Ling Qiyue was very polite to Uncle Liu and Aunt Cui's family.

Uncle Liu's family was good to Nai Xiaoluo, so she naturally respected them.

But when facing Chen Ping's family, Ling Qiyue didn't have a good face at all.

Nai Luo's hand below patted Ling Qiyue's knee lightly, he wanted to handle it himself.

Ling Qiyue lowered his eyes to look at Nai Xiaoluo, and the little paw on his shoulder exerted a little force.

Chen Ping's face was embarrassed by Ling Qiyue's words, but soon her face was full of smiles again

"My husband is Xiao Luo's uncle, just because he...Xiao Luo's great grandfather died early, and then my mother-in-law took him away....Well, no matter what, Xiao Luo and my husband are blood relatives.

Chen Ping's shameless words made Ling Qiyue clench her little paws on Nailuo's shoulders again.


Fang Qing sneered in her heart after hearing this.

This time, she did not wait for Ling Qiyue to speak.

Fang Qing sat down next to Nailuo, pushed her black-framed glasses and spoke first.

"You are here to see Xiao Luo. He is just here to report to the company today. He will catch a flight to the crew soon."

"If you have anything to say, please say it as soon as possible. I'm his agent and I'll take him to the airport soon."

Chen Ping's family knew that Nailuo would return to the crew to resume filming tomorrow.

But seeing that Ling Qiyue and Fang Qing had no intention of leaving, Chen Ping didn't know how to start.

Shen Ru looked at the two of them and she wanted to join Jiachen anyway, so she stepped forward and touched her mother's arm.

Chen Ping immediately understood.

Ling Qiyue looked up at Shen Bin, who had been staring at her, with fierce and cold eyes.

Ling Qiyue almost couldn't hold back the disgust in her heart and went up to beat him up.

Shen Bin hadn't moved his eyes away since Ling Qiyue came in.

After being looked at fiercely and coldly by Ling Qiyue, he retracted his gaze.

Chen Ping started to play the emotional card at this time

"Xiao Luo, how are you doing here by yourself now? Are you tired? How about your aunt and uncle come over to take care of you?"

"After all, you are still young."

Shen Jian finally followed suit and said

"Yes, Xiao Luo, your aunt and I just want to come and look after you."

Ling Qiyue almost went berserk after hearing what they said, and Fang Qing's eyes flashed with disgust.

But before they could speak, Nai Luo glanced at the hypocritical Chen Ping and Shen Jian. He spoke

"No, I'm used to being alone, and I'm not as tired now as before.

Ling Qiyue loosened her grip on Nai Xiaoluo's shoulders and said,

"Nai Xiaoluo, I'll take care of you, so I won't bother you anymore."

Fang Qing pushed her glasses and continued

"I, as Xiao Luo's manager, will take care of everything. You don't have to worry."

Ling Qiyue glanced at Fang Qing who was competing with her.

Fang Qing chose to ignore her.

Chen Ping didn't expect that a question she asked Nai Luo would be rejected three times.

"You are Xiao Luo's agent, right? You must be very busy all day. If Xiao Luo comes back from work, his uncle and I can cook for him, do housework, etc. After all, he has worked so hard to come back, and it will be much easier for us to take care of him."

"We can also learn how to cook and ensure that Xiao Luo's diet is well managed."

Ling Qiyue looked at Chen Ping's disgusting face, pressed Nai Luo tightly, and then her tone became much softer, she asked

"Well, what you said makes sense, so do you mean that your family will move to the apartment where Nai Xiaoluo lives?"

Shen Jian nodded subconsciously, but Chen Ping smiled and waved her hand.

"No need for that. Uncle Xiao Luo and I can just rent a house near his apartment. When Xiao Luo comes back, give me a call and we'll go over in advance to cook for him and clean the house."

Ling Qiyue said with a gentle smile.

"That's too much trouble. Don't you ask about the things in your hometown? And since you're"taking care of" Nai Xiaoluo like this, your children should still be in school or working, right?"

"You guys come to take care of Nai Xiaoluo, and just leave them in their hometown without asking about them, then you guys are too good to Nai Xiaoluo."

Looking at Ling Qiyue's gentle side, Chen Ping waved her hand and smiled.

"Xiao Luo's cousin Xiao Bin has just graduated from college and has not yet found a suitable major. It doesn't matter where he works."

"My daughter Xiaoru is a junior this year. Although she studies accounting, she has been dancing since she was a child and likes performing very much. It’s just that I used to control her and didn’t let her go down this path."

"Watching my daughter practice dancing and performing in front of the mirror every day, I feel guilty as a mother."

"You are Xiao Luo's agent, why don't you take a look at my Xiao Ru?"

Nailuo looked at Chen Ping and glanced at Shen Ru.

In her previous life, Shen Ru ran to Tianyue to be an artist with Wang Cheng before she finished her senior year.

As for Shen Ru's acting and dancing, Nailuo was too lazy to comment.

But now her acting skills standing here are much better than when she appeared on the screen in her previous life.

Shen Ru also came out at this time.

She said to Fang Qing and Ling Qiyue

"I am very interested in acting. I have been practicing dancing since I was a child. Why don't I perform a dance for you now?

Fang Qing frowned slightly, but Ling Qiyue said with interest in her eyes.

"I heard what you meant."

"You mean your whole family is coming to Sky City?~"

"Your daughter wants to join our company, so does your son also want to come to our company to be an assistant or agent?"

"This way, your family can stay here and take care of Nai Xiaoluo."

Chen Ping looked at Ling Qiyue, who was nodding her head with a gentle expression, and said with a smile on her face.

"At the beginning, we just wanted to come and take care of Xiao Luo. My daughter is really interested in acting, and it would be the best if she could be an artist in Jiachen with Xiao Luo."

"As for Xiaobin, he doesn't know anything, but he has a strong learning ability. When he was in college, he was a cadre of the student union. If someone is willing to lead him, he will definitely work hard."

Nailuo's expression did not change. He had already guessed what Chen Ping said.

Ling Qiyue raised his eyes to look at Shen Ru, then raised the corner of his mouth and said

"You said you are very interested in acting, so can you act?"

Shen Ru looked at Ling Qiyue and nodded seriously.

"Yes, I have read some performance teaching materials and studied on my own for a long time."


Ling Qiyue raised her little head and said with a long"oh". She thought for a moment and then said

"Well, if that's the case, you perform, if you are qualified, I will give you a chance~"

Nai Luo and Fang Qing knew that someone was going to make trouble again after Ling Qiyue's tone changed.

After hearing this, Shen Ru thanked him with bright eyes.

Ling Qiyue waved her hand

"You don't have to thank me first. After all, I was also the examiner of Nai Xiaoluo. After watching his performance, we decided to sign him as an exception."

After saying this, Ling Qiyue's eyes flashed with a fierce

"The test questions are here~"

"Then you perform a....."

"The thief who was stabbed to death while trying to steal something!"

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