Looking at the silent expression of the Black Forest Rat Emperor, Jiang Xuan could only say with some hesitation: Okay, it's me, Meng Lang. A race like yours that is the overlord in the starry sky,

Even if you join another overlord race, you can still prosper, sorry!

But the next second, the Black Forest Rat Emperor seemed not to hear Jiang Xuan's words, and murmured: Do you know? Of all the races in the starry sky, when they look at a race, they don't look at ranking or strength, they only look at it. potential,

Blue Star is a race with unlimited potential, but the moment it steps into the starry sky, it will be hostile to almost the entire starry sky. Haha, forget it, take a gamble, losing is nothing but death, winning is not the same as dominating the starry sky. Dream!

As the other party finished speaking, without waiting for Jiang Xuan's reaction, Amethyst's beautiful figure walked out of the black mist in an instant!

Looking at the figure of the other party, Jiang Xuan felt happy, and then he was ready to call Xiao Jiang Lan and quickly mark the other party with the mark of his home star to avoid long nights and dreams.

But at this moment, Amethyst, who flew out of the black mist, casually glanced at the many insect soldiers still fighting below, and immediately said to Jiang Xuan: Give me a few days,

Because I don’t have the energy to give birth to child soldiers, all these insect soldiers will be the cornerstone of our future and cannot be wasted!

Immediately, Amethyst stood majestically below the Starry Sky West City, and began to emit waves of pheromones all over her body.

It wasn't until a moment later that the other party seemed to adapt to the release of such pheromones. While releasing it, he opened his eyes and said: There is Tianlin Yu outside Blue Star.

Currently, the Insect Gold Puppet and Azure Insect Queen must be hiding around the black mist of Blue Star, because their star-cutting insect soldiers and their respective insect soldiers,

I still can't contain them, but now, they don't dare to release pheromones to summon their own insect soldiers.

After finishing speaking, Amethyst emitted waves of pheromones, and then continued: But they will always be a big problem until they die, but don't worry, after I contain all the insect soldiers,

I ordered them all to gather here. If there are no insect soldiers in other giant cities by then, plus my deliberate pulling, it won’t take long for the black mist to slowly gather here.

When the black fog shrinks, they will have no place to hide!

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan at this time, looking at Amethyst who was explaining under the giant city, was also beginning to think about how to quickly remove those two hidden dangers.

But Amethyst below, looking at Jiang Xuan's silent expression, seemed to think of something, and was slightly startled, and immediately explained: Even the purple-level insect queen who can command the most insect soldiers among the insect tribe,

I estimate that I won’t be able to contain all the insect soldiers by then. At that time, I will screen out a group of insect soldiers with low strength or problems and let you directly turn them into energy.

But if I become the Blue Star Bug Queen now, that probably won’t work.

Seeing that the other party was speechless, Jiang Xuan quickly explained: It's okay, you do what you want, I'm thinking about those two guys, what should I do!

Chapter 290 Order

After hearing that Jiang Xuan was not angry because he refused to bear the mark of his home planet, Amethyst immediately relaxed and began to work hard to contain the insect soldiers rushing out one after another!

On the other hand, those insect soldiers that had been completely contained were extremely obedient and returned to the black mist one after another, and turned into huge eggs, obediently staying in the black mist of the West City.

While the two were talking, the wall of Xingkong West City suddenly shook violently.

This unexpected situation instantly caused Jiang Xuan, including Amethyst, and the powerful men who were at a loss below the city, to look towards the giant city.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Xiao Jiang Lan suddenly appeared, and then said happily: Hehe, it's repaired, let's see if I'm good at it!

Seeing the little guy's expression of praising me, Jiang Xuan could only smile and say: Awesome, Jiang Lan, awesome!

Listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Xiao Jianglan immediately showed his two little fangs happily, narrowed his eyes and smiled happily.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan smiled and shook his head, and asked curiously: How long do you have until you can completely advance successfully?

Hearing Jiang Xuan's words, Xiao Jiang Lan immediately said: It will take about a month. My main origin is already working hard to break through.

Jiang Xuan understood, and then sensed the energy between the sky and the earth outside the entrance, and then asked curiously: Xiao Jiang Lan, do you think you can add another drop of source liquid?

Let the energy of heaven and earth inside our Blue Star be thicker. In this case, the many strong men of Blue Star will also break through more and their strength will grow faster!

After hearing Jiang Xuan's contact, Xiao Jianglan immediately said unhappy: One drop, five drops, ten drops, twenty drops, forty drops..., and so on, this is the most fundamental rule in the starry sky.

If you want Blue Star to have more advanced energy, you need five drops. The most important thing is that if you use five drops, you can only last for a hundred years!

However, before Jiang Xuan could speak, Amethyst below heard Jiang Xuan's words and immediately said: There are races ranked beyond 10,000 in the starry sky.

Almost all of them are released on their respective planets with a drop of source liquid, barely maintaining the growth of the organisms on their respective home planets, and then screening out the powerful organisms with great potential and cultivating them individually.

And the races ranked between 6,000 and 10,000 in the starry sky almost all have five drops of source fluid. In that case, the creatures of their own race can be brought online as a whole, and more powerful people with great potential can be discovered by then!

After saying this, Amethyst paused for a moment, and then continued: And the races ranked between 2,000 and 6,000 are usually ten drops. That race,

They are all in the starry sky, with deep roots. They will not change much for almost a thousand or ten thousand years. They will accumulate strength and strive for a better racial ranking.

As for the rankings between one thousand and two thousand, they all aim to hit the rankings within the top one thousand, almost all of them are twenty drops!

After saying this, a stern look flashed in Amethyst's eyes and she continued: As for the eight hundred to the first one hundred and twenty, they all have forty drops of source liquid.

Almost all of them want to hit the top 100 dominance rankings, but obviously, they just think about it.

After finishing speaking, Amethyst casually pointed to the top of her head and said with a smile: What is an overlord? It is a truly unshakable race in the starry sky. A single move can affect the whole body.

They are either strong in strength or have extensive connections, and their rankings remain unchanged for almost ten thousand years. Take the Tianlin Clan as an example, they need connections and connections.

We need resources and resources, and we need strength and strength. Let me ask, what do those races use to fight others?

At this moment, Amethyst suddenly smiled and said dumbly: I digress, almost all of the top 100 overlord races are on the mother planet, maintaining the energy of eighty drops of source fluid all year round.

After the rich source liquid is diluted, it can hardly be called energy, but the power of the source.

As for the top ten overlords, I don’t know how much source liquid they maintain in their respective home planets.

Anyway, the Zerg are also 80 drops, but you have to know what the characteristics of the Zerg are. They are predators and rarely return to their home planet, so they cannot be compared.

When talking about this, Amethyst also said with embarrassment: Of course, what I said is just a general idea. There must be people of different races who get rich, or something like that, and suddenly become wealthy.

After hearing about the source fluids that the major races in the starry sky had put in for their home planet, Jiang Xuan looked at the west city and saw that one hundred and thirty drops of the source fluids had already gathered.

Immediately he said to Xiao Jiang Lan: Then just put ten drops in. Our Blue Star must speed up the pace of growth now!

As soon as these words came out, both Amethyst and Xiao Jianglan were stunned at the same time. Then Xiao Jianglan quickly explained: It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

If we really put in ten drops of source fluid, we will have to keep putting in ten drops in the future. Otherwise, after a hundred years, we will have no source fluid, or we can only put in one drop. By then, Blue Star will probably perish!

Xiao Jianglan's words shocked Jiang Xuan, who didn't know the truth, but when he thought of his agreement with Lin Zhan and the current situation of Lan Xing, he could only grit his teeth and said: Shidi, let it go. After you are promoted, Blue Star’s original liquid, I and many powerful people can find a way!”

Seeing Jiang Xuan's determination, Xiao Jianglan could only take out the source liquid condensed by killing many insect queens in Xingkong West City during this period, as well as the corpse of the starry sky outer insect Red Star, and directly entered the source space, and began to slowly release the source liquid. .

A whole ten drops, what is the concept? If Blue Star really successfully dilutes ten drops of the original liquid, at that time, almost the entire Blue Star's energy will be almost as rich as the current energy of Starry Sky West City.

By then, those newly born babies may be able to directly break through to the first level of strength.

At this point, after seeing that the little guy had returned to the original space, Jiang Xuan nodded to the purple crystal under the city, and then consciously entered the original space.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came in, Jiang Xuan found two young Jiang Lan, both busy with their own things.

Among them, the most condensed one, Xiao Jiang Lan, is working hard to achieve promotion and breakthrough. As for the other one, he has taken out ten drops of the source liquid and gradually started to dilute it.

On the other hand, little Jiang Lan, due to the dilution of the original liquid, gradually began to show the colorful light of the original liquid, and his face turned red!

Inside Blue Star!

As Jiang Xuan increased the energy of the source liquid through the step-by-step method, the entire Blue Star began to expand crazily and tremble rapidly at this moment.

Shaking like a magnitude 10 earthquake, Blue Star began to change rapidly.

And because the spiritual energy had been revived for a long time before, many humans, ferocious beasts, and plants already had a certain degree of strength, so there were no casualties.

Gradually, the mountains become higher and higher, the rivers become wider and wider, the sea becomes deeper and the waves are rougher.

It wasn't until this situation lasted for a full seven days that the vibrations gradually stopped.

But then, there was the spiritual rain, which was like a spiritual rain that was about to wash away the Blue Star. It was mixed with strong energy and rained crazily for seven days and seven nights.

Chapter 291 Stability

As the torrential rain of Blue Star's spiritual power became heavier and heavier, the entire Blue Star's mountains and landscapes began to change more and more.

Even at the back, ancient mountains such as Mount Tai and Mount Hua, which were once the Dragon Kingdom, have already broken through the sky.

If the appearance and aura of this blue star were discovered by other races in the starry sky now, they would never think that this was a race that had not yet been nominated in the starry sky.

Starry Sky West City!

As the energy inside Blue Star becomes more and more abundant, those creatures that have not been able to break through for a long time due to their own talent problems are springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and their strength is rapidly increasing.

On the other hand, in Starry Sky West City at this time, because Amethyst was in charge, no insect soldiers came to attack the city, so Jiang Xuan directly asked all the strong men to go home!

It is worth mentioning that when the spiritual rainstorm came, more than 3,000 of the more than 5,000 star-level Blue Star experts only wandered around Blue Star for a few days and then returned directly. to Xicheng.

After careful questioning, Jiang Xuan realized that these ancient powerful men, their former races, relatives and friends, had long since disappeared in the long river of history.

There are very few strong men like Uncle Fei who can truly let go of their grudges and play games with the world.

In the end, Jiang Xuan looked at the somewhat aimless looks in everyone's eyes, and could only assign his duties to everyone again, which was to garrison the four giant cities.

As the distribution began, Jiang Xuan gradually discovered that among the more than 5,000 strong men, as many as 4,000 had returned.

Only the strong men who were less than a thousand seemed to still be nostalgic for the interior of Blue Star. Some lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and some founded sects!

Ever since, Jiang Xuan averaged out the more than 4,000 strong men and assigned about a thousand strong men to each starry sky city.

On this day, Bai Shen, who had originally returned to Blue Star and replaced Jiang Xuan in managing the interior of Blue Star, suddenly returned to Starry Sky West City in a hurry.

As soon as the other party met, he said directly: Oh no, boss, there's a fight. There are too many Beast Lords, Beast Lords, and even Beast Kings in Blue Star.

In the end, a beast emperor and a human emperor-level powerhouse took the lead, and the fight inside Blue Star was now bloody.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan, who was standing on top of the giant city, watching the black mist shrink, suddenly turned his head, and then said with a cruel expression: I have lived a good life enough, where is the killing army?

The next second, more than a thousand star-level super experts came to Jiang Xuan one after another, knelt down on one knee, and waited for orders.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan said directly: Inform the Flame Army, Yutian Army, and Qingcang Army to all go to Blue Star. Anyone who has reached the level of Beast Lord or above will capture the four giant cities and train for ten years.

And tell all Blue Star creatures that our goal is the starry sky, not internal fighting!

After Jiang Xuan's order was issued, one by one the super strong men from the four giant cities appeared in the eyes of the world again.

But this time, there was no evasion at all, and Jiang Xuan's words were directly told to the creatures inside Blue Star in an extremely frank manner.

For a time, many powerful men not only had no fear, but actually requested that they choose four giant cities to go to.

After all, war is nothing more than a matter of resources, but now, everyone has a more ambitious goal, and after the pattern is opened, their mentality has changed instantly.

This reaction, since it reached Jiang Xuan's ears, immediately made Jiang Xuan dumbfounded.

But while I was speechless, I was also very happy.

On this day, as tens of thousands of strong men gradually gathered at the bottom of Beimuda Triangle in Starry Sky West City, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at Amethyst under the city and said: After the strong men from the four giant cities come in, we will start Bar!

As Jiang Xuan's words reached the city, Amethyst instantly opened her deep purple eyes, nodded slightly and said: Okay, I will let those star-cutting insect soldiers,

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