"Nairo, huh?"

"It's also from Jiachen Company."

Director Liang Shu asked, and Nailuo responded softly.

Ling Qiyue got up and sat on the other side.

"You guys do your interviews. I won't comment on this one, lest you say I'm giving the company's artists a way out."

Director Liang looked at Ling Qiyue and shook his head and smiled. He wanted to say that your company wanted this role in the first place, but at this moment he could only watch Naro's performance.

If it's okay, then keep her. If not, then he's already given her a chance.

"Nailuo, draw a scene you want to perform."

Niluo stepped forward and selected a number from the box. It was audition scene number three.

Holding the note in his palm, Nailuo also closed his eyes.

The audition scene number three was an emotional scene of Gu Feng in the play.

It was his emotional scene with the daughter of the Grand Tutor who conspired with the neighboring country to frame Wu'an Hou.

It was the scene where Gu Yuan said goodbye to the daughter of the Grand Tutor Mu Xinyi after learning the truth. There was no real person and no actor.

Nailuo opened his eyes again, with a sad and ridiculous look in his eyes.

It seemed that the woman he liked and was moved by was in front of him.

But the woman's father was the enemy who planned and framed his father.

Nailuo's His eyes changed again, his fingers trembled twice, and the corners of his lips twitched with difficulty.

There seemed to be someone in front of him persuading him, and he clenched his fists and wanted to push her away, but when he looked at the opposite side, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes again, and he put down the raised fist.

Instead, he flicked it lightly with determination, and his left hand seemed to grab a slender arm, and finally he gently pushed away the right hand that was holding him.

When he turned to leave again, his back was straighter than before, and his slightly red eyes seemed to give up an emotional farewell, and also carried a determination to go.

"Our fate ends here!"

Nailuo turned and left resolutely.

Ling Qiyue was stunned, because this was not the version she saw Nailuo perform at first.

But this time, the feeling was better than last time.


Naro's audition was over. He also greeted the judges and waited for their comments. He did not even glance at Ling Qiyue during the whole process.

Director Liang stared at Naro with a frown.

"Your resume says you've never acted before?"

"You haven't joined the drama club in school before?"

Nailuo nodded and replied"yes" to Director Liang's question.

The assistant director and screenwriter beside him also looked at Nailuo, staring at him non-stop.

Ling Qiyue's eyes flew with pride for a moment, because she knew the result of the audition.

《Gu Yuan in"Mo Shang Xuan" seems to be laughing and joking, but he can also be said to be one of the few people in the whole play who sees the reality clearly.

He yearns for peace and longs for love, but in the end, the country he is in is a kind of ordeal for him.

Gu Yuan is not blindly loyal, but in the end, he gave up everything for his family, for his father, and even for his sister Gu Xuaner.

Gu Yuan is a gentle person. Even when facing Miss Mu, who framed his father, was kept in the dark, and finally eavesdropped on the truth and came to tell him and dissuade him from leaving the city, he could not do anything cruel.

"Go back and wait for notification."

Following Director Liang's words, Nailuo nodded and went out politely.

These were what Sister Qing told him.

After Nailuo went out, Director Liang and the others looked at Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue lifted her long hair and said calmly

"You guys decide for yourselves, I won’t comment."

If the opinion doesn’t suit her, she hasn’t signed the contract anyway!


After Nailuo came out, he ignored the others and followed the male assistant back to the hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel, Sister Qing came over to ask about it, but Nailuo just replied,"Wait for notification."

Sister Qing originally wanted to call Ling Qiyue to ask, but she found that the damn girl turned off her phone again.

However, after listening to Nailuo's answer, she was relieved, which meant there was hope.

When it was almost evening, Sister Qing finally got through to Ling Qiyue's phone.

"If you dare to be mean to me, I will continue to turn off my phone!"

Sister Qing was choking on the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

"The role has been decided, and Nai Xiaoluo has been selected."

When she heard the news, Sister Qing also laughed, and then praised Ling Qiyue a few times in a nice way.

This made her happy, and she hung up the phone.

Sister Qing is in a really good mood now.

After all, she hasn't experienced the sense of accomplishment of bringing newcomers like this for a long time.

Nai Luo was also informed of the news by Sister Qing, and then he received the time to join the group.

As for the contract, Sister Qing originally wanted to discuss it in person, but Ling Qiyue took care of it all.

At first, Director Liang saw that Nai Luo was a newcomer and wanted to spend less money.

As a result, Ling Qiyue was not happy. After all, if Nai Luo's salary is higher, her small treasury can increase a little more, which is enough for her to buy a lot of game gift packs.

Because of Ling Qiyue's face, Nai Luo's salary is really more than that of ordinary people.

For him, a newcomer who has not even entered the 38th line, it is already very good.


After the"Mo Shang Xuan" crew confirmed the cast, they also informed the artists who did not pass the interview.

When Lu Tao learned that he was not selected, he was stunned.

Someone recommended Lu Tao to Director Liang in the beginning. After Director Liang saw Lu Tao's work, he also considered him to play Gu Yuan.

But when Fang Qing called, Director Liang also used auditions to select the actors. As for the male and female protagonists and the second male and female protagonists, they were all selected at the beginning.

Now the role has been decided on Naro.

Lu Tao's agent also called Director Liang to ask the reason, and wanted to have a second try.

But Director Liang was like a mirror.��

Nailuo's pay was negotiated by Ling Qiyue in person, and Nailuo was indeed better than Lu Tao during the audition, and Nailuo was more outstanding in both temperament and appearance.

If he really dared to have a second audition, Ling Qiyue would probably come to settle accounts with him.

Compared with Ling Qiyue, Lu Tao is nothing!

Knowing that there was no chance for a second audition, Lu Tao was also very angry. After all, this was his best opportunity for transformation. On the day of the audition, he later learned that Nailuo was a newcomer of Jiachen. He had even filmed an endorsement advertisement with Ling Qiyue before.

After that, the crew of"Mo Shang Xuan" also directly announced the list of actors.

And Lu Tao's fans were directly blown up.

Because Tianyue Company also said earlier that Lu Tao would play Gu Yuan, and Lu Tao also admitted this to his fans.

As a result, who would have thought that among the actors officially announced by the crew of"Mo Shang Xuan", the one who played Gu Yuan was a completely unfamiliar name - Nailuo.

This also made Lu Tao's fans begin to leave messages under the crew's official website to defend their idol.

【Who is this person? Did he use a backdoor to replace my brother?】

【The crew came out and gave an explanation!】

【My brother is so good, Gu Yuan is also my favorite character. Let a newcomer play it without explanation. I firmly resist】......

When Lu Tao learned that his fans were standing up for him, he directly logged into his Weibo account and sent a message according to his agent's instructions.

After sending it, he also sneered.

"If I can't get it, you can't expect it either!"

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