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“Hi, Director Roy, hello, i am Xia Yu…”

“It’s like this. Just now Operations Wing took my cousin Xia Jun away, saying that he was cooperating with the investigation of a case, and his attitude was very bad, but as far as I know, Xia Jun has never committed any crimes. You know, He doesn’t need to do this kind of thing either.”


“Then please help me ask what is going on, take care of him, don’t let him be wronged, thank you!”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu’s eyes flashed cold light, and then made another call to Xia Lei, to make him vigilant during this period of time, so as to avoid others’ words, Xia Lei naturally patted her chest to make sure.

Xia Yu had to tell Xia Lei three more times. After all, it is now obvious that the two heads of Hong Kong Police Force Operations Wing are going to be the swordsman for Jardine Matheson. Presumably the relationship between Xia Lei and Xia Yu, they also know that if Operations Wing wants To deal with Xia Lei, as long as you grab the handle, Xia Lei is absolutely bad luck.

“It seems that the younger ones learned from the old ones, and the whole family can only use crooked ways, hmph!”

“More than money? Who is afraid of whom!”

“5 million USD buys my life, is it too despising me? My life is only worth 5 million USD?!”

“It makes me uneasy, don’t think about it, and see if you die fast or I die fast!”

“I don’t know if Li Wuming has found out where the mission is to be released. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to ask Ma Qianjun where is yesterday…”

Xia Yu squinted his eyes and thought to himself, deciding to treat the other person in the same way. Since Keswick Family dares to cross the assassination line, then they must be prepared to be killed.

At the same time, it also restrained their energy, so that Keswick Family could not put all their minds on dealing with him.

Although Xia Yu has a lot of memories, but for this era, the distribution of the dark organization in Hong Kong is not clear. The only one I know is the British organization. Xia Yu is not so stupid to go to them to post the mission of assassinating the Keswick family. .

So it can only be done by Li Wuming, who has been in Southeast Asia for many years. After all, Southeast Asia in this era is indeed the place of dragons and snakes mingle. On the dotted islands, there are many sites for underground organizations or pirate robbers, Li Wuming Indeed contacted.


Hong Kong Police Force, Office of Director of Management Services.

Crime & Security Department Senior Assistant Commissioner Raymon Anning sat opposite his boss Roy Henry.

After listening to Roy Henry’s instructions, Raymon Anning should have executed it immediately, but he had some concerns in his heart, and he still sat and did not leave.

Seeing this, Roy Henry brows slightly raise and asked: “What are you worried about?”

“Sir Roy, haven’t we always remained neutral? This time Li Sita and Reiss are obviously doing things for Jardine Matheson. Will we help Xia Yu attract the hostility of Jardine Matheson? Will this be detrimental to you?”

Because it is Roy Henry’s confidant and has a very close relationship with Roy Henry, Raymon Anning did not hide it. After speaking, he looked at Roy Henry with scorching eyes.

Who knows, Roy Henry faintly smiled, shaking his head in the incomprehensible gaze of Raymon Anning: “You are wrong!”

“Wrong thinking?”

Raymon Anning was taken aback for a moment, very puzzled.

“I and Li Sita are in fierce competition, but you know the relationship between Li Sita and Jardine Matheson, don’t I help Xia Yu, Jardine Matheson will give up Li Sita and support me instead?”

Roy Henry lightly said.

“will not!”

Raymon Anning shook his head without thinking.

“Since it is already doomed, then I will help Xia Yu do things, even if Jardine Matheson is offend? It is enough that I can get the support of Chinese consortium. Compared to before, my strength has increased.”

Roy Henry said with a light smile, and Raymon Anning was nodded again and again, as if suddenly realized.

“Of course, this is not the key. After all, only Commissioner Brian Slevin and Sir Governor have the right to recommend. What do you think of their attitude towards Chinese and British capital?”

Roy Henry asked with a smile, looking at Raymon Anning expectantly.

Raymon Anning contemplated his eyebrows and said for a long time: “Sir Governor and Shi Shi seem to have a neutral attitude, neither side is biased. Even though Jardine Matheson and Jiuding Consortium fought back and forth during this period, Sir Governor did not intervene and had a neutral attitude. ,it should be no problem?”

“no problem?”

Roy Henry laughed and shake the head said: “Neutral attitude is the biggest problem. Do you think that attitude is fair?”

“If you think back to several decades in the past, and compare it to the present, will the previous Governor look like Sir Murray MacLehose?”

“The attitude is neutral, in fact, it is biased towards Chinese capital, because the previous Governor’s position was completely biased towards British capital.”

Hearing this, Raymon Anning was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, it was really true.

“When we reach our level, we should no longer limit our horizons, and learn to underestimate the big picture.”

“London’s attitude towards Hong Kong is to reduce social conflicts, maintain the stability of Hong Kong, and develop Hong Kong, so Sir Murray MacLehose is here. You have to know that the previous Governor was either from the military or from other sources. In the colony, only Sir Murray MacLehose was originally a diplomat, which means that London’s attitude has long changed.”

“Do you think the period of Chinese capital’s rapid growth, isn’t it the period when Sir Murray MacLehose was in power?”

“Sir Murray MacLehose cares about the overall situation. It implements London’s will and even its attitude towards Chinese capital. It also relates to the relationship with the other side. Since United States and the other side established diplomatic relations, London’s attitude has changed.”

Hearing this, Raymon Anning heart moved. He knew that Roy Henry’s background was relatively deep and he had a lot of relationships in London. Now it seems that he really knows a lot of deep-seated things.

Roy Henry paused for a moment and continued.

“Sir Murray MacLehose governs Hong Kong. The premise is that a stable environment is needed. Our Police Force is the key.”

“Jardine Matheson supports the Labor Party. Li Sita is also a member of the Labor Party. Sir Murray MacLehose and I belong to the Conservative Party. Commissioner Brian Slevin is a member of the Liberal Party. Next year, a general election will be held in China. The Conservative Party has already In planning to regain power, Hong Kong has belonged to the Conservative Party for so many years. Do you think Sir Murray MacLehose is willing to take the position of the Labor Party and let Police Force become his constraint?”

“will not!”

Raymon Anning shook his head decisively and said.

“In that case, why don’t we help Xia Yu? I don’t think Sir Murray MacLehose does not want Jardine Matheson’s hand stretched so long, taking sacred political rights as a knife to resolve business grievances!”

Roy Henry smiled at the corner of his mouth and said confidently, quite a gesture of planning strategies.

After some words stopped, Raymon Anning felt 10000 1000 in his heart, and said admiringly: “Sir Roy, I have benefited a lot from listening to your guidance. I will definitely learn from you in the future.”


Roy Henry laughed happily.

“Go, you come out first, don’t let Little Brat named Xia Jun be wronged, we just need to save face, be careful not to take the initiative to expand the contradiction, if you want to expand, let them expand, understand?”

“I know!”

After speaking, Raymon Anning stepped back respectfully.

Seeing Raymon Anning close and leave, Roy Henry picked up the tea cup and took a sip in a relaxed mood.

Of course, even if Raymon Anning is his confidant, Roy Henry still didn’t tell him something, that is, Xia Yu is really generous.

Not only can I take the opportunity to compete with Scheme competitors, but also get the friendship of Xia Yu, and the most important thing is that there are real benefits. How could Roy Henry not do anything with one bird?

There was even a hint of expectation in his eyes, as if expecting someone’s response.

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