding on the hillside. Apparently they were all well-trained. Following Lieutenant Sknovich's two soft high-fives, groups of dark shadows silently covered the hills, and then moved quickly westward along the straight train track, hazy and hazy. Looking at it, it looks like a ghost coming out to make fun in the dark night.

"Huh!" Seeing the group of people she brought disappear into the night, Shanariva looked up at the sky, letting the fine raindrops fall on her face, and at the same time took a deep breath.

The conspiracy against the Far East Gang is about to kick off. This is just what this conspiracy can cause. I am afraid it is only the downfall of the Far East Gang, a mafia. It will also bring a series of far-reaching follow-up effects, especially for the For Shanariva herself, she has embarked on a road of no return from now on, and her fate will board Guo Shouyun's fate train from this moment on. But having said that, this path was not pointed out to her by Guo Shouyun, but was chosen by herself. The action tonight was also planned by herself. The reason why she did this was not only to deal with a Far East gang, but in more aspects, she was to gain more and greater trust from Guo Shouyun.

The world is so cruel, it is too difficult for a woman to survive and live comfortably in this cruel environment, so that in many cases, a woman wants to make a difference , you have to betray your own future at the same time as betrayal.

In order to attack the forces of the Far East Gang to the greatest extent, especially to cut off their sources of funds, Shana Riva contributed a bold plan to Guo Shouyun two days ago - robbing the special train for the transportation of military supplies, and then framed the Far East Gang. .

According to Shanariva's plan, they will ambush a small train that supplies arms and weapons to the Vladivostok Port Military Trade Bureau in the area near Khabarovsk. And then framed this shocking case on the Far East Gang.

There is no doubt that the robbery of the army is a major case that broke the sky. As long as the work of planting the stolen goods can be done well, no matter how influential the Far East Gang is in the local governments of various states, I am afraid no one will dare to **** it. At that time, even Guo Shouyunshi

Said, do nothing, this gang with huge influence in the Far East will also be uprooted by the military within a short time, thus making room for the expansion of the gang in the Amur region.

This is a plan that seems quite crazy. If someone else implements it, there will be no other results than getting burned. But having said that, for Guo Shouyun and even Shanariva, it is too simple to carry out this plan.

Let me first say that Guo Shouyun is an insider of the military, and the current Blagoveshchensk military supply storehouse seems to be his home. He can easily get all the information and support he needs from Kuvalkin. Just like tonight's small special transport train, when will the special train of the Military Trade Bureau leave the warehouse, how many people are in charge of the escort, how many trains are there, what are the escorts, and flammable and explosive ammunition Which car is mainly stored in, etc., like these information, Sanariva has learned early in the morning, and she can calmly arrange carjacking operations according to these situations. In terms of railway patrol, Guo Shouyun also obtained sufficient information, and according to this information, Shanariva can choose the best ambush position without worrying about being hit by the railway patrol.

Secondly, the current Far East Security Committee can also be said to be manipulated by Guo Shouyun. More importantly, Shanariva herself is the head of the Amur State Security Committee. Therefore, after the successful attack, she can use the intercepted arms. Loaded on a truck with the pass of the Security Committee, it was generously transported back to Blagoveshchensk, and it was stored again in the military supply storehouse. In this case, even the military, police, and secret police turned the Far East over. , I'm afraid I can't find any clues. Of course, in essence, this matter was jointly done by the military and the Security Committee. As for the investigation, apart from the Military Trade Bureau and the police, it was just a farce of a thief shouting to catch a thief. What I can find out in the nature of the investigation is probably the evidence that is unfavorable to the Far East Gang.

The whole robbery process will not be a problem, nor will there be any problems with the hoarding of the stolen goods. The rest seems to be the problem of how to frame the stolen goods from the Far East Gang, and this problem is much easier as long as those Asians are there. Now, with a little arrangement, regardless of whether these people are willing to cooperate or not, the Security Committee can find out from them a piece of evidence of black market trading in arms, and this evidence will prove that the Far East Gang has always been engaged in the arms trade with the Asian gangs, And the latest batch of goods just smuggled out of the country is the arms looted in the outer suburbs of Khabarovsk.

All of this seems quite complicated and dangerous at first glance, but if it is placed in Guo Shouyun's hands, there seems to be no problem at all, and this also appropriately reflects the benefits of power.


The long, neighing sound of a train could be heard faintly from a distance in the west through the dark night. Shanariva turned the rain hat on her head, then reached out and took out a cigarette from the uniform pocket inside the raincoat, lit it and took a deep breath.

The cigarette was wet by the drizzle, and it felt extremely spicy in the mouth. Shana Riva only took two puffs, and she couldn't help frowning. She took the flaming cigarette from her lips, and then just clenched her fist and shoved the whole cigarette into her palm. "呲!" With a slight noise, a smell of burnt flesh filled the air, and at the same time, a tight gunshot mingled with the noise of the train rolling in.

Putting the extinguished cigarette shards in the palm of her hand back into the pocket of the raincoat, a sneer flashed at the corner of Shana Riva's mouth, she twisted her head, and looked westward without expression. I saw a few dazzling headlights slowly approaching in the darkness of hundreds of meters away. There is no doubt that those headlights are the lights on the head of the military train, and it is at this time. Are doing emergency reduction - those secret police brought by themselves succeeded.

"Five wagons, 340 boxes of 12-pack assault rifles, 96 boxes of individual rocket launchers, 30 boxes of tm-86 anti-tank mines, and 160 boxes of various ammunition." The five-section army line that stopped in front of her made Shanariva feel excited. These things belonged to her, because according to what Guo Shouyun said two days ago, these weapons will be handed over to her. She can use these things in exchange for much-needed funds for the gang show.

"Hey!" With a series of piston exhaust sounds, the train full of arms and supplies stopped right below the hill.

Shanariva looked at the corpse of a soldier lying at the door of the locomotive, and slowly walked down the grassy slope. Behind her, more than a dozen trucks that had been hidden in the drizzle night suddenly turned on their lights and drove towards the hills.

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