1096. The 1095 chapter overbearing dragon rides the wind

The 1095 chapter overbearing dragon rides the wind

The dragon saw the wind and snorted.

“snort! Longchi, this is the Treasure of our ancestors, since you don’t pay…”

He held the dragon sword, and the sudden volley smashed the sword. The blade was silent, only to see that Space was slightly distorted, and with the unstoppable sharp Sword Qi, it rushed to the crowd.

“Not good! Go back!” Ye Huan is busy scolded.

Ye Wenlong, Ye Fei and others hurried back, only to see the side, Sword Qi flashed, and several people headed for the sky.

On the spot, five people were killed and the heads fell. The corpse and soul were also smashed by Sword Qi into nothingness.

It was the five people who had previously opened! All become the soul of the sword!

“Fast sword!” Ye Huan shocked said.

This time, the rest of the people did not dare to scream.

So terrifying Sword Qi, they did not react, there are five people being smashed in front of them, and there is also a two-star elder who is invincible Zhenjun, and was killed without warning.

Doesn’t it mean that the strength of these two young people exceeds the 3-Star battle strength and reaches the level of Ye Huan?

“You are Ye Huan!”

Long Yan looked at Ye Huan cold and cold.

“Yes!” Ye Huan cup one fist in the other hand.

“If you don’t want the Ye clan to be destroyed, you will cooperate honestly. Otherwise, I don’t mind letting the elders of the family go to the Ye family to take a trip.” Long Yu was not shocked, as if to say an insignificant little thing. .

For them, Ye Huan’s strength has reached Half-Step Harmonious Dao Realm, threatening biggest, of course, to solve this trouble in advance.

Ye Huan clenched his teeth and his fists were shaking.

They Ye Jiawei had a chance to turn over once and for all, and now he was deprived of his life.

“Do you disagree?”

The dragon was cold in the wind and once again took the dragon sword in his hand.

“I agree!”

Finally, Ye Huan bowed his head and chose to yield.

“Very good! However, I heard that your Ye Family seems to have a Divine Grade Bloodline recently?”

The dragon’s gaze turned and looked at Ye Wenlong.

Ye Huan suddenly had an ominous premonition.

“What do you want?” Ye Wenlong looked directly at him, clenching one’s teeth said.

“Not how, kill you!”

The dragon took the wind and suddenly the wrist moved. A sword took action and spurred toward Ye Wenlong. The sword edge was as fast as a light.

Ye Huan panicked in an instant, this is to break the roots of their leaf family!

Without hesitation, Ye Wenlong’s forehead appeared with a bloody leaf Rune. The veins of the leaves swept the whole body, turning the Bloodline power into biggest, and the reflexion was a sword back.


With a deafening collision, the sword in the hands of Ye Wenlong was split into two pieces and exploded into pieces.

Ye Wenlong squirted blood, flew out, and fell to the desert.


Ye Wenlong once again squirting a large mouthful blood, the whole body bones were broken, and his face was pale.

Everyone was shocked.

When the dragon rides the wind, why does it suddenly take action on Ye Wenlong? But it’s a Divine Grade Bloodline. What threats can it be?

“Why kill me?” Ye Wenlong clenching one’s teeth said.

“The dead are not qualified to ask questions!”

The dragon rides the cold and cold road.

“Hello, Ye Wenlong is the hope of my Ye family. Can I be merciless? I promise that in the future, I will never be an enemy!” Ye Huan quickly said anxiously.

He believes that the dragon ride is afraid that Ye Wenlong’s potential is too large and will revenge in the future.

“Shut up!” The dragon winds cold and severe: “If you don’t want to die, look at it. Otherwise, I don’t mind paying a little price, and you will solve it.”

When the dragon took the wind, he made Ye Huan dumb.

Ye Wenlong is the hope of their Ye family and the root of his breakthrough in Half-Step Harmonious Dao Realm.

However, in the face of his life, he still chose to give up.

Such a scene, let Ye Wenlong completely chilling.

The patriarchs of the Ye Family clan have chosen to give in, regardless of his life and death. What kind of significance does this family have to wait for?

“However, if you know, who is refining and flying, and surrendering the culprit, I may be able to spare you.” Long took the wind and looked at Ye Wenlong, sneer.

“I don’t know.” Ye Wenlong clenching one’s teeth said.

“Then you still go to hell!”

The dragon took the wind and walked over, standing in front of Ye Wenlong.

Suddenly, three people flashed over.

The first person, it is a grandson! The other two people are Yu Wenjing and Zi Ninger.

“Still, come back soon, this is not something you can intervene!” The distant master of the Heavenly Palace Palace was anxious.

“Chi Yao’s sister, Lin’s predecessors have great grace for me, his disciples are difficult, I can’t care!” Yu Wenjing said seriously.

Zi Ninger was given a blood curse by Lin Biao, and he can only take action to help.

Gong Sun Yu, purely his heart is too strong, Lin Biao’s point of grace, so he must take action!

The three people stood in front of Ye Wenlong, facing the almost invincible enemy in front of them, and they did not give in.

The dragon took a look at the eyebrows and smiled and said: “Oh? Do you know who refines the Dragon Hall?”

“I don’t know, but I tell you, if you dare to kill us, Lin’s predecessors will let you pay a painful price!” Gongsun Yu no expression.

“Hahaha! It’s ridiculous. You are a former Lin’s predecessor, another Lin’s predecessor. I’m going to kill you today, and then see who the so-called Lin’s predecessors are!”

The dragon smirked with anger and then went out with a sword. The cold glow shone on the earth and arrived in front of the three people.

Suddenly, when the sword light is about to attack the neck of the three people.

A gray Qi Flow appeared out of thin air, killing his sword light.

Silently disappeared without any signs!


The dragon took the wind and looked up.

Long Hao also frowned and looked around.

The eyes of their two people suddenly locked into the sky, only in the sky, on a flying cloud, sitting in a white youth, staring blankly and looking at them quietly.

“Who are you?” The dragon was cold and cold.

In his consciousnessness, Lin Biao is just a sneak peek, but the gray Qi Flow just seems to be an extremely terrifying Power of Law, which makes him have to be cautious.

“Oh, let me Lin personally take action, you are proud enough!” Lin Biao laughed.


Gong Sun Yu and others were pleasantly surprised.

“Master…” Ye Wenlong shouted with a hard voice and then passed out directly.

“It turns out that you are the so-called Lin seniors. As far as I know, only one person who comes in is Lin, you are Lin Biao?” Long took the wind and smiled.

“Not bad!”

Lin Biao laughed, his eyes suddenly looked at Ye Huan, his mouth was light, with a hint of ridicule.

“Ye Huan! You are a Half-Step. The strength is not weaker than the two people. Even the disciples in the family can’t protect them. They don’t even dare to take action. What qualification do you have to lead the Ye people? In my opinion, You are a waste patriarch, it’s better to kill it!”

(End of this chapter)

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