A moment later, when the two of them reached the atmosphere above Beicheng, the Human Emperor stopped and turned to look at Jiang Xuandao: My child, from now on, our Blue Star will be left to you!

Jiang Xuan was stunned and a little confused.

However, the Human Emperor still continued regardless: I, a young man who ascended the throne with high spirits, once thought that I was the real son of destiny and the lord of the era.

Until I met the Zerg, haha, to be honest, to this day, I still look down on the Zerg, who is the overlord of the starry sky, who ranks third, if you give me ten thousand years, alas...!

Seeing the other party's unwillingness, Jiang Xuan also clearly sensed that the energy in the Human Emperor's body was flowing like a funnel, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

For some reason, after the Human Emperor let out a long sigh, the two of them seemed to have countless things to say, but for a moment they seemed unable to say them out, and they both began to fall silent.

In the end, it was the Human Emperor who broke the calm first.

The other party stared at Jiang Xuan and began to tell Jiang Xuan his plan in detail.

Whether it's Xicheng or inside Blue Star, it's also Mr. Zhuge!

As if he was giving his last words, after he finished speaking, the human emperor's body turned like a child's, slowly falling down, huddled together, and fell into memories.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xuan quickly helped the other person, his expression gradually becoming anxious and sad.

On the other hand, the Human Emperor at this time, in a trance, thought of being used as a hostage in that cold and damp inn when he was young.

Gradually, as if watching a lantern, the Human Emperor thought of how he had ascended the throne at a young age, and was full of pride in his heart, vowing to do great things for a long time to come.

Until the first time, when I felt chilled, it turned out to be because of my mother, my biological mother, who didn't want me, but wanted a lover.

The eunuch actually wanted to evade himself.

In the end, he seemed to grow up overnight, eradicate the eunuchs, and reorganize the Qin Kingdom!

Until the end, through continuous control, intimidation, and other methods, he unified the six countries and completely became Blue Star. To this day, it is still the only country that dares to truly call it an empire.

At that time, I was so ambitious, until when my Great Qin Empire was at its peak, I first learned about a star race called the Zerg.

But even if he faced the Zerg that was countless times stronger than him, he still dared to challenge it...

Gradually, the Human Emperor's eyes gradually dimmed, thinking of the first time he met the unrivaled Queen at the edge of the galaxy.

I thought about signing an unequal treaty for the sake of Blue Star and the plan.

Until finally, the Human Emperor's eyes blurred and he saw Jiang Xuan, who was supporting him with an anxious and young expression.

Finally, the Human Emperor raised his arm feebly, as if he wanted to grab something.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan quickly grabbed the Human Emperor's arm, his body energy rushed toward the Human Emperor crazily, and shouted loudly.

However, the other party could no longer hear any sound from Jiang Xuan.

In a hurry, Jiang Xuan quickly called Xiao Jiang Lan.

In a moment, when the little guy appeared next to Jiang Xuan and looked at the Human Emperor, his little head looked extremely mature and said: The oil has run out and the lamp has dried up, little turtle, there is nothing we can do!

But at this moment, Jiang Xuan looked at the old man in his arms, his mind filled with the man's strategizing expression, and murmured to himself: No, no, he is the Human Emperor.

He is the emperor of our Blue Star, how could he die? Jiang Lan, tell me, what should I do? Is there any way? There must be a way, right?

On the other hand, Xiao Jiang Lan frowned and said: Kill him, I will personally drag his origin into the origin space and soak him in the origin liquid.

As the ultimate energy under the starry sky, if the source liquid cannot save him, then there is nothing I can do!

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan was like a drowning man grasping at the last life-saving straw, and said with excitement: How sure are you? You should know,

Along the way, he was like my father, arranging everything for me. Tell me, how sure are you?

At this moment, the Great Sage, who had been arguing with Chu Yi and the others, suddenly appeared next to Jiang Xuan and others. The other party saw that the Human Emperor was already weak and began to think.

After a while, the Great Sage looked at the blurry little Jiang Lan next to Jiang Xuan, and finally said to Jiang Xuan: Each planet has five planet spokespersons.

One master and four deputies. If you really want to resurrect him, you must promote Blue Star to a domain-level planet. At that time, he can serve as the planet's spokesman, Phantom.

Reappear in the world, but now, you must do it yourself..., because his body is unconsciously consuming his soul crazily.

Chapter 257 In the name of the Ancestral Star, the Ancestral Star Turtle

Looking at the Human Emperor's rapidly disappearing life, Jiang Xuan immediately raised his head and said to the Great Sage: How many percent? If our home planet is promoted to domain level,

What is the chance that the Human Emperor will be reborn as the deputy spokesperson of his home star?

As soon as he said this, the Great Sage looked at the Human Emperor's third-level star-slaying strength and said without thinking: Although he has overdrawn his origin,

But his own strength is relatively low, and if he is finally resurrected as the deputy spokesperson of his home star, there is at least a 90% chance!

After finishing speaking, the Great Sage looked at the light group next to Jiang Xuan again, and said with some guilt: Let the will of the mother planet directly pull his core origin into the origin space at the moment of his death.

And use nine drops of origin liquid to hang up his passing origin, until the home planet is promoted to domain level, giving him an identity close enough to the origin!

Hearing that the words of both the Great Sage and Xiao Jiang Lan were almost the same, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at Jiang Lan.

After getting the little guy's affirmative reply, Jiang Xuandang was ready to take action.

But when he saw the Human Emperor's old face, Jiang Xuan couldn't do anything no matter what.

Hmph~, do you want to be a woman's benevolent? You have already said this, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for his original soul to pass away bit by bit until it is completely annihilated? Saint roared!

At this time, Jiang Xuan, listening to the great sage's roar and looking at Xiao Jiang Lan's serious expression, immediately felt cruel.

As the energy in Jiang Xuan's body gradually moved aggressively from his hands to the Human Emperor's body.

Jiang Xuan's heart also started to ache!

Gradually, as more and more Jiang Xuan's energy entered the human emperor's body, suddenly, the human emperor opened his eyes as if he was having a flashback.

The other party lay in Jiang Xuan's arms, glanced at the Great Sage, then looked at Jiang Xuan's struggling eyes, then turned to look at Xiao Jianglan Guangying, smiled happily and said: What you said,

I just heard that the source fluid is very scarce in Blue Star, so don’t waste it on me. Jiang Xuan, the reason why a superior person is respected is not because of how powerful he is.

But the responsibility he has shouldered is worthy of respect. I~, I have been fighting all my life, very tired~ very tired...!


Suddenly, the Human Emperor's body produced energy, trying to break away from Jiang Xuan. After all, the other party had heard just a second ago that he would use nine drops of the original liquid to extend his life!

But as a human emperor who has dedicated his whole life for the Blue Star, how can he give up the will of the mother star and waste nine drops of the source fluid for himself when his energy is exhausted?

However, because of the Human Emperor's energy fluctuations, Jiang Xuan immediately tried hard to catch him.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to have stopped!

The fragile body of the Human Emperor disappeared instantly!

On the other hand, Xiao Jianglan, at the moment when the Emperor died, he immediately grabbed the top of the Emperor's head with his transparent palm.

On the other hand, when the Human Emperor's original soul was quickly pulled into the original space by Xiao Jianglan, the energy in his body began to spread violently.

Hair, skin, flesh, bones...

Everything turned into the purest energy, pouring madly from the atmosphere into the entire blue star.

Inside Blue Star!

Suddenly, no matter it was the sky, the ocean, the earth, or anywhere, at the same moment when the Human Emperor disappeared, it started to rain spiritual crystals!

The energy of Zhanxing Level 2 is so powerful!

This rain should originally be a joy to everyone, but for some reason, no matter which country it is, it is a strong man, a ferocious beast, or even a plant.

Everything, when exposed to the pouring rain, fell into a state of extreme sadness!

The human emperor has fallen, and heaven and earth weep together!

The Qilin on Mount Tai suddenly looked towards the sky when the first spiritual crystal rain fell!

The next second, when all the powerful men were confused, the Nine-auspicious Cloud Beast, which was tens of thousands of meters tall, suddenly let out a mournful cry!

Ho~, Qilin, give it to the Emperor!

As soon as Qilin finished speaking, the powerful men behind him all started to speak in unison after being stunned for a moment.

I'll wait and send it to the Human Emperor!

I'll wait and send it to the Human Emperor!


After a full nine calls, Qilin endured his grief and quickly ordered: All the insect soldiers who entered Mount Tai, leave no one behind. Put away your grief and don't let the insect tribe detect any clues!

Starry Sky West City!

When the Human Emperor's body began to disappear, the Yufan youth in the atmosphere noticed it immediately.

At this moment, this young man who had always had an ethereal temperament and a strategizing attitude seemed to have had his soul taken away. His body suddenly softened and he fell down on the chessboard.

The opponent looked at the center position on the chessboard, seemed to understand something, and murmured to himself, If a person has no soul, he is still a human being!

West City below!

When the first spiritual crystal fell from the sky, all the ancient powerful men, or the White Tiger Beast Emperor and others, seemed to feel something and began to look sad!

But everyone was in perfect agreement and didn't show too much.

Instead, he still stared at the black mist.

But in the depths of everyone's eyes, a look called revenge began to appear, gradually gathering!

Starry Sky North City!

When the Human Emperor's body dissipated in Jiang Xuan's arms, Jiang Xuan himself suddenly let out a sound of pain that was like an eternity!


The next second, a tens of thousands of meters Cangyu Hengdi turtle body suddenly appeared!

But the moment it appeared, Jiang Xuan's body actually began to dissipate inch by inch!

One wave after another, these changes instantly made the Great Sage look frightened!

However, because of the neighing sound that Jiang Xuan made when he dissipated, the Great Sage of Level 7 Star Slayer instantly felt as if he had been hit hard in the mind, and his whole body was in a daze!

I saw that as Jiang Xuan's body completely dissipated, an ultimate source of Jiang Xuan exuded a rich light!

Suddenly, in the eyes of the great sage, all kinds of rich energies gathered crazily around Jiang Xuan's original light.

one day!

Two days!

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