The people at the scene and the online audience were all waiting for the result.

The old man smiled and stopped keeping everyone in suspense.

"The winner of the Best Actress award is Wen Ya!"

""Congratulations, Wen Ya!"

When the final result was announced, Nailuo glanced at Ling Qiyue.

In his previous life, he knew that Wen Ya won her second Best Actress award for her role as Wen Xue in"Winter Snow".

Ling Qiyue jumped up when she heard the final result.

Then she passed Nailuo and hugged Wen Ya.

""Yaya, congratulations!"

Wen Ya was stunned for a moment after she knew she won the award.

But when she saw Ling Qiyue hugging her, she smiled and hugged her back.

The scene of the two hugging made Qiyue and Wen Ya's fans congratulate them harmoniously again.

【Congratulations to Yaya for winning the Best Actress award! 】

Although Qiyue's fans felt sorry for her goddess, they also sent their blessings to Wenya when they saw her smiling face, which was happier than her winning the award.

Ling Qiyue released her embrace and thoughtfully adjusted Wenya's dress.

Nailuo, standing by, also smiled and congratulated her.

"Congratulations, Sister Yaya."

Wen Ya smiled and nodded.

The other members of the crew also congratulated Wen Ya one by one.

Wen Ze also stood up and congratulated his sister. Yue Ming and Wu Ling also cheered and congratulated in the back.

Wen Ya nodded to the back row to express her gratitude.

When Wen Ya walked to the stage and took the trophy, she said softly

"First of all thanks......"

She thanked everyone gracefully and generously.

Finally, she looked at July and smiled.

"At the end of the recording of the show the day before yesterday, Qiyue and I joked that we should ask her to walk slower, because if she walked any faster, I would not be able to catch up with her."

"July told me that she had never been ahead of me, we had always been walking together!"

"Before I received this honor, many people said that I was just a runner-up."

"At that time, I looked at July and felt that if there is Yu, why is there Liang?"

"But you have to work hard next to July. She is born with gold. Her light drives me forward."

"In the days to come, I will continue to hone my acting skills and bring you better works."

"Also for traveling with my best sister!"

"Thank you~"

Wen Ya bowed and walked off the stage.

Wen Ya hugged Ling Qiyue again after leaving the stage.

Ling Qiyue even took a beautiful photo with Wen Ya.

The interaction between the two made the camera follow them all the time.

When they sat back in their seats, Nailuo was relieved to see that Ling Qiyue was really happy for Wen Ya and did not feel lost.

Nailuo sat next to her.

Ling Qiyue raised her eyes and blinked.

Then she took the phone and turned her back to Nailuo, quickly tapping the interface.

Nailuo didn't know what Ling Qiyue had done.

But netizens knew what she had done after Ling Qiyue turned around again.

Because Ling Qiyue posted on Weibo again.

【Ling Qiyue V: Congratulations to my two big babies for winning the awards!.jpgX2】

One photo is of Ling Qiyue and Naluo taking the Best Newcomer trophy, and the other is of her and Wen Ya taking the Best Actress trophy.

Ling Qiyue’s smile in the photo is so sweet, even sweeter than Naluo and Wen Ya’s!

Soon her fans quickly rushed to grab a spot and build a building.

There were also Wen Ya’s fans who came in to like Ling Qiyue.

In short, Qiyue and Wen Ya’s fans are now the same as sister fans, and both sides are praising each other.

If there are people who say something sarcastic about the two, Wen Ya’s fans don’t even need to be mentioned, Ling Qiyue’s fans will just shut up the person they are talking about.

In terms of fan fighting power, Ling Qiyue’s fans are unique, as fierce as her goddess!


The annual Joaquin Film Festival Gala came to an end.

At the banquet after the gala, Ling Qiyue simply ate some food and talked with Wen Ya for a long time, then she took Naluo away.

Xiaoke and Sister Qing had been waiting for them.

Sister Qing didn't say anything to Ling Qiyue this time.

Xiaoke came over and hugged her little master.

Ling Qiyue raised her hand and patted her back to indicate that she was fine.

Sister Qing originally wanted to take a few people away.

But when she saw that Director Qian of Naluo's next costume drama also attended the gala tonight and came here, she immediately told Xiaoke to take the two back first.

Sister Qing didn't want someone to know Naluo's next drama in advance, so that she wouldn't make trouble again.

Ling Qiyue wanted to leave a long time ago.

She was very happy that Sister Qing was not in the same line of work.

So Xiaoke took the car, and Naluo and Ling Qiyue sat in the back seat.

After getting in the car.

Ling Qiyue felt a little stuffy in the car and opened the window a little.

After blowing for a while, her eyes were soon squinted.

This made her eyes feel uncomfortable.

Ling Qiyue lowered her head and rubbed her eyes.

Her little action attracted Nailuo's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Qiyue raised her red eyes and looked at Naluo who was asking the question.

Naluo frowned slightly.

""You're not uncomfortable, why are your eyes red?"

Naro looked away when he sat in the back seat, mainly because someone's calves were always exposed, and after sitting in, the hem of her skirt moved up to reveal more scenery.

Ling Qiyue wanted to say that she squinted, but after seeing the concern in Naro's eyes, her little mouth immediately shrank, and her little shoulders twitched.

Naro exhaled softly and comforted softly

"Take it next time, don't be sad"

"Nai Xiaoluo, woo woo......"

Ling Qiyue threw herself into Nailuo's arms and hugged him

"Sister is not sad, sister is happy that Yaya won the award, woo woo......"

Naro's body was tense, but seeing her aggrieved look, he raised his hand and patted her back gently.

"If you're not sad, why are you crying?"

"Okay, stop crying~"

Ling Qiyue buried her little face in Naro's neck and said stubbornly

""Sister didn't cry, and sister wasn't sad either!"

Xiaoke, who was driving in the front, felt terrible. She stole a glance at the back seat.

Looking at the two people hugging each other, her hands almost slipped.

She was afraid of being glared at fiercely, and in order to preserve her reputation as a veteran driver, she tried hard to suppress her attention.

She believed in her young master's words, and she wanted to tell Naro that she really didn't cry.

But she estimated that if she said this, she might not see the sun the next day.

For the sake of her life, Xiaoke silently became a full-time veteran driver.


Nailuo continued to pat Ling Qiyue's back, soothing her.

But what he didn't see was that the corner of the mouth of the person buried in his neck had already turned up and disappeared.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Listening to Nailuo's gentle question,

Ling Qiyue hugged him again.

"No, sister is not sad at all!"


Ling July:"(≖ ◡ ≖✿)!"

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