856. Chapter 855 is strongly crushed

Chapter 855 is strongly crushed

This hundred days, in addition to Soul Power’s skyrocketing, Lin Biao feels that he is faster than the breakthrough, reaching a critical point, ready to break through the second robbery freshy body robbery!

Moreover, he finally cultivated the “Wind and Thunder” to the beginner level, and now the three robbers may not even touch his shadow!

“In this soul tower, I don’t know if I can break through.”

Lin Biao looked up at the sky, fleshy body robbery but transcend tribulation, I don’t know if Heavenly Thunder can’t get down.

After a little meditation, Lin Biao intends to go out and then transcend tribulation, so as not to cause too much movement, disturbing other people, he does not want to be the target of public criticism.

Before Lin Biao went out, Spiritual Sense swept the outside slightly and suddenly sneered.

“It’s a man who has a court death every day.”

When Lin Biao pushed out the door, he saw the doorway and sat quietly with a cold young sword.

When I saw Lin Biao appear, the man stood up, opened his eyes and looked straight at Lin Biao.

“You are finally out.”

The sound of the ancient Tiange is cold, like a ruthless ice.

“Haha! That kid is finally out!”

“The ancient brother will let him know what is cruel!”

Many Lei Jian disciples laughed a lot, especially the yellow-haired youth who had been cut off by Lin Biao. So far, the arm has only recovered one-tenth of the arm, and it is even more hateful to Lin Biao. I can’t wait for Lin Biao to go to hell immediately. .

The ancient god song sees Lin Biao silently, cold and cold: “In the period of my Lei Gang jurisdiction, do not say that the room of the soul tower is robbed, but also hurt my Lei disciples, the sin is a sin! Do you have any last words?”

Lin Biao looked at the group of rejoice in other people’s misfortune, and then looked at the ancient Tian Ge, first asked: “Can I ask, this second layer, why is it for you to be occupied by Lei, is there a rule?”

“Oh, the rules are set by people. The second layer of this year is under the jurisdiction of mine. If you want to use the room, you have to give me the mine to pay the spirit stone, and we need our consent!”

Ancient Tiange swords at Lin Biao, picking up a hint of ridicule.

What is his thunder help, occupying the second floor of a soul tower, not with no difficulty?

“So, if you are self-disciplined now, I will be sentenced to death when I return to Lei, so I can avoid a death.” Ancient Tiange sneered.

Lin Biao just shook his head.


Suddenly, Lin Biao disappeared, and the wind and thunder fanned at the foot, as a light whizzed past, and raided to the chest of ancient Tiange.

Since this person wants to take action on him, it is better to start with a strong one!


The ancient Tiange pupils contracted, and the rest of the thunder helped everyone, all breathing stagnation.

Lin Biao is so fast!

Almost the conditional reflex, the ancient heaven song lifts the sword!


Only heard a loud collision sound, the ancient Tiange even stepped back, Lin Biao also flew out and landed in the corner.

At this moment, I saw a deep hole in the size of the fist on the sword edge of the ancient Tiange. It was Lin Biao’s just a remain.

“Even my thunder sword can be worn?!”

The ancient Tiange face changed slightly, and the thunder sword was a three-robbery weapon. Even if he took all his actions, he might not be able to break it. Lin Biao actually broke through with a fist.

If this fist fell on his body just now, the consequences are unimaginable.

Lin Biao’s heart is somewhat regrettable. Just a fist seems to be amazingly powerful. In fact, he consumes one-third of his real yuan!

To annihilate Will, you can annihilate everything, but the stronger the target of annihilation, the greater the consumption. For example, the thunder sword, with the hardness of this sword, Lin Biao is just barely pierced.

“a little interesting, come again!”

The ancient Tiange screamed and rushed out, and the sword light in his hand shone, and stabbed toward Lin Biao’s neck with a slashing arc.

The sword is out, thunder light blows up, and a thunderous sound is heard. The whole second floor is like a white cockroach!

Lin Biao’s eyes are getting colder and colder.

On the second floor of the battle, he did not believe that the gatekeeper of the tower did not find it, nothing more than acquiescence.

It is strictly forbidden to fight in the mouth of the soul, but the rules are only for some people, and some people are above the rules, it is really disgusting.

That being the case –

“Destroy the nine swords!”

Lin Biao volleyed a stroke, behind the Ben Leijian sword, the sword edge brought a black edge, and the ancient Tiange Leiming sword crashed into a collision.

The ancient Tiange’s Martial Dao Will is the Thunder Will. When the two Martial Dao Will collided together, the Thunder Will was annihilated at the speed of terrifying, and was defeated by Lin Biao’s sword.


Finally, in the eyes of everyone shocked, the sword of the ancient singer was smashed into two by Lin Biao!

“How can it be?!”

The ancient Tiange face changed greatly, and then was put on the arm by a sword.


The screams came, the same scene appeared, only a broken arm flew out, disappeared in the midair, the ancient sky song spurted blood, fell in the distance, hit the wall.

Like the yellow-haired youth ten days ago, Lin Biao’s sword broke his arm and his arm disappeared!

The audience was amazed.

The people of Lei Bang looked at Lin Biao as if they had seen a ghost, and their mouths were slightly open, and they didn’t know what to say.

“Ancient brother, he was defeated!”

“Who is this person, is it an expert on the ghost list?”

“Impossible, there is no such person on the ghost list!”

Everyone is in awe.

The ancient sky song is red and angry.

“Give me a shut up, I am not defeated!”

The ancient Tiange stood up and screamed for a while, so that the people of Lei Bang did not dare to scream.

I saw the ancient sky song eyes red, took out a big Exploding Origin Pill swallowed, in a split second, with the body of the aura skyrocketing.

“Dare to break my thunder sword, I want you to die!”

In ancient Tiange’s heart, the killing intent has been moved, and the claws are bent and flashed up, and the speed is more than three times faster than before.

Lin Biao flashed in a wrong way, and the dangerous and dangerous and passing through the ancient sky song.


When Lin Biao stopped, he found his face, and there were three blood marks. The scratches had a slanting arc, which was a tingling sensation.

Lin Biao is sure that if he just took a slow shot, I am afraid that the whole head will be torn.

“Want to kill me?”

Lin Biao stared at the ancient sky song, only to see the other side of the chest ups and downs, eyes red blood, do not hide their killing.

“I want you to die!”

The ancient Tiange once again flashed up, and the claws like the claws caught the head of Lin Biao. If it was implemented, Lin Biao’s head must be caught.

Under the blessing of the big Exploding Origin Pill, the speed of the ancient Tiange is not the same. I am afraid that even the expert of the ghost list can not hide this!

“The stubbornness!”

Lin Biao shook his head silently. Since the other party wanted to kill him, he didn’t have to be afraid of it.

Immediately, Lin Biao disappeared in the same place, and it was a wind and thunder! This is the first time he has used his best after the wind and lightning beginner, just like teleport.

In the moment when the ancient Tiange took action, Lin Biao’s sword was on his neck.

“Give me a hand!”

Suddenly, the second floor rang out.

(End of this chapter)

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