Ling Qiyue was originally playing a game with a friend, but was soon interrupted by Xiaoke running in.

""Qiyue, Nai Xiaoluo was hacked!"

Xiaoke originally went out to help Ling Qiyue get dinner.

She was also attracted by the trending search on Weibo.

Ling Qiyue, who was originally playing games and scolding the opponent, also frowned and said

"I'll finish this one first."

Xiao Ke had no choice but to open her phone interface and put it in front of Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue took a look at the title and her temper started to rise.

【Lu Tao V: I am sorry to disappoint everyone. I went to audition for Director Liang this time. I felt okay after the audition, but unfortunately I was not selected. However, my agent also helped me to fight for the opportunity of a second audition. Although I did not get the opportunity to compete with others, I am looking forward to working with Director Liang next time. I also sincerely wish the crew of"Mo Shang Xuan" to achieve good results! 】

Looking at Lu Tao's Weibo message, Ling Qiyue's handsome eyebrows were about to stand up.

It seems that he doesn't care and has blessings, but in fact, it is full of other information.

This tea-flavored Weibo message also made Ling Qiyue nod.

"The template is good. When can I use such a tea art example?"

Xiao Ke:"......???"

Lu Tao's Weibo post and his agent's subsequent confirmation quickly attracted a large number of his fans.

【Don't be discouraged, brother, we will always be with you!】

【Don’t be discouraged, brother. It’s not your fault this time. We will do better next time!】

【Why not give our brother a second chance to try, who is that new guy! 】

Following the comments from his fans under Lu Tao’s Weibo, someone later dug out Nailuo’s information.

But when they saw that Nailuo was Jiachen’s new guy, and had just filmed a commercial with Ling Qiyue not long ago.

This also made them speculate that Nailuo was a new guy forced in by Ling Qiyue and Jiachen to replace Lu Tao.

There are more and more people on the Internet who eat melons, but no one dares to cause trouble under Ling Qiyue’s Weibo.

Ling Qiyue’s fans were very calm, and waited leisurely for Lu Tao’s fans to cause trouble.

As a result, no one came after waiting for a long time.

Later, they learned that they went to the official website of the"Mo Shang Xuan" crew, and they also changed the battlefield in unison.

In Ling Qiyue’s fan group, there were also fans who asked the big fan...

"That's the newcomer that Qiyue brought. Should we help him?"

Ling Qiyue's fans all saw that Lu Tao's fans were targeting Nai Luo, and Nai Luo was indeed Jiachen's artist.

But the big fans also asked others to wait and see.

If Lu Tao's fans dared to say anything about their Qiyue, then they would flood Lu Tao's Weibo.

At the same time, the official website of the crew of"Mo Shang Xuan" was also invaded by Lu Tao's fans.

【The crew please come out and explain why they didn’t give our brother a second chance!】

【Naro, get out of here and resist firmly!】

【Nailuo, you who got in through the backdoor, don’t you dare to post your Weibo account?

Soon this incident was on the top of the hot search.

However, Lu Tao’s fans wanted to scold Nailuo, but they found out that the Nailuo was not the Nailuo they were looking for.

Instead, he was a small blogger in the second dimension.

Seeing a group of people scolding him, the small blogger felt very aggrieved.

He even sent several messages saying that he was not the person they were looking for. In the end, he had no choice but to change his name and said: I am really not Nailuo!

Nailuo’s agent, Sister Qing, of course, also saw the public opinion on the Internet.

As for Nailuo, he is currently......Fitness!

Nailuo did not register a Weibo account. Sister Qing was so focused on getting Nailuo to learn that she forgot about it. When shooting the commercial, Nailuo had not yet made up his mind. Later, when he made the decision, Sister Qing thought Nailuo would register on his own and did not ask. Who would have thought that he had not registered at all?

The fans of Lu Tao who wanted to criticize Nailuo could not find Nailuo so they could only go to the official website of the crew to criticize him. There were also a large number of spectators watching the fun.

【Eat melons online!】

【There are melon seeds, drinks and sausages in the front row, please move aside~!】

【The spectators just sit and wait, but the official staff don’t come out to say a word!】

【I'm a fellow traveler, I'm not criticizing anyone, I just hope the crew can give an explanation. It's not easy for the actors either, so an explanation would be the best!】

【Same as above, be rational about the follow-up~~】

Lu Tao, who was looking at his phone, also raised his glass with a grim smile on his face.


Ling Qiyue called Sister Qing. When she found out that Nai Xiaoluo really didn't have a Weibo account, she took the opportunity to criticize Fang Qing.

After that, she was so proud that she didn't even bother to ask Fang Qing, who was looking gloomy.

Ling Qiyue also called Director Liang. After communicating with him, she sneered.

""Dare to stop my little money, go to hell!"

Seeing Ling Qiyue about to take action, Xiaoke, who was sitting aside, was almost excited.

After spending half a month with Naluo, she really liked her younger brother Naluo.

She was afraid that his young mind could not withstand the violence of the Internet.

However, Naluo, who was exercising at the moment, did not check his mobile phone and did not know about this.

Seeing that Ling Qiyue did not move, Xiaoke was a little anxious.

Ling Qiyue was enjoying the dinner brought by Xiaoke, glanced at her, and said calmly

"Let the traffic fly for a while!"

Xiao Ke also understood it instantly. After all, Naro has no popularity and traffic now.

Black and red are also red. Lu Tao's free traffic has hyped Naro up. How can we not make good use of it?

Besides, it's not really black.

After Ling Qiyue had eaten and drunk enough, she slowly composed a message, but when she was about to send it out, she hurriedly stopped.


"It was a close call, my smurf account was almost exposed."

Xiao Ke lay aside, looking at the account with the name [I'll punch you in the head], and breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this account was Ling Qiyue's smurf account that was used to curse people. If it was exposed, her fans would probably have to get in with a group of powerful curse experts.

��July switched to his own Weibo account, copied the previous information directly, and clicked send

【Ling Qiyue V: I was about to go to bed after applying a facial mask late at night when I saw someone making trouble. They just wanted to say that Nailuo joined the crew because of me. If you have the guts, just say it. If you don’t, then I will say @Director Liang Shu @"Mo Shang Xuan" crew, why don’t you give him a second chance? 】

As soon as Ling Qiyue sent out the message, her fans quickly occupied the building like locusts.

Ling Qiyue did not go to see her fans occupying the building, but waited for Director Liang to send out the message.

Just three minutes after Ling Qiyue sent out the Weibo, the"Mo Shang Xuan" crew also directly sent out a Weibo

【《"Mo Shang Xuan" crew: Why didn't we give him a second audition? It's because we felt it was unnecessary. The people who selected the candidates were Director Liang, Deputy Director Zhang, Screenwriter Han and Teacher Chen Yu. Teacher Ling Qiyue, another interviewer, completely avoided suspicion and did not participate in Naluo's audition. Below is a live video of Lu Tao and Naluo's audition. You can watch it for yourself.

#Lu Tao audition screen link#

#Naro's audition video link#】

As the crew released the live video, everyone clicked in.

Coincidentally, Lu Tao's audition was also in segment 3.

And when all the netizens rushed in to watch it, the style of the picture was reversed in an instant.

Lu Tao in the video was roaring throughout the whole process, and his ferocious face made people think that his whole family was killed.

On the other hand, Naro only said one sentence at the end, but the changes in his eyes and subtle movements were heartbreaking.

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