1072. Chapter 1071 I will avenge you!

I will avenge you in the 1071 chapter!


Nanfeng domain, Xizhou, Longchi nearby.

This is a huge valley.

A large number of strongholds and newly built small towns are here, and the multi-influence of the Middle-earth Gods has already been stationed here.

Although it is more than a month away from the opening of Longchi, everyone has occupied a good place outside Longchi to ensure that when they are opened, they can take the lead.

“This Nanfeng domain is really a barren land, there is no one to fight, snort!” A young sword repaired angrily.

This person is Gong Gongyu, who is the person of Yuntian Sword sect, militant!

After he came to Nanfeng domain, he searched for the genius challenge everywhere. So far, he has killed ten sects of genius, no one has lost!

Moreover, it is a trick to kill!

“Oh, Gongsunxiong, you are the young master of Yuntian sword sect, this little Nanfeng domain, who will be your opponent? Even our group of people, except Ye Fei’s Ye Fei, who can The enemy has won you?” A sinister woman smiled.

Gong Sunyu felt reasonable and nodded: “That is also, but I heard that this Nanfeng domain still has a forest Canghai, which is said to be good and I don’t know where it is.”

“Lin Canghai I have investigated, since he last entered Longchi, he disappeared. He once appeared in Dancheng with a kind of magical power. Now he doesn’t know where to hide.” The evil woman smiled.

“Lin Canghai…”

Gong Sun Yu clenched his fists and was warlike.

Suddenly, if the evil charm woman feels it, she took out the messaging token.

She glanced at it and was happy.

“Someone attacked the Dancheng where I was stationed, hehe, interesting.” The evil woman sneered.

“Oh? Who has such great courage?” Gongsun Yu wondered.

“It seems to be one of the three giants of Dancheng, but also a young man.” The evil charm woman sneered.

As soon as I heard this, Gong Sunyu came to the interest.

He has no other hobbies, but he only likes to fight, especially with his peers genius.

This young man, dare to attack Hidden Poison Sect, should be able to warm him up.

“Interesting! This younger generation of Nanfeng domain, there are people who dare to provoke the Middle Ages, I would like to see who this person is.” Gongsun Yu reveals curiosity.

Next, the evil woman took off with the army of Hidden Poison Sect, and Gongsun Yu followed.

Gong Sun Yu has nothing to do with Hidden Poison Sect, it is purely aggressive.

A horn fell, a group of people dressed in robes, looking at the Hidden Poison Sect army, the eyes were suddenly appearing.

“Sir, they said, it seems to be Lin Biao!” said a black-eyed man in his eyes.

“Snort! Longchi is open soon, don’t care about it for a while, in short, this hatred this regret, I will report!”


In Dancheng, after Lin Biao entered the Black Tower, he quickly occupied the entire tower and killed the guards inside.

He left a living mouth and asked already.

Occupy Dancheng’s sect, called Hidden Poison Sect, this purple fog array, they are the main owner of the purple condensate.

Purple condensate, young, there are ten robbery true monk peak repair, compared to the older generation expert is not weak, known as the poisonous female, second only to invincible true!

After asking these messages, the remaining people were also solved by Lin Biao.

Corpse, of course, income within the body Space, let the queen eat,Refining successful blood ant king.

Lin Biao strolled around the Black Tower and discovered that the tower became their experimental base.

One of the five dark guards did not die, but Soul Damage was severely tied to the top of the Black Tower, and it was used as a test for poison.

Jinmu Shuiyue, they control five different Power of Law, naturally the best poison experimental materials.

Lin Biao’s eyes swept over them. The five people were blind and the Soul Origin was cut off. If they could be saved, they would become fools and useless.

Lin Biao thought about it, but still did not let them stay in the world to be tortured, a fire, and cremated five of them.

“Repose in peace! I will avenge you!” Lin Biao whispered.

At this time, Lin Biao’s eyes gathered in the middle of the five people.

There, there is a purple-black jade.

Lin Biao volleyed and sucked jade into his hand.

“Five lines of poison printing, the power of the five elements, the display of the strange door poison, a palm can make everything disappear…” Lin Biao swept through the introduction of this poison, the heart tsk tsk surprising.

I really used the five secret guards to create poison.

After a simple sweep, Lin Biao gently pinched it and crushed it into a crush.

The effect of this poison is not bad, but he really can’t see it. After the annihilation of Law, what is the cause of everything, it is better to disappear directly.

Lin Biao walked to the third floor of the Pill Refining floor, where many Pill Refining Masters were held, among which the quiet Dan Sheng is in it.

In addition to her, there are many older generations of Pill Refining Master, all trapped in their respective positions.

Each of them has a poison print on their body. Only the non-stop Pill Refining will not attack the poison.

They were all caught by Hidden Poison Sect and turned into a Pill Refining machine.

After seeing Lin Biao’s appearance, everyone’s breathing was short and excited.

“It’s a forest predecessor!”

“Lin Dan, save us!”

The crowd shouted anxiously.

Lin Biao first checked the poisoning of their within the body. This kind of imprint is really troublesome. Even he can’t crack it in the short time, at least one day.

I have to admit that this Hidden Poison Sect, there are some famous, it is worthy of the sect of the Middle-earth domain.

“Give me an hour, wait for me to unlock this poison, and then get rid of you.” Lin said.

“Yes!” Everyone was busy with Pill Refining.

Lin Biao returned to a hidden location and took out the Time Array Disk.

With Time Acceleration and Sanhua Juding, Lin Biao only spent an hour to unlock the mystery of poison printing.

It is at this time.

He suddenly felt that someone was coming.

Moreover, the number of people is still quite a lot.

Lin Biao stood on the edge of the Black Tower and looked into the distance.

I saw a purple-haired evil woman, led a group of black cloak poisonous, and landed in Dancheng, suspended in the sky.

The enchanted woman headed by them must be their young master, Zi Ninger.

However, there is also a cold young man with a negative sword. Standing behind Zi Ning, he is not a poisonist. It is estimated that he is accompanied by people.

This person did let Lin Biao pay more attention to his eyes.

After the arrival of the people, they all gathered outside the black tower, surrounded the black and white inside and outside, surrounded by a dead.

It seems that Zi Ninger also knows that Lin Biao is inside.

“The people inside, listen well, roll out yourself, I might as well give you a dog! Or else…”

Purple condensed children hung in the sky, the sound came in, “I will turn you into a test article, let you taste seven or seventy-nine kinds of toxins, slowly torture you, and torture your soul seven seventy-four Year! Let you survive, no to to request death !”

(End of this chapter)

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