At this time, the Human Emperor looked at the White Tiger Beast Emperor who had been severely injured and beaten to death, and then looked at the many more than 2,000 strong men from the West City who had survived, and then said to Fu Dou.

After listening to the Human Emperor's words, the White Tiger Beast Emperor, who had been with the Human Emperor for thousands of years, staggered up and stared at the other person in silence.

Obviously, the other party seemed to realize something.

But at this time, the Human Emperor turned to look at the White Tiger Beast Emperor, cast a reassuring look, then looked at the more than 7,000 strong men here, and changed the topic: Everyone, listen to the order!


As soon as the Human Emperor finished speaking, all the powerful men knelt down on one knee and listened quietly.

On the other hand, the Human Emperor glanced at the Starry Sky West City with some nostalgia, and then said softly: Blue Star is very big, big enough to support hundreds of millions of living beings, but Blue Star is also very small.

It’s too small to accommodate any foreign race. We won’t give up an inch of Blue Star’s sun, moon, mountains and rivers!

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the powerful men below roared in unison.

The sun, the moon, the mountains and the rivers will not yield an inch of ground!

The sun, the moon, the mountains and the rivers will not yield an inch of ground!

Sun and Moon...!

On the other hand, the Human Emperor also disappeared with roars!

In the dangerous atmosphere of the West City, when the Human Emperor came here, he finally couldn't control himself. Blood seeped out of his black robe, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose!

Seeing this, the young man with feather fan quickly stood up and quickly supported the other person.

Chapter 255 Traitor? Just different positions

However, the moment the Yufan youth's hands touched the Human Emperor's arm, the human Emperor's body, covered in blood, suddenly froze.

Such subtle changes were instantly noticed by the young man.

But the Human Emperor recovered the moment his body froze, and then asked as if nothing had happened: Why?

The incomprehensible words did not surprise the Lushan youth at all. Instead, he said extremely calmly: For Blue Star.

After the other party finished speaking, he seemed to feel that the Human Emperor was looking at him with doubts, so he began to speak slowly to himself.

Either destruction or vassalage, no one else knows, how could the two of us here not notice the situation in the galaxy at that time?

With more than 5,000 geniuses from all races and so many avatars of the mother star’s will, can our Blue Star still end well?

Listening to the other party's voice getting louder due to a little excitement, the Human Emperor remained silent and just continued to stare at the other party.

Seeing this, the young man continued: Do you think the will of these more than 5,000 star races are really willing to let Blue Star grow?

The strong men they have trained with all their efforts belong to Blue Star. In addition, they are not willing to let other star races grow up in Blue Star. With such a large network of forces,

If Blue Star grows up and just raises its arms and shouts, won’t those super geniuses who come out of Blue Star respond?

For some reason, as the young man with a feather fan spoke his words, the Human Emperor instantly understood the stakes involved, and his eyes gradually filled with exhaustion!

Finally, seeing what the young man wanted to say, the Human Emperor gently shook his head and said, Tell me about you. You can directly break through the fourth level of Star Cutting in Blue Star. Your race must be very powerful!

For a moment, the Yufan youth who was still thinking about what to say suddenly regained his composure when he saw the Human Emperor's calm tone.

It wasn't until a long time later that the other party spoke again: The Wisdom Tribe, the eleventh super race in the starry sky, can grow to this level just by relying on wisdom.

The previous planet spokesperson of the other race is about to die of old age due to some reasons, and I am the next spokesperson.

The eleventh super race in the entire starry sky, their only request is for their mother star’s will to assimilate the blue star’s will.

In the future, all the strong men of Blue Star will also be regarded as their own by the Wisdom Clan. The Human Emperor, the Human Emperor, and all the clans in the starry sky, their forces are intertwined, and a single move can affect the whole body.

But the Zhizu told me that when Blue Star’s decisive battle reaches the later stage, they have a way to do it without anyone noticing.

Help us, Blue Star, directly defeat the Zerg. And, as long as the will of our home planet is assimilated, the Zhizu will immediately send its forces to protect all the surrounding areas of the Milky Way!

On the other hand, the Human Emperor also heard this and gradually began to think.

After all, Blue Star's current situation is indeed the same.

In the end, the Human Emperor could only stand up with difficulty, looked at the young man and said, I'm going to go out first. No matter what you do, your starting point is to protect our mother planet.

I understand you, but what I want to say is that if our mother planet loses its will, it is like a person without a soul. Just take one step and see what happens. I am against you and I agree with you. I believe in all trends and you have your heart. !

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the Human Emperor began to gradually become illusory until it disappeared.

On the other hand, the Lufan young man who had been explaining all this time also gritted his teeth with a difficult expression!

Inside Blue Star!

At this time, on Mount Tai, because all the ancient star-level experts had supported Xicheng, the place was gradually becoming unable to cope with it.

The only good thing is that none of the ancient strong men here have their origins damaged, so everyone is fighting while working hard to break through.

At this moment, the Human Emperor suddenly appeared on the top of Mount Tai.

The other party stood in the place where the Cicada was sealed, seeming to be remembering something, and was a little lost for a moment.

On the contrary, Qilin and the others noticed the figure of the Human Emperor and immediately cast their eyes over him.

A few hours later, the Human Emperor slowly came back to his senses and said with some emotion: Everything he looks at is the past. Qilin, come here!

Qilin, who had been paying attention to the Human Emperor, immediately transformed into a human form and moved forward quickly after hearing the other party's words.

Looking at the Qilin young man in front of him, the Human Emperor smiled and said: Can you handle it? Alas~, our era is so miserable!

As soon as these words came out, Qilin frowned for a moment, but still replied: No problem, what are you doing?

Unexpectedly, the Human Emperor just shook his head tiredly, looked at the many people who were still fighting and trying to break through and said: No matter where you are, your home will always be here, and the wind will also have a destination!

Although this sentence was directed at many powerful men, the Qilin youth could clearly feel that the Human Emperor meant this sentence to himself.

For a moment, Qilin was a little confused.

Finally, the Human Emperor looked at Qilin again, patted the opponent's shoulder lightly, and said easily: If you have anything to do in the future, just go to Starry Sky North City. There are people you want to wait for, and there are people who can carry the banner of Blue Star. ,gone!

Seeing the Human Emperor in a hurry, the power of luck around Qilin was filled with madness, as if he wanted to understand something, but because of his strength, he was never able to explore the truth!

Starry Sky South City!

This place is like a real paradise. The ancient strong men, under the leadership of the Suzaku Controller, have already broken through the star level.

But what is rare is that all the strong men allowed the endless insect soldiers outside the city to attack the city, but they did not show any signs of wanting to be born. Instead, they stood quietly in the city, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, the Suzaku controller seemed to sense something and instantly knelt down on one knee.

For a moment, many powerful men were a little confused.

But within a moment, everyone understood what was going on.

I saw that when the Human Emperor came here at this moment, his originally resolute face had already looked old.

As soon as the other party appeared, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

But before the Vermillion Bird Controller and others could speak, the Human Emperor raised his hand to interrupt everyone's actions, and said in a weak voice: Zhuge has become a foreign land, but he is also doing it for Blue Star.

In the end, you have no choice but to lead the Blue Star Seeds, escape from the Blue Star, and go wandering in the starry sky.

Suzaku below looked at the Human Emperor as if he was giving his last words, and his expression immediately trembled: You? This? Seed?

Unexpectedly, after listening to the other party's words, the Human Emperor's figure began to disappear, as if he was in a hurry, and the illusory voice spread throughout Starry Sky South City!

Seed, in Starry Sky North City, remember, Blue Star can be defeated, but it will never be a slave. The road ahead will be very difficult, but I, the Emperor, will not accompany you!

Chapter 256: The best way to have both ends of the world

Starry Sky North City!

At this time, Jiang Xuan has reached the critical point of breakthrough!

Suddenly, with the fluctuation of the void, the Human Emperor fell out instantly with an old look on his face!

At this moment, the Human Emperor no longer had the domineering and confident attitude of the past. Instead, he looked like a senile, white-haired old man!

Such changes instantly shocked Bai Shen and others!

However, the moment Emperor Lan noticed the Human Emperor, he immediately appeared next to him, tightly supporting the Human Emperor who seemed to be about to fall to the ground in the next second.

Looking back at the Human Emperor at this time, he looked at the unified momentum and extremely rich source power of Starry Sky North City, and he immediately laughed with joy.

Cough cough cough~ Poof!

Unexpectedly, this smile immediately caused the other party to cough violently and spit out a large mouthful of blood!

Suddenly, it seemed that Jiang Xuan sensed the arrival of the Human Emperor, and his body energy suddenly surged.

A few minutes later, Jiang Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the current situation of Xingkong North City with sharp eyes. When he saw that everything was fine, he quickly looked at the Human Emperor.

Unexpectedly, it was this sharp and domineering look that instantly made the emperor fall into memories, as if he saw himself in Jiang Xuan back then.

Seeing that the Human Emperor was slightly lost in thought, Jiang Xuan whispered: Attributes!

[Name: Jiang Xuan (Zhanxing Level 2). 】

[Race: Cangyu Hengdi Turtle. 】

[Original fluid: 0. 】

[Upgrade requirements: 100. 】

[Explosive kill: Level 15 (can be upgraded)]

[Shock Thorn: Level 15 (can be upgraded)]

[Taunt: Level 15 (can be upgraded)]

[Swallowing: Level 15 (can be upgraded)]

[Original power: Time level 15. (upgradeable)]

[Ultimate Evolution: Kill the Beast King ×100 (achieved), kill the Level 6 Beast King ×50 (achieve), kill the Level 7 Beast King ×10 (achieve). Killed 3 Level 8 Beast Emperors (achieved). Kill the ninth-level beast god x1. (Reward: Ancestral Star Turtle Bloodline)]

At this moment, Jiang Xuan noticed that his next breakthrough would be ten times greater and would require a hundred drops of source liquid, so he quickly looked down.

However, looking at his own upgradable talents and magical powers, Jiang Xuan instantly understood that it should be due to his breakthrough in strength that his talents and magical powers could also be slightly improved indirectly.

On the other hand, the Human Emperor at this moment did not feel anxious after watching Jiang Xuan break through. Instead, he was checking himself and said softly: Follow me, Jiang Xuan!

Suddenly hearing the Human Emperor's voice, Jiang Xuan quickly locked onto the Human Emperor's aura and flew towards him.

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