Naro's face twitched.

At this moment, he felt that Ling Qiyue was even more unscrupulous.

He originally wanted to come in and trick Ling Qiyue into falling asleep, and then go out and sleep in the car.

After hearing what she just said, he wanted to go out now.

Ling Qiyue narrowed her starry eyes and stared at Naro's eyes.

"Nai Xiaoluo, hurry up and lie down inside!"

Ling Qiyue raised her small fist to Nai Luo's buttocks, as if she would spank him if he didn't come in.

Seeing that Nai Luo hadn't moved yet, Ling Qiyue really raised her hand to spank him.

Nai Luo grabbed her small hand helplessly and walked to the bed.

This bed was the one he slept in before. It was one and a half meters wide. Although it was not big, it was enough for the two of them to sleep.

Nai Luo didn't turn on the air conditioner because it was noisy, so he only bought a small sun.

It was originally reserved for Ling Qiyue, fearing that she would be cold at night.

There was a thick quilt on the bed as a blanket, and another one was used as a cover.

Originally, he prepared four quilts, but now there are only these two left.

Seeing Nai Luo get into bed, Ling Qiyue took off her pair of small slippers and got into bed with him.

"You won't take off your clothes!"

"This is winter, not summer!"

"In summer, you wear shorts and T-shirts, showing your arms and legs. Sister has seen it."

"You are still wearing your underwear and showing nothing, but you are afraid that your sister will see it, right?"

"Take it off quickly. It's uncomfortable to sleep in a coat and it's cold. If you don't take it off, I'll help you take it off."


Ling Qiyue narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her eyebrows, looked at Nai Xiaoluo who had not taken off his clothes, and then pounced on him like a ferocious tiger.

There was only so much space on the bed, Nai Luo raised his hand and grabbed Ling Qiyue's hand.

Ling Qiyue snorted and raised her eyebrows, then pressed her body towards Nai Luo.

"Do you want to take it off? If not, I will help you.~"

"Ling Qiyue, that's enough. If you keep doing this, I'll go out and sleep!"

Hearing this, Ling Qiyue stopped and snorted.

"OK, OK, you are still young and shy, so come in quickly and let's watch the Spring Festival Gala together."

"And you have to call me sister. If you want to call me sister's name, just call...Sister Qiyue~"

Seeing Ling Qiyue really letting go, Nai Luo directly ignored her last words.

Ling Qiyue lifted the quilt, and then took off her coat, revealing the perfect and plump curves inside.

Seeing Nai Xiaoluo looking away instantly, Ling Qiyue's eyes blinked twice cutely, then lowered her eyes to glance at her own greatness, and her little mouth raised proudly again.

Ling Qiyue quickly clenched the quilt, lifted the inner side, and then patted twice with her little paws.

"Come in quickly~"

Nailuo glanced at her, then quickly looked away, and then lay down on the inside, his body close to the wall.

After he got into the bed, Ling Qiyue quickly covered him with the quilt.

Then the next second, Nailuo wanted to get up reflexively, but was hugged tightly by Ling Qiyue.

"Sister is afraid of cold, and her feet are cold, Nai Xiaoluo, please help warm them up~"

Nai Luo glared at Ling Qiyue fiercely. Her cold little feet had already been placed on his legs, and she was even moving towards his feet.

"Ah ~ warm~"

"Nai Xiaoluo, you are warmer than the little sun~"

Ling Qiyue said and leaned towards Nai Luo again.

But soon her little paws were restless and pulled the zipper of Nai Luo's coat.

"What are you doing?"

Nailuo suddenly raised his hand and pressed Ling Qiyue's little paw.

Ling Qiyue almost nodded subconsciously.

Fortunately, she stopped in time, then puffed her mouth and trembled twice, and said in a trembling voice

"Sister is afraid of cold, your coat is a little cold, please open it, sister will borrow the warmth from your coat."

Naluo didn't listen to her.

"Just bear with it for a while!"

Seeing Nai Luo not compromising, Ling Qiyue's eyes turned slightly, her body moved upwards a little, and then she blew gently into his ear. She called out softly in a pitiful voice

"Husband, I'm cold~"


That was the sound of Naro turning his head hastily and hitting his forehead against the wall.

Ling Qiyue watched as the tip of her ear instantly turned red, and Naro shyly dodged and hit his head against the wall. She couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hahaha...Nai Xiaoluo, why are you so cute?~"

"I can't take it anymore. I'm almost dying of laughter."

Ling Qiyue's body was shaking wildly, that was because of laughter.

But even so, she didn't miss the opportunity. Her left hand quickly reached out and pulled the zipper of Naro's jacket down, and her body slipped into Naro's chest.

Ling Qiyue, who was holding the Naro brand little sun, exclaimed with emotion.

"Ah~ Nai Xiaoluo, you are really the warmest~"

Nai Luo's face was dark and he pressed his aching forehead with his right hand.

Now it was too late for him to stop it.

Ling Qiyue unzipped all the zippers of Nai Luo's coat and hugged Nai Luo tightly like a pillow.

But her raised eyes were still curved, and the corners of her mouth were trying to hold back a smile.

The main reason was that she saw Nai Luo's blushing face and his depressed black face.

"Sister will help you rub it~"

Ling Qiyue said and raised her little hand to help Naro rub it.

Naro dodged it directly, but this time he stopped just halfway through the turn.

Ling Qiyue laughed even more happily.

Because Naro almost suffered the same loss twice

"Come over here, there's more space outside~"

Ling Qiyue pulled Naluo a little closer.

But when Naluo moved a little, Ling Qiyue shivered again and clenched her body into Naluo's arms.

It was mainly because of the coldness on her back.

After seeing Naluo calm down, Ling Qiyue took out her mobile phone, opened the Spring Festival Gala and took Naluo to watch it together.

Several satellite TV stations invited her to attend the gala, and even asked her to bring Naluo with her.

If it was normal, Ling Qiyue might agree, but she wanted to rest, and she also wanted Naluo to rest.

Since joining the new crew, their rest time has been very little. There are not many days left, and it’s Chinese New Year, so she doesn’t want to work.

Watching the skits in the Spring Festival Gala, Ling Qiyue felt more and more boring.

The skits in the past were all happy from beginning to end, but now they all have a sad element at the end, which she doesn’t like.

She really couldn’t watch the rest of the show, and when she looked up at Nai Xiaoluo, she found that he didn’t pay much attention either.

Of course Nai Xiaoluo couldn’t pay attention, he was just waiting for Ling Qiyue to fall asleep.

He would go out when she fell asleep.

Otherwise, the guilt in his heart would be even deeper.

Ling Qiyue took off her phone and turned it off, leaned against Nai Xiaoluo’s neck, and said softly.

"Nai Xiaoluo, from now on, your sister will accompany you to celebrate the New Year, and your birthday."

"You will not be alone anymore, you still have a sister!"

Ling Qiyue's words made Naro's heart tremble again.

He had long been accustomed to being alone, but Ling Qiyue's appearance caused ripples on the calm surface of his heart.

Naro did not answer, but just nodded slightly.

After feeling it, Ling Qiyue smiled. She smiled very happily.

She hugged Naro's body tightly again.

The severe winter cold, because of Naro's embrace, made her feel warm and comfortable.

She liked this feeling, so much so that she didn't want to let go, and just wanted to hold him tight forever.

Ling Qiyue's words also warmed Naro's heart, and that feeling made him also......

When the time came to twelve o'clock in the morning, the new year also arrived.

Ling Qiyue raised her body and smiled sweetly at Nailuo.

"Nai Xiaoluo, Happy New Year!"

Nai Luo looked at Ling Qiyue and responded with a smile

"Happy New Year!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"I'll give you a big red envelope when I wake up early~"

Ling Qiyue raised her hand and rubbed Naluo's cheek.

Naluo looked at her helplessly.

Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows and smiled evilly.

As the lights in the bedroom went out,

Ling Qiyue stepped back and twisted a few times.


Nailuo could clearly feel Ling Qiyue taking off her pants.

This made his body tense even more, and he didn't dare to move at all, even though he had never moved before.


With Ling Qiyue's playful voice, she took off her pants and put them aside.

Then her little feet were placed on Nailuo's legs again.

"It's the most comfortable way to sleep."

"Nai Xiaoluo, do you want to take off your clothes?~"

"Turn off the lights, sister can't see, you don't have to be shy~"

Seeing Naluo turned his face away again, Ling Qiyue laughed unscrupulously again.

Soon she chose a very comfortable position in Naluo's arms, hugged him tightly and fell asleep

""Nai Xiaoluo, sister is sleeping. If you dare to sneak out, sister will spank you hard when she wakes up~"

After saying that, Ling Qiyue hugged Nai Luo tightly and fell asleep.

Nai Luo did not sleep, but felt the fullness of Ling Qiyue on his chest, and he quickly turned his face to the wall.

Ling Qiyue closed his eyes, smiled evilly, and continued to sleep comfortably.


It was a little after 1am~

Ling Qiyue's even breathing could be heard.

Nailuo looked at Ling Qiyue who was sleeping with him like an octopus, and began to carefully move her over so that he could go out.

But just as Nailuo took Ling Qiyue's little hand, a fierce look instantly looked at him.

"What the hell!"

"Are you trying to sneak away?"


Ling Qiyue turned over angrily and lay directly on Nailuo's body.


"As expected, you are not obedient!"

Ling Qiyue said, and kicked Nailuo's buttocks a few times with her little feet.

Her little hands rubbed Nailuo's cheeks fiercely.

"If my sister doesn't pretend to be asleep, will you really run away?"

Nai Luo's mouth twitched fiercely. He had just forgotten that Ling Qiyue was a movie queen.

"I didn't run away."

Naro could only explain palely.


Ling Qiyue raised her little face and snorted

"Nai Xiaoluo, do you think your sister is a three-year-old child? So easy to fool~"

After saying that, Ling Qiyue, who felt unsatisfied, rubbed Nai Luo’s cheek again.

Then she leaned over and bit Nai Luo’s earlobe as a punishment.

But after the light bite, she felt Nai Luo’s body suddenly straightened, and Ling Qiyue’s face instantly turned red.

She just wanted to punish him a little, but she didn’t expect to bite him.

Thinking that she and Nai Xiaoluo had kissed indirectly twice, Ling Qiyue’s face turned red again.

Fortunately, in the dim room, she didn’t have to worry about being seen.

After that, she pretended to be fierce and was about to nag again to change the subject.

However, Nai Luo’s earlobe quickly heated up, causing Ling Qiyue’s eyes to blink twice playfully.

""Nai Xiaoluo, are you shy again~"

Seeing Nai Xiaoluo turning his head and trying to push her away,

Ling Qiyue knew that her Nai Xiaoluo was blushing again.

She was extremely excited and took out her phone to take a picture of him.

""You get up."

The light of the mobile phone lit up, and Ling Qiyue laughed even more happily at Nai Xiaoluo who was facing the wall and thinking about his mistakes.

Because she saw Nai Luo's red ear tips, and his neck also turned red.

Ling Qiyue smiled wickedly and moved closer, blowing a breath in Nai Luo's ear.

Feeling his body tremble again,

Ling Qiyue clenched her little fist excitedly.

She found another way to make her Nai Xiaoluo shy.

Somehow, Ling Qiyue especially liked to see Nai Xiaoluo's shy look.

"Nai Xiaoluo, turn around and let your sister see your little face~"

"This is your punishment for running away. Let's see if you dare to run away without telling your sister.~"

"I didn't run away. I want to sleep. You should get up quickly."

Looking at Nailuo who didn't turn around but made a sound, Ling Qiyue's starry eyes curved and she leaned down.

""Hubby~ then are you still going to run away~"

Ling Qiyue said teasingly, and bit his earlobe again.

Naro's red ears had just subsided a little, but Ling Qiyue made them hotter and redder in an instant.

Naro gritted his teeth, turned his face around, and glared at Ling Qiyue fiercely.

"I didn't sneak away, I just wanted to go to the toilet!"

Looking at Nai Xiaoluo who was still stubborn, Ling Qiyue raised her eyebrows and looked at him with disbelief.

She kicked her feet and hit Nai Luo's buttocks.

Nai Luo wanted to push her away and throw her down.

"I'm sleeping, I won't sneak away."

But soon Ling Qiyue was stunned.

Then she turned off her phone, and then turned over and changed to the position of hugging Nai Xiaoluo again.

The main reason was that when she moved back just now, she accidentally touched Nai Xiaoluo.

At this moment, Ling Qiyue's little face was redder than Nai Xiaoluo's.

"Humph, if you dare to sneak away, I will definitely spank you."

"Or the kind that will make you smack your ass!"

Ling Qiyue, who was also stubborn, said this and then hugged Nailuo and continued to sleep.

But her heartbeat was abnormally fast.

It was almost jumping out of her throat.

Nailuo is not little anymore!

Ling Qiyue, who didn't dare to think about it anymore, quickly began to hypnotize herself and fell asleep quickly.

Nailuo also turned his face to the wall again.

Later, Ling Qiyue changed her posture, but her thigh accidentally touched it again.

Then her thigh quickly fell down as if she was electrocuted.


Naro, who was just feeling sleepy, wanted to turn over and lie on his side.

But Ling Qiyue hugged him tightly again. After more than half an hour of silence, he could hear Ling Qiyue's even breathing, and her hands that were tightly holding Naro's clothes loosened a little. Naro was afraid that she was pretending to sleep again, so he could only continue to sleep. And the unscrupulous movie queen who was sleeping in Naro's arms~ she had a naughty little happiness on the corner of her mouth. She also fell asleep.

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