Seeing this, Jiang Xuan also quickly flew towards the starry sky of the large army!

I saw in the starry sky at this time, as Jiang Xuan gradually approached the strong men of the three tribes, in the starry sky, the corpses of various strong men from the Whale Star Clan, Tianyuan Clan, and Sheying Clan were floating randomly!

On the other hand, the Snail Ancestor and the Great Sage in the distance seemed to have become accustomed to it. After noticing Jiang Xuanfei's figure, the two actually smiled!

Finally, when Bai Shen, Wu Gu and others also returned from the depths of the starry sky, everyone began to count the casualties!

Twenty-two Blue Stars fought, with zero deaths and three seriously injured.

The Lin tribe went out to fight 90,000 people, with zero deaths and 8,000 serious injuries!

But after the Tianyuan Clan and Sheying Clan counted the numbers, Jiang Xuan was actually a little frightened!

I saw a strong man from the Sheying Clan who was at the sixth level of cutting stars, came to the crowd, and immediately said respectfully to Snail Ancestor: The Sheying Clan, 430,000 strong men went out to fight, 110,000 died, and were seriously injured. Seventy-five thousand!”

At first, when Jiang Xuan heard this number, he immediately looked at Ancestor Snail worriedly. Unexpectedly, Ancestor Snail had no reaction when he heard it and just nodded.

But what surprised Jiang Xuan even more was that when a black-haired Sky Ape from the Sky Ape tribe told the Great Sage that 160,000 strong men from his race died, the Great Sage had no reaction at all.

In the end, the Great Sage noticed Jiang Xuan's gaze and explained helplessly: Do you think that many strong people from our two races have died?

After hearing the other party's words, Jiang Xuan immediately asked: Isn't it much?

Snail Ancestor on the side, after seeing Jiang Xuan's slightly excited expression, looked at the Great Sage and explained: The starry sky race, the weak eat the strong.

Every time you move up a ranking, you will almost deplete a race's heritage. In the future, you will slowly understand the cruelty of survival in the starry sky.

I can only tell you that when our tribe came this time, the idea was very simple. As long as this cooperation can be completed, the number of people who died will be

In fact, it is not that important, because as long as we have resources, our clan can still grow more fiercely!

At this moment, Qilin in the distance finally inspected the seriously injured strong men of his clan and found that none of them were in danger before flying to Jiang Xuan and others.

After noticing the arrival of Qilin, Snail Zu immediately smiled and said: Look at the Lin clan, they can be said to not care about resources, and on the contrary, they care more about their own people.

Because they, like the aristocratic landowners of Blue Star in the past, almost no longer worry about resources. Of course, we don’t know what they need!

On the other hand, Qilin at this time, after arriving at Jiang Xuan's side, first nodded to the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor, and then immediately faced Jiang Xuandao.

Xuan Emperor, the clan leader asked me to ask you how much source fluid he owes Blue Star. In addition, our Lin clan's share of the spoils from this battle has also been given to Blue Star.

After all, we all focus on experience. After you say the number, I will go back and tell Ergou, and he will send it!

Listening to Qilin's rich and powerful words, Jiang Xuan finally understood what Snail Ancestor said.

In the end, Jiang Xuan could only smile and say: How much essence fluid do you think he owes Blue Star? After all, this is your worth, right!

But as soon as Qilin heard Jiang Xuan's words, he immediately looked around vigilantly and found that the strong men of the Lin clan were all behind the distant starry sky, and immediately whispered.

Xuan Emperor, based on my observations in the past few years, you have two choices, either to make a deal, or to open your mouth directly.

If you ask Ergou for 10,000 drops of source liquid, the Lin tribe will definitely feel pain, but they will definitely give it to you, but I don’t recommend you do this.

When he said this, Qilin noticed that Jiang Xuan, the Great Sage, and Snail Ancestor were breathing rapidly, and looked at the three of them speechlessly.

Finally, he continued: You still have to distinguish between a full meal and a full meal. You don't know that in the past few years, almost every month,

There will be those hundreds or thousands of race-ranked experts who will try their best to climb onto the big ship of the Lin clan. Therefore, I do not recommend that you, the lion, open your mouth!

In the end, after Jiang Xuan and others tried hard to suppress their desire for the source liquid, the four of them discussed it and concluded that this was indeed the case, so Jiang Xuan listened to Qilin's opinion.

After all, taking this joint operation as an example, without the arrival of the 90,000 strong men from the Lin Clan, everyone is sure that they would not be able to defeat each other if they relied on the Tianyuan Clan and the Sheying Clan!

You must know that although the people from the Lin Clan who came this time are all of the younger generation, their combat prowess is not comparable to that of the strong men from the Tianyuan Clan and Sheying Clan.

The most important thing is that after the arrival of many strong men from the Lin clan, they brought more luck to the entire army!

Although this mysterious and mysterious power of luck is not obvious, it is definitely a combat force that cannot be ignored.

After all, the power of luck does not affect one person, but the entire battlefield and everyone.

Just a few days ago, Jiang Xuan witnessed with his own eyes that in the army, a strong man from the Sky Ape Clan was chasing a strong man from the Whale Star Clan. The other party was on the way to escape.

Suddenly he was hit by a meteorite that was speeding towards him, and then he was successfully collected by a strong man from the Sky Ape Tribe!

Under various coincidences, everyone has understood that this is not a coincidence, but the power of luck is at work.

Therefore, in this joint battle, if calculated in terms of merit, the Lin clan will definitely take the lead!

But Qilin told a few people that he did not want the loot this time, so at this moment, both the Great Sage and the Snail Ancestor looked at Jiang Xuan.

You know, in the starry sky, there often happens that the joint battle is indeed won, but because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, the Second World War will start again.

But fortunately, whether it was the Great Sage or the Snail Ancestor who came this time, they both knew that Lan Xing had just stepped into the starry sky, so they did not really think about being so clear with Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan, on the other hand, also understood that everyone was from Blue Star, so he chose to share equally.

Yes, regardless of who contributed less or more, the corpses of millions of powerful men from the Whale Star Clan, except for the Lin Clan, were directly divided into three equal parts by Jiang Xuan.

One share for each of the three tribes.

This move was obviously something that the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor did not expect.

Chapter 346 Emotions that shouldn’t appear in the starry sky

After everyone had distributed the spoils, Jiang Xuan ignored the refusals of the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor and directly made the final decision, that's it!

But then, Jiang Xuan immediately saw the efficiency from the advanced planet sequence!

I saw that at this time, after the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor confirmed the spoils of their own races, almost at the same time, their bodies emitted light and shadow of energy, like a plank road in the starry sky, quickly extending into the depths of the starry sky.

Until a few hours later, the two of them were almost vibrating in tandem.

The next second, an extremely terrifying suction force appeared next to the two of them like a whirlpool.

At first, the vortex around the two powerful men first sucked the powerful men of their respective races into the whirlpool, and then paused for several hours.

During the pause, Jiang Xuan came to the two of them with great curiosity and looked at the Great Sage: This is it?

The Great Sage did not hesitate and said directly: This passage is connected to the mother planet. These tribesmen who died in the battle also have enough original power and energy.

Therefore, they will be brought back to the mother planet and then buried in their homeland. In this way, as they dissipate, the energy and original power in their bodies will be fed back to the mother star!

When he said this, Snail Ancestor on the side looked at Jiang Xuan's curious eyes and immediately added: This ability can only be achieved by the mother planet itself, which must be upgraded to the ninth level of Star-Zhanbing.

In addition, as for these trophies, the moment they return to our home star, they will be directly dissolved by the will of our home star, and eventually become the source liquid.

Just like Blue Star's original four giant cities!

After listening to the two elders' explanations, Jiang Xuan suddenly realized.

Immediately, Jiang Xuan seemed a little embarrassed, but he still said: How about? Two seniors, do you think which race can help directly dissolve Blue Star's share?

We pay the handling fee. When the time comes, can you just give us the source liquid?

As soon as these words came out, Snail Ancestor and the Great Sage turned to look at Jiang Xuan almost at the same time.

Immediately, Snail Zu was a little surprised and said: You believe in us so much?

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan just shrugged and told the two of them with practical actions.

But this move instantly made Snail Zu fall into deep thought.

After all, if Jiang Xuan really followed what he said, then he would definitely need his own race of more than 9,000 people to help Jiang Xuan.

But the problem is that the Sheying clan is not just one of them.

If Jiang Xuan really absorbs all the loot, even if he explains the situation after he returns, the strong men of his own race may not agree to give Jiang Xuan the source liquid.

After all, the starry sky is synonymous with coldness and ruthlessness. So-called friendships cannot appear in the starry sky!

On the other hand, the Great Sage at this time also understood what was going on, so after thinking again and again, he looked at Jiang Xuandao: I'll do it, if you, Blue Star, believe in my Tianyuan Clan's words!

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan at this time nodded immediately after hearing the words of the Great Sage, then waved his hand, turned around without hesitation, took Bai Shen and others, and flew directly in the direction of Blue Star.

The main thing is sincerity!

But just this action instantly made the two people behind, the Great Sage and Snail Ancestor, look at each other, and they immediately started laughing.

A feeling of trust in one's own descendants instantly filled the great sage's body!

Jiang Xuan is no longer involved in the subsequent finishing work. After all, the so-called Starry Sky Wanderer is still weighing on everyone's minds like a big mountain.

It is worth mentioning that when Jiang Xuan and others came to the edge of this galaxy and prepared to open the starry sky plank road and return to Blue Star, Qilin also came here with his tribe.

In the end, after everyone casually exchanged a few words, the two parties quickly parted ways and returned to their respective home planets.

But what made Jiang Xuan's scalp numb was the big boss of the Lin clan who was hidden in the void. For some reason, ever since he was chatting with Qilin, the other party's unabashedly hot gaze made Jiang Xuan frightened!

Fortunately, when Jiang Xuan, Bai Shen and others entered the starry sky plank road, that gaze finally disappeared!

Three days later!

When Jiang Xuan and others returned to Blue Star and arrived at Starry Sky East City, everyone was shocked!

At this time, when Jiang Xuan and others returned, the solid clones of Xiao Jianglan entered the original space in an instant.

The next second, the entire Blue Star could feel it, as if the mother star was vibrating slightly.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan couldn't care about anything else and quickly entered the original space!

I saw that at this time, Xiao Jianglan, after several months of absorbing the original liquid, the entire hazy will body became faintly clearer.

But then, Jiang Xuan was attracted by the amount of source liquid beside Xiao Jiang Lan.

I saw that there were only more than thirty drops of Blue Star's original liquid left.

But Jiang Xuan only thought for a moment and understood what was going on.

After all, when he and others left, although there were still 1,500 drops of source liquid on the home planet, Xiao Jianglan at that time had not yet broken through the upper limit of Level 5 of Star Cutting.

You must know that a full 1,600 drops of source liquid are needed to increase the upper limit of the home star from level five to level six.

Moreover, when he was hunting the Whale Star Clan, Xiao Jianglan also told him that many powerful men from their home planet did bring back more than 1,100 drops of source fluid after they returned.

But because the mother planet was threatened by the powerful men of the Whale Star Clan, Jiang Xuan at that time directly asked Amethyst to use all the source liquid!

Looking back at Xiao Jiang Lan at this time, just as Jiang Xuan was thinking, one of the rows of extremely solid clones of Xiao Jiang Lan instantly entered the little guy's body.

The next second, I saw that the light around Xiao Jianglan, who was already full of colorful lights, seemed to be brighter.

Immediately afterwards, under Jiang Xuan's gaze, a drop of source liquid quickly slipped from Xiao Jiang Lan's fingertips and fell into the pile of source liquid next to him.

Obviously, these little Jianglan clones are like storage tanks of the source power, being rapidly absorbed by the little guy, condensing the source liquid, and appearing in the source space!

Such a spectacular sight immediately made Jiang Xuan unable to take his eyes away, staring at Xiao Jiang Lan.

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