844. 843 chapter martial arts plus Holy Soul Skill!

The 843 chapter martial arts plus Holy Soul Skill!

In Guo Yuntao’s palm, the water emerged, and an ice needle was condense on each finger. On the ice needle, there were many tiny swirls of water flow.

Guo Yuntao controlled two kinds of Martial Dao Will, Water Will and Ice Ice, both of which reached the great perfection, which is also the place of his evildoer. It is also a super-genius that is hard to see in the clear water lotus.


Guo Yuntao jumped into a jump, and behind the body there was a large wave of high waves, like a big wave of the world, and overwhelmingly came to Lin Biao.

With such a large range, almost the entire light cover is covered, and it is impossible to dodge.

Unless it is leaving the light cover, but here is the downfall, leaving is equal to admit defeat.


In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Biao was covered by infinite waves. This is Guo Yuntao’s water dung. In the sea, the pressure is soaring, like a muddy pool, even moving is difficult to do, can not hide.

“Thousands of slashes!”

Guo Yuntao screamed, and there were countless sharp ice needles in the waves, and the people in the middle of the sky burst into the air.

The combination of water flow and ice, instant kill target, this is Guo Yuntao’s powerful strength!

“Lin Lin, I won’t kill you, but I can break your limbs, abolish your Dantian, make a stick, Hahaha!”

The ridiculous laughter of Guo Yuntao from the sea, Lin Biao was trapped by the current, unable to move, can only be a target.

“Hey! A face will be defeated.”

The guests shook their heads silently. Such a wide range of sea water covered the light cover completely and could not be dodged. This is the root of Lin Biao’s failure.

However, it is reasonable to be killed by a robbery against the three robbers.


The ice needle flew, and the target pointed directly to several important parts of Lin Biao, passing through the encirclement of the tide.

“It should be abolished.” Guo Yuntao sneered.

However, he did not see the blood appear.

Everyone is a glimpse.

In their gaze, the figure surrounded by the sea suddenly disappeared.

“How is it possible?” Guo Yuntao stunned.

His consciousness always envelopes any corner of the sea. This is his dungeon. If Lin Biao is inside, it is impossible to escape his perception.

However, he sensed for a long time, no shadow appeared, just like evaporation.

This is Lin Biao’s magical power, hydration!

At this time, Guo Yuntao suddenly saw that there was an illusory gimmick in the sea behind him, which was formed by Soul Power.

“Destroy the soul!”

A low-pitched humming voice, an indescribable Soul Power, is now in the near range and directly hits Guo Yuntao’s mind.

Lin Biao’s cultivation is very weak, but his Soul Power is no less than a three-role real person.

“That is Holy Soul Skill!”

The two real eyes on the high platform are so sharp that at a glance, Lin Biao hides in the current and exerts a powerful Soul skill.

As for how Lin Biao is hidden in the water, it is definitely a kind of small magical power. Many geniuses with organic genius have supernatural powers. This is not surprising!

“I don’t think you will still be a Soul Skill, but it is useless to me!”

I saw Guo Yuntao take out a dark jar and scream.

“Soul out!”

I saw his celestial cover, an illusory shadow flew out at the speed of unimaginable, left the physical body, and got into the dark jar on his hand.


When the ecstasy came on his physical body, even a little wave did not turn up.

That dark can also successfully blocked all soul kills.

Three robbery soul robbery, as long as you can spend the soul out. Guo Yuntao faced the Holy Soul Skill, and chose soul to be temporarily removed from the body. It is a subtle method to hide in the soul tank and avoid the killing.

Soon, the sorcerer’s dirge disappeared, and the illusory gimmick disappeared.

There is a sneer voice in the soul tank: “Oh, your Soul skill is good, but unfortunately, I am a real person, the advantage is not what you can compare…”

Guo Yuntao is sneering, and at the same time, consciousness has enveloped every inch of the sea, trying to search for hidden forest owls.

But at this time!

Behind his floshy body, the water condense became a figure.

“Destroy the second type of Jiujian, burn Canghai!”

The sword in Lin Biao’s hand slammed into the past with a slap in the arc. The sword light showed a strange black. When the black sword light appeared, the surrounding sea water disappeared, disappeared from the air, and there was no water vapor residue.

Lin Biao’s sword, following the singer’s singer, was almost at the same time and could not be reacted.

At this time, Guo Yuntao’s soul has not yet returned. If this sword falls, his fleshy body will be destroyed.

“How can you possibly cast two tricks at the same time?”

Guo Yuntao was shocked.

When the situation is not to be considered, Soul Body quickly left the soul tank and returned to the physical body.


He just returned to the physical body, and before he could run the real element, he was struck by a sword.


The two defensive magic weapons he wore, instantly bursting, forming two light covers to block on his body, but Lin Biao’s annihilation of the nine swords, 岂 is so good to block, directly destroyed by the destruction.

Guo Yuntao tried his best to dodge, but unfortunately he was still on his arm with a sword.


The screams came out, there was no scene of blood splashing, his arm disappeared directly, and half of his body was annihilated.


Everyone on the crowd was shocked.

This Lin Biao just showed a holy Soul Skill, followed by a holy martial arts! And from different orientations, at the same time, he has two bodies?

Even the innocent punishment of Tianzheng Jun, who turned his gaze, showed an interesting color.

If this is a real person, the exceeding level defeats the three real people, it is a big news that shocked Dongzhou.

“I don’t think it’s three real people. It’s really hard to make up for the gap.” Lin Biao sighed.

This sword just ruined half of the body, making him a little regret! For a three-robbery real person, this injury only caused him to be hurt.

He is sure that if Guo Yuntao is only a real person, or even a weaker three-robbery real person, this sword will go down and the fleshy body will be destroyed.

At this moment, there was a storm in the sea, and the angry Guo Yuntao screamed: “The dragon storm!”

Guo Yuntao, who lost half of his body, has almost lost his mind. All the seawater has been mobilized by him and turned into a Devouring seawater dragon.

When Xiaolong appeared, he suddenly fell to the sea and rushed to Lin Biao.

At such a close distance, Lin Biao could not hide.

“Lin Ying has done enough, but the repair is too big, a holy Soul Skill plus martial arts, can not solve Guo Yuntao, but unfortunately! These two methods are invalid, Lin Ying will be defeated! ”

On the high platform, Tianjun Zhenjun shook his head and prepared to take action to save Lin Biao.

(End of this chapter)

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