1095. Chapter 1094 Desert Lake

Chapter 1094 Desert Lake


Two people chased in the direction of the crowd leaving.


At this time, Lin Biao, has been transcend tribulation for three days and three nights, and is about to end.

In hisconsciousness, he suddenly saw the scene inside the Dragon Hall.

“Dinghai Dragon Palace?”

Lin Biao’s eyes are round and round.

He refining the Dragon Hall, and naturally he can know the situation around the Dragon Hall. He knows when the two people of the dragon ride.

The armor costumes of the two people, he remembers! It is the famous sect on Continent, the Dragon Palace!

His previous life, also dealt with the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace in the secluded sea was created 600,000 years ago by an expert, the author of the Dragon Inheritance, and the title of this person is the dragon.

The dragon lord, it is said that he has obtained the inheritance of three kinds of dragons, more than 100 kinds of dragon martial arts, Cultural Technique, and seventeen kinds of dragons, and almost hollowed out a dragon ruins.

With these inheritance Cultivation Technique, he founded the Dragon Palace in the secluded sea, officially absorbed the disciples, and gave the name to the core disciple as the dragon!

The Dragon Palace inheritance was 600,000 years. When Lin Biao passed by, the dragon lord had only one soul left in the sect. However, the disciples of the Dragon Palace in the secluded sea are stronger than the one generation, and they are veritable first-class sects, which are stronger than the ancient Tianfeng people!

“The disciples of the Dragon Palace in the secluded sea are coming. What do they know?” Lin Biao wondered.

Just as he was skeptical, the dragon began to refine the stone monument and sprinkled a bottle of dragon blood, which confirmed Lin Biao’s speculation.

After a moment, refining and chemical failure, the dragon took the wind and two people were furious and chased away the crowd.

“Not good!” Lin Biao is not good.

The direction they are chasing is the direction in which Gong Sunyu and others left. If they catch up, they will definitely be in danger.

However, Lin Biao has reached the end of the transcend tribulation at this moment, the dragon cloud of the sky has not dissipated, he is impossible to go.

So, Lin Biao dispatched a Human Race Avatar, took out the flying clouds, and flew toward the target.


The deepest part of the desert, the most inaccessible place.

Here, a circular lake appeared.

The lake is small in size, the lake is light green, crystal clear, and contains a rich spiritual qi. The people are here to follow the concentration of spiritual qi.

In addition, in the very center of the lake, there is a small island filled with verdant plants of various sorts and varieties.

“Good place, no wonder that so many ghosts have been brought out before. It turns out that there is such a treasure here, Hahaha!” Ye Huan said while loudly laughing.

Before they came here, they met a lot of ghosts and had to flee. Later, the ghosts were cleaned up by Lin Biao, and they were able to arrive here.

At this moment, there are still a few ghosts wandering in the lake near, but it has not been threatened.

“Go up and see!”

Ye Huan jumped into the sky and flew to the small island of the lake at the fastest speed.

After a few moments, when he came to the island, suddenly the plants on the island were violent, and countless vines flew like snakes.

Ye Huan stunned, and then fell off his knife, slash down a few long vines.

After he cut off the long vine, more vines flew over, and the vines were full of stingers, and there were mouthparts at the tip, which was not easy to see at first glance.

Ye Huan took action in succession. After breaking dozens of vines, one of them was inadvertently hit by a poisonous thorn. He felt numb and was forced to retreat.

At this moment, he fell outside the lake and gasped slightly.

He had a large number of chopped vines in his hand, his face pale: “What is this island, even plants can hurt people!”

“An ancient Legacy thing, naturally can not be seen as a common sense.” Gongsun Yu lightly said.

These vines are so strong that they are hard to break even if they are invincible. They are a good material for creating Treasure.

Ye Huan all earned the storage ring.

Then, everyone was busy for about a day, and no one successfully landed on the island.

They tried a lot of methods such as thunder and fire attack, and they didn’t work.

But where Treasure has guardians, there must be good things on this island.

“The plants on this island depend on this pool of spirits to live. In my opinion, it is better for us to drain the lake and kill those plants!” Someone suggested.

“Even if it is drained, it will not be dead for a while. In the end, it is still not good.” Ye Huan is cold and cold.

Of course, they are not nothing.

During the attack on Lake Island, some people harvested vines, some dig one or two grasses, and others found some aquatic plants in the lake.

Some people with small courage simply collected a lot of lake water.

Can breed such terrifying plants, the lake itself is treasure!

Suddenly, the between Heaven and Earth blew the wind, and the sky suddenly dimmed.

An invisible suppression force swept across the audience, like a mountain, pressed against the top of everyone’s head, so that everyone felt the gravity multiply and the legs almost bent.

“Who?” Ye Huan raised his head in horror.

I saw the shadow of the two armored people flying over the sky, a man and a woman, it is the dragon ride and the dragon dragon of the Dragon Palace.

These two people are like the gods of the sky. When they pass, they bring a cloud, and the sky is completely dark.

The dragon is holding the dragon sword in the wind, and there is a phantom of an ancient dragon in the back. It is a violent drink: “I am a disciple of the Dragon Palace of the Sea of ​​Heaven. I came to Longchi to retrieve the things that belong to us. Now, I ask You guys have a question!”

The dragon took the wind and looked cold.

“Flying Dragon Hall, who is refining?”

When I heard this question, everyone looked at each other and they all looked blank.

“What is the Dragon Hall?”

“The two people are inexplicable!”

Everyone whispered that everyone is a strange expression.

The dragon brows with a brow and follows: “Well, I asked another way. Before the desert in the desert, who went in?”

“We have all been in!”

“Who are you! Come up with some weird words, the Palace in the desert, of course, go in and see!”

Everyone shouted.

Long Hao closed his eyes, and a strange idea swept through everyone’s body.

After a moment, Long Yao opened his eyes: “Senior brother, they are not lying.”

The dragon nodded by the wind.

He knows that the problem of the Feilong Temple cannot be solved for the time being. It can only be put aside and the root cause of the problem can be solved.

“Now, I am ordering you! All the opportunities you have acquired in the Dragon Pool, all Treasure, including the water in this Longtan, are all handed over!”

“If there is a violation, kill!” Long angered the wind and shouted.

As the sound circulated, the people looked up and were surprised and angry.

“Who are you, why do you order me?”

“Longchi Treasure, fated, what is it for you?”

“It’s ridiculous! The a cat that came out is also dare to put a word!”

Everyone sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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