Thousands of high-level insect soldiers have been trapped in the depths of the black mist. As for these low-level insect soldiers, they have already been contained and should be used as a whetstone for these little guys like Blue Star before they break out of Blue Star!

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xuan from the city wall also smiled and said: Well, there is no need to show too much mercy. Only in a real war of blood and fire can a truly strong man be tempered.

Unexpectedly, when Amethyst below heard Jiang Xuan trying to persuade her, she immediately sneered: Pity? They are a great complement to the insect soldiers!

Seeing Amethyst in a good mood, Jiang Xuan couldn't help but strike the iron while the iron was hot: After Xiao Jiang Lan is completely promoted, you can join Blue Star directly!

As soon as these words came out, Amethyst's eyes lit up immediately, and then she nodded heavily.

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan at this time had already turned his senses towards the original space.

After all, Xiao Jianglan will be completely promoted in these two days.

Originally, when Amethyst completely controlled the endless insect soldiers at the beginning, Jiang Xuan planned to directly mark Amethyst with the mark of his home planet.

But later it was discovered that Amethyst, as the super dominant race in the starry sky, had already had the original mark of its own race from the moment it was born. If you want to remove it, you can't do it with Xiao Jianglan's clone alone.

In fact, in Xiao Jianglan's words, even one's own main origin needs to stay with Amethyst for a long time, and slowly wear away the imprint of Amethyst's own origin.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan and Zijing could only wait for Jiang Lan's promotion.

Just as the two of them finished talking, at least 10,000 Blue Star powerhouses were seen filing in from the entrance of Starry Sky West City.

This made Jiang Xuan, who was standing on the giant city, feel as if he had seen himself in another world.

At this time, Lan, who was the controller of Starry Sky West City, suddenly fell from the giant city. The terrifying star-cutting energy suppressed tens of thousands of Blue Star powerhouses, unable to move at all.

Seeing this, Lan slowly said: Infighting, extraterrestrial creatures have already been eyeing Blue Star, are they still fighting among themselves? Want resources? Want strength, there is everything you want,

Since they are all strong, let’s not talk nonsense and go for it ourselves.

As soon as Lan finished speaking, the towering city gate below Starry Sky West City slowly opened with a rumbling sound.

Afterwards, many strong men sensed the aura of disgust and hatred.

Jiang Xuan, who was above the giant city, looked at the many timid juniors below. Although they were timid, they all moved slowly outside the giant city, and he immediately wanted to laugh.

But then I thought about it, back then I and others were really fighting, and they really needed to resist the bonfire of the times, but now these little guys below,

Although they also need to shoulder their responsibilities, there are seniors who have cleared all obstacles for them so far!

As for Starry Sky East City, Starry Sky North City, and Starry Sky South City, the scenes at this time are almost exactly the same.

The only difference is the number of people.

At this time, the negative mountain god Ao, who was named the controller of Starry Sky North City, looked at the little guys below,

He immediately yelled: I am the Mountain-bearing God Ao, the one who controls Starry Sky North City. Remember, anyone who dares to ask who my milk is will be thrown into the black mist immediately to feed the insects!

Below are many new-generation powerhouses from Blue Star: “…….”

Chapter 292 Jiang Lan’s Promotion

Starry Sky North City!

Although the words of the negative mountain god Ao at this time made many strong men a little confused, the terrifying energy in the opponent's body scared many strong men and they did not dare to think too much.

At this moment, another voice, also mixed with terrifying energy, came from above the giant city in an instant.

How long has it been and what kind of milk do you have? Please tell me. I am so anxious that I have lost weight all day long.

The next second, Rong Su, who was at least two and three meters tall and whose muscles exuded the color of gold, jumped off the giant city with a boom~ sound.

For a moment, the negative mountain god Ao immediately glared at Rongsu and said with some displeasure: My dear..., get out of here!

After this experience, the mountain-bearing god Ao didn't want to talk about any more lectures or anything like that. As soon as the city gate opened, it was smashed!

The powerful people in the city were all frightened when they looked at the black fog that covered the sky and the sun outside the city.

In the end, everyone looked at Rong Su's iron tower-like body and could only bite the bullet and walked out of the giant city.

The next second, a terrifying roar and vibrating sound, like thousands of troops, came directly from the depths of the black mist.

Many strong men saw this and yelled one after another.

Defense, defense.

Let's all stay together, don't panic!


As a burst of dust fell to the ground, many Blue Star humans and ferocious beasts took on their strongest defensive postures, or turned into their own bodies, waiting quietly.

But the next second, a black guard insect tens of thousands of meters high suddenly rushed out from the depths of the black mist, looking directly at death.

The opponent's terrifying star-level strength directly killed at least a thousand Blue Star experts with just one strike.

Above the giant city, as the guard bug rushed out, the two Blue Star experts immediately flew down from the giant city and tore each other alive in less than five seconds.

But the next second, many strong men who had just experienced a life-and-death crisis under the giant city saw a scene they would never forget.

I saw thousands of super strong people headed by the young man from the Iron Tower, with sneers on their lips, rushing directly from the giant city into the black mist without fear.

In the black mist, Rongsu quickly rushed into the depths while shouting to the people behind him: I've locked her, come on!

Immediately, the black mist surged.

Until dozens of minutes later, Rongsu almost lost track of the opponent several times because of the obstruction of the guard bugs.

But in the end, he still caught up with the Azure Insect Queen.

Seeing this, Rong Su chuckled and said, What's wrong, because the black mist is shrinking more and more, and it can't be stretched anymore? Then guess, why do we send so many strong men to the four giant cities?

Trash, tell me where the Chongjin Puppet is, and I can let you die for a while, otherwise, Jie Jie Jie...

Listening to Rongsu's threatening words, the Azure Insect Queen sneered, and without saying a word, she directly attacked Rongsu.

Unexpectedly, Rongsu, who was originally like an iron-headed boy, quickly retreated thousands of miles and shouted: Brothers, kick her in the circle.

As soon as he said these words, the Azure Insect Queen looked helplessly at the more than a thousand Blue Star powerhouses around her. Finally, she was unwilling to let out a blast of harsh pheromones and died tragically.

But in the next second, a total of thirty-six Star-Leveling Guard Insects suddenly pulled Rongsu into the depths of the black mist while Rongsu was watching the show and he was unprepared, and disappeared without a trace!

This reaction instantly caused Fushan Shen'ao and others to panic and be at a loss.

Seeing the expressions of many powerful men, the Mountain-bearing God Ao made an immediate decision and directly ordered: Take these guard bugs and the azure bugs, and exit the black mist. I will go to Starry Sky West City immediately and report to Xuan!

However, Starry Sky West City at this time already knew what happened the moment those guard bugs appeared.

Until Amethyst told Jiang Xuan that Rongsu was dragged into the depths of the black mist by the insect golden puppet's Guard Chong and disappeared without a trace, Jiang Xuan was instantly furious.

Then he prepared to lead the army and charge into the black mist.

However, because the Insect Gold Puppet now knows that all the Insect Soldiers in the black mist are now Amethyst's spies, so the other party deliberately avoided many Insect Soldiers when they disappeared.

So now Amethyst doesn't know where the other party is.

Even if Jiang Xuan really led his army into the black mist now, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and he would almost never be able to find it.

Because of this, Amethyst could only tell Jiang Xuan in the end and let him wait quietly.

However, just when Jiang Xuangang suppressed his furious expression, a solemn roar suddenly came from the depths of the black mist.

But the next second, the sound stopped suddenly.

This roar seemed to be deliberately made by the Insect Gold Puppet, and almost all the powerful men in the four giant cities could hear it.

Looking back at Starry Sky West City at this time.

At this moment, when Jiang Xuan heard Rong Su's painful gaze, his originally dark eyes gradually turned red.

However, Jiang Xuan also knew that what Zijing said was the truth, so he could only resist his impulse and stand quietly in the giant city, silent.

As for Amethyst under the city, ever since the roar appeared, they have dispatched endless insect soldiers and quickly headed towards the sound.

But after arriving at the place, Amethyst could only see a corner of Rongsu's tail fin based on the perspective shared by the insect soldiers.

This scene, which was obviously tormenting Rongsu, made Jiang Xuan restless now.

Until one day later, Jiang Xuan, who was meditating hard, suddenly felt that the energy factors around him were extremely active.

The next second, all the star-level experts felt their bodies light up at the same time.

Within Blue Star, at this moment, a strong wind of ability blew up everywhere.

Without waiting for Jiang Xuan's reaction, Xiao Jiang Lan suddenly appeared next to Jiang Xuan.

Yes, the moment Xiao Jianglan appeared, he was his original source, not his clone.

Blue Star’s upper limit has been exceeded!

The little guy who had just appeared next to Jiang Xuan was originally very happy, but suddenly he noticed Jiang Xuan's gloomy face that looked like bleeding, and he was immediately a little scared!

On the contrary, it was Jiang Xuan himself who noticed Xiao Jiang Lan's figure, forced out a smile and said: Promoted?

Seeing this, the little guy immediately smiled and said quickly: Yeah~!

With the appearance of Xiao Jianglan, Amethyst also raised her head and looked at the giant city above.

Looking at Amethyst's expression below, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at each other, and then nodded lightly.

Jiang Lan, from today on, you will stay with Amethyst as your origin until the brand of her home star is completely worn away and she will become a strong person on our Blue Star!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Xuan's words came out, Xiao Jianglan immediately became a little unhappy and said: Yes, yes, but if you want to remove the mark of her home planet,

She must also resist the brand of her home planet, otherwise, because I am not on the same level as her home planet, there is no way I can wear it off.

As soon as these words came out, Amethyst below said immediately: What is she talking about? Come on, please translate!

Chapter 293 Starry Sky Rules

Listening to Amethyst's confused tone, Jiang Xuan could only explain: The imprint of your Zerg's home star is too deep.

If you really want to completely get rid of the mark of the Zerg home planet, you must also have the heart to resist, and cooperate with Xiao Jianglan to erase your mark together.

As soon as these words came out, Amethyst nodded immediately and expressed her willingness.

The next second, with Amethyst's nod, Xiao Jianglan flew down from the giant city in an instant, and directly transformed into a spirit body, accompanying Amethyst.

But it is obvious that with the appearance of Xiao Jianglan, the supreme imprinting laws are flowing slowly in Amethyst's body, resisting the erosion of Xiao Jianglan.

Seeing that the two people below had begun to remove the imprint of Amethyst's home star, Jiang Xuan turned his attention to the black mist again and showed a worried expression.

A few minutes later, at the entrance of Xingkong West City, the mountain-bearing god Ao hurried in and reported everything to Jiang Xuan.

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