At this time, the green insect queen noticed that the Tengu and others did not answer her. She waved a green sickle on her body lightly, turned around and returned to the insect army.

But before leaving, the other party had already emitted pheromones and said: Kill him, leave no one behind!

The next second, the starry sky outside the Bayan Clan was filled with the screams and roars of many powerful men from Blue Star.

It wasn't until the end, in Xiao Jianglan's frightened eyes, that a giant scythe of an insect soldier as black as ink slashed at Xiao Jianglan's clone, and the starry sky became calm again!

Blue Star!

In the dark fog.

After Jiang Xuan completely started to break through a few days ago, he fell into silence. Until five days later, the body of Jiang Xuan's Ancestral Star Turtle suddenly trembled.

Immediately, in the endless black mist, Jiang Xuan's pitch-black pupils covered with corneas suddenly opened his eyes.

However, before Jiang Xuan could investigate, Xiao Jiang Lan suddenly appeared next to Jiang Xuan and said with horrified eyes: Dead, all dead!

Noticing that Xiao Jianglan turned out to be the original will of the Lord, Jiang Xuan immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, instantly transformed into a human form, and hurriedly said: Speak!

But the next second, Xiao Jiang Lan's eyes suddenly emitted a bright light, and an image appeared in front of Jiang Xuan!

It was not until dozens of minutes later that Jiang Xuan finally finished watching all the projections that his hands were clenched.

Finally, Jiang Xuan's eyes turned red and he said: Go back to Starry Sky East City and let Amethyst see what kind of strength the other party has.

Above the Starry Sky East City.

When Jiang Xuan led Xiao Jiang Lan to appear in front of Amethyst, and quickly showed Amethyst the projection, the other party immediately fell into deep thought.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Amethyst said with some uncertainty: There is no on-site induction, so I am a little uncertain. From a visual inspection, the opponent is at least a seventh-level Star-Destroying Insect Queen.

According to the characteristics of the Zerg race, all the opponent's guard bugs must have reached the seventh level of star-cutting strength, but the queen of bugs, who has been wandering in the starry sky all year round,

Their number of guard insects is generally less than thirty-six. After all, a queen can only have thirty-six guard insects in her lifetime!

When talking about this, Amethyst immediately changed the subject and said extremely seriously: The problem now is, the opponent's insect soldiers,

Just observing from the projection, among this insect queen, there are already tens of millions of insect soldiers at the third level of cutting stars alone, not to mention the specific strength of those more powerful insect soldiers who are guarding the opponent. , I won’t be able to observe it for a while!

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan at this time, after listening to Amethyst's detailed analysis, immediately said feebly: I understand!

Just three words, it seemed that Jiang Xuan had exhausted all his strength. After finishing speaking, Jiang Xuan walked to the edge of the giant city and looked at the black mist in the distance, lonely, lonely, and powerless!

As for Amethyst and Xiao Jianglan, after noticing Jiang Xuan's appearance, the two looked at each other with great understanding. Then, Xiao Jianglan entered the original space again and began to work hard to break through the upper limit of the home planet.

And Amethyst also understood the feeling of knowing who the enemy is, but not having the strength to take revenge.

Therefore, we can only quickly absorb energy and work hard to break through!

It wasn't until Jiang Xuan stood quietly on the starry sky city for two days that Jiang Xuan's mind calmed down.

In two days, Jiang Xuan told all about the past that he and Tengu had gone to the Beautiful Country to collect spiritual crystals together, as well as the many strong men who had cut through the black mist with Jiang Xuan and fought for the Blue Star.

What's more, there are also those new strong men who have youthful longing on their faces and have just gone to the starry sky with their longing for the starry sky to obtain resources for Blue Star.

They are all gone!

According to the characteristics of the Zerg race, the four hundred strong men of Blue Star may have already lost their bodies.

At this time, Jiang Xuan, although he was above the giant city and could understand the truth that one general's success can lead to thousands of bones drying up, but when he thought of them, Jiang Xuan still felt a faint pain.

In the end, Jiang Xuan could only remain angry and bury his hatred for the Zerg in his heart!

However, the next second, Xiao Jianglan's clone appeared next to Jiang Xuan again, and said in an extremely urgent voice: Guigui, something happened again.

Twenty-five teams, including Tengu, have all died. Nine teams have all sent contact messages. The planets they are heading to have all become Death Stars.

Now I have asked them to evacuate their respective invading racial star areas as soon as possible. In addition, the remaining fifteen teams have completed the invasion and continue to rush to the racial star areas ranked above!

Chapter 330 Luck, price

After hearing the urgent news from little Jiang Lan, Jiang Xuan first stared at the little guy and thought about it for several minutes before speaking with a sense of luck.

Understood, let's speed up everyone. Try to wait until the Star Hunt officially begins. All the strong men of Blue Star will return to Blue Star. Faced with this large-scale battle across the entire starry sky,

We can only retreat to our home planet now!

As Jiang Xuan finished speaking, Xiao Jiang Lan immediately nodded heavily and then disappeared into the void.

But what Jiang Xuan doesn't know is that the starry sky is a huge jungle that is extremely dangerous but full of temptations.

In this jungle, even one ten thousandth of a chance will eventually cost you a heavy price.

But now Jiang Xuan was in a hurry to save the source liquid for Blue Star, and didn't think much about it. In the end, he only thought about it for a moment and said softly: Attributes!

[Jiang Xuan: (Level 4 of Zhanxing)]

[Race: Ancestral Star Turtle (Blue Star)]

[Introduction: In the great era of Qingyu, the most ultimate evolved creature, at its peak, all races regarded this race’s home star as their ancestral star. 】

[Original fluid: 0. 】

[Upgrade requirements: 1000. 】

[Explosive kill: level 40. 】

[Shock Thorn: Level 40. 】

[Taunt: Level 40. 】

[Swallow: Level 40. 】

[Original power: group range, 40 seconds at the same level. 】

[Bloodline inheritance: unlock 1% (burning source liquid.)]

At this moment, Jiang Xuan noticed the change in his original power with just one glance.

To be honest, it seems that these innate magical powers have not been used for a long time since he was promoted to the Star-Slaying Realm.

In other words, the enemies we encounter now have never said that they force themselves to go all out.

However, at this moment, Jiang Xuan also understood that the current self, let alone the same level, might not be weaker than the opponent even if he was fighting at the third level.

Of course, this so-called leapfrog battle also depends on which race you are fighting.

If those races are relatively low in ranking and have weak combat power among the strong men from their home planets, maybe at level four, even Jiang Xuan would dare to fight.

After exploring his own situation, Jiang Xuan's perception covered the bodies of Bai Shen and others.

At this moment, in Jiang Xuan's perception, Bai Shen's body already had a faint aura of Level 4 Zhanxing.

On the other hand, Rongsu, Miao and the others are still accumulating strength!

But the next second, behind Bai Shen and others, a breath of level 4 slashing stars emitted like a savage beast.

And Jiang Xuan also locked eyes with him instantly.

At this time, Wu Daode saw that the body of the Pipi Shrimp on the 10,000-meter-high surface was covered with colorful periodic tables of elements.

In the next second, pieces of hard black material quickly formed a giant resistance cannon that was 10,000 meters long and looked extremely frightening.

The dark diameter of its barrel has reached about five thousand meters.

A few minutes later, when the energy around Wu Daode finally calmed down, the opponent instantly transformed into a human form, standing on the giant cannon like an ant, laughing at Jiang Xuan.

Seeing the other party's mean expression, Jiang Xuan also flew on top of the other party's giant cannon, wondering: What are you doing? Why are you smiling so happily?

At this time, Wu Daode seemed to be waiting for Jiang Xuan's inquiry. As soon as he heard Jiang Xuan's words, he immediately said proudly: Star Destroyer Cannon-1 version, the eaglet of the Star Destroyer Cannon,

But, boss, going from zero to one is always the hardest thing to do. The current Star Destroyer Cannon has a one-shot lethality. Although it is only as powerful as a full-strength strike at the fourth level, it cannot withstand its long range.

Give it time to recharge. In less than ten days, even if you are standing on the edge of the galaxy, I can give you a shot!

Hearing this guy's happy words, Jiang Xuan immediately raised a question: With such a long distance, can you hit the opponent?

As soon as these words came out, Wu Daode immediately widened his eyes, as if his professionalism was being questioned, and said quickly and displeasedly: What are you talking about?

What are you talking about? Although the distance is far, the energy of my Star Destroyer Cannon was not considered in the initial design, but after improvement,

The cannonballs emitted by this thing have almost no excess energy except for the more powerful star-breaking energy added to various parts to fuse it.

Let me ask you, if you were at the edge of the Milky Way and suddenly found an iron lump flying towards you, but it had no energy, would you pay attention?

Following Wu Daode's explanation, Jiang Xuan also understood what was going on. Then he nodded and said, The first forts on the giant city are useless. Next, you know!

Upon hearing that Jiang Xuan was extremely supportive of his research, Wu Daode immediately patted his chest and promised: Don't worry, boss, leave it to me.

I will also turn these initial forts into iron elements again and use them as waste. I have a dream, that is, in the future, all enemies within the range of the Blue Star Star Destroyer Cannon will be destroyed.

They will not be enemies, but cannon fodder!

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Jiang Xuan, who had already flown towards the giant city again, immediately turned his head in the air, smiled slightly and said: Okay, I believe you!

However, just after flying to the giant city and not yet able to stabilize his body, Xiao Jiang Lan's clone appeared next to Jiang Xuan again.

Without waiting for Jiang Xuan to ask, Xiao Jiang Lan said directly: Again, two more teams encountered each other, but one of the teams encountered the Whale Star Clan.

But they are more domineering, you see!

Then, a projection appeared next to Jiang Xuan in an instant.

In the picture at this time, many Blue Star powerhouses seemed to have just flown out of the starry sky, and were instantly discovered by many Whale Star Clan powerhouses resting on another dead planet.

Then, in the picture, a huge and numerous whale star clan began to chase the many powerful men of Blue Star in an instant.

On the other hand, Blue Star, the star-level human who led the team, also noticed the opponent's figure immediately, and then quickly led many of Blue Star's strong men to start escaping in the opposite direction.

Obviously, everyone's idea is to escape from this galaxy and then directly open the starry sky plank road to leave.

But the strong men from the Whale Star Clan are not only stronger in strength, they are also much more numerous than the strong men from Blue Star.

In the end, everyone in Blue Star was chased and intercepted in the starry sky.

In the picture, as many Blue Star powerhouses were left alone and slowly surrounded by the Whale Star Clan, the leader of the other party started killing directly without even asking the many Blue Star powerhouses.

Until the moment when the scene was frozen, Jiang Xuan noticed that the leader of the other party had spread his body thousands of feet and began to devour the corpses of many powerful men in Blue Star.

Moreover, another strong man from the Whale Star Tribe who was about a thousand feet in size had already appeared in front of his body with a drop of the source fluid given by Jiang Xuan, and his expression was extremely intoxicating.


I saw Jiang Xuan at this time. After watching the projection, his iron fist instantly hit the giant city, and then he said angrily: Whale Star Clan, very good, since you want to play, I will play with you!

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