A few minutes later, when the huge city of Starry Sky East City was crowded with people, Jiang Xuan looked at Gahaha beside him, and then spoke directly.

The star hunt of the Zerg has begun. We must get ahead of them and capture all the thousand races above us.

No matter how the insects treat those planets, we are still the same, thirty drops of source fluid, plus starry sky oath.

When he said this, Jiang Xuan glanced at Jiahaha beside him, and then asked in a deep voice: The strength of Blue Star's star-killing experts has been improved again. Is it feasible to target four hundred people on one planet?

When Jiahaha heard the question, he immediately burst into tears and said with some embarrassment: It is feasible, but I have only investigated these dozens of races.

As for other races, I still don’t know what their alliance planets are. If we act rashly, I’m afraid something will happen!

But at this time, Jiang Xuan, after hearing what Zijing said about the Star Hunters, had already sensed the crisis, so he immediately said: There is no need to investigate, just start from the 25,999 and go up. Plow together!

On the other hand, when Jiahaha heard this, almost instantly, the tentacles on the cricket's head began to swing wildly, obviously frightened.

But Jiang Xuan had already decided on this matter. In the end, Jiahaha could only grit his teeth and endure the numbness of his scalp and said: Okay, I will try my best to improve the strength of the strong men in my clan.

Then give all Blue Star experts the route to the invading race!

After finishing speaking, Jiahaha also felt the urgency of time, so he looked at the twenty-five strong Jiachu hunters behind Jiang Xuan who had turned into mouse sizes and said: Then change the plan.

You all know the starry sky routes and planet characteristics of many races. Although the strong men of Blue Star will usually be crushed by their strength after passing by, you must also do well in what you have to do!

As soon as these words came out, the twenty-five star-level Jiayu Hunter Clan powerhouses behind Jiang Xuan all nodded to the head of their family.

On the other hand, after Jiahaha finished speaking to the strong man of his own race, he turned to look at Jiang Xuandao: Without further delay, I will return to our planet immediately. In the past few days, even if I am collecting the source liquid pile, I have to pile up enough for many Blue Stars. The star-killing tribesmen who are leading the way with strong men!”

You must know that building a starry sky plank road can only be accomplished by star-level experts, and the tribesmen sent by Gahaha every time seem to have been specially instructed by Gahaha.

He knows the location and characteristics of each race in the starry sky, and how to build the starry sky plank road!

And this is exactly what many powerful people in Blue Star are not good at.

Of course, the battle after arriving at the place is the matter of the strong Blue Star. Therefore, this kind of complementary behavior is why Jiang Xuan is so satisfied with Gahaha after getting along with him for so long!

Chapter 328 Race against time

Starry Sky East City!

As Jiahaha's body gradually grew larger and then disappeared into the sky, Jiang Xuan also waved his hand and began to make arrangements.

Everyone, we can say that this time, we are snatching food from the tiger's mouth right under the nose of the Starry Sky Sequence, so everyone must be cautious, cautious, and more cautious.

In addition, if any team really discovers the Zerg, or is discovered by the opponent, they must ask for help from the will of the mother planet as soon as possible, and then try their best to escape.

As Jiang Xuan finished speaking his extremely serious words, he saw that the twenty-five rat-sized Gacchus hunters behind Jiang Xuan had also arrived in front of many strong men who had formed a team.

Twenty-five teams, each with a total of 400 Blue Star experts, a total of 10,000 Blue Star experts, made Blue Star almost come out in full force again.

Originally, what Jiang Xuan wanted was to allow those strong men who were breaking through to break through with peace of mind.

But as many strong men from Blue Star gathered together, those who were accumulating energy and starting to break through almost all opened their eyes.

On the current giant city, there may be only a few hundred strong men who have reached the critical point of breakthrough and have not yet woken up. All the strong men have stopped accumulating energy for breakthrough for the sake of Blue Star.

At this moment, as the strong men of the Jiayu Hunter Clan merged with many strong men of Blue Star, Jiang Xuanye quickly popped out twenty-five drops of the source fluid and sent them to the captains.

On the other hand, when each captain received Jiang Xuan's original liquid, Xiao Jiang Lan's will clones were also in place beside everyone.

Immediately, Jiang Xuan waved his hand and said solemnly: Everyone, I wish you a triumphant return!

As soon as these words were spoken, above the Starry Sky East City, the mighty Blue Star Star-Slashing Army rose directly into the sky, and within a few minutes, completely disappeared into the starry sky.

On top of the giant city, Jiang Xuan watched everyone disappear. After thinking for a moment, he turned to look at Bai Shen. Wugou and others had entered the critical stage of breakthrough.

After observing for a while, Jiang Xuan found that there was almost nothing strange about everyone, and then entered the original space again!

Original space!

I saw little Jianglan at this time. Because Blue Star was promoted to a fourth-level planet, the little guy seemed to have grown taller and looked slim.

After Jiang Xuan came in, he looked directly at Xiao Jiang Lan and quickly said: This time, in the mouth of the starry sky overlord, I will snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

We, Blue Star, are almost dancing on the tip of a knife. Jiang Lan, I have decided that you should be promoted again, so that Blue Star’s upper limit can break through the fifth level of star level!

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Xiao Jiang Lan was stunned for a moment, but then quickly said: Every time I get promoted, I almost consume multiples of my source fluid.

If I want to be promoted again, I will need 800 drops of source fluid this time!

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xuan's eyes immediately looked at the puddle-like pool of nearly 2,800 drops of source liquid, and said directly.

Every planet and every race is almost here. Let's get promoted. In addition, I also need five hundred drops of source liquid to be promoted to the fourth level of Star Cutting.

This is not the time for Blue Star to accumulate wealth!

The next second, Jiang Xuan drank a full 500 drops of source liquid directly from the source pool and prepared to return to the giant city.

But just as he was leaving, Jiang Xuan suddenly stopped, looked at Xiao Jianglan solemnly and said: I have broken through these days, your clone,

Pay more attention to the status of Bai Shen and others. If it is because of insufficient energy, you can directly dilute the source liquid or give them the source liquid directly!

When Xiao Jiang Lan in the original space heard Jiang Xuan's words, he immediately nodded heavily and said: Okay, I understand.

After receiving a positive reply, Jiang Xuan immediately returned to Starry Sky East City, and his whole body was instantly wrapped in five hundred drops of the original liquid of colorful light.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan, who was trying hard to absorb the original liquid, looked at Bai Shen and others, and murmured to himself in great confusion: Why did I break through?

If they need so much source liquid, they just need to break through the upper limit of their home star and then work hard to absorb energy?

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan, who had been thinking for a long time and couldn't figure it out, could only quickly fly into the black mist after completely absorbing all the source liquid on the fifth day.

In the black mist at this time, Jiang Xuan's Ancestral Star Turtle, which was a thousand meters in diameter and six to seven hundred meters high, was like a black hole, looking deep and cold!

At this moment, Jiang Xuan's eyes, which were covered with hard corneas, suddenly flashed, and then he said: Breakthrough!

The next second, I saw ten-colored rays of light above Jiang Xuan's body, completely surrounding Jiang Xuan.

And Jiang Xuan was in this state, and every piece of black armor on his body was slowly being retracted, one by one!

This appearance, as if he was being baptized with the source fluid, made Jiang Xuan look extremely terrifying!

Jiutian Galaxy!

The Bayan clan!

This planet ranks twenty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty in the entire starry sky.

On this day, space fluctuations suddenly occurred at the edge of the Jiutian Galaxy.

As the fluctuations gradually became stronger, a few hours later, star-level experts appeared at the edge of the galaxy in an instant!

At this moment, the captain at the front waved his hand and flew towards the home planet of the Bayan Clan while listening to the introduction of the cricket-like creature next to him.

The Bayan Clan, the mother planet's strong men, has about four hundred and sixty members, but most of them are at the first level of Zhanxing, and most of them are at the second level.

The races on this planet are water creatures. The entire home planet is almost covered by water, and the land area is only less than one percent.

It is precisely because of this that all the strong people on this planet do not like fire. The strong people with the fire attribute are the nemesis of all the strong people on this planet.

Of course, with your strength, attributes are no longer so important!

After listening to the other party's calm introduction, the Tengu who had gone to other countries to gather wool with Jiang Xuan immediately nodded, and quickly spoke to the many strong men behind him: Remember Emperor Xuan's order,

Fight quickly, check the opponent's attitude before entering, don't act like a reckless man, just do it!

Just when the Tengu was speaking, everyone finally saw the Bayhan Clan's mother planet, which was almost entirely covered by a pitch-black ocean!

However, what puzzles Tengu is that many strong men from Blue Star have already arrived outside the opponent's planet, and they have not concealed any aura.

Why didn’t any of the powerful men from the Bayan clan show up?

Even with the perception of Tengu and others, when they looked at the planet from outside the starry sky, everyone discovered that there was no aura of strong people on this planet.

But because the opponent's home planet was almost entirely covered by the sea, Tengu could only speak cautiously: You wait again first,

I will enter this planet first and explore the way. Remember, if anything happens, evacuate immediately!

Chapter 329 Death Star

Bay shakes the star!

As the Tengu gradually entered the opponent's planet, all the powerful men on Blue Star outside the starry sky locked their captains with their senses.

However, when the Tengu completely landed on the sea surface of the Bayan Clan's home planet, the next second, he immediately sent a message: Come down quickly and see what's going on?

Many powerful men outside the starry sky were stunned for a moment, but after hearing the words of their captain, they immediately flew down!

When all the powerful men of Blue Star arrived at the Bayan Clan's planet sea area, everyone showed doubts and wary eyes!

Just because, at this time, the Bayan clan did not have a single living being in the perception of all the powerful people.

It's a Death Star through and through!

Just when everyone was puzzled, a rich light suddenly appeared in the sea area where all the Blue Star powerhouses were standing!

This sudden situation instantly caused many strong men from Blue Star, who were already extremely vigilant, to fly into the air quickly like frightened birds.

The next second, a vague, ghost-like aura appeared above the ocean.

Without waiting for the Tengu to be confused, the other party's slightly crazy will roared madly: Dead, destroyed the star, Zerg, dead, all dead, after 30,000 years of hard work, our clan did not protect the Star Wanderers, no... ….”

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jianglan's clone next to Tengu suddenly said in horror: It's the will of the other planet's mother planet. He~he~he, why did he become like this?

But the next second, the will of the Bayhan Clan's home star began to shatter into pieces, until it completely disappeared above the sea.

On the other hand, Tengu and others saw that the planet had completely become a Death Star and had no energy, so they quickly flew out of the starry sky!

During the flight, Tengu quickly said to Xiao Jianglan's clone: ​​Supreme Will, please inform Emperor Xuan quickly and tell Emperor Xuan everything that happened here!

However, when all the Blue Star experts flew into the starry sky, everyone looked forward in fear.

Just because at this time, the starry sky in front of everyone was densely packed with endless insect soldiers, and they had already surrounded all the Blue Star powerhouses!

Just when everyone's eyes were filled with doubts, an Insect Queen with unfathomable strength suddenly walked out of the void ahead.

On the opponent's terrifying inverted triangle head, two eyes occupying almost two-thirds of the head, casually looked at the Tengu and others, and then transmitted the pheromone channel.

Planet, location, starry sky sequence ranking!

Listening to the other party's indifferent words, Tengu and others remained silent.

On the contrary, Xiao Jianglan's eyes radiated light at this moment, imprinting all this in his eyes, and he quickly reported everything that happened here to the main body of Blue Star.

In the starry sky!

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