On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year,

Naro opened his eyes as the sound of firecrackers rang out in the distance.

Looking at Ling Qiyue sleeping in his arms like an octopus, Naro carefully tried to move her away.

But as soon as he moved, a little paw slapped him.

Ling Qiyue's eyelashes were very long and beautiful, but at this moment, her unhappy frowned brows were ferocious.

Naro tried to get out of bed.

But soon he was hugged tighter, and then Ling Qiyue's little paw lifted the quilt to cover her head.

It seemed to cover up the sound of firecrackers.

Naro had no choice but to whisper in her ear :

""I'm up."

Ling Qiyue's eyebrows furrowed even tighter, her sexy little mouth opened slightly, and a lazy but fierce sound came out of it.

"do not bother me...I want to sleep!"

But the sound of firecrackers rang out more and more.

Naro could see Ling Qiyue who was unwilling to get up, and his silver teeth were clenched.

What made him speechless was that Ling Qiyue lay on him with her whole body, and buried her face deep inside his coat.

It seemed that these two layers of protection could block the sound of firecrackers that disturbed her sweet dreams.

Later, it was unknown which naughty child set off a few super loud firecrackers, which shocked Ling Qiyue who wanted to continue sleeping in with her head buried deep. The quilt was suddenly lifted a little, and Naro saw Ling Qiyue waking up with a fierce look in her eyes.

But when she saw Naro, Ling Qiyue's originally fierce eyes disappeared instantly, and then her eyes blinked twice in a daze.

The slightly cool air outside the quilt was lifted, which made Ling Qiyue shiver again, and the fullness of her chest rose and fell twice.

Naro, who was originally looking at Ling Qiyue, hurriedly avoided his eyes.

Ling Qiyue:"......???"

Ling Qiyue looked at Nai Xiaoluo in confusion, then she lowered her eyes to take a look, and the corners of her mouth curled up in a naughty way.

It's expected, that's how confident she is!

Ling Qiyue went back into Nai Xiaoluo's arms, continued to hug him, and wrapped the quilt tighter, as if she no longer cared about the sound of firecrackers outside. Nai


"Wake up."

Nai Luo looked at Ling Qiyue who had fallen asleep again and shouted in a panic.

"Well...Sister is sleepy, it's cold outside, sister still wants to sleep~"

Naluo gently pushed Ling Qiyue's shoulders

"If you don't get up, I will."

Nailuo said, but Ling Qiyue hugged him tighter, shaking her head and rubbing his neck.

"Sister will give you a big red envelope later, and an extra red envelope for you."

Naluo frowned slightly.

"What extra red envelope do I want? If you don't get up, just continue to sleep. I have to get up."

Nai Luo had just finished speaking when Ling Qiyue shook her head and hummed in the quilt.


"You are not allowed to get up. You are my little sun. I will give you money and take care of you!"

"Let your sister sleep for a while~"


Naro couldn't help but roll his eyes, but unfortunately Ling Qiyue hiding under the quilt couldn't see it.

"I don't want it. Please let me get up quickly. I'll go make breakfast for you."

Ling Qiyue was immediately entangled when she heard this.

After a second of careful analysis and weighing, Ling Qiyue made a choice.

"I'm sleepy now, Nai Xiaoluo, stay with me for a while, I'll give you extra money later!"

Nai Luo pushed Ling Qiyue again in the quilt with a headache, trying to push her away.

"Ah! It hurts!"

""Nai Xiaoluo, you hit your sister!"

As the quilt was lifted up, Ling Qiyue poked her head out again.

At this moment, Ling Qiyue's mouth was pursed, and her eyes were red.

"Nai Xiaoluo, you don’t love your sister anymore!"

"You hit my sister, and my sister is hurt!"


Ling Qiyue's delicate and pitiful expression, coupled with her extremely aggrieved little mouth and red eyes, if someone saw her like this and heard what she said, they would really think that she was"domestically abused" by Naluo. Anyone who saw her pitiful and sympathetic little appearance would have to scold Naluo.


Naro's eyelids and mouth corners twitched at the same time

"Ling Qiyue, you've had enough of the drama, get up quickly."

Naluo said, propping up the bed with his right hand, and then sitting up.

When he stood up, the cold air outside quickly invaded the warm quilt.

Ling Qiyue shivered again.


Ling Qiyue hugged Naluo's neck and tried to push him back into the quilt.

But she tried twice, and because of the cold, she couldn't exert much strength.

Ling Qiyue's mouth was no longer puffy, but she looked at Naluo angrily.

Feeling that Naluo was about to run away,

Ling Qiyue's eyes focused, and then she caught Naluo's left earlobe and bit it lightly.


Naro's body tensed up instantly, and he trembled a bit, and the tip of his ear slowly began to heat up and turn red.

Ling Qiyue pressed Naro hard, but failed again. Then she felt Naro's left hand grabbing her again and trying to escape.

Ling Qiyue bit him again, and finally licked him lightly with the tip of her tongue.

""Honey~ I'm cold~"

Ling Qiyue's extremely seductive voice came through Naluo's earlobe.

Coupled with the naughty tip of her tongue,

Naluo, who was holding Ling Qiyue's arm, instantly lost his strength.

His ears turned red, and the redness spread to his face and finally flowed into his heart.

Ling Qiyue's eyes curved, and with a"Hey" sound, she pushed Naluo back with force.

She quickly covered the quilt and turned into a koala to tightly wrap around Naluo's body.

"Nai Xiaoluo, sister will just sleep for two more hours and then get up!"

"You sleep, I wake up......"

As soon as Naluo opened his mouth, Ling Qiyue stretched out her little hand to touch his face and blocked his mouth.

"Why didn't you look at your sister when you said it? Why are you shy again?~"

"Half an hour!"

Hearing Nailuo's relenting words,

Ling Qiyue smiled even more happily.

"No, two hours, sister will give you more money~"

Nailuo lowered his voice and did not open Ling Qiyue's little claws that were still on his face.

""Forty minutes!"

Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows, retracted her claws and hummed.

"One hour and fifty-nine minutes, this is my sister's biggest concession!"


Nailuo turned his head in displeasure.

But just as he turned his head, Ling Qiyue, who was hiding under the quilt, stared at him with her eyes. Nailuo was about to turn his head away, but finally gritted his teeth and glared at her fiercely.

"One hour at most. This is my biggest concession. I don't want your red envelope either!"

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue poked her head out from under the quilt. The little hands that had been holding Naluo's neck tightened.

Ling Qiyue kissed Naluo on the cheek.


Naro was stunned again, and his eyelids began to twitch.

"If you don't want a red envelope, then I'll give you a kiss as a reward, okay?~"

"Sister Qian has paid for it. One hour and fifty-eight minutes, not a second less."

After saying those harsh words, Ling Qiyue quickly covered herself with the quilt and lay on Naluo's chest again.

But as soon as she hid in, her beautiful little face turned as red as a ripe red apple.

Ling Qiyue listened to Naluo's suddenly fast heartbeat, bit her lips tightly, and closed her eyes.

She was embarrassed but also happy.

And her heart beat faster than Naluo's!

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