Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 73: annoyance

One night at Sino Holiday Hotel, Sanariva really gained a firm foothold in Guo's control. On the second day of her affair with Guo Shouyunsheng, at a meeting attended by leaders from various gangs in Amur Region, In front of the thirty-five gang leaders present, Shana Riva took the penalty herself for the mistakes made in the previous stage, and the three strong whips beat her mercilessly on her back. /. qβ5. This woman is really strong enough, even though she was beaten by the three whips and broke into a cold sweat, she always had a faint smile on her face, looking at her expression, it seemed that the punishment of the three whips did not fall on her. Same on the body.

Guo Shouyun was obviously quite satisfied with Shanariva's performance. After the punishment was over, he announced in public that from now on, all affairs within the gang would be taken care of by Shanariva, and he would no longer personally intervene. . In this explanation, Guo Shouyun faintly revealed a meaning, that is, let these "tough bandits" here be honest and obedient, otherwise, no one will have any good fruit to eat.

To be honest, the big and small leaders of these gangs may have dared not to take Shana Riva seriously, but now they absolutely dare not. They can also see that there is a relationship between the woman Shana Riva and Guo Shouyun. The relationship is really not simple. Although Guo Shouyun is not a one-handed cover in the Far East, it is very simple to deal with these underworld gangsters who can't be on the table.

Some people may doubt the relationship between the members of the Amur region mafia and Guo Shouyun. After all, these people are outlaws in the underworld. If they can be so easily suppressed by people with official backgrounds, then the Russian mafia How can it be king and hegemony in the international arena, and arrogant for a while, and even extend its tentacles to the United States and Europe.

In fact, it is easy to understand this point. Although today's Soviet Union has reached the point of decline, after all, it is a hundred-legged worm that is dead but not dead. Its series of laws and regulations are still quite sound. Under the Soviet system, the country's judicial review process is the same as that of Russia and even later. Western countries are completely different. The judicial review procedure implemented in the Soviet Union is "presumption of guilt". That is, after any suspect is arrested, he is presumed guilty first. Then, on the basis of "guilty", the judicial organs will step by step to clear the suspect's suspicions or finally convict him by means of questioning confessions and collecting evidence. Under the influence of this judicial review process, whether it is a habitual offender of petty theft or a gangster. As long as it loses the protection of government officials, it is equivalent to the end. Just like these gang leaders under the control of Guo Shoucheng, no matter how powerful they are underground, as long as they don't have the protection of high officials, even a small police chief can put them in prison. Under inhumane torture, they pleaded guilty and died. So in this case. How could they dare to hold a different sympathy for Guo Shouyun, a powerful figure like Guo Shouyun who can put military and political officials in the palm of his hand? In later Russia and Western countries, because the judicial review process is the implementation of the "presumption of innocence", therefore, every criminal suspect is first considered innocent after being arrested, whether it is a police officer or a special agent. They can't be punished, and they can only be collected bit by bit to convict them. There is no doubt that under this seemingly democratic judicial review process, the truly powerful mafia has room to survive, no matter how big the case is, even if the president is assassinated, as long as the case is done It's neat and tidy and doesn't let the police get real evidence, and the mafia's brains will never have to worry about anything. Just imagine, in that case, even if Guo Shouyun has both military and political resources, it would be an easy task for him to try to completely control the gang.

Guo Shouyun was lucky because he came at the right time. At this time, the Soviet Union was about to die, and the Mafia was about to emerge. The Far East Military Region; this foot is also hooked on Moscow's huge network of relationships, it is too easy to reach out to kick the underworld in the Far East. Therefore, under such circumstances, how could a mere mob of Amur state mafia not bow down to him?

Guo Shouyun didn't stay in the "gathering of the godfathers" for long. After briefly explaining the gang's affairs, he said something random, such as "I hope everyone will be united in the future", "The future exhibition of the gang is limitless" and so on. Nonsense, they left impatiently. For him, it is too risky to deal with these black elements now. He is a "legitimate" businessman, and it is easy to make assumptions when mixed with a group of mafia leaders, which is not good for his development during this period. What's more, he does have a lot of business to deal with today. Those officials and representatives from various states must meet him one by one. Ivanov and Susijo of the 16th Division

General, he has to make a special trip to say hello. At the same time, he also has a reserve bank. A very important part of Shana Riva's next plan involves the reserve bank. He must share the reserve bank in advance. Colonel Valkin to do some coordination... Hey, these things are piled together, one after another is troublesome, and the time he can use is only one day today, until tomorrow morning. , he still has to go to Khabarovsk, the time for the official opening of the Far East Commercial Bank is imminent, and this matter is now completely handled by Shoucheng and Rilke. As for the specific progress, he still does not touch the door at all.

When it comes to Shoucheng, Guo Shouyun has a lot of troubles again. In his career, if there is one person who can be completely trusted, there is no doubt that he is the younger brother of Shoucheng. As for Rilke, Although this old Jewish man can be trusted, he is an outsider after all. Compared with Shoucheng, the younger brother, the closeness and distance between the two are obvious at a glance.

In Guo Shouyun's mind, his younger brother is a very responsible person. His concept of kinship is very strong, and he can clearly distinguish between the elders and the younger. Therefore, he has always been towards his elder brother, Ma Zezhan. , Obedience. However, during this period of time, Shoucheng's performance in two things made Guo Shouyun somewhat not surprised. This first incident is related to Shana Riva, and I don't know what evil deeds have been committed. She has always been reluctant to talk about her own life. She has an unprecedented rejection of this woman. During a call, he unabashedly expressed his dissatisfaction with Shana Riva. Guo Shouyun could faintly hear that his younger brother seemed to have an incompatible attitude with Shana Riva. This behavior of his younger brother made Guo Shouyun puzzled. He really couldn't understand. To say that there was basically no intersection between Shoucheng and Shanariva, the two of them had hardly met a few times. Where did the discord come from? Therefore, Guo Shouyun hurried back to the Far East, and also wanted to appease his only younger brother. It is best to resolve the feud between him and Shanariva. After all, that woman now has a close relationship with him, speaking of which She can be regarded as the elder sister-in-law of Shoucheng. The uncle and sister-in-law have been fighting like enemies all day long... Guo Shouyun thinks about it, and it's a bit big.

As for the second thing, it is the relationship between Shoucheng and Firna. Guo Shouyun couldn't be more clear about what kind of person his younger brother was and what his temperament was. It is no exaggeration to say that in the 21st century society, Shoucheng would be an absolute 100% good man. Not feminine, calm, docile, etc., he almost has all the advantages a woman hopes to see in her man. But having said that, Guo Shouyun is very clear that the more such a good man is, the easier it is to be teased by women, and the easier it is to be emotionally traumatized. Therefore, he has been paying close attention to every woman who tries to get close to Shoucheng. , he didn't want his younger brother to be depressed by a certain woman one day.

That's it, when Filna and Shoucheng approached, Guo Shouyun got the news right away, even though he was far away in Moscow. For Rilke's daughter, Guo Shouyun has also met several times. To be honest, he is not very optimistic about this woman. Although in front of him, Firna has always been very responsible and shy, but who is Guo Shouyun? He is an expert in scheming and tricks. When he is looking at a woman, he is definitely not Just by looking at the other person's appearance, he will find a way to see the other person's eyes and bones. From Guo Shouyun's point of view, although Firna is knowledgeable and gentle, her eyes give people a very restless feeling. Under her seemingly soft and amiable appearance, there is actually a throbbing hidden in her eyes. The restless heart, to put it bluntly, is that this woman is very strong and ambitious.

If a woman is ambitious and restless, it doesn't matter, because this kind of ambition can be easily controlled, just like Shana Riva, at least Guo Shouyun knows what this woman wants. As for Philna, she hides her ambition and restlessness in her heart, but she doesn't reveal it to the outside world. Until the last moment, people will never know what she wants and what can satisfy her. Just imagine, let this A woman successfully hit the honest and honest Shoucheng, how can Guo Shouyun rest assured?

His own woman couldn't get along with his younger brother, and he was not at ease with the woman his younger brother first saw The two Victors were also unwilling to pay attention to such mother-in-law matters.

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