Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Time seemed to have stopped, and everything sank into boundless silence, an emptiness that could not even be felt by the heartbeat.

His body was so numb that he had no feeling at all, his eyelids were as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and even his brain was running much slower.

But... he slowly became conscious again.

This feeling was so strange that Mingfei didn't even know how to describe it. As time passed, his body and limbs were still unable to move, but his brain seemed to have adapted and was able to think.

The first thing Mingfei thought about when he gradually woke up was Xiaofan.

He didn't know how Xiaofan was doing and whether it was safe to stay in this life-support box. It's a pity that he couldn't move his body. Even if he wanted to open his eyes and take a look, he couldn't.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a ‘ding-dong’ sound.

In the extremely silent space, this crisp sound seemed extremely abrupt, and after the sound sounded, Mingfei actually found that his stiff body was slowly returning to sovereignty, and he could only open his eyes a little!

I was anxious to open my eyes and see how Ruby was doing, but suddenly there was a conversation in my ears:

"Is it this seedling?"

"It should be. Your Majesty said it was a pea shoot."

Then the sound stopped and there was a series of clicks of keys.

Mingfei was instantly alert, vaguely knowing that what was happening was not a good thing. He did not dare to move and could only wait and see what happened.

At this time, one of them spoke again: "Speed ​​up, the spaceship Mashan is about to enter the second-floor jump point, we must return to the life-saving tank immediately!"

The other person was also a little anxious, and said in a harsh tone: "Don't rush! This is a battleship-type spaceship, and its brain is very high-end. How can it be so easy to break through!"

"There are three minutes left! This life-saving tank must be pushed into space within three minutes, otherwise..."

Hearing this, Mingfei's heart skipped a beat! Panic!

Not only is it not a good thing, but it is also a huge disaster for the whole world. He provoked someone, and they actually wanted to throw him into space!

As an Earthling who has watched countless science fiction blockbusters in the 21st century, what is the concept of living in space? This is not a living seeking death!

His life was at stake, and Mingfei couldn't bear it any longer. He gathered strength and opened his eyes suddenly.

He could only vaguely see two male elves opposite him. He didn't even bother to recognize their appearance. He sat up and was about to crawl out of the life-saving tank.

Just kidding, how could he have euthanasia for no reason!

Mingfei's series of actions were very fast, completely dumbfounding the elf on the opposite side.

They never expected that a seedling could stay awake in a jumping point that was advancing in a curved direction, and could even jump! This is so shocking!

However, they are trained professionals after all. The elf who has been tinkering with an instrument quickly ordered without raising his head: "Catch him, lock him in the life-saving tank, and we will retreat in one minute!"

The other elf moved quickly and pounced on Mingfei almost in the blink of an eye.

In any case, Mingfei's body was just a small seedling. No matter how fast he moved, he couldn't move faster than a battle-experienced fighting elf. There was no doubt that he would be caught.

In fact, Mingfei knew it in his heart from the moment he opened his eyes. He knew that he could not run away, but he was not willing to sit still and wait for death. In the relatively narrow space of the survival cabin, he took advantage of the small size of the seedling. Hiding in Tibet.

While delaying time, Ming Fei had other measures.

He couldn't protect himself, but he could definitely protect Xiaofan!

Xiaofan had been hanging quietly on the crystal, as if he was asleep, which was just right. Mingfei held him tightly in the palm of his hand, and when he finally ran to a dark corner, he threw the ruby ​​​​over with a snap. …

He felt a little relieved, but the elf behind him grabbed him suddenly.

"It's done!" The elf who was typing on the keyboard in front of the life-saving box shouted.

Time was really running out, so the elf who had caught Ming Fei ducked back to the life-saving box, and quickly locked the pea seedlings into the life-saving box without saying a word.

The alarm sounded when entering the second-floor jump point, and the two of them hurriedly left without even having time to watch the hatch of the life-saving tank close...

Located at the top of the main ship, inlaid with unique rare crystals, the 180-degree fully transparent porthole is the main control room of the spacecraft.

Nearly two hundred staff members had already entered the life-saving tank. In the vast main control room, the only ones standing were Valla and Elena.

At this time, a sexy and husky girl said: "Master, there is one minute left for the spacecraft to enter the second-floor jump point. Please enter life support immediately..." Before he could finish the sentence, the voice suddenly changed: "Life support No. 32 Cabin No. 201’s life-saving tank is out of control, and Betty is unable to repair herself..."

Elena, who was heading to the life-saving tank, suddenly paused. Before she could speak, Van La had already ordered: "Betty, activate the full video and lock the No. 21 life-saving tank."

As soon as they finished speaking, the image of the life-sustaining cabin appeared in front of their eyes. After a large black blank image, there was a "sting" sound, and the No. 201 life-sustaining box had appeared. What caught their eyes was the body-locked person. Live the struggling pea shoots.

After seeing clearly, Van La's dark blue pupils tightened. He turned around without hesitation and strode towards the living area.

Elena exclaimed: "Your Majesty!"

Fan La whispered without looking back: "It's enough, don't worry." As soon as he finished speaking, the figure had disappeared.

Elena was anxious and wanted to get out of the life support box, but there was no way. Even if she jumped to the second floor, she couldn't support it...

Ming Fei opened his eyes wide. The big leaf was tightly held. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get it free. He watched the two elves leave but couldn't do anything.

The lid of the life support box was slowly closing. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He could even feel a huge thrust slowly accumulating.

Perhaps, before the lid of the life support box could be closed, he had already flown into space, and then... shattered into slag...

He kept struggling to break free, but it didn't work at all. In the boundless despair, the only thing he was glad about was that he didn't implicate Xiao Fan.

At the last moment, his mood calmed down. It wasn't the first time he died... What was there to be nervous about... Although these two deaths were quite abnormal, falling to death and suffocation to death were actually the same thing. The pain would pass after a while.

This comforted himself. Since he couldn't break free, he simply didn't waste his energy. Seeing the lid close, Ming Fei simply closed his eyes.

But at the moment when he closed his eyelids, he caught a glimpse of a figure like a sharp blade rushing towards him at an extraordinary speed!

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He suddenly opened his eyes wide and vaguely saw an elf. When he got closer, he could see the face of the person clearly. His heart skipped a beat... and suddenly it was cold.

...It was Xiaofan!

Could it be... that in the end, he didn't save Xiaofan?

After a strong impact, Ming Fei fell into a coma.

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