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“Yes, just do it!”

After repeated investigations, she found that her thoughts were indeed without loopholes, and Xia Yu immediately made up her mind.

His plan is not difficult, even simple, but it is sinister and easy to work.

That is to sell Li Ka-shing, reveal the news of his secret purchase of Hutchison Whampoa shares to Douglas Clague, and let Douglas Clague target Li Ka-shing!

Although Li Ka-shing is now regarded as a Chinese first-class big shot, whether it is capital, influence, contacts, etc., it can only be regarded as the bottom of the first-class.

After losing the first mover, he absolutely couldn’t stand the suppression and targeting from Hutchison Whampoa.

In previous life, Li Ka-shing secretly wanted to attack The Wharf, but was discovered by Jardine Matheson, unable to withstand the pressure of Yihe, and finally came Great Heaven and Earth Shift and gave The Wharf shares to Yue-Kong Pao , Not only made a fortune, but also got the favor of Yue-Kong Pao.

Later, with the help of Yue-Kong Pao, Michael Sandberg sold part of the shares of Hutchison Whampoa held by Hongkong and Shanghai Bank to Li Ka-shing.

With strong support from Hongkong and Shanghai Bank and Yue-Kong Pao, the No. 1 Chinese-owned company at the time, Li Ka-shing resisted the pressure and opened strife and veiled struggle with Douglas Clague inside Hutchison Whampoa.

This life, without the favor of Yue-Kong Pao, the halo of Li Ka-shing is obscured by the powerful halo of Xia Yu, it is hard to say whether Michael Sandberg will give shares of Hutchison Whampoa to Li Ka-shing.

Just relying on Li Ka-shing’s secret purchase, how many shares can he get?

There are not many shares. If Hutchison Whampoa’s harsh target is ushered in, Li Ka-shing of benefits above all else may choose to bow down and exit after weighing the pros and cons.

Even more how, the current situation in Hong Kong is very unfavorable to the British capital. Xia Yu is strong and has the upper hand everywhere, and only then has the Jardines defeated.

For all British capital in Hong Kong, this kind of thing happened once is enough! It will never happen a second time!

Otherwise, the situation will definitely collapse, making the Chinese capital think that the time has come, which will lead to a collective attack by the Chinese capital. At that time, the war will be inevitable and all British capital will be affected!

So whether it is Hutchison Whampoa, or other British consortium, will not allow Li Ka-shing to succeed!

“Hehe, Li Ka-shing, sorry! You should develop your Cheung Kong Holdings obediently and honestly!”

After that, Xia Yu thought for a while. Compared with Wang Qi, it is more appropriate for Liu Tianci to disclose the information through HSBC, not only without risk, but also more convincing.

After thinking about it, he immediately called Liu Tianci.

After learning about Xia Yu’s order, Liu Tianci quickly guessed the inside story, yelling that Boss was sinister, and Li Ka-shing silently felt sad.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu in a good mood continued to get busy.


Hutchison Whampoa Headquarters Chairman’s Office.


“Please come in!”

Welley lifts the head, after seeing the incoming subordinates, his eyebrows moved slightly and he gently put down the pen in his hand.

“What’s the matter?”

“Chairman, I found out who is secretly purchasing our company’s shares!”

Some subordinates who were panting immediately replied.

Welley was startled, and immediately sat upright, leaning forward slightly, with furrowed brows asked: “Who is it? How did you find it?”

The subordinate quickly said: “It’s Li Ka-shing from Cheung Kong Holdings!”

“This news was learned by our people while chatting with the employees of HSBC Securities. The employee of HSBC Securities just remembered a few anonymous accounts. We followed the clues he provided and quickly found out. The person behind it was really It’s Li Ka-shing!”

Welley slightly nodded, silent, in fact, he believed the subordinates in his heart.

Although Li Ka-shing is inferior to Hutchison Whampoa, he is indeed qualified to take this thought.

Again, this clue was obtained from HSBC Securities. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank are British-owned after all, and HSBC Securities also has the ability to know many unknown news. Knowing this clue is also common sense.

Welley lifts the head, and said to the a little nervous subordinates: “You write the details of the matter to me, right away!”


The subordinates were nodded heavily, and then went out.

It didn’t take long before he came in again and gave Welley the process and evidence sorted out in his hands.

Welley 2 If you don’t say anything, take these things and go to Douglas Clague.


Douglas Clague is in a good mood, because Michael Sandberg was stabilized by him!

He and Michael Sandberg have a good relationship, and he is also a world-wise person, knowing that interests are most important.

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank’s disappointment with Hutchison Whampoa is not because Hutchison Whampoa’s return on investment is not profitable. It is nothing more than money.

Just this time, Douglas Clague wants to increase holding shares, which also costs money.

So Douglas Clague directly borrowed several 100000000 million yuan from Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.

With this loan, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank can benefit a lot, and seeing Douglas Clague’s actions, Michael Sandberg feels Douglas Clague’s attitude, so after considering it, he plans to continue to look at it and give it to Douglas Clague. An opportunity to see if Hutchison Whampoa can shine in the second spring.

Because of this, Michael Sandberg promised not to sell shares, Douglas Clague got the funds and ammunition to buy equity shares, and a hanging heart dropped more than half.

But he still did not fully believe in Michael Sandberg. After all, promises and guarantees were broken. As long as there are enough benefits, any treaty may be torn up.

To be on the safe side, we still have to find out the poisonous snake lurking in the dark as soon as possible and clean it out!

At this moment, Welley arrived!

“Welley, you are here, sit down!”

Douglas Clague put down the watering pot, said with a smile, and led Welley to sit down on the sofa.

“Mr. Douglas Clague, we have found out who is hitting our idea.”

Just sitting down, Welley said, opening the briefcase and showing out the investigation and evidence.

Douglas Clague, who wanted to make tea, froze in the air, and then immediately looked towards Welley with scorching eyes, involuntarily saying that he took the investigation report and evidence that Welley had brought out, and looked at it carefully.

“It turned out to be Li Ka-shing?”

Douglas Clague was unexpectedly muttered, but there was a hint of ease in his tone.

It’s not Xia Yu!

Although the strength of Li Ka-shing and Xia Yu is not much different, in terms of the threat to Hutchison Whampoa, Li Ka-shing is absolutely inferior to Xia Yu.

After all, the bloody facts are still vivid!

The powerful Jardine Matheson overturned in front of Xia Yu, even more how he is stuck in the quagmire, and his strength is weaker than Jardine Matheson Hutchison Whampoa!

“Mr. Douglas Clague is Li Ka-shing. As long as he does not unite with other Chinese families and rich people, our danger will not be too great.”

Welley nodded said.

Douglas Clague slightly nodded, agreeing with Welley’s statement.

“Concealing for half a year, he shouldn’t snipe us for money. After all, he is not playing finance. If he wants to eat us, he will not unite with others.”

“This is much easier!”

“By the way, have you found out how many equity shares Li Ka-shing acquired our company?”

Douglas Clague asked suddenly.

Welley immediately shook his head and said, “No, this is hard to find.”

After a pause, he went on to say: “However, based on the analysis of the stock market transaction records we collected before, the shares It shouldn’t be acquired by Li Ka-shing exceeded 8%, and maybe even less.”

Douglas Clague did not speak, but pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded and said: “It should be what you said.”

“However, no matter how many equity shares he has, he must be cleared out, and potential threats must not be allowed to exist!”

Douglas Clague said decisively, immediately giving instructions.

“Make a detailed and comprehensive suppression plan, and start it as soon as possible to let Li Ka-shing recognize the reality, and then we will showdown with him and force him to spit out all the shares.”


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