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“Brother Jun, what’s the matter with you? This is not like you before. Did something happen?”

The enchanting beauty Sun Qing who sat down close to Ma Qianjun stabbed him with her finger and asked worriedly.

Hearing Sun Qing’s words, the other people’s hearts suddenly burst. Ma Qianjun’s discipline, young handsome guy Wu Ying lost his cool and asked urgently: “Master, are you in trouble? Tell me, I will definitely help you. Get it done.”

“Big brother, what’s the matter? Could it be that something happened to your younger sister?”

Ling Fei thought of something, eyes narrowed, and asked worriedly, he knew that Ma Qianjun was leaving for his younger sister.

Hearing what they said and seeing their true feelings from each and everyone, Ma Qianjun felt even more uncomfortable. He didn’t want them to guess anymore, so he shook his head and said, “My younger sister is fine now.”

“just now?”

“You mean there may be danger in the future?”

“Who is it, brothers follow you to kill all the enemies, and see who dares to hurt our younger sister!”

“Yes, big brother, you directly give us the order, you know, we are mountains of daggers and seas of flames, so don’t frown!”

Ling Fei grasped the key point and hurriedly asked. Others also responded, everyone talking at once.

Ma Qianjun was warm in his heart, but the shame in his heart continued to increase.

The brothers’ feelings for him are sincere and pure, and although he is sympathetic to them, but now there is a trace of other things mixed in.

“Big brother, you saved my life. If you tell us apart, you don’t treat us as brothers!”

“For more than a month, Brothers’ idle bones are almost crunching, just waiting for you to come back and take us to continue our journey. If you have any tasks, just order it!”

Ling Fei looked at Ma Qianjun gaze like a blade, said in a loud voice, clenched his fists and straightened his arms.

“Yes, big brother, I’m tired of the days of fading out a bird, and I look forward to returning to Jianghu with you!”

Li Kui said in his violent loud voice, and stretched out his arm as he said, fist and Ling Fei bang together, looking expectantly at Ma Qianjun.

“big brother ……”


Others also said one after another, and gathered their fists together.

“When did I become so indecisive?”

Seeing everyone’s sincere and expectant gazes, Ma Qianjun’s heart was shaken, as if he had gone back to the past. All his worries and negative emotions were wiped out. Since the brothers didn’t care, no matter how much he thought about it, it would really be a mediocre disturbance. !

He really needs the power of the brothers, and taking the brothers under Xia Yu’s command is also a good way out for them.

Although he has always had opinions on Xia Yu, he knew very well in his heart that Xia Yu is a formidable person with a limitless future. Investing under Xia Yu’s command will definitely not bury their talents and let them have no worries.

Thinking of this, Ma Qianjun didn’t say much, stretched out his fist in the joy of everyone’s eyes, and bumped into everyone.

“Life or death together!”

Ma Qianjun glanced across the faces of everyone, and solemnly said a familiar slogan.

“Life or death together!”

The others shouted together, and then burst into laughter, it was joy from the heart.

“Hahahaha …”

After a long time, everyone calmed down, and everyone turned their eyes on Ma Qianjun, waiting for his order.

“When I come back this time, I need everyone’s strength. Similarly, I want to find a way out for everyone.”

Ma Qianjun slowly said.

Everyone didn’t speak, but looked towards Ma Qianjun firmly, everything was self-evident and listened to him.

Although the brothers had no objection, Ma Qianjun couldn’t help but make it clear.

“When I went back this time, I found my younger sister. She fell in love with a person. If you have known each other in the past two days, then you should know that person is Xia Yu.”

Ma Qianjun slowly said.

Ma Qianjun’s discipline Wu Ying said immediately: “Master, what you are talking about is the Hong Kong Chinese big shot Xia Yu that just hangs on the bounty? The one with a head value of 5 million USD?”


Ma Qianjun nodded said.

“Good guy, big brother, didn’t expect the big girl to date Xia Yu. It seems that the big girl I have never met must be very good.”

Li Kui, who is relatively straightforward, sighed.

Of course, Li Kui’s focus is here, but others are not.

For example, Ling Fei guessed Ma Qianjun’s thoughts, and patted his chest directly and said, “Big brother, don’t worry, we are here, I see who can move Xia Yu a bit!”

“Yes, let alone 5 million USD, it is 50 million USD, we can also protect him!”

Ma Qianjun smiled, raised his hand slightly to calm everyone down, and continued: “I came back to find everyone. One reason is that I need everyone’s strength to protect the safety of my younger sister and Xia Yu.”

“The other purpose is to keep everyone stable. Over the years, we have been wandering around and have left a few brothers. Although we are taking care of their families, we can’t take care of them because we are not stable. The old day, the brothers are not too young, and it’s time to start a family. If you can’t inherit the incense, where does my big brother have the face to live in this world?”

Ma Qianjun’s words silenced everyone, each and everyone’s complexion changed a little. They hadn’t thought about this question, but no one had ever wanted to mention it before.

“Yes, it’s time to comfort me and think about the days to come.”

Sun Qing, who was sitting next to Ma Qianjun, said softly, but looked towards Ma Qianjun unconsciously.

Ma Qianjun is keen in observation, naturally watching it, face doesn’t change, but some flickering gazes indicate that his heart is not as calm as he expresses.

This scene was seen by all the brothers who knew it well, and many people exchanged their eyes, and even Wu Ying showed a smile on the face of Unable to Bear.

“Yes, big brother thinks so much for us, we really have to think about the future.”

“Before I did things for the employer, now I do things for Xia Yu, that is, the employer is fixed. As long as you can follow the big brother and be with the brothers, everything else doesn’t matter.”

“Yes, big brother, we all listen to your arrangements. Whatever you say is what you say.”

Everyone said that they were all willing to follow Ma Qianjun to do things for Xia Yu. For them, it doesn’t matter who they do things for, it’s the most important thing under Ma Qianjun’s command.

Moreover, they looked uncomfortable about the matter of Ma Qianjun and Sun Qing, and they took this opportunity to settle down and solve the life-long major event of the big brother.

Of course, they would never say these things, lest Ma Qianjun would make excuses to fix them.

“Okay, brothers trust me, I will never let everyone down!”

“The situation is urgent now, there’s no time to lose, everyone quickly pack up and come back to Hong Kong with me tonight.”

Ma Qianjun was swift and decisive as usual, and decided directly.

“Okay, brothers, copy guys!”

After Ma Qianjun gave the order, everyone agreed in unison, and then the others got up and left and went to their rooms to pack their things.

In an instant, Ma Qianjun was left in the room, as well as Sun Qing, who looked at Ma Qianjun with the limpid autumn water.

The atmosphere in the room became a little different, and the two people with different minds were silent until Sun Qing spoke first to the unable to bear.

“Brother Jun, you know what, I’m really happy.”

“Last time you let me stay behind, but you left, and we couldn’t find you. At that time, I hated myself and didn’t catch you. This time, I will never let you go anymore. You go. I will follow wherever I go.”

Sun Qing hugged Ma Qianjun’s arm directly, sandwiched his thick arm with a plump chest, and said emotionally.

Ma Qianjun looked towards Sun Qing, staring at her, looking at the affection in her eyes, he was silent for a long time, and finally stretched out his other hand lightly towards Sun Qing’s hair, stroking with Sun Qing’s joyful expression His black and beautiful hair.

Although Ma Qianjun didn’t say a word, Sun Qing was satisfied. This man with a heart of iron and stone finally melted…

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