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“Someone has already failed…”

Old John was sitting on the sofa, stroking the emerald green thumb ring on his thumb, and muttering.

In front of him, stood an ordinary-looking old man. At this time, the old man was standing with his head down, waiting for Old John’s order.

“Can the police find out who did it?”

Old John expression sinks, asked.

“Patriarch, the dead killer is hidden on the top roof of a private house. It is very remote. It is still a body discovered by someone accidentally on the roof. It was too late. I asked. The killer did not leave anything at the scene. Trace, definitely a veteran!”

The old man was truthfully reported.

Seeing Patriarch Old John brows tightly knit, the old man knew what he was thinking, and then said: “Patriarch, as long as the mission is not completed, the killer will come continuously, even if he can escape one or two times, he can’t escape 3 times! “

Old John stretched his brows, slightly nodded, thinking for a moment, and asked, “What else?”


The old man immediately nodded and said: “Xia Yu should know that there was a killer who killed him, so now his security force has been strengthened a lot. No matter where he goes, he also brought Yan Shining and 3 other bodyguards in addition to Li Wuming. “

“Apart from this, his family is also not going out, even his younger brother and sister did not go to school.”

Hearing this, Old John’s brows that had just been stretched frowned again, feeling a little depressed.

He just wanted to assassinate Xia Yu, but he didn’t expect Xia Yu to have an expert beside him, but he didn’t know which expert was!

And most importantly, Xia Yu must know that he was on the assassination list, so he strengthened his defense.

This feeling of “I just started, all the enemies are understood” makes Old John very upset.

But I can’t blame anyone, I can only blame that the killer who went at first is not the peak one, blame Xia Yu for being an expert.

“The bodyguard is inseparable. If you want to be a coward, if you can protect your family, I don’t believe you can protect your minions!”

“If you don’t come out, then I will force you out!”

The baleful qi appeared in Old John’s eyes, and he secretly made a decision, instructed the old man.

“You go……”

After listening, the old man nodded, and then quietly stepped back.

Looking at the back of the old man, Old John eyes slightly narrowed and coldly snorted.


Hong Kong Police Force Headquarters, Crime & Security Department, in an office.

“Brother Jun, don’t forget to give your brother a hand when you become more developed in the future!”

Xia Jun looked at the newspaper in his spare time at work. After a Police Constable at the table next to him turned his head and saw the content of Xia Yu reported in the newspaper, he immediately flattered Xia Jun.

He was not at all embarrassed because he called himself a 5~6 years old Xia Jun’Brother Jun’.

“Yes, yes, Brother Jun, Stock God is your brother. With his support, you will definitely rise up higher, and don’t forget the brother who has struggled together in the future!”

“Yes, Brother Jun…”

Others also came over and said something almost flattering.

Xia Jun just smiled and nodded, talking face-saving words that everyone likes to listen to, not at all satisfied, he is used to this kind of scene.

Not only is he used to it, even his colleagues in the office are used to it, even his leader takes good care of him and will not embarrass him, all because others know that he is Xia Yu’s cousin.

Of course, this relationship was spread by others, not by himself.

Although he has a strong background, Xia Jun is not arrogant, humble, and often entertains for dinner, which makes his reputation very good. Although he has only been in the job for more than half a year, he is very good in the office.

At this moment, the door of the Crime & Security Department’s office was suddenly pushed open, and two people walked in. They only saw the two people scanning the door, focusing on Xia Jun who was surrounded by the crowd, expressionlessly towards Xia. Yu came.

Two strangers from other departments came to the office, and the people in the office also felt that the atmosphere was not right. It seemed that these two people had a taste of criticize violently.

More importantly, look at the armband, these two people are the people of Operations Wing!

The Hong Kong Police Force has 3 structures, 2 major sites and 4 sites.

The three are military uniform, plain clothes, and special branch.

The military uniform department has a uniform uniform, which is the main force of patrol, similar to the later generation patrol.

The plainclothes department is responsible for the criminal investigation of organized crimes and has close contact with the community. Chinese is usually in this department, and can climb up to the position of Sergeant, which is often called detective duty.

Special Branch, relatively independent, directly under the leadership of United Kingdom intelligence agencies.

Most of the above 3 are only the types of Police Force personnel, and are not separate into 3 departments.

Just like an office, there are two types of Police Constable, military uniform and plainclothes. In terms of status, there are some similar to later generation police and auxiliary police, but the actual status of plainclothes and military uniform is higher than that of auxiliary police.

The two major areas are Operations Wing and Management Services, which are managed by two Deputy Commissioners only under the Commissioner of Police.

And under Two Major Deputy Commissioners, each have two Senior Assistant Commissioners, and 4 Senior Assistant Commissioners are in charge of 4 places.

4 locations are divided into Operations Wing, Crime & Security Department, Personnel and Training Department and Management Services of the same name.

According to the literal division of rights, Operations Wing and Crime & Security Department should be attributed to Deputy Commissioner of Police and Director of Operations Li Sita.

The Personnel and Training Department and Management Services are under the authority of Deputy Commissioner of Police and Director of Management Services Roy Henry.

However, the Commissioner of Police Brian Slevin, who took office in 1974, is an old fox, with a deep understanding of power checks and balances.

Although Director of Management Services and Director of Operations are both Deputy Commissioner Level, their actual status is slightly lower than the latter.

In order to make the two subordinates less conscious of other thoughts, Brian Slevin adjusted their rights and changed the Crime & Security Department and the Personnel and Training Department to become the Director of Management Services under the jurisdiction of the Crime & Security Department and Management Services weakened the rights of Deputy Commissioner Li Sita, making the two people equal in strength and turning a blind eye to their fight.

Especially over the years, he has become very old, and many things are beyond his ability. He will soon enter 1979 and is about to retire, so his attitude has become more and more elusive.

Because the power of appointment and removal of the Commissioner of Police is in London, and the Governor of Hong Kong and the previous Commissioner of Police also have the right to recommend, as the time of the change of term is getting closer, the struggle between Li Sita and Roy Henry has gradually emerged from the dark. On the surface, Brian Slevin had an ambiguous attitude and turned a blind eye!

Therefore, the Hong Kong Police Force, which seems very mysterious and solemn to the outside world, is actually full of internal contradictions.

Now the people from Operations Wing ran to their Crime & Security Department and looked wrong, so the office was quiet for a moment, and everyone watched what they wanted to do.

I saw two Operations Wing people, Police Constable, walking up to Xia Jun. One of them took the photo and compared it again. After confirming that the wrong person was found, he put away the photo and said to Xia Jun: “Xia Jun, there is a case. I need you to help us investigate, come with us!”

Hearing this imperative tone, Xia Jun frowned realized that the visitor was unkind, but he didn’t panic. Instead, he asked, “Your Operations Wing needs me to cooperate in the investigation. Did you give instructions to my boss?”

“Yes, our Crime & Security Department is also the Operations Department. You are not Management Services. Let our people cooperate with the investigation. Have you got the instructions from our boss?”

A person beside him said in support.

Of course, there was another person who was more clever, thinking of looking for immediate superior directly, making a quiet exit from the office and coming to the room where the boss was, only to find that he did not see the silhouette, so he hurriedly asked a colleague: “Where is Sir Hu?”

“Sir Hu led the team out half an hour ago. I don’t know when to come back.”


The secretly thought made a terrible sound. This person ran back immediately, but happened to see the person from Operations Wing holding a piece of instruction and saying: “Sir Reiss ordered directly, please come with us.”

Seeing the signature on it, the others shut up, even Xia Jun’s heart sank, frowning and wondering what was going on.

The Chinese name of Sir Reiss is Reiss. It is a British. Of course the most important thing is his position. It is the Police Force Operations Wing Senior Assistant Commissioner, assisting Deputy Commissioner Li Sita to manage Operations Wing, which is the same as the Deputy Leader Raymon Anning of their Crime & Security Department. level.

Under the Senior Assistant Commissioner, there are Assistant Commissioner, Chief Superintendent of Police, Superintendent of Police and lower levels. The immediate superior Sir Hu of Xia Jun is just a Superintendent of Police that’s all. In front of Reiss, there are enough shoes.

Even if Sir Hu arrived, he had no guts to stop him when he saw this instruction.

Knowing that he must go, Xia Jun cleared up his mood, stood up and said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.”


Seeing Xia Yu being sandwiched between two people and walking outside, it was obvious that he looked like a prisoner. Many people were puzzled. After Xia Jun disappeared, the office suddenly became noisy.

“Sir Reiss directly gave the order and passed our boss. How big has Brother Jun committed?”

“Sir Reiss impossible didn’t know that Brother Jun was the brother of Stock God Xia Yu. Now he is asked to assist in the investigation. Did Brother Jun really commit something?”

“Impossible, how can Brother Jun do anything? He is not short of money, I think there must be something tricky!”

“I heard that the boss over there is very hostile to our Chinese, and he did something for Yihe. During this time, Stock God beat Yihe badly with many teeth knocked out. Could it be that Brother Jun suffered from the above struggle…”

“Ahai, be careful!”

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire office was very different.

And a young Police Constable sitting in the corner turned his eyes around, and then made an excuse to go to the toilet.

It’s just that instead of going to the bathroom, he quietly left Police Force and came to a public phone booth, bought a copy of “Jiuding Daily”, and dialed a number on it.


Xia Yu returned to Jiuding Newspapers Co. with a gloomy expression and asked the company’s customer service staff: “What did that person say?”

“Boss, the man said… that your cousin Xia Jun was taken by Police Force Operations Wing to assist in the investigation. The Operations Wing man was holding a sign from Operations Wing Senior Assistant Commissioner Reiss. He asked me to tell you. , He said that.”

The customer service staff was trembling with fear and reported.

Xia Yu expression sinks, continue to ask: “Did you ask who is calling?”

“Back to Boss, I asked. The man said he was Lan Tao and he was a colleague in the same office as Xia Jun.”

Xia Yu was slightly nodded and expressionless after sending out the customer service staff, he browsed slightly wrinkle and fell into thought.

Li Qianxiu on the side looked at Xia Yu’s distressed appearance, a touch of worry appeared in his eyebrows.

“You have to ask Li Kwan-ha about this to make it clearer…”

Thinking of this, Xia Yu turned out the phone book to find a number, picked up the phone on the desktop, and dialed the number.

Li Kwan-ha is the first Chinese Chief Superintendent of Police, although there are also a director, 2 Deputy Commissioners, 4 Senior Assistant Commissioners and 8 Assistant Commissioners on him. There are also more than ten Chief Superintendent of Police at the same level as him. One.

But he is already barely executive in the Police Force.

The most important thing is that Li Kwan-ha happens to be the Chief Superintendent of Police in any department of the Crime & Security Department and is the boss of Xia Jun.

Xia Jun played well in Police Force, and it was also because Xia Yu and Li Kwan-ha greeted Li Kwan-ha, which made Li Kwan-ha take good care of Xia Jun.

Li Kwan-ha is also more aware of Xia Jun’s situation. At this time, something happened to Xia Jun, so Li Kwan-ha should naturally follow up.

“Hey, who do you look for?”

There was a strong male voice on the phone.

“Li-sang, i am Xia Yu!”

“Oh, it turned out to be Xia-sang, hello, hello, do you have anything to do with me?”

Hearing that it was Xia Yu, Li Kwan-ha’s attitude instantly became enthusiastic.

“I want to ask you one thing, do you know what Xia Jun committed? He was taken away by the people from Operations Wing, and Operations Wing was holding Reiss’s signature.”

Xia Yu finished the key information in one go.

Li Kwan-ha on the other end of the phone was shocked, and blurted out: “Xia-sang, I didn’t receive a report that Xia Jun was taken away. I will help you ask now.”

“You don’t know? Then, let me ask you something first, and then help me find out what’s going on.”

“You tell me Reiss’s information. The key point is his attitude and social relations. Even if it is a rumor, you can tell me. By the way, there is also Li Sita’s information. Tell me what you know.”

Xia Yu asked slightly frowned, preventing Li Kwan-ha from moving.


“Okay, I understood, please check it as soon as possible, and call me next time!”

“pa ta !”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu’s brows were still not stretched slightly.

According to Li Kwan-ha, Reiss is a die-hard subordinate of Deputy Commissioner Li Sita. He is loyal to Li Sita and has a strong temper.

Apart from this, Reiss is biased towards British.

As for Reiss’s boss, Li Sita, who is the Hong Kong Police Force Deputy Leader, he is more selfish, has mixed social relations, and is very enterprising. I heard that he has a very close relationship with the British consortium and has done a lot of things for the British consortium. To seek the support of the British consortium.

Li Kwan-ha’s boss is the Crime & Security Department Deputy Leader, Senior Assistant Commissioner Raymon Anning, and the top leader is the Deputy Commissioner of Police Roy Henry.

Although Roy Henry is British, his position remains neutral. Xia Yu has also contacted him several times because Roy Henry is a customer of Jiuding Securities Ltd..

On the contrary, Li Sita has nothing to do with Xia Yu. He sent him two invitation letters, but none came.

“dong dong! ”

“Reiss only sees Li Sita first. Li Sita is very close to the British consortium. Could it be that Yihe made him do it?”

Xia Yu had a more certain guess.

“bell bell…”

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang again, and Xia Yu quickly connected.

“Do you know what happened?”

“Xia-sang, I mobilized contacts to ask, but did not ask anything, Operations Wing said that Xia Jun is involved in a major case and needs to be isolated and reviewed, and I can’t contact now! I’m really sorry, I am not strong enough…”

Li Kwan-ha told the truth about the investigation result and said apologetically

“It’s okay, thanks for your hard work! Excuse me, if you have any news, please let me know as soon as possible.”

“By the way, thank Xia Jun for me and the colleague named Lan Tao in the office.”

“Okay, don’t worry!”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu pondered for a moment, then dialed another number.

Since Li Kwan-ha is not level enough, Xia Yu can only ask someone with enough level to help!

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