843. Chapter 842 Suicide Battle?

Chapter 842 Suicide Battle?

Tian Tianzheng heard the words and looked at Guo Yuntao below. He smiled and said: “It turned out to be Yuntao. This proposal is good. Otherwise, this party is really boring.”

“What do you think? Penalty?” Tianjun really laughed.

“Your birthday feast, you arrange yourself, what to do with me?” The sentence is cold and cold, and does not give face.

“Ha ha!” Qin Tianwei laughed loudly, did not get angry, nodded: “Well, Guo Yuntao’s proposal is good, I agree.”

Hearing the permission of Qin Tianhuang, Guo Yuntao picked up a smug smile.

He took the initiative to stand up and said: “In the first game, please let me challenge this Lin Ying.”

He pointed to Lin Biao.

Everyone’s eyes were looked at Lin Biao.

Among the people present, no one knows Lin Biao, but there are many people in the world, and there are always people who don’t know. No one dares to say it.

“Lin Ying?” The god of the wild is a glimpse. He didn’t even know this person.

However, this banquet, as long as there are invitations, you can bring two people to join, maybe other people bring in.

Yu Wenjing’s eyes were bright, staring at Lin Biao’s eyes, and seemed to want to see something.

“Lin Ying, you won’t dare.” Guo Yuntao sneered.

Lin Biao smiled and stood up.

He did not look at Guo Yuntao, but looked around and shook hands: “You, I am only a real person, I am a robbing man, this Guo Yuntao has reached three robberies, and I have been bothering me, but I have been vocal to challenge me. To repair people.”

“In my opinion, this clear water lotus is better than changing its name, called the water sect.” Lin Biao sneered.

Everyone was puzzled, and Long You couldn’t help but interrupt: “Why call it Shui Zong?”

Lin Biao smiled and explained: “Because, don’t want Bilian.”


As soon as this statement came out, there was a burst of laughter in the audience.

Even Yu Wenjing couldn’t help but laugh out.

The battle between genius has always been the same level, and it is really shameful to cultivate people.

However, very quickly, when everyone noticed the dark face of Guo Yuntao, they all stopped smiling. After all, this clear water lotus is really not easy to provoke.

Guo Yuntao’s face was gloomy and scary. He stared at Lin Biao, clenching one’s teeth said: “If it wasn’t for my father, I didn’t come, otherwise you can’t leave this party.”

“Oh, I didn’t have the skills, I started to take you to suppress people. If not, don’t force your face!” Lin Biao then sneered.

The guests laughed again.


Guo Yuntao was blown up, and the chair under his feet was blown up by his imposing manner, and steam appeared in his fist.

“Guo Yuntao, pay attention to the occasion!” Guard Captain scolded in the distance.

Guo Yuntao, this is the consciousness of the arrival, this is at the birthday banquet, can not help but calm down.

“snort! Walking!”

Guo Yuntao snorted and did not intend to entangle with Lin Biao, intending to change a position.

But who knows, when Guo Yuntao is about to leave, Lin Biao suddenly said: “Wait!”

“What else is there?” Guo Yuntao turned back.

“I didn’t say it, I refused to challenge, what are you rushing to go?” Lin said with a smile.

Guo Yuntao suddenly took a look.

The audience was also surprised.

“What do you mean?” Guo Yuntao was surprised.

Lin Biao stared at him, one word at a time: “I Lin Ying, accept your challenge!”


The whole scene broke out, and everyone was wide-eyed, dumbstruck, feeling incredible.

“Is there a mistake, a real robbing of a real person, accepting the challenge of three real people?”

“When the transcend tribulation period is a gel period, can you compete at the level of fighting?”

“I am not a fool, Guo Yuntao is not an ordinary three-robber real person, he is also a genius among the three real people!”

The guests shook their heads and said that Lin Biao was not rational.

Just humiliated Guo Yuntao, let everyone see a joke, Guo Yuntao also lost his face, all happy.

As a result, I went up to die and let others humiliate. It is simply unreasonable! Where is this kind of fool?

Guo Yuntao’s eyes lit up: “Are you sure?”

“Of course, but the simple discussion will be avoided, the fear of the feet, the strength can not play out, simply live and die?”

Lin Shuyu is not surprisingly endless, the previous sentence just fell, the next sentence, so that the guests are even more alarmed.

Do you want to live or die?

Have you made a mistake! I still think that I have not lost enough, do I have to die?

Guo Yuntao also stunned for a long time, then laughed happily, as if he heard the joke of the best laugh in the world.

“Hahaha! Are you sure you want to live and die?”

“Of course, you dare not?” Lin Biao laughed.

“Hahaha! What are you afraid of!” Guo Yuntao is not happy, and he is busy with the truth. “Sir, please testify, Lin Ying wants to live and die.”

The gods are arrogant: “I don’t want to see blood on my birthday party! But you can take a bold take action. If there is a life threat, I will take action to stop it.”

Guo Yuntao’s eyes flashed a disappointment, and he couldn’t kill Lin Biao.

“Understand!” Guo Yuntao beheaded.

Who knows, Lin Biao’s eyes also flashed a disappointment, he also wanted to kill Guo Yuntao!

As for the clear water lotus, whoever manages him is not strong.

Lin Biao is now a disciple of Wan Gui Zong, and Bi Shui Lian Zong is more powerful. He can compare with Wan Cong Zong Zong, but Wan Cong Zong has Super Sect.

“Since the day is over, Sir can only leave him with a dog, but if I abolish this person, it should be fine.”

Guo Yuntao secretly thought, his eyes were cold.

“In the first game, Lin Ying played against Guo Yuntao!”

Yu Wenjing took off the veil and sat next to Qin Tian’s wilderness, watching quietly toward the bottom.

“Master, you said that the two people can win?” Yu Wenjing Yu dragged his chin and smiled.

“Accordingly, Guo Yuntao can crush Lin Ying, but Lin Ying seems to be very confident. From the point of view of the person’s words and temperament, it is not like a fool who sent death. It should be a trump card.” Analyze the road.

From a common point of view, it is impossible for a real person to be a real person to be a real person.

Even the exclusive level of fighting two robbers is almost impossible. In a thousand years, there will be one level of fighting. The more two levels he has never heard of.

However, Lin Ying does not seem to be a fool, so he will not die in vain.

The Guard Captain went up and ignited an array, only to see the ground cracking. A huge spherical light cover rose from the ground and floated into the sky, with a width of 100,000 feet.

“Two people into the light cover!” Guard Captain shouted.

Lin Biao and Guo Yuntao flew into the light cover at the two ends, facing each other, as if they were in a huge bubble.

This horn, every guest under the field can clearly see the battle.

“Lin Ying, I don’t know who gave you the courage to die! I admire very much!” Guo Yuntao sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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