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Early next morning, Xia Yu rarely got up to fight Tai Chi at 6:00, but hugged Li Qian’s lovable body and slept until 7:1.

Even though the nanny had already prepared breakfast, after Xia Yu finished breakfast, it was 8:20.

“I have some understanding of what Bai Juyi’s “Song of Everlasting Regret” means.”

“The Spring Festival takes a short time and the day is high. From then on, the king will not come early!”

“Falling weak, the beauty of beauty is a hero’s grave, I still don’t be a hero, a formidable person is more suitable for me…”

With emotion in her heart, Xia Yu cleared her mood and took Li Qian to the company.

As soon as the car entered the scope of the company, you could feel all around intentionally or unintentionally. These people are security personnel all around the company, either open or dark, protecting Xia Yu’s personal safety.

Even after Xia Yu getting out, I saw the silhouette of Li Wuyang in a hidden place.

Since Xia Yu went to Li Chunqiu’s home and told him that he was assassinated and hoped that Li Wuyang would lend him his manpower, Li Chunqiu directly asked Li Wuyang to lay down his work during this period of time and spare no effort to protect Xia Yu’s safety.

In this way, Li Wuyang and Li Wuming 2 brothers, bright and dark, protect Xia Yu’s safety.

Li Wuming is stronger. It is Xia Yu’s personal bodyguard. Although Li Wuyang’s personal military force is worse than younger brother Li Wuming, he has many dojos and plays a strong role.

Xia Yu and Li Wuyang’s eyes collided concealedly, and then Xia Yu entered the company quietly.

“bell bell…”

“Whose phone call is so punctual?”

As soon as I sat down in the office, the phone on Xia Yu’s desk rang suddenly, Xia Yu raised her brows and connected the phone with some doubts in her heart.

“At 4:12 this morning, a lurker was killed and it has been cleaned up.”

A strong male voice came from the microphone.

It’s Li Wuyang’s voice!

“Understood, trouble you!”

Xia Yu said gratefully immediately.


After speaking, Li Wuyang hung up the phone. He just reported the situation to Xia Yu and asked Xia Yu to be more vigilant, not to ask for credit.

This kind of situation reporting method was originally said to be good, so Xia Yu didn’t care. Instead, it was Li Wuyang who handled the lurker this point.

“It seems that the temptation of 5 million USD is big enough…”

Xia Yu sneered and muttered to herself, her eyes full of indifference.

“But you hang me 5 million USD, I will pay 15 million USD, buy the heads of your father and son 3 people, see whose temptation is big, hum…”

Thinking of Li Wuming telling him last night that he had hung up the assassination mission, and that there were 3 Old John father and sons, and you can get 5 million USD if you kill one, Xia Yu feels better again.

One night, this huge bounty totaling 15 million USD must have been fermented, maybe someone soon has started it!

“I don’t know if your Keswick 100-year family has enough military force to save your lives, hmph!”

A glimmer of expectation rose in Xia Yu’s heart.

“I originally wanted to let you go. Since I have to fight hard, then I don’t have to take care of that many!”

“If the tiger does not show its might, you would treat me as a sick cat?!”

After thinking about it, Xia Yu immediately went to the location of Galaxy Asset. He wanted to activate his financial cannon again, bombarding Jardine Matheson with 1000 sores and 100 holes again, so that Old John would know what happened to him.

Except for revenge, this timing is also very suitable.

After all, as long as the killer is dispatched, the energy of the Keswick Family will definitely be held back. Even if Jardine Matheson is attacked again, the Keswick Family will not have much energy to deal with.

Of course Xia Yu has to thrashing a drowning dog, and then scrape out a layer of meat!

After arriving at Galaxy Asset, Xia Yu immediately found Liu Xiao, Song Yang and the others who were gathering in the operating room. After seeing Xia Yu, everyone said hello respectfully, looking towards Xia Yu like a Spiritual God, Full of reverence.

“Boss, good morning!”

“Good morning!”

Xia Yu moved towards everyone nodded, said with a smile.

“Liu Xiao, your 8 group leaders come to my office!”

Seeing the eight people standing neatly in a row, staring at her with fiery eyes, Xia Yu was nodded with satisfaction and said clearly: “There is another task that needs to be performed by you. This wave should be the end of the wave. I hope everyone will not let it go. I am disappointed!”

“Boss, rest assured, you will never be disappointed!”

Everyone shouted in unison, full of confidence, and a spirit of full confidence radiated from them.

They don’t have enough confidence. After all, they have experienced a series of battles of spiritual baptism. Their vision and concepts have undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes, and their ability has been greatly improved.

At least it won’t be the same as before when I didn’t come to Jiuding Securities.

Having gone through a battle of more than 100000000 million funds, many of them became numb from the excitement at first to the back.

Under the leadership of Boss, even Jardine Matheson, the first consortium in Hong Kong, was beaten to the ground by them, and several pieces of meat were torn off fiercely.

Now in Hong Kong, as long as they are led by a boss, they will no longer be afraid of anyone. This kind of self-confidence has gradually developed.

“Very well, everyone must have this kind of manner!”

“This time, it’s Jardine Matheson!”

Xia Yu tone barely fell, Liu Xiao refreshed people suddenly, and smiles appeared on his face.

“Jardine Matheson was born to be at odds with me. He doesn’t have me! This time must thrashing a drowning dog!”

“You all let go and let me do it. With sufficient funds, I have one request. Give me as much meat as possible. The more you toss Jardine Matheson, the happier I am!”

Xia Yu waved a big hand, and said heroism reaching to the clouds.


Everyone suddenly raised their eyebrows and responded in unison, each gearing up to show off their skills.

When it was harder to do it before, Jardine Matheson was taken down. Later, it was because of Boss Xia Yu’s order that I had to regret it.

But now the Boss has changed his mind, and of course they are impatient.

The current Jardine Matheson, compared to before, has suffered a great loss of strength, and its funds have been consumed more than 1 billion.

No, it should be said that they robbed more than 1 billion.

One trades, the other, the current Jardine Matheson’s attack power has dropped drastically, and he lacks even the ability to protect himself. When he is weak, it is definitely the best time to attack.

Song Yang, Ma Kai, and the others have already planned at this time to seize the opportunity to perform well, make up for the lack of previous performance, improve their position in the hearts of Boss, and wait until Galaxy Asset is officially adjusted to obtain a higher position.

“Go ahead, hurry up, and toss me to death!”

Seeing that everyone couldn’t bear it anymore, Xia Yu smiled, waved and said.

After the 8 people left, Xia Yu thought for a while, picked up the phone, and started to dial the number continuously.

“Pao-sang, next I will carry out large-scale sniping on companies under Jardine Matheson, don’t miss the opportunity…”

“Li-sang, later…”


I shot all the big shots of the league in one breath. When they learned that Xia Yu had changed her previous attitude and started to make trouble again, they were very surprised, but very happy.

And they were very interested in Xia Yu’s invitation and realized it was an excellent opportunity.

Anyway, it is clear that Xia Yu is in the lead. They only need to fight a tailwind at the back, and they can also pick up spoils of war. This kind of battle, they don’t want to play a few more games.

“Old John, you forced me…”

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