Hengyue City Airport~

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Nailuo, Ling Qiyue and Xiaoke walked out of the airport and took the car arranged by the crew back to the hotel.

Nailuo returned to the hotel and had a simple meal, then went to wash his clothes and fell asleep.

He did not ask about the things on the Internet, but Sister Qing called and praised him a few words.

As for an online interview later, he also turned it down.

Sister Qing did not say much about his turning it down, and what happened next was what she, as an agent, should handle.

When Nailuo returned to the crew the next day, he was caught by Director Liang and started filming.

Everyone also saw the video and praised Nailuo.

Nailuo just smiled and did not say too much about the matter.

But he was fine, after all, he did not have too many scenes. Ling Qiyue's eyebrows were twisted all the time, because she was caught and kept reshooting.

This made her have no time to play a game next time.

But fortunately, the weather is not as hot as before.

《There are still quite a few fighting scenes in"Mo Shang Xuan". Director Liang requires the actors to learn well from the martial arts instructor. He wants the old fighting style.

Instead of the simple movements that are supported by many traffic stars and actresses who just make random gestures and shape their looks, without any other highlights.

What he wants is precision, real fighting, and details!

Naluo also watched Ling Qiyue's fighting scenes very seriously, because he found that Ling Qiyue was actually really skilled, not just a casual imitation.

Ling Qiyue always restored the movements taught by the martial arts instructor 100%, and even mixed in some moves that she thought were more reasonable.

Every time she finished filming a fighting scene, Director Liang would clap his hands and praise her non-stop, obviously very satisfied with her in the camera.

More than satisfied, he wanted to let Ling Qiyue perform on her own.

Two days later, it was Naluo's turn to fight, and Naluo just watched the martial arts instructor's teaching once and went on stage.

Ling Qiyue also sat next to Director Liang and watched together.

Nailuo went up and did the set of movements in one go, without any drag, which also made Director Liang praise him endlessly.

Ling Qiyue, on the other hand, raised her eyebrows and watched Nailuo walk off the stage. After all, laymen watch the excitement while experts watch the doorway. She could see that he had real skills.

This also made Ling Qiyue more curious about Nailuo.

The subsequent filming was also very smooth, and then it was finally the farewell scene between Nailuo and Jiang Siqi.

That was the scene that Nailuo had auditioned before.

Director Liang also encouraged Nailuo to bring out the feeling he had when he auditioned.

Nailuo looked at Jiang Siqi and they both nodded, and then they started to act.

Ling Qiyue came over to watch the show again with a bunch of grapes.

When she saw Jiang Siqi grabbing Nailuo's arm, her eyebrows unconsciously frowned slightly, and the grape in her mouth was so sour that it made her teeth ache.

After watching the two look at each other, Nailuo turned around and left resolutely, and she nodded slightly again.

When she heard Nai Xiaoluo's words"This is the end of our relationship", she threw another grape, which felt so sweet.

"Good! Cut!"

Director Liang wanted to see this scene of Naro the most. He just wanted to see what it was like when there were actors acting together. Sure enough, he was not disappointed.

Listening to Director Liang's praise, Ling Qiyue pinched another grape and put it in his mouth. Hmm......This one is sweet too

"Ling Qiyue, stop eating, the end is yours."

Ling Qiyue, who was originally watching the show, got up depressed when she heard it was her turn again and went to touch up her makeup.


The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month is also the seventh day of the ninth lunar month, which is Ghost Festival.

This day is Na Luo's last scene.

The crew also moved outside.

This is a fight scene, and it is also the last fight scene of Gu Yuan played by Na Luo in the play.

Director Liang came here to shoot personally, while the other scenes were shot inside by the assistant director.

Originally, Ling Qiyue had a scene, but she wanted to watch Nai Xiaoluo's final scene, so she ran to watch it after shooting one take.

It was at this time that two men and one woman walked in from outside.

One was Director Zhou, who Ling Qiyue had worked with before, and his exclusive screenwriter Chen and the film queen Wen Ya.

When the three saw Ling Qiyue, they all smiled and came forward to say hello.

""Qiyue, long time no see!"

Director Zhou walked over with a smile on his face. After all, Ling Qiyue's second Best Actress award was won by filming his movie.

But when he approached, Ling Qiyue seemed to have not seen him and passed by like a gust of wind.

Director Zhou:"......???"

Director Zhou's smile froze, and he raised his hand and waved it awkwardly in the air.

At this time, Ling Qiyue was stopped by Wen Ya, who was walking at the end.


Ling Qiyue looked back, and when she saw the three of them, she finally stopped.

"What are you doing here?"

Ling Qiyue looked at Wen Ya and then remembered that Wen Ze was Wen Ya's younger brother.

"Yaya, are you here to see Wen Ze? He's not here. He's out filming.

Ling Qiyue seemed to have just discovered Director Zhou.

"Hey! Director Zhou, screenwriter Chen, you two are here too. Director Zhou, what’s wrong with your face? Why is it still twitching? What’s wrong with your hand?"

"Polio? No, you are already so old, are you having a seizure?"

"Ling Qiyue!"

Director Zhou was furious and glared at Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue pouted and snorted.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? You are not my director now, why are you so fierce?

Director Zhou was really angry. He had worked with Ling Qiyue once. At that time, he���Ling Qiyue was both in love and hate.

He liked her so much during the performance, but he was so angry after the performance.

He thought that after not seeing her for a long time, this girl would treat him better, but he didn't expect that this girl was still holding a grudge!

Didn't he not let her play games at the beginning, and confiscated her and her assistant's mobile phones, and later asked the staff not to bring mobile phones when approaching her? Is it necessary to hold a grudge like this! Isn't it all for her good!

Wen Ya couldn't help but smile when looking at Ling Qiyue's cold face.

Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue are the most popular top female stars now, and they are also the queens of the film.

It's just that Wen Ya only won one queen, but over the years, all the major awards have been won by the two of them.

Last year, Wen Ya finally snatched the crown of the best actress from Ling Qiyue, breaking Ling Qiyue's four gold actress awards, and ending her embarrassing career of only nominations but no awards.

There is a feeling between the two of them that if there is Yu, why is there Liang.

However, Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue are not incompatible as rumored. On the contrary, Wen Ya and Ling Qiyue have a very good relationship. Wen

Ya is two years older than Ling Qiyue, but they debuted at the same time and are considered peers.

Wen Ya looked at Ling Qiyue and asked

"What are you going to do in such a panic?"

Ling Qiyue clapped her little paws.

"I'm going to watch a play. By the way, Yaya, Wen Ze is also there. Do you want to go?"

Wen Ya originally came to visit Wen Ze. When she heard Ling Qiyue's words, she nodded immediately.

Ling Qiyue didn't ask any more questions and took Wen Ya away.

Director Zhou, who was left standing there, was so angry that his eyebrows stood up.

"This girl is still holding a grudge!"

Screenwriter Chen pushed his glasses and followed the two silently.

He wanted to say to Director Zhou, you figured it out!

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