Reborn as a Pea Shooter

84, Latest Update (12)

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

Sarsha Palace of Administration.

Located in a more hidden circular hall behind the Administrative Palace, the top is a transparent crystal roof that can look up at the entire 180-degree starry sky. The hall is calm and elegant.

A silver light descended from above and sprinkled on the silver-haired man sitting in the center.

The man was wearing a pure white and light blue grooved robe. Although he was sitting in a wide chair, his figure was still straight, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and his lines were extremely elegant.

Elena stood behind him, looking solemn, watching silently.

There can be no interruption now. The only king of Palant is synchronized with his exclusive intelligent brain ‘Laite’. The mind sense is at the extreme speed of superluminal speed, receiving data and information from Saint Erfuga after being selected by dozens of assistants.

Every minute and every second, he handles huge affairs that ordinary people cannot imagine, and approves and passes countless important resolutions.

Vanla is the king of this empire, and he is also the only elf who is qualified to use the ultimate speed of superluminal speed to connect with the intelligent brain. Only his willpower can reach this amazing speed without getting lost.

Laite is the most expensive and sophisticated advanced intelligent brain in the entire Palant, which is incomparable to anyone. It is the exclusive intelligent brain of the emperors of all dynasties. All the information and confidential documents of the entire empire are stored in him, which is the ultimate wealth of the entire Palant.

More than 60% of the information can be read at will by the King of Palant, but if the remaining 40% is to be activated, it requires the four main speakers of the Senate to release the life mark together to read it.

Over the years, the contradiction between the emperor and the Senate is obvious, but because of the power they hold, they are helpless.

Mutually restraining but supporting each other.

The fate of the entire Palant is almost in the hands of these five people...

And the ambition of the man in front of him...

The silver light gradually faded, and Elena suddenly came back to her senses, lowered her eyes slightly, and waited for Vanla to turn around.

"Elena, how is the energy preparation going?" Vanla turned around, his deep blue eyes were like the blue starry sky, deep and boundless.

Elena said: "It will be filled in three days."

Vanla thought for a while and said: "Okay, we will set off in three days."

Ming Fei has been doing very well in the past few days. He is not bored during the day or night. Vivian and Gawain are not only outstanding in acting and fashion, but also very good people. One is kind and talkative, and the other is a blockbuster type, although he doesn't talk much, he often makes others laugh with just one sentence.

Moreover, these two really have something in their stomachs, especially Gawain, who is also a support system. He knows a lot of spells and release techniques. Ming Fei feels that he has benefited a lot from spending a few days with him.

The little master here, Xia Zuo, would come over from time to time. Of course, he had many excuses, such as "I have nothing to do with this book, so I'll give it to you to read", "These snacks are really bad, you ate them all"...

And so on, they come in all kinds of ways. To sum it up, it can be summed up in one sentence: I didn't come here to play with you, I was just passing by, definitely passing by.

Ming Fei didn't expose it, and accepted it with a smile.

Turned to ask Vivian: "Does he usually treat you like this?"

Vivian coughed: "It's better than being nice to you, but... it's always accurate to use the word 'reward' when giving things!"

Ming Fei's pea face suddenly became a standard frame

The next day, an elf came to arrange for them to upgrade their combat rank.

The process is not complicated. The so-called combat rank is just an official positioning, just like a title, and it has no real use.

Just like taking the CET-4 certificate, it doesn't mean you have the CET-4 level after getting the certificate, but you can only get the certificate if you have the CET-4 level.

The battle level means the same thing. It is a recognition of your ability, but you will not instantly gain special energy just because you are judged as the third-level battle level.

This was a little disappointing for Ming Fei. He thought that being promoted to the third-level battle level was similar to opening up the eight meridians and raising a realm overnight...

However, after a little disappointment, there was a little surprise.

Battle level above three can receive a monthly subsidy from the Sarsa government. This subsidy not only includes Sunny, but also corresponding skill books and some low-level consumables.

Money is not a problem, Ming Fei is happy about this.

Afterwards, the soldier-level medal was also distributed to everyone. The so-called personal gift from His Majesty... is a medal with the blessing of light.

This made Ming Fei relieved greatly.

Vivian beside him asked him what was going on.

Ming Fei pretended to cough and didn't say anything.

But Dana on the side whispered: "I thought I would see His Majesty..."

Vivian said exaggeratedly: "How is it possible? His Majesty is busy every day, where is the time..." One hundred words omitted here.

Ming Fei couldn't help but complain in his heart... Is that pretty boy emperor so busy? Thinking back to the few times he saw him, it seemed that he was not doing his job...

At this time, the news that they would be traveling to Saint Erfujia with His Majesty on the 'Marshal' in three days also reached them.

This news completely excited the seedlings. The seedlings who had never left Sarsa and could only enjoy riding in advanced aircraft were suddenly going to ride on the second-class battleship of this galaxy. It was simply... Everyone, including Ming Fei, was so excited that they only had stars in their eyes!

Ming Fei was also very excited. He had already seen the extraordinary technology of these plants. Moreover, he had been fighting against Zanmubo all the time. It was conceivable that warships were indispensable!

But what would it look like? He lay in bed at night, holding the ruby ​​on his chest, and his mind was full of wild imagination. After he imagined the appearance of the warship from plant to animal, his heart, which had been pounding, finally calmed down.

It was late at night. Because he lived with Colin Dana, Ming Fei had not dared to let Xiao Fan transform, for fear that he would be suffocated. From time to time, he would ask him how he was, and he would feel a little relieved when he heard him say that he was fine.

However, they would leave tomorrow, and there would definitely be a chance for Xiao Fan to transform.

The next day, everyone got up very early, and soon a special elf came to pick them up. First, they took the aircraft and left the inner city of Sarsha, flying to the spacecraft parking lot in the northwest.

After seeing the battleship "Marshal" for the first time, all the seedlings were dumbfounded and couldn't say a word.

The super-giant ship, which was several thousand meters long, had a long and narrow streamlined body and a smooth and shining silver-gray color, like a proud dragon lying here. In front of this behemoth, everyone seemed insignificant, like ants.

The distance was getting closer and closer, but the vision became narrower and narrower. In the end, only the silver-gray hull could be seen, covering the sky and the sun.

Ming Fei recovered from the shock. He barely moved his eyes away from the silver behemoth and saw countless small aircraft flying into the "Marshal" from all corners. Like birds returning to their nests, their aircraft was also among them.

They didn't get out of the aircraft until they entered the warship. The guiding elf explained to them: "The aircraft will go directly to your dormitory area according to the route. At that time, we will introduce some relevant matters to you in detail."

The space inside the ship is huge beyond imagination. Ming Fei wanted to stick his eyes to the window of the aircraft all the way. He really felt that two eyes were not enough!

In this huge cabin, there are countless instruments that have never been seen before, many elves walking in white military uniforms, and some colorful and majestic combat plants interspersed...

The whole picture is well organized, busy but not chaotic, and orderly.

The speed of the aircraft is not slow. It arrived at the destination in a short while. The aircraft was parked at a dedicated port. Ming Fei and others finally walked out of the aircraft and stepped down on this super giant ship.

The guiding elf has been very kind and reminded them carefully. They got on the elevator and went straight to the floor number 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently. Android and Apple are both available. ] before stopping.

Ming Fei's mouth twitched, and he was really convinced by the hugeness of this warship.

The seedlings were arranged in the living area, double dormitories, the rooms were furnished in the same way, and all the necessary facilities were available. Ming Fei took a general look and found that this was much better than his pitiful little dormitory in the water courtyard!

But... Ming Fei felt a little regretful, why was it a double dormitory... In this way, Xiao Fan couldn't transform again...

When the dormitories were assigned, Huang Mao and his group also arrived. Ming Fei was naturally very happy to see him, but with the guiding elves there, the two of them just winked and didn't have a chance to talk.

Ming Fei and Colin were assigned together, and Dina was singled out. Ming Fei and Colin were a little worried, but they were relieved when they heard that Dina and Gawain were assigned to the same room.

After all, they were acquaintances, so there should be no problem, and Dina's frowning face also relaxed.

Xia Zuo and Vivian lived in the same dormitory. Xia Zuo had no expression, but Vivian frowned and made faces at Ming Fei and the others.

Ming Fei and the others couldn't help laughing.

Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows and looked at Vivian: "Why, don't you want to be with me?"

The little nut, who had his back to him, trembled immediately, and then turned back to look at him with a bright smile: "How could it be, it's my honor."

Xia Zuo snorted coldly, pointed to a room and said to the guiding elf: "I want to be in this room."

The guiding elf immediately responded: "No problem."

So... Xia Zuo became Ming Fei's neighbor on the left, and Dina and Gawain were his neighbors on the right.

It was just that the room assigned to Huang Mao was quite far from Ming Fei, and he was a little unhappy, but Min Lan, who was traveling with him, was in a good mood.

Compared with the shock of landing, the battleship taking off was not so sensational.

Because Ming Fei and the others were strictly ordered to stay in the dormitory and not to go out, they didn't see any scene at all, and he didn't even feel the weightlessness that he should have.

It is said that the main battleship automatically adjusts the gravity system, allowing the battleship to shuttle through space, but the creatures in it can move freely as if on land.

Half an hour later, the spaceship was on track and gradually accelerating. At this time, we can leave the dormitory, but we have to concentrate on moving to the biological life support cabin located directly behind the spaceship.

The broadcast in the ship is ringing: "The main battleship will carry out warp propulsion in one hour and enter superluminal travel. Please enter the life support box immediately. Repeat once..."

The broadcast is played in a loop. Ming Fei deeply feels that his brain is not enough, but the seedlings around him are not much better. The guiding elves are very careful and use simple and clear language to explain their doubts:

It turns out that the seedlings are relatively weak in body, lack of energy, and relatively weak willpower. They cannot bear the strong pulling feeling that may be caused by warp propulsion. It is very necessary to enter the life support box.

In fact, not only the seedlings, but also the entire Palant, can stay awake during the warp propulsion.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

Warp propulsion is the only way to make the spacecraft exceed the speed of light, and in this process, the willpower of the creature is difficult to keep pace with it, and even if it does not enter the life support box, it will fall into a deep sleep.

And as the journey becomes longer, the time of warp propulsion will continue to lengthen. If it is always exposed outside the life support box, the body that cannot take care of itself is likely to have various abnormalities, and even die in sleep in the end.

Therefore, the safest thing is to stay in the life support box.

After hearing this explanation, the seedlings were extremely solemn, and naturally lay down in an orderly manner.

The guiding elves carefully helped them lie down in the life support box one by one, and carefully checked them.

Ming Fei was the last one, and he had seen it many times just now, so his movements were considered to be quick. The guiding elf smiled at him and praised him in a coaxing tone, which made Ming Fei's old face blush...

Lying in the life support box, the big leaf was attached by a thin tube, and then a stream of cool water-like things were introduced into the body, which was so comfortable that it was hard to describe.

The transparent glass cover slowly fell, and he suddenly remembered...Xiao Fan! What should Xiao Fan do! !

At this time, he clearly felt that his body was paralyzed, his eyelids could not be lifted, and his brain fell into darkness at a very fast speed.

After a careful inspection, the guiding elf left the life support cabin where the seedling belonged, returned to his post, and waited for half an hour before entering the life support box.

However, after the guiding elf left, a black shadow quietly sneaked into the biological life support cabin where the seedling was.

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