Listening to the Wind Valley~

A young man wearing bright silver armor, a black cloak, holding a spear, and riding a black horse led a team of cavalry to block there.

Gu Xuan'er was negotiated with Liang Xueyan, the daughter of the prime minister Liang Lu (female second) of the neighboring country, under the pretext of the will of the new king Hongzhi of the neighboring country.

Gu Xuan'er, who went to negotiate alone, soon found out that something was wrong, but she had already been ambushed.

After Gu Xuan'er injured Liang Xueyan, her arm was also cut by a poisonous blade. She broke through the siege and returned all the way, and finally fell into a coma due to poisoning.

After learning that Gu Xuan'er was poisoned, Gu Yuan went to his sister's master alone to seek an antidote, and after getting it, he also met Mu Xinyi. After

Mu Xinyi told him, he knew everything and said goodbye to her. After giving his sister the antidote, Gu Yuan, who put on his armor again, took his family's guards to the battlefield, and the rest stayed at home to protect his sister. At this moment, the neighboring country also began a large-scale attack under the advice of Prime Minister Liang Lu.

Because Mu Xinyi's father conspired with Liang Lu from the neighboring country, Wu'an Hou had no reinforcements and was suspected by the Emperor of Xuan State. He could only lead his army to resist on the front line alone, and was eventually shot by an arrow from the enemy.

When Gu Yuan arrived, he saw Wu'an Hou who was shot in Tingfeng Valley.

Gu Yuan waved his spear from the back and led his confidants to open a gap from the back. Seeing that it was the young marquis who came to rescue, the soldiers who had fought before also protected the injured Wu'an Hou and retreated. Gu Yuan rushed to the front line to block the Gu family army, ordered the soldiers to take Wu'an Hou away, and he led the others to cover the rear.

The soldier looked at the injured Wu'an Hou and then looked at the young marquis, and finally obeyed the order to leave under the cover of Gu Yuan.

Seeing his father escape from danger, the eyes of the young man who only wanted to live a peaceful life and hope to live leisurely every day also changed.

He saw the world clearly, wanted to be alone, wanted to live the life of ordinary people, and only wanted to guard one person and enjoy the rest of his life.

But he knew he couldn't do it. His father would not give up. Even if he died, he was willing to serve his country. But that was his father's belief, not his.

This country has been sick for a long time. The people are always the ones who suffer. Even if he wants to hide, he can't hide.

What did his father pay for this country, and what did he get in return? Suspicion, impeachment, isolation, and sacrifice.

His sister was poisoned and almost died for her family, father, and country.

Looking at the enemy troops who hurt his family, Gu Yuan raised his spear. He didn't want to serve this corrupt country. He just wanted to kill all the bastards who hurt his family.

As the guns were swung out, his body was covered with the blood of the enemy and his lives were harvested. But the soldiers who fought with him fell one by one until he was the only one left.

He was also surrounded. Looking at the angry roars of the enemy troops on the opposite side, Gu Yuan smiled. He knew that his father had escaped safely.

When the general who shot his father rushed out at this time, he blocked his way.

Gu Yuan did not flee, but rushed forward with a gun. The warhorse accompanying him had fallen to the ground, but the gun was still there.

As the enemy soldiers lay down one by one, Gu Yuan was also gasping for breath, but his back was still straight.

When the protective knot on his right wrist that his sister gave him fell off, Gu Yuan subconsciously wanted to pick it up.

It was this that caused him to be hit by the enemy, and his right hand holding the gun was cut off.

The spear that accompanied him growing up fell to the ground, and Gu Yuan was pierced by several enemy spears. With the last bit of strength he squeezed, he looked at the long knife under his feet and kicked it out. The knife also flew out and killed the general who shot and injured his father.

Gu Yuan's eyes began to blur, and his body fell down. Finally, he stretched out his left hand to firmly grasp the broken protective knot given by his sister, and a look of relief appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Good! Cut!"

Following the sound of Director Liang, he clapped his hands non-stop.

The scene was switched twice, and Naro's emotions remained perfect even though he hid his right hand and put on makeup.

After that, Naro also played a corpse and was hugged by the prince Song Hao who came to rescue him.

Naro closed his eyes and listened to Wen Ze's crying. He almost lost his temper. Damn, did they really think he was dead?


Director Liang liked Naro more and more, especially the scene where he died in battle. The young female staff members beside him looked at him and screenwriter Han with red eyes.

Director Liang didn't care at all. The more they acted like this, the better Naro acted and the better he rendered emotions.

But when Director Liang turned around, he was also shocked, because he didn't know when there were four other people standing behind him.

Ling Qiyue also looked at him fiercely, but Director Liang ignored her and turned to look at Director Zhou and Wen Ya.

""When did you come?"

Director Zhou was looking at the camera the whole time. He just watched the whole scene of Naro's death in the battle.

He didn't know this young man, but he knew the one crying so hard. That was Wen Ya's younger brother Wen Ze.

"Lao Liang, who is this young man?"

When Director Zhou heard that he was asking about Nailuo, Director Liang also acted proudly.

"How about the newcomer I chose!"

Ling Qiyue glared at him.

"That was my choice, what do you mean it was your choice!"

"What did you choose? You have been avoiding suspicion the whole time. What does it have to do with you?"

Director Liang is now arguing with Ling Qiyue. Who told Nailuo's play to end today?

Ling Qiyue is so angry that she raises her beautiful little fist.

"cough cough...Director Liang, if you don’t call"Cut", Wen Ze will almost cry until he is hoarse!"

Screenwriter Han reminded everyone that the filming was still going on in front of them.......

Wen Ze was really crying at this moment, he didn't know how long he would continue crying.

Naro was also speechless, why didn't Director Liang stop, Wen Ze's tears fell on his face, and they were getting more and more!

With a"cut" from Director Liang, Naro and Wen Ze were finally free.

The two returned together, Wen Ze's eyes, which were originally red from crying, froze immediately when he came over, because he saw his sister Wen Ya.

Naro came over and went straight to the other side to rest, he had one last scene where Ling Qiyue would see his"corpse"!

Director Zhou's eyes were always on Naro, but the next second his vision was blocked by the vigilant Ling Qiyue.

"What are you doing?

Director Zhou was still upset about the girl's grudge.

"I'm not looking at you, why are you blocking me?"

"You are not allowed to look at him either. He is my artist. What are you going to do to him? I tell you, put away your bad thoughts."

Director Zhou was immediately angry again when he saw Ling Qiyue's eyes that looked at him as if he was not a good person.

"What do you mean by that look? Am I that kind of person?"

Ling Qiyue glared at him.

"That’s hard to say, after all, you have a criminal record!"

Director Zhou:"......!!!"

He has a shitty criminal record. He just didn't allow her to play games!

Is that necessary?

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