Ling Qiyue looked at Shen Ru with a smile on her face.

Nailuo and Fang Qing knew exactly what someone was going to do.

At this juncture, they both tacitly indulged Ling Qiyue.

Shen Ru's face froze for a moment after hearing this. She looked at Ling Qiyue and asked

"Can't you perform other things?"

Shen Ru did practice at home.

But she was fantasizing about becoming a movie queen, TV queen, heroine or tender heroine in the future.

Ling Qiyue asked her to play a thief, a thief who was stabbed to death. Ling Qiyue raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly, raised her right hand paw, stretched out her slender and beautiful index finger and shook it twice.

"Why can't you act it out?"

Chen Ping looked at her daughter, then at Ling Qiyue, waving her hands and smiling.

"My little Ru is so delicate and sensible, how could she understand those petty thefts?"

"My little Ru performs...Then what about Lin Daiyu, who is definitely good-looking."

Ling Qiyue almost couldn't help rolling her eyes after hearing this.

Her Nai Xiaoluo had never played a gangster before, so she demonstrated it once, and her Nai Xiaoluo played it very realistically.

Besides, when her Nai Xiaoluo first filmed an advertisement with her, he had no foundation at all, but he was born with a keen sense of capturing the camera.

Even Ling Qiyue was shocked when she saw it, especially his last sunny smile that seemed to be relieved.

That photo is still in Ling Qiyue's private photo album.

Looking at Shen Ru, Ling Qiyue set up a scene for her according to what Chen Ping said, a girl who was deceived and persecuted many times by a man (a scumbag), and was hurt and heartbroken. Shen Ru nodded after hearing this, took a deep breath, and then began her performance after brewing emotions.

Nai Luo lowered his eyes and didn't look.

Ling Qiyue and Fang Qing both looked over.

Then five seconds...Ten seconds......



Ling Qiyue's mouth twitched, and now she really wanted to curse.

Shen Ru's movements were still frozen, and the expression on her face was also stiff.

Ling Qiyue used her little paws to rub her poisoned eyes.

"What are you acting? If you don’t know, you might think you are attending a funeral!"

Shen Ru:"......"

Chen Ping & Shen Jian:"......!!!"

"I listened to your mother and set up an easy scene for you to perform, but your acting is not as good as that of the girl working at the front desk of our company!"

"What's that expression on your face? Forget it, I'm too lazy to comment any more. Sister Qing, what do you think?"

Ling Qiyue started to drag Fang Qing, the"evil woman" in her mind, into the water again.

Fang Qing pushed her black-framed glasses expressionlessly.

"Our company also has the lowest standards for selecting people. I'm sorry that you didn't pass any of them!"

Ling Qiyue silently gave Fang Qing a thumbs up after hearing this.

Shen Ru's face turned pale and ugly after hearing this, but there was a hint of anger in her eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Ping quickly defended her daughter.

"My Xiaoru has never received formal training. This time she performed poorly. If you sign her and train her, she will definitely be very famous in the future."

After saying this, Chen Ping looked at Nailuo again.

"Xiao Luo, please speak up for your sister. She is......"

However, Chen Ping's words were interrupted by Ling Qiyue's slightly fierce words.


"Nai Xiaoluo’s sister is me!"

"Also, Nai Xiaoluo is just an artist of our company, and a new artist at that. What right does he have to select people for the company?"

"We at Jiachen Company look at three basic requirements when selecting people"

"One is the talented ones like Nai Xiaoluo and me!"

"Second, we must be hardworking, motivated and down-to-earth, just like my family, Nai Xiaoluo and I......."

When Ling Qiyue said this, Fang Qing and Nailuo looked over at the same time.

Ling Qiyue:"......"

Ling Qiyue's right paw pressed on Sister Qing's shoulder, and her two little hands grabbed Fang Qing and Nailuo who were looking at her one by one and grabbed them hard.

Fang Qing glanced at her with disdain, but did not say anything.

Nailuo pretended not to feel anything.

Chen Ping looked at Ling Qiyue and took a step forward and spoke again.

"My Xiaoru is very beautiful and hardworking. As long as you are willing to sign her......"

Ling Qiyue snorted softly and raised her hand to interrupt him.

"When Nai Xiaoluo first filmed an advertisement with me, he had no basic skills and did not make any NGs on the spot."

"He has only been studying in the company for a month. In my previous assessment of him, he was able to perfectly portray robbers, bandits, hooligans, good guys and bad guys. This is a combination of talent and hard work."

"The most important thing is that he knows his identity. It is the play that chooses him, not him who chooses the play."

"He never evaded every assessment he was given."

"I asked your daughter to act out a thief being stabbed to death, but she didn't want to act."

"Do you think the investors and directors would let you, a nobody, play the leading female role?"

"Even if you don't have acting skills, with your looks, even if you play a vase, you will be killed after two episodes."

"Beauty. In our company, appearance is the least important thing. The girls at the front desk of our company are much prettier than your daughter. They know they have no talent, so they work hard to complete their work."

Shen Ru:"......"

Shen Ru, who had imagined herself becoming a big star when she came here, was now criticized by Ling Qiyue as being no better than the receptionist outside. This made her clench her fists and she was extremely angry with Ling Qiyue.

However, Nailuo agreed with Ling Qiyue's point of view!

"And the most important thing in our company is character!"

"I'm sorry, I don't see any good character in your daughter, or even in your family!"

"Even if your daughter meets the first two criteria, our company will still not sign her if she fails the third one."

"But unfortunately, your daughter has not met any of the three minimum standards for signing artists in our company.

Ling Qiyue's words made Chen Ping's family look at her uncomfortably.

Ling Qiyue didn't pretend anymore.

Her eyes were cold and fierce.

"How come what I said is not right!"

"You guys are here just to see my Nai Xiaoluo become an artist, and to show off to him."

"What do you mean by taking care of Nai Xiaoluo? You just want to take advantage of your relationship to take care of him because he is young. Aren’t you just after Nai Xiaoluo’s money?"

Chen Ping's face turned red when Ling Qiyue revealed her thoughts. She pointed at Ling Qiyue like a shrew scolding a street woman.

"we do not have!"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are not that kind of people, we really care about Xiao Luo!"

Ling Qiyue hates people pointing fingers at her the most. If it weren't for Nai Xiao Luo, she would have hit them long ago.

Ling Qiyue narrowed her starry eyes and emitted a fierce light, but then she restrained it.

Then she smiled and took away the little paw on Nai Luo's shoulder.

"Since you said no, you really want to take care of Nai Xiaoluo"

"Then let me see your sincerity!"

Chen Ping shouted with a red face and stiff neck.

"Humph, if you want to see it, then we'll let you see it. Our family came all the way from Dingzhou before the New Year just to spend the New Year with Xiao Luo......."

Ling Qiyue raised her hand impatiently and interrupted Chen Ping again.

"Okay, stop talking about that nonsense!"

"Nailuo signed a five-year contract with our Jiachen Company. During this period, all his expenses and all the expenses that the company helped him purchase are listed here."

"Nai Xiaoluo owed the company a total of 6 million yuan. All the money he earned in half a year was used to pay off the company's debts."

"Now he still owes 5.2 million. I won't talk about the 1,310 or so in change. Since you guys want to take care of Nai Xiaoluo, just pay him back for what he owes you!"

Nai Luo:"......"

Chen Ping's family:"......!!!"

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