857. Chapter 856 is shameless Old Dog!

Chapter 856 Shameless Old Dog!

Regardless of Lin Biao’s disregard, a sword fell.

However, the screaming sound was like a soul storm, and it slammed out and went straight to Lin Biao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, which gave Lin Biao a short-lived loss.

Although it is only less than half a second, it is enough.

A gust of wind swept through, and the ancient Tiange song was taken away and landed in a safe place in the distance. It was only the neck of the ancient Tiange that a bloody mark appeared.

If it is slower than half a beat, I am afraid it will be broken by Lin Biao and a sword.

Lin Biao returned to God and looked ahead.

I saw a little old man in front of the ancient Tiange, and it turned out to be the old man of the tower at the entrance of the soul tower.

Only at this time, the old man in the tower was surprised. The Soul Skill he showed, Lin Biao actually returned to God in less than half a second. If he changed to other people, he would have passed out.

However, it was only a short sigh, and the old man of the tower shouted.

“Snort! So big courage, dare to do it in the soul tower, what is the rule?! If I am slower, I still dare to kill!”

The old man guarding the tower shouted at Lin Biao, and it was a burst of invisible Soul Skill.

Lin Biao immediately displayed the soul clock of the town and resisted the buzz.

I saw him staring at the old man of the tower, and said coldly: “This elder, you are not to distinguish between right and wrong. When you come up, you blame me. It is better to ask, who is threatening to kill me! To build me in the soul tower. To die!”

“Bold! You dare to talk to me like this! Court death!”

The old man who guarded the tower has never seen a disciple who dared to blame him. Immediately step forward, the mountain-like suppression force fell on Lin Biao’s body, and Lin Biao could not help but take a step back.

A lot of Lei Jian disciples behind him, all set off a sneer.

This Lin Biao, I am afraid that I still don’t understand the situation. The elders who guard the tower are the people in the penalty department. Even he dares to refute it. It is not too fast to die!

Gu Tiange withdrew from the state of Big Exploding Origin Pill. Seeing this scene, he quickly said: “Lei Chang Ming Mingjian, this thief is working in the soul tower, want to kill me, the blood mark on my neck is the best evidence! Please Take this thief and hand it over to the penalty department!”

The ancient sky is defeated in the hands of Lin Biao, the face is gone, the best way is to let Lin Biao go to hell!

Only Lin Biao’s death, his loss, does not exist.

“You can rest assured that I am the guardian of the soul tower, and this sect garbage is arrogant!” Lei Changzui shouted, and between words, Lin Biao became the culprit.

He looked at Lin Biao: “Lin Biao, now the evidence is conclusive, I want to take you to take the penalty department, but what else?”

“Oh! Evidence?”

Lin Biao just sneered and shook his head. “Lei elders, I will ask you a few questions first.”

Lei elders coldly said: “You said.”

“The first question, if you are an elder of the tower, are you always aware of the scenes in the soul tower?”

Wen Yan, Lei Elder said proudly: “Of course, I just saw you take action, the evidence is conclusive!”

Lin Biao nodded slightly.

“Well, I will ask you again. Ten days ago, Lei Jian disciples took a joint action against me. When you want to kill me, why don’t you stop it?” Lin Biao shouted.

When this statement came out, Lei Changchang suddenly looked awkward.

Ten days ago, of course he knew what was happening inside, but he only acquiesced and ignored it.

“I will ask you again, ten days later, that is today, the ancient sky song blocked me at the door, to kill me, even in my face to remain scratches, why are you still not out?” Lin Biao again shouted.

Lei’s face turned into a very blue and green, and he was trembling with anger, but it was irrefutable.

“Since you haven’t come out before, now, when I press the ancient songs, what are you doing out? Pointing at the blood marks on his neck, saying that it is evidence of my murder, then the scratches on my face, why? Is it not evidence?!”

“There is a saying that you must press the rules to press me. I will ask, are you the elders of Wan Guizong, or the elders of Lei Bang!”

Lin Biao stared at the elders of Lei, stepping forward and swearing at the words, directly slamming the elders of the thunder, dumbfounded, red-faced, speechless.

“you you……”

Lei Elder pointed at Lin Biao, his face was blue and his voice was trembling: “A man with a sharp tongue, I clearly saw you killing…”

“Hahaha! If you want to catch me, why bother you, make it a grandiose, keep the tower elders, it was just a dog of Lei Bang.”

Lin Biao did not hide his ridicule and completely angered the elders of Lei.

Lin Biao, dare to marry him!

The disciples of Lei Bang were also speechless by Lin Biao’s words. They have never seen such a arrogant person, and even the elders dare to swear. It’s really tired.

“Okay! I dare to humiliate the elders. With this alone, I will be able to take you down!”

Lei Chang Boss gave a cry, as if he grabbed the handle of Lin Biao, stepped forward and grabbed his hand toward Lin Biao.

He is already too angry, and even killed Lin Biao’s mind, but in this soul tower, he still intends to give up Lin Biao first, and then grab the penalty department and slowly torture.

Suddenly, when the elders of Lei were about to seize Lin Biao.

Lin Biao suddenly took out his token and shouted: “If you dare to take action on me, I will immediately crush this token, at your own risk!”

In a split second, the elder’s hand is deadlocked halfway.

He looked at the token in Lin Biao’s hand. After a long while, his face sank and said: “Where is this token coming from?”

This token looks ordinary, and it is no different from a normal foreign disciple token, but only the elders recognize that there is a little spider Rune in the corner of this token.

This Rune comes from the hands of a thousand spiders, and is unique. Usually, only the core disciple’s token is eligible to own this Rune!

“You are not qualified to know! I only tell you, if you dare to take action on me, the consequences are conceited!” Lin Biao sneered.

The elders of Lei were not in the past, and they were not retired. They were so anxious that they were sweating.

Because he is not sure, Lin Biao’s token is whether it was given to him by a thousand spiders.

In the event of a scorpion, he can’t afford this responsibility.

But now, thousands of spiders are not in the spider house for the time being, but they can be captured and look at the situation first.


After a long time of sinking, I saw a long wave of Boss, and a black rope flew out of his cuffs, trapping Lin Biao.

“In any case, you are murderous in the soul tower, I can’t spare you, first grab you to the penalty department, and then fall back!”

Lei elders did not dare to take Lin Biao for the time being, so first captured and see how the situation.

If Lin Biao is really the main protector of the church, the church owner will naturally lead the person. If not, Lin Biao will die very badly.

In this way, Lin Biao was taken away by the elders of Lei.

Lin Biao indulged for a moment, the token was still not crushed, but he was placed in the palm of his hand, as long as the other party dared to be slightly unfavorable to him, he immediately shredded.

(End of this chapter)

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