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As one day passed, Xia Yu stretched her waist and turned her head to look towards the enchanting female next to her.

At this time, Li Qian was facing Xia Yu with his back, bending down to organize the documents, so that Xia Yu began to stir.

Because Li Qian was already plump, she wore a black skirt, showing the perfect arc in front of Xia Yu.

And his upper body is a black ladies short-sleeved suit, a white shirt as the base, but because the plump chest is really magnificent, when she leaned down to organize the documents, the pair of beautiful things that quivered slightly with the movement made Xia Yu was amazed.

Xia Yu smiled at the corners of her mouth, folded her hands, and quietly admired Li Qian’s perfect and attractive figure.

At this moment, he seemed to feel the exhaustion caused by the exhaustion of his body all day long, and this kind of pleasure of physical and mental relaxation made him intoxicated.

Li Qian is indeed a good helper. Although she is peaceful many times, she takes care of all kinds of things very well. Many things do not need Xia Yu’s entrustment. Li Qian is able to make the cumbersome preparations ahead. Xia Yu can start easily.

Without Li Qian, Xia Yu can live as well, but with Li Qian, Xia Yu can live very easily and comfortably, both in life and work.

In addition to helping Xia Yu, Li Qian’s own character also makes Xia Yu very fond of him. He is gentle, gentle, unreasonable, and has a good temper. He is very caring and considerate. The various advantages make Li Qian as long as he is by Xia Yu. , Xia Yu will unconsciously relax physically and mentally.

In addition to these advantages, the most prominent is Li Qian’s goblin appearance.

With such a seductive beauty every day, Xia Yu is more passionate and motivated to work.

Therefore, unconsciously, Li Qian, like a spring breeze and rain, has gradually entered Xia Yu’s heart, occupying a room in Xia Yu’s atrium like a luxury villa and staying quietly.

I don’t know when, Li Qian had already packed up the files and turned around, only to find that Xia Yu was looking at herself in a daze, with a charming smile on her handsome face.

“What are you looking at?”

Li Qian felt sweet in his heart, a touch of shyness floated on the beautiful face, stretched out his jade hand and shook it in front of Xia Yu, pink lips said while playfully pouting.

Xia Yu was awakened and looked at Li Qian’s cute appearance. Xia Yu suddenly took her hand and pulled the unprepared Li Qian into her arms. In Li Qian’s exclamation, Xia Yu said with a smile: ” Of course it’s the beauty of this Young Master!”



After an indescribable fight, Li Qian plumply sat on Xia Yu’s lap, his whole person was held in Xia Yu’s arms, his head leaned on Xia Yu’s shoulder, and he turned his head to look at Xia Yu like a knife. On the face, exhaled and asked: “Xia Yu, are you staying at home tonight?”

With that, Li Qian looked at Xia Yu affectionately.

She asked this because both last night and the night before, Xia Yu went back to his house and let her live at home alone. Although there is a nanny living in the room below, she still feels very lonely, only Xia Yu When she is by her side, her heart can completely settle down.

“Hehe, miss me, don’t you, you little seductress, let me see how I clean up you tonight!”

Xia Yu grabbed a hand fiercely on Li Qian’s fat chest with a magic hand, said with a smile in Li Qian tender moan.

Although the lovable body trembled once again in the impossible to bear, Li Qian didn’t care at all. Instead, the whole person was immersed in joy, because she knew that Xia Yu would be with her again tonight.

“Okay, it’s getting late. We won’t go home to eat tonight. I’ll take you to Harbour City to have delicious food. By the way, let’s see how prosperous my Harbour City is at night.”

I looked at the time and found that it was unexpectedly unconsciously at 7:00 pm, and the night had come, Xia Yu took a picture of Li Qian’s perky butt and said.

“Well, listen to you!”

Li Qian stood up obediently, tidyed up Xia Yu’s clothes, and then walked outside with Xia Yu.

Along the way, Xia Yu found that only a few employees in the company were still working overtime, and the others had left long ago. Xia Yu praised those employees and took Li Qian moved towards the door.

It’s just that before going out, Li Wuming reached out and stopped Xia Yu and reminded: “Boss, don’t go out so fast.”

Seeing Li Wuming’s face a little serious, Xia Yu raised her brows and thought of a lot. He was slightly nodded, and then he pulled Li Qian to a blind spot with a cover.

Xia Yu’s reaction made Li Wuming’s expression loose, which confirmed Xia Yu’s thoughts even more.

At this critical moment, Xia Yu’s vigilance is very high, and he has that many memories. Xia Yu knows all the darkness of the world very well, so there will be no chance of luck.

To put it bluntly, life is so good now, he hasn’t lived enough yet, but he doesn’t want to die so fast, so of course the small life must be well protected.

Although Li Qian was a little nervous, she held Xia Yu’s arm tightly, which made her feel safe.

“Big Brother Li, where is my brother?”

Li Qian vivid big eyes looked around at the door and found that the Big Brother Ma Qianjun who had always been at the door was not there. She asked Li Wuming with some worry.

Xia Yu hearing this, also looked towards Li Wuming.

After all, when he arrived at the company, Li Wuming usually stayed under the company, and he had more contact with Ma Qianjun, and it is the same today.

“He is out, there should be news later, and he asked me to stop the boss from going out.”

Li Wuming explained.

Xia Yu’s gaze became deep, nodded, and his gaze was unable to bear to look towards the gate.

“It seems that this is the first time he has taken the initiative to do something. Even he moved. It seems that the person who came is not good!”

Xia Yu expressionless, thought to himself.

With reminders from Li Wuming and Yan Shining, even though Ma Qianjun has never said anything about it, Xia Yu still has a guess about the identity of Ma Qianjun, and most likely can be confirmed in his heart, Ma Qianjun was a killer before.

And it’s still very awesome.

Before Li Qian’s persuasion, Ma Qianjun finally reluctantly accepted a security position given by Xia Yu, but every day all messed with the company and rarely interacted with people.

Even for Xia Yu and Ma Qianjun, he doesn’t have a good face, just like an ordinary person. Only when he is facing Li Qian, Ma Qianjun’s attitude changes drastically.

But now, I heard from Li Wuming that Ma Qianjun, an iron knot that hasn’t moved for 10000 years, has taken the initiative to let Li Wuming stay in the company to prevent Xia Yu from going out.

It can be seen from Ma Qianjun’s judgment that there is danger outside!

And Ma Qianjun should be out of danger now!

“Qianqian, it seems we won’t be able to get to Harbour City tonight.”

Xia Yu said regretfully, stroking Li Qian’s hair.

“It doesn’t matter, wait until you are free before going, anyway, Harbour City belongs to you.”

Li Qian said with a light smile.


Xia Yu laughed, stroked Li Qian’s jade hand, did not speak any more, and waited quietly.

“da da da ……”

I don’t know how long it took, a series of steady and powerful footsteps came from far and near.

“Boss, he’s back!”

Li Wuming gaze as if a torch, recognizing Ma Qianjun’s silhouette, turned back and said to Xia Yu.

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