In the evening,

Ling Qiyue, who had stayed in another hotel, was wearing pajamas, and her white feet were swinging rhythmically.

She was lying on the bed, with a pillow under her chest.

She was playing games with Xiaoke again, with a satisfied smile on her face.

On the way back, Ling Qiyue hugged Nai Luo all the way.

Thinking of her Nai Xiaoluo's gentle gesture of caring for her, Ling Qiyue's mouth curled up again.

Xiaoke took a sneaky look, and then...Then she sighed silently in her heart ~

Nai Xiaoluo, he is still young!


The Joaquin Film Festival Awards Ceremony has ended.

Netizens are still discussing the winners of various awards.

But they are also looking forward to the TV Drama Awards Ceremony in ten days.

This is the most prestigious TV drama awards ceremony in China.

Of course, Naro and Ling Qiyue were invited to attend.

Naro still doesn't know the result.

《"Mo Shang Xuan" won several awards in this selection, including the Best Screenwriter, Best Director and Best Actress awards.

This is also the only Best Actress award that Ling Qiyue won in his previous life.

As for why it is the only one, it is because Ling Qiyue only filmed this TV series in her previous life.

Later, she filmed all movies.

Naluo was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor this time.

He doesn't know whether he can win the award.

Besides, he really doesn't care about those awards.

《"The Backlit Corner" ended, and Ling Qiyue began her lazy holiday life again.

After staying in Kyoto for two days,"Crazy Journey" also filmed another episode in Kyoto.

Several big names were invited this time.

After the filming was over, Naro was waiting for another award ceremony in Kyoto.

Now he also took the time to read the script of the new play.

Naro originally wanted to go back to Yunhai, but Ling Qiyue ran to his place to punch in as soon as she got up.

After all, he lives next door to someone.

During the event, Naro also gave up the idea of going back now.

Wait until he joins the new crew and then find time to go back.


Near noon, there was a knock on Naro's door. The sound was very soft.

He thought it was some unscrupulous person coming again.

After Naro opened the door, he lowered his eyes and looked down again.

Standing in front of the door was a little girl about five years old.

She looked very soft and cute.



Naro was stunned by the little girl's crisp and soft shouting.

Then the next second the little girl hugged his legs.

Naro originally wanted to dodge, but he was afraid that the little girl would fall down, so he let her hug him.

Just when Naro was about to ask the little girl who she was looking for, footsteps were heard from the corridor.

Naro looked up and saw a man in a high-end suit walking over.

Chen Feng!

The one walking over was Chen Feng, the eldest brother of Ling Qiyue and Chen Shuang.

He was the one who expanded the market for the Chen family, and Chen Feng was the one stationed in Kyoto.

Naro glanced at the little girl again.

Hmm....Could this little girl be Ling Qiyue’s niece?

"Nuonuo, why are you running around by yourself?"

Chen Feng's words also made Nailuo more certain that the little girl holding him in front of him was Qiyue's niece.

At this time, the door of Ling Qiyue's suite next door opened.

A certain unscrupulous person came out with a raised mouth.

But when she saw her own Nai Xiaoluo being hugged by a little kid, the fierce light in her eyes had not flashed yet, she saw her eldest brother again.

Ling Qiyue blinked, glanced at her eldest brother again, and made sure that she was not mistaken.

Nailuo found that someone's eyes were bright, and Chen Feng's face was dark.


The little girl called out sweetly when she saw Ling Qiyue.

Ling Qiyue narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Xiao Nuobao with a smile on her face.

Then, before Chen Feng came over, she grabbed the little girl by the back of her neck and lifted her up.


Naro looked at someone's unscrupulous actions and felt as if he had seen them somewhere before.

Chen Feng's face darkened.


Ling Qiyue picked up the little girl and held her in her arms again, then pushed Nailuo into the room and shouted to the outside.

"Come in and tell me!"

Chen Feng walked in with a dark face.

Nai Luo didn't understand what was going on between the brother and sister.

But looking at someone, she always felt that Chen Feng seemed to want to beat up his sister.

After Chen Feng came in, he closed the door.

"Give Nuonuo back to me!"

Seeing Chen Feng reaching out, Ling Qiyue held the little girl tightly and didn't let go at all.

"What's wrong with me hugging my niece?"

Chen Feng glanced at Nai Luo, and then looked at Ling Qiyue.

Little Nuobao was very attached to Ling Qiyue in her arms.

"Aunt Nuonuo misses you so much~"

Ling Qiyue nodded with a bright smile on her face

"Oh, dear, auntie misses you too.~"

"Auntie will buy you some candy later~"

When the little girl heard that there was candy, her eyes lit up.

"Nuonuo likes aunt the most!"

This made someone's mouth curl up even higher.

Chen Feng's face turned even darker.


"Give Nuonuo back to me!"

Ling Qiyue hummed and retreated directly behind Nai Xiaoluo.

"I am Nuobao's aunt, not a human trafficker. Why are you so nervous?"

Nailuo's eyelids twitched. He wanted to say that someone looked like a human trafficker.

However, what someone said next made Nailuo even more speechless.

"Besides, weren’t you the ones who found it?"

"If you want it, then give me money!"

"I don't want much, just give me what you think is worth, just give me whatever amount Nobo is worth!"


Nailuo silently moved aside to make room for Chen Feng.

Looking at Chen Feng's dark face, Nailuo knew that Ling Qiyue, a habitual offender, obviously did this often.

He also saw that it must be the little girl who wanted to come over, and Chen Feng had no choice but to bring her here.


Hearing the sound of Chen Feng gritting his teeth,

Ling Qiyue blinked and looked over.

"Nobo wants to eat candy, so as her aunt I have to buy it for her."

"But I don't have any money recently, brother, can you help me out?~"

"I'll ask my sister to return it to you later!"

Nai Luo couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

However, little Nuo Bao hugged Ling Qiyue's neck and said with big eyes.

"Aunt, are you out of money again? Nuonuo has money, Nuonuo, give it to aunt~"

The little girl said and was about to search her pockets.

Ling Qiyue loved her niece so much, but how could she ask for her money?

Chen Feng suppressed his emotions and finally took out his mobile phone and quickly tapped

"I've transferred it to you. Give me back Nuonuo!"

Ling Qiyue took out her mobile phone and saw the small amount of money on it. The greedy light in her eyes appeared unconsciously.

But she still didn't let go.

Then she looked at Chen Feng pitifully and said

"Brother, this is not enough, give me more~"

The veins on Chen Feng's forehead were throbbing, but he still gritted his teeth and transferred another sum of money to her.

"That’s enough!"

"If you keep saying it's not enough, I'll call Shuang'er!"

When she heard that she was going to call Chen Shuang, Ling Qiyue's expression changed immediately.

After all, these were enough for her to spend money freely.

People should know how to be content.

Later, Nailuo finally understood why Chen Feng was afraid of Ling Qiyue holding Xiao Nuobao.

Because she didn't know how to take care of a child!

And every time she held Xiao Nuobao, she would blackmail Chen Feng for a"ransom".

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