It wasn't until a few days later, after Xiao Jiang Lan had completely refined those clones, that Jiang Xuan returned to Starry Sky East City again.

At this time, Amethyst seemed to have reached the critical stage of breakthrough, with a delicate face and a frown!

But the aura of the fifth-level star-cutting person on his body became thicker and thicker in the eyes of everyone.

Finally, after Jiang Xuan observed for a while, he turned his attention to the black mist outside the giant city.

After all, according to Jiang Xuan's calculations, if there is no change in these insect soldiers after a thousand drops of source liquid are invested, it is estimated that these insect soldiers will die!

Chapter 347 Changes in the Insect Soldiers

But as Jiang Xuan checked, he gradually discovered that there seemed to be no improvement in the number of millions of insect soldiers.

After all, when I and others were leaving, the number of these insect soldiers was only five million.

But now in Jiang Xuan's eyes, the number of insect soldiers is still more than five million!

However, when Jiang Xuan took a closer look, he discovered a problem, and that was the strength of the many insect soldiers!

Yes, in Jiang Xuan's eyes, among the millions of insect soldiers, there are at least 200,000 star level four insect soldiers alone.

But what surprised Jiang Xuan the most was that the energy of at least three million insect soldiers at this time had reached the third level of star-cutting strength.

Finally, after Jiang Xuan checked the largest number of grassroots insect soldiers who still had not broken through the star level, he immediately understood.

Because the insect soldiers of the Zerg tribe actually have different talents in terms of their strengths and weaknesses!

Of course, because their numbers are too large, under normal circumstances, many races in the starry sky do not feel this shortcoming of the Zerg!

Just like the grassroots insect soldiers that Jiang Xuan sees now, even if they continue to provide energy, their own talent limit has already limited the opponent and cannot break through.

Therefore, after Jiang Xuan only watched for a moment, he no longer cared about the grassroots insect soldiers, but still let them become Blue Star's whetstone.

In addition, Jiang Xuan also discovered a problem, that is, under the current four giant cities, the new generation of powerful people in Blue Star seems to be increasing in a spurt.

This has led to the fact that what was once a bloody and murderous place beneath the four giant cities is now as noisy as a vegetable market.

Even in Jiang Xuan's perception, he could faintly hear the shouts of many powerful people in Blue Star.

For example!

Starry Sky North City, 300,000 miles of black mist, form a team to hunt down ten insect kings, five of them will be short of two, priority will be given to the speedy king-level ones, but those with strong defensive abilities will also do!

These words are like the next copy of the game. Jiang Xuan's head is full of black lines when he hears it!

Just as Jiang Xuan was observing, suddenly, Amethyst behind him began to tremble all over, and even blood dripped slightly from his body.

This discovery instantly made Jiang Xuan look at Amethyst behind him.

After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Xuan understood that it was probably because of Amethyst's hasty breakthrough.

After all, as the most talented purple-level insect queens among the Zerg tribe, although they have an upper limit, it is definitely not limited by the fifth level of Star Cutting.

But at this time, Amethyst's mind was completely in a state of breakthrough, and she was unable to perceive anything outside.

In an emergency, Jiang Xuan could only work hard to protect the surroundings of Amethyst and try his best to create a quiet and conducive environment for the other party to break through.

But as Amethyst's body became covered with more and more blood drops, and even her white lotus-like arms gradually began to show tiny cracks, Jiang Xuan panicked completely!

In the end, Jiang Xuan immediately entered the origin space, took out all the ten drops of origin fluid left in the entire Blue Star, and placed them next to Amethyst without hesitation.

The origin liquid, as the ultimate energy in the starry sky, almost at the same time as it approached Amethyst's body, the opponent's body, which had gradually appeared cracks, stopped exploding.

Immediately, as if subconsciously, Amethyst's body absorbed two drops of the source fluid in an instant, and the entire fifth-level energy of Zhanxing became more solid and surging!

But the other party still didn't make a breakthrough. In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only guard Amethyst and never leave!

As for Bai Shen and others, since returning to Blue Star, everyone has returned to their respective giant cities and begun to absorb energy and seek breakthroughs.

Of course, this process will definitely be long!

Fifteen days later!

On this day, Jiang Xuan looked at Amethyst as usual. After finding that the other party's body had stabilized, he suddenly looked towards the sky!

Just because outside the sky at this time, many strong men from Blue Star have returned with the source liquid again.

Immediately, Jiang Xuan waved his hand and instantly opened Tianlin Yu, then stood quietly on top of the giant city and looked at the many Blue Star powerhouses.

On the other hand, when the nearly 10,000 star-level warriors discovered that Jiang Xuan was back, they immediately changed direction and flew towards the east city where Jiang Xuan was.

You know, when everyone came back a few months ago, they already knew about the Whale Star Clan's million-member army, but because Jiang Xuan was not present, everyone was a little distracted.

So when everyone discovered Jiang Xuan's figure, they felt as if they had found their backbone and immediately felt relieved!

As everyone got closer and closer to Dongcheng, Jiang Xuan also casually looked at at least four giant cities.

In the end, Jiang Xuan discovered that in just a few months, Blue Star, which had already exhausted all the star-killing experts, had broken through more than two thousand experts.

Of course, because they had just broken through and had no command from Jiang Xuan, they could only stay in the giant city and work hard to stabilize their strength.

So, after understanding this, Jiang Xuan made a decision instantly!

At this time, the captains in the sky above, after each of them gave Jiang Xuan sixty drops of source liquid, stood there, waiting for Jiang Xuan's next order.

But at this time, Jiang Xuan casually looked at the Gacchu hunter on the shoulder of Yamata no Orochi and said: Let Gahaha come to see me.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuancai looked at the many powerful men and said, Thank you for your hard work. Let's rest for two days!

When Yamata-no-Orochi, who was originally arrogant, still wanted to say something, Kumado saw that Jiang Xuan was a little irritable, so he quickly pulled him and flew towards the west city quickly.

Indeed, Jiang Xuan is indeed in a rather irritable mood these days because of the matter between Amethyst and those Starry Sky Wanderers.

It wasn't until a few days later, after Jiahaha quickly arrived at Blue Star, that Jiang Xuan asked, How is the investigation going?

I saw Gahaha, who had just arrived in the giant city, and immediately said in panic: Two and a half years, there are still two and a half years left, the Star Hunt will officially begin,

In addition, there seems to be some turmoil among the entire starry sky race now, so everyone is now like my race, almost all starting to use the heritage of their own race,

After all, the Zerg just want the source liquid. In essence, they are still the law enforcers of the starry sky, so they will not go too far!

When he said this, Jiang Xuan immediately felt a sense of urgency in his heart, but he continued to ask calmly: How about the scouting matter?

As soon as these words came out, Jiahaha immediately seemed to have found a sense of presence, and said quickly: After being supplied with saturated source liquid, our clan's star-level experts have also exceeded the two hundredth place.

For the sake of safety, I have divided them into groups of two and dispersed them to the star field of the planet we are about to invade.

Now, as long as you give an order, almost now, Xiao Xiao can immediately name dozens of racial positions. It is the kind of racial position in the star field where there are no Zerg clan and no powerful whale star clan!

Chapter 348 Two-and-a-half-year plan

After hearing Jiahaha's words of assurance, Jiang Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

The next second, Jiang Xuan's voice instantly appeared in the ears of many powerful people in the four giant cities.

Everyone, come to Starry Sky East City immediately!

As soon as these words came out, many strong men who had already been to the starry sky flew towards the place where Jiang Xuan was. However, the newly promoted star-level masters did not react for a while.

When everyone looked at each other and discovered that Emperor Xuan had indeed called them and others, everyone's eyes immediately flashed with joy, and they quickly followed the large army and flew towards Starry Sky East City.

Tens of minutes later, when all the powerful men had arrived at Starry Sky East City, Jiang Xuan nodded slightly to everyone,

Then he said: There are still two and a half years for the Star Hunt to begin completely in the entire starry sky. At that time, everyone in the entire starry sky race will be in danger.

Therefore, I decided that we will do our best in two and a half years to obtain more source liquid for Blue Star.

Currently, there are 26,000 Blue Stars in the starry sky sequence. We strive to invade all the races that are 1,000 ahead of us before the Star Hunt comes.

Most people know how to do it specifically. Now, each captain assigns himself to a group of 500 strong men. The old and new strong men form teams alternately.

Remember, although there are strong Gacchu hunters who have figured out the opponent's star field planet in advance, if you find something is wrong, you must focus on yourself!

The many powerful people in Blue Star who saw this moment all tensed up when they heard that it would only be two and a half years!

Immediately, in the entire Starry Sky East City, star-level experts began to call their friends and quickly form new and old teams.

After everyone was quiet again, Jiang Xuan noticed that there were now more than 13,000 strong men in Blue Star, so after everyone quickly distributed them, there were 25 captains.

As for the remaining strong men, they were either recovering from their injuries or reaching the critical point of breakthrough. After understanding, Jiang Xuan turned his eyes to Gahaha again.

Twenty-five teams, your clan's scouts should also be exploring from below. I'll leave the rest to you.

Remember, each team will return to Blue Star once after invading the planet twice. Now we have to race against time, do you understand?

Jiahaha, who was originally timid, suddenly heard Jiang Xuan's words and immediately nodded heavily, and then acted like a bitch.

Facing Yamata no Orochi, Kumado and the others, they nodded and bowed and said: Fellow strong men, just follow the guidance of the Gage Hunter clan members around you.

If you have any questions, you can also tell them. Young ones in the Jiayu Hunter Clan can receive news from them at any time!

Finally, under the nods of everyone, Jiang Xuan smiled and waved to everyone.

When everyone flew up to the sky, Jiang Xuan just looked at everyone intently.

You know, the danger of the huge jungle in the starry sky is self-evident.

Therefore, any one of these strong men is actually ready to face death the moment they step out of their home planet.

At this time, Jiang Xuan, who was on top of the giant city, watched everyone leave Blue Star completely, then turned around and took another look at Amethyst.

Later, Jiang Xuan discovered that the eyelashes of Amethyst's closed eyes began to tremble slightly.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xuan immediately came to Amethyst and waited for him quietly.

A few hours later, and after several months, Amethyst finally opened her beautiful eyes.

But the next moment, the other party discovered that Jiang Xuan was standing beside him, protecting him. In an instant, a sense of security filled Amethyst's body.

On the contrary, Jiang Xuan at this time, after sensing the looming fifth-level energy of Zhanxing on Amethyst's body, said: Breakthrough?

However, just after Jiang Xuan said these three words, Amethyst immediately rolled her eyes and said with some displeasure: Yes, yes, breakthrough, why are you back?

In the end, Jiang Xuan told Amethyst what happened, and she suddenly realized.

Then, Amethyst seemed to have thought of something, and said to Jiang Xuande: Based on the habits in the starry sky, I estimate that the source liquid you let the Sky Ape Clan absorb may be...

But suddenly, Amethyst, who was speaking, and Jiang Xuan raised their heads at the same time.

At this time, outside the Blue Star, a strong man of the sixth level of the Sky Ape Clan's Star Cutting Clan was already waiting quietly.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan immediately opened a Tianlin Royal entrance for the other party with a smile, then turned to look at Amethyst and said, What could it be?

Seeing that Jiang Xuan was obviously asking questions knowingly, Amethyst stamped her feet angrily, and said angrily: Okay, okay, you win, okay, man!

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